• Published 28th May 2016
  • 7,758 Views, 619 Comments

Hùndùn - LoZLttP13

A powerful young Sorceress, her faithful apprentice, and her five new friends are tasked with preventing the return of the all-powerful God of Chaos.

  • ...

I-XXI. Spike and Twilight

Spike sat in stunned silence for a long time after Mr. Limestone made his revelation to him.

"... What...?" Spike said quietly after a few moments.

"Sunset's been kidnapped," Mr. Limestone repeated as he lifted a white lace handkerchief to his eyes. As he dabbed them, he continued, "Someone sneaked into Sunset's bedroom in Camelot last night, knocked her out with chloroform, and spirited her away. Several other guards were knocked out, as well, but none of them saw the attackers."

"No..." Spike muttered quietly. He shook his head as tears welled in his eyes. "No... no, you're... you're lying...."

"Spike-" Mr. Limestone began.

Spike screamed furiously, "No, you're lying! Sunset can't have been kidnapped! She couldn't be!"

Mr. Limestone knelt down and again attempted to speak; "Spike, please listen-"

"No! How do you know someone knocked her out, huh?!" Spike shouted over the top of him. "Did someone see it?! Sunset would never just let someone take her without a fight-!"

"Spike, listen to me!" Mr. Limestone shouted as he firmly grabbed Spike's arms. Spike fell into stunned silence; never before had he heard the orphanage director raise his voice in anger.

Once Mr. Limestone could see that Spike had calmed down, his expression softened as he explained, "Celestia found traces of chloroform on Sunset's bed, and her room had signs of a struggle. Sunset did put up a fight, but in the end she couldn't stop them."

Mr. Limestone's face twisted with sorrow as tears again rolled down his cheeks and he pulled Spike into an embrace. "I'm sorry, Spike...." he tremblingly whispered.

As Mr. Limestone released Spike and stood back up, Spike was staring blankly into the distance. He still couldn't believe it. Sunset had been kidnapped.

Why would someone kidnap Sunset? Whoever had done it had wanted her so badly that they had attacked Celestia's personal Guard in order to get to her. What could they possibly want her for?

Spike flinched as a realization struck him: Sunset's captor likely didn't want a ransom for her; after all, she was an orphan, and therefore poor. Spike also knew that several male Beings, including a handful of men, had made sexual advances on her and were subsequently rebuffed. He knew that more than a few of them felt entitled to have her body anyway; he had heard several of them use variations on the phrase, "She let every other guy fuck her; that slut can't let everyone get a taste of her except for me!"

Spike desperately wished to burn these Beings' faces off. My sister's not an object, he thought. None of you asswipes own her. She's a person, not some beer to be passed around.

In addition, Spike was infuriated by their hypocrisy. He desperately wished to say to them, "Hey, pigs, if you banged a hundred girls, would that mean that some bitchy sixty-year-old woman can just walk up to you and say, 'Hey, you have to give me your cock now. You can't say no; you've said yes to everyone else'?! Sunset doesn't have to have sex with anyone! Least of all you!"

Spike knew that Sunset had likely been captured by a sexual predator with this mindset. He began to panic, vividly imagining the terrible things that were likely happening to his sister.

Then, suddenly, Spike bolted for the door. Before he could reach it, however, Mr. Limestone grabbed him, crying, "Spike, don't-!"

"LET ME GO!!" Spike roared, attempting to jerk his arm out of Mr. Limestone's grasp.

"What are you doing?!" Mr. Limestone said worriedly.

"I have to find her!" Spike shouted as tears started streaming down his cheeks. "I have to find Sunset! I have to-!"

"Spike, no one knows where she is!" Mr. Limestone cried distressedly. "Besides, it would be dangerous for you to go searching for her!"

"I don't care!" Spike bellowed. "Let me go! Let me g-!"

"Please, Spike, there's nothing you can do!"

Spike slowly stopped struggling. Mr. Limestone continued, "The Princess is doing all she can to find her. She's sent guards all around Olympus, and has all the guards in Equestria searching for her."

