• Member Since 28th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago

Synthetic Soul

Everything I do is mediocre. Anything good that I do, I do on accident.


A long time ago, before Luna's transformation into Nightmare moon, a new citizen was welcomed into Equestria. He was no pony, in fact he was something new altogether. He was what was known as a human. The two sisters welcomed him into their nation, and even befriended him. And for a time, they got along great. Until the nightmares started. The human's mind began to be plagued by horrible nightmares, in which his new friends would put him through terrible torture. After a time he began to see these dreams, not as tormented visions, but as a warning. He began to realize that the nightmares weren't there to hurt him, they were there to save him. And so he gave himself over to them. The two sisters tried to reason with him, telling him that he was sick, but he refused to listen. Retreating into the world of nightmares, this human disappeared, and hasn't been seen or heard of for a long, long time. Until now. And he has changed.

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 44 )

Besides the occasional grammar mistake, this is a good story so far keep it up.

Loved it keep it coming

Not bad! That was a good start!

Hey. That's pretty good. Keep them coming!

Dude this is one of the best H.I.E fimfics i have ever read :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

hmmmmmmm.... The snake does not seem to be the submissive one here...

7310057 ur right he seems like the puppeteer and nightmare/noah his puppet

I agree, in just one chapter, this story has shat on at least 2/3 of the HiEs I've read. Well do, sir!

I have one serious boner for this story!!!!

Well that's a bad sign. Good chapter m8 keep it up


This story can either stay interesting and entertaining or crash and burn in the fires of poor character development, story building and dialogue.

Right now you've earned a thumbs up though.

Well then, if this is only the first chapter then I am going to need some lights on for the next few. *Maybe not but it's quite unnatural to see a nightmare monster other than Nightmare Moon, and one that was a human who is a literal boogeyman makes it all the more creepy.*

Damn, I smell conflicting viewpoints!

I sense a game of cat and mouse in the future...

I'm on board I like this story it's good and exciting keep up the good work you beat the other recent stories I've read and for nightmare guess he walks alone

Every night he had bad dreams...

Of this guy!


The end of time is coming to Equestria! :raritydespair:

Anyway, another HiE who gets powers and decides the Sisters are evil and believes everything he sees in dreams because he's apparently crazy and stupid. Meh. This is why the ponies should play it safe and just shoot every human who randomly shows up! It's usually bad news!

*Alondro suddenly pops into Equestria* Oh wow! I'm in-*BLAM!!* Ack... looks like... they took... my advice... *dies*

Noah was probably seeing this in his dreams

The Nightmare Realm was built out of what looked to be a deep and dark cavern. In the cave, existed a labyrinth like dungeon, like what you’d find in an abandoned castle. Barred cells ran through the dungeon.

*casually strolls in and looks around, hands in pockets*

"Huh... you know, this is pretty nice, all things considered. You'd expect a place called 'The Nightmare Realm' to be worse."

*face slackens into a vacant stare; eyes affixed on a distant nothing slowly begin to show hints of horror and revulsion*

"A lot worse..."

I think we're in for a little bit of a ride here, eh?
Hate to see what happens to that kids parents, when they find him...

This is like a Nightmare on Elm Street crossover.

This story is cool, but this chapter showed a persistent error I thought I'd help you out with. You were getting muddled up with 'coarse' and 'course'. 'Coarse' is an adjective that describes a texture or feel of something, meaning it is rough or harsh, so you would say 'the rope was coarse', and would not use it in 'of course' or 'over the course of months'. So I'd just go back and change every use of the word 'coarse' in this chapter to 'course'.

Good luck, keep it up.

the snake is mind-warping him god damnit

7718014 I'm one chapter away from finishing another story, but once that's done, I'll get to work on this

Oh my god, I'm in love with this fic. I NEED MORE!

I am the first to comment so here is what I think of your story on the hole,
It's a masterpiece

8129521 Thanks a lot, I'm really glad you like it!

yay a new update:3

If this happened to me, there is only on way i would want it to go


Yyyyeeeeessssssss this story is still going

Sad to see that this story is dead, but it was enjoyable all the same.

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