Spike looked down, tears continuing to fall from his eyes. "But... but...." he whispered.

Mr. Limestone hugged him again. "I'm so, so sorry, Spike...." he said softly. "I'd do anything to get her back. But there's nothing we can do. I'm sorry."

Once Mr. Limestone again released Spike, Spike stood and silently wept for a few moments. He then sobbed, ran to his bed in the boys' dorm, and collapsed upon it, crying into his pillow. He wept all night, falling asleep only once the dawn wasn't far off.

Needless to say, Spike was absolutely miserable for the next few days. He barely slept or ate, refused to talk to anyone, and spent all of his free time huddled in bed under his blankets. He began sleeping with Spark again; though he had just turned ten, having his stuffed dragon at his side at all times was as close as he could get to having Sunset really be there with him.

In school about a week after Sunset had disappeared, however, Spike's isolated despair was disturbed.

Roaring Falls, another orphan Elf boy, was talking to his friends while Spike was putting his supplies away in his locker only a few meters off. They were loud enough that Spike could hear.

"Where do you think Spike's sister is now?" one of Roaring Falls' friends asked.

"How the fuck should I know?" Roaring replied.

"Girls who get kidnapped usually get raped," another boy interjected. Spike flinched.

"How do you know this?" Roaring said.

"I figured it out while I was researching," the boy replied.

"Man, what a nerd!" Roaring jeered.

The other boys laughed. The boy continued as though he hadn't been interrupted, "Some girls are locked in their kidnappers' basements, but most of them are sold as slaves. It's called Being trafficking."

"Really?" Roaring said surprisedly. "But... slavery's illegal, isn't it? Didn't Princess Celestia make all the other Gods abolish it thousands of years ago?"

"Yeah, but it still happens," the boy replied. "Sunset's probably in a seedy brothel where she's forced to suck pedophiles' dicks."

Roaring grinned. "Aww, nice!" he said. Spike began trembling.

"She was always a whore anyway," Roaring continued. "She's out selling her puss now? Gods, what I wouldn't pay to give her a good pounding. I'd totally go find out where she is so I could, but whoever has her probably is hiding her somewhere no one will find her."

Roaring chuckled. "How old is she? Fourteen, right? You know, I bet her mom was when she had her, too. Sunset should get knocked up, too; some big, sweaty fatso should fuck her so hard that she cries with pain until she's pregnant with his kid. It would serve her right for being such a smug fucking slut."

That's it.

Spike turned around, sprinted towards Roaring Falls, and forcefully tackled him to the ground. Roaring was taken by surprise, so it took him a few moments to react, but soon he and Spike were grappling and striking each other on the floor of the hall as a crowd gathered around them, cheering them on by chanting: "Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!"

Spike had gotten the first few strikes in, but Roaring then stunned him by punching him in the nose before striking his mouth, causing his lower lip to be cut by one of his teeth.

Spike feebly defended himself for a few moments, receiving several bruises on his arms and torso as he guarded his face and waited for the pain in his nose to die down. Once most of his agony had dispersed, however, Spike suddenly brought his leg up and kneed Roaring in the belly. Roaring clutched his abdomen and curled over in pain, during which time Spike stood and savagely kicked him in the side, causing Roaring to roll onto his back as he screamed with agony.

Spike then pinned Roaring's arms to the ground beneath his knees and pummeled his face. After only a few seconds, however, a teacher shouted, "What is going on here?!" as he forcefully lifted Spike away from Roaring.

While Roaring was being patched up by the school nurse, Spike was angrily shouted at by the school's headmaster for starting the fight. Spike attempted to protest by relaying how Roaring had provoked him, but the headmaster didn't listen; he simply screamed at Spike to shut up before giving him a month of suspension from school as punishment and writing a note and commanding Spike to give it to Mr. Limestone.

Once Spike got back home, he went to Mr. Limestone, who was reading a book in the orphanage library. He looked up at Spike upon his entrance, and his eyes widened with concern at the injuries he saw all over the young boy's body.

"What happened?" Mr. Limestone said.

"I got in a fight with Roaring," Spike muttered.

Mr. Limestone closed the book and stood up. "You did?" he said surprisedly. "But Spike, you've never gotten in a fight before."

"Yeah, well..." Spike said quietly as he pulled the headmaster's note from his pocket. "Mr. Solid told me to give this to you," he said, handing it to Mr. Limestone.

Mr. Limestone took the note, opened it, and read it. Spike watched him as he did so, expecting him to suddenly begin shouting at him for attacking one of the other kids. However, to Spike's surprise, he thought he could see the beginnings of a small smile tug at Mr. Limestone's lips.

"It says you gave him quite a beating," Mr. Limestone said, folding the note again. "How did you learn to fight?"

Spike blinked surprisedly. "Um... well... S-Sunset taught me," he muttered, looking away.

Mr. Limestone nodded. "I see," he said. He tapped the note against his knee as he asked, "And is it true that you've been suspended for a month?"

Spike sighed. "Yes," he said, continuing to look away ashamedly.

"Very well," Mr. Limestone said. He sat, thinking for a few moments, before standing up and saying, "Come, Spike. Dinner's going to be ready soon."

Spike's eyes widened, then he gaped at Mr. Limestone as he made his way to the library's door. "M-Mr. Limestone!" Spike called after him.

Mr. Limestone turned to him. "Yes?" he said pleasantly.

"You're... you're not upset?" Spike said.

Mr. Limestone shook his head.

Spike stared astonishedly at Mr. Limestone for a few seconds, then Mr. Limestone said, "I assume Roaring was smearing and insulting your sister, yes?"

Spike stammered, "How... h-how'd you-"

"You're not usually the type to get into fights," Mr. Limestone replied. "I can only assume that Roaring must have said something truly reprehensible and unforgivable."

Spike nodded. "Y-yeah," he said, glaring at the floor. "He said that he wants to find her and pay to fuck her, and that he hopes she gets raped and knocked up and that she deserves all of it for being a 'smug slut'."

Mr. Limestone nodded. "Well, he had it coming, then," he said, smiling softly.

Spike gaped astonishedly at Mr. Limestone again, then Mr. Limestone continued, "Of course, since Roaring is under my care, I'm afraid I can't allow you to assault him again. Fortunately, I doubt you'll need to."

With an enigmatic smile, Mr. Limestone left him alone in the library.

Spike was awakened the next morning by Mr. Limestone, who shook him awake as he whispered, "Get up, Spike. It's time for school."

Spike grunted and rolled over to gaze at Mr. Limestone as he made his way to another boy's bunk. "No, it's not..." Spike muttered as he rubbed his eyes. "I'm suspended, remember?"

"No," Mr. Limestone replied simply. "You're not. Now get up, and get dressed; Flour made waffles for breakfast today."

Spike blinked. After a few moments of silence, he said uncertainly, "But... Mr. Solid suspended me from school for a month yesterday, remember?"

"Yes," Mr. Limestone replied casually. "However, your suspension has since been rescinded."

Spike's eyes widened. "What?" he said quietly.

"Come on, Spike," Mr. Limestone said. "School's in only a couple of hours."

"How-?" Spike began.

"I've spoken to someone about it, and they agreed that you shouldn't have been punished, so they pulled a few strings for you. They also told me to tell you not to let it happen again."

"What?!" Spike heard Roaring shout from the top bunk a few places away. "You let Spike fucking get away with beating the shit out of me?!"

"No," Mr. Limestone replied, gently but firmly. "He's been given a warning not to harm you again; if he does, he will have to accept whatever disciplinary actions are taken against him."

Roaring scoffed disgustedly. "So he just gets a fucking warning and a slap on the wrist?!" he spat.

"Need I remind you, Roaring, that you weren't punished either?" Mr. Limestone said gently.

"For what?!" Roaring shouted back. "He's the one who attacked me!"

"Yes, but you provoked him to attack you by bullying him," Mr. Limestone replied, narrowing his eyes slightly. "What you were doing was worse, and yet Spike was the only one who the headmaster attempted to punish."

Roaring's jaw fell open, and he stared in intense disbelief and anger at Mr. Limestone, who concluded, "And the warning I gave to Spike goes for you, too. If I hear that you've been bullying anyone again, rest assured that you will receive more than a warning, as well."

Spike grinned as he crouched over a stone cutting through a river, disrupting the current with the end of a stick. He was a small ways into the Everfree Forest; far enough in that he was surrounded by trees and flowers, but still within sight of the forest's edge.

He adored and was eternally grateful to Mr. Limestone for all that he'd done for him; especially for his hand in protecting Spike from bullies in the absence of his sister. Spike never got in a fight again, but he came close; when Spark had disappeared, Roaring had cruelly mocked him for his distress at losing it. Roaring's smugness, along with the fact that he still bore a grudge against Spike, drove Spike to believe that he was the one responsible for Spark's theft. Spike had furiously and tearfully threatened to beat Roaring into a bloody pulp if he didn't give Spark back, but Mr. Limestone broke them apart before he could.

Mr. Limestone had also evidently never stopped searching for Spark, which only caused Spike to adore and admire him all the more. And though he never punished Roaring for stealing Spark, as there was no tangible proof that he did, Mr. Limestone did ground him for a week for bullying Spike over it, which was able to grant Spike some conciliatory satisfaction, at least.

Aside from the presence of Mr. Limestone and his kindness and guidance, however, the months immediately after Sunset's disappearance were by far the darkest of Spike's life.

Spike stood and walked. He walked along the riverside, listening to the singing of the birds and the babbling of the water as he remembered the thousands of hours he'd spent mourning and pining for his sister. He would have given anything to see her again, if only for a few seconds.

Some more tears rolled down Spike's cheeks, which he wiped away with his arm. He sat on a large boulder, slouched over, and tremblingly sighed. He missed Sunset so much.

Once Spike had wept a little more, however, he began to feel better. He wiped his eyes, stood up, and began walking again.

As he made his way down the forest's path, Spike thought to himself, Well, it wasn't all bad. After all; I lost Sunset, but then I met Twilight, too.

Spike grinned. Aside from having his sister return safely to him, meeting Twilight was the best thing that could possibly have happened to him.

Twilight had told him that she had been extremely anxious when she graduated from her apprenticeship, and the time had come to get one of her own. She wished that she had a younger sibling so that she wouldn't have to meet anyone new. She complained to her then-mentor, Cadance, that she was terrified to look for an apprentice. Cadance, in turn, had told Celestia, who then made a suggestion to her. Returning to Twilight with a smile, Cadance told her that Celestia had given her an idea, and that she'd accompany Twilight to the apprentice/mentor match-up convention.

Each year, all public and state schools that hosted Elven students held a convention at the end of the school year in order for their newly-graduated students and newly-graduated apprentices to meet and mingle. New mentors usually went to the conventions thrown by their old schools; hence, Twilight attended the convention at the Olympus Magic Academy. She'd never been to a match-up convention before; she had known that she wanted Cadance to be her mentor ever since Cadance had begun babysitting her, and so they had forgone the traditional apprenticeship trial entirely.

Twilight was very nervous as she wandered through the crowds of young preteen and teenaged Elves speaking to each other in the hallways, but Cadance wrapped an arm around her torso and said reassuringly, "Don't worry, Twilight; you're gonna be alright."

Spike, meanwhile, was sitting alone on a bench. Normally he was quite friendly and sociable, but at the moment he had no idea what to do; after all, where would he start? How could he introduce himself to someone he didn't know? How would he be able to find out if they could tolerate living together?

Eventually, however, Spike heard a sweet-sounding girl's voice ask politely, "Excuse me. Um... do you happen to know where we might find Spike?"

Spike looked up surprisedly, and saw a young teen Goddess speaking to one of his teachers. "Oh, Spike?" the teacher said. He then pointed at Spike, answering, "He's sitting right there."

The Goddess turned to Spike, smiled, then began walking towards him. Spike was stunned at her beauty, and saw that she had another, blushing purple-haired girl at her side.

Once they came to a stop before him, the Goddess said kindly, "Are you Spike?"

Spike nodded. "Y-yes," he replied nervously.

The Goddess smiled and bowed. "I'm Cadance," she said. "It's lovely to meet you."

Spike grinned and felt himself blush a little.

Once the Goddess stood back up, she turned to the other girl and said, "Go on."

The Elf girl nodded, swallowed, then took a step closer to Spike. "Um... hello," she said, giving him a small, nervous smile.

"Hi," Spike replied.

This girl was quite pretty too, Spike thought. Not as pretty as Cadance, of course- but then again, Cadance was the Goddess of Love.

The Elf girl cleared her throat, then said politely, "My name is Twilight Sparkle. What's your name?"

Spike's eyes widened. "W-what?" he said. "Did you just say your name was... Twilight Sparkle?"

Twilight raised a brow surprisedly, then nodded. "Yes," she said. "Have you heard of me?"

"Yeah!" Spike replied excitedly. "Sunset told me all about you!"

"Sunset?" Twilight said. "As in Sunset Shimmer? Do you know her?"

"Yeah, she's my sister!" Spike cried. "She told me that you were the smartest girl at the Academy!"

Twilight blushed and looked away. "Oh... well, thanks...." she said, smiling embarrassedly.

They were silent for a few moments, and Spike felt tension begin building between them. Eventually, he broke the silence by commenting, "You're also really cute."

Twilight's blush intensified, then she turned to Spike. Realizing what he just said, Spike gasped and blushed, as well. "I- I mean-" he stammered.

Cadance giggled, causing Twilight to smile, as well. "Hey, it's alright," she said softly. "I think you're cute, too."

Spike's blush intensified and he looked away. Cadance began giggling again.

"You and Sunset are orphans, right?" Twilight asked.

Spike nodded. "Yeah," he said.

"How'd you two get into the Academy, then?" Twilight said.

"Well," Spike replied, "Sunset and I both got scholarships here for our magical ability."

Twilight gasped. "Really?" she said.

Spike nodded.

"What's your Talent?" Twilight said. "Can you show me?"

Spike grinned, holding up his hand. "I'm a pyromancer," he said, showing her his Mark. "I can't show you in here. There's too many people."

"I understand," Twilight replied, smiling pleasantly. "I thought you might be; Sunset was, too."

"Spike here also has a perfect academic record," Cadance interjected. "He has nothing but straight A's, and his teachers say that he's a faster learner than almost anyone else they've had."

"Really?" Twilight said, her eyes lighting up.

Spike looked away abashedly. "Well... the straight A's part is true, at least...." he muttered.

Twilight grinned, but her smile soon disappeared as she turned to Cadance and said, "But... he's a boy. Do you really think they'll let me...?"

Cadance nodded. "Of course," she replied. "After all, both of you are star students, and you have a perfect record and Spike has only been disciplined once."

"But my parents were mentor and apprentice," Twilight pointed out. "Do you really think...?"

"I do," Cadance replied confidently. "I've never met someone who's better at keeping the rules than you."

Cadance grinned deviously. "And besides...." she muttered.

Cadance leaned over and whispered something in Twilight's ear. Spike didn't hear what she said, but he noticed that Twilight blushed slightly, made an expression of surprise before her lips formed a small, wicked smile, as well, and then she giggled as Cadance stopped speaking. "Yeah, I guess you're right," she said as Cadance pulled back.

Cadance grinned at both of them. "I'll leave you two alone, then," she said. She turned around and waved, crying, "I'll see you later!"

Once Cadance had departed, Twilight turned and smiled at Spike. "So, would you like me to buy you lunch?" she said.

Spike grinned excitedly. "Oh, yes!" he cried. "Thanks, Twilight!"

Spike noticed that the lunch that Twilight had with him that day had felt remarkably like a date; they told each other about themselves, discussed their interests and likes, and finished it by scheduling another meeting the next day.

Said meeting that followed, however, was significantly less date-like; Twilight came to Spike carrying posters, charts and cards, and told him that she was going to see how academically compatible they were by giving him a lesson on astronomy. To his surprise, Spike found that he enjoyed this almost as much as the lunch the day before; he learned several constellations, the stars they contained, and the basics of how the stars were formed quite easily, and when Twilight quizzed him on them he gave every answer to each of her questions correctly. Twilight was quite pleased, and so she scheduled another meeting with him. After about a week, they signed up to become apprentice and mentor.

Initially, Spike had hoped that Twilight would perhaps make an exception to her stringent abiding of the rules forbidding mentor/apprentice consorting for him. After all, as sweet and polite as he was, Spike was still a boy; like most other male Elves his age, he had spent a good deal of time reading ecchi seinen manga that graphically portrayed sexual relationships between cross-gendered apprentice/mentor pairs, as well as fantasizing that one day he might participate in such a relationship, as well.

In addition, Twilight's remark that she also found him cute gave him a glimmer of hope that this hope might be realized. However, he found that though he began to attempt to flirt with Twilight, the only response he received from her was dismissive indifference. It soon became clear to him that secretly becoming Twilight's boyfriend was a lost cause, and so Spike eventually gave up on it.

However, Spike found that even in the absence of the possibility of having a romantic relationship with Twilight, she still proved to have tremendous value as his friend and tutor. He greatly enjoyed the many hours he spent with her, and contented himself with knowing that at the very least, this beautiful and friendly girl was his confidant, mentor, and best friend.

In addition, Spike found that for the first time in his life he had a whole family. While living at the Castle Camelot, Spike found that Twilight's parents and brother treated him as though he'd always been a member of their clan. Cadance also became a good friend of his, and he got to know Celestia, who he found was immensely kind and caring towards him- surprisingly so, even.

Spike had quite enjoyed his life then; he was well-sheltered, well-fed, and was surrounded by people who deeply loved and cared for him. Having a gorgeous mentor and two Goddesses around didn't hurt either, he thought; especially since they seemed to be as comfortable in towels or their undergarments around him as they were around their relatives. Even though he couldn't have Twilight as his own, Spike continued to indulge himself in explicit fantasies about her (as well as Cadance and Celestia) throughout his apprenticeship under her.

Twilight was also an excellent teacher. Over their first year together, Twilight had versed him so well in the fundamentals of Spell Casting that he now knew them by heart. When the time came for his exams at the end of the year, he got a perfect score- which meant that Twilight had received one, as well (mentors and apprentices alike were evaluated by the score the apprentices received at these exams). Spike had no doubt that she'd prove just as effective at training him in Alchemy, Rituals, and finally preparing him to become a mentor, himself.

Spike stopped walking and looked up at the leaves casting a ceiling over his head, smiling contentedly. Yes, he was enormously glad that Twilight had become his mentor. He still would have given anything to get Sunset back- but he would have been almost every bit as destroyed if the price for it would be all the time he'd spent with Twilight.

A beam of light hit Spike's eye, and he turned towards the western horizon, shielding his eyes. The sun was setting. Spike took a deep breath, then sighed. It was time to go home.

Spike walked back towards the edge of the forest, eventually emerging. He returned to Avalon and walked down its streets, drinking in the beauty of the buildings and the iron street lamps that were being lit around him.

Upon reaching the Golden Oak Library, Spike opened the door to find Twilight reading another book. "Hey, Twi," he said.

Twilight looked up. "Hi, Spike," she said, giving him a soft smile. "Are you feeling any better?"

Spike took another deep breath. "Yeah," he said.

Twilight walked up to Spike, then embraced him. They stood silently together, hugging each other for a couple of minutes, then Twilight kissed Spike's cheek, gently caressed it, and began walking towards the kitchen. She said softly, "I'm going to make dinner now."

Spike nodded. "Thanks, Twilight," he said.

They ate, took turns bathing and getting dressed, brushed their teeth, then went to bed. Just before Spike climbed into his covers, however, he took a long, deliberating gaze at Spark.

Eventually, Spike made up his mind. He picked Spark up, opened his blankets, then climbed in while holding it. After Spike was snug beneath his covers, he closed his eyes and hugged Spark to his chest as a single tear rolled from his eye.