• Published 15th Jun 2016
  • 4,558 Views, 25 Comments

Forgive and Forget - ArtsyUnicorn

Starlight Glimmer seems to be happy with her new life so far, However some things appear to be perfect on the outside are not so good on the inside. Gossip, Rumors,ponies giving her hateful looks. Then her thoughts start to get to her.

  • ...

Help Me

Rushing to where Spikes voice had called out, Twilight found herself in Starlight Glimmer's room and saw something she wished she could get out of her mind. Spike held Starlight as he listened to her slow but still working heartbeat, she knew that Starlight would go into a depressive state anytime more ponies gossiped around her or told lies and gave disgusted looks towards her, but Twilight never thought she would do something like this.

"Spike get Fluttershy here now, she has my first aid kit, I'll stay here and make sure she is alright" she said as Spike ran off to the cottage, Twilight didn't know what to do at this point, should Starlight get medical help? Or would that make things worse, however how worse can things get right now? Twilight found the object she used to cut; it was a shard of glass from the mirror that had chipped off last week. Starlight was unconscious still, who knows long she'll be out for, all that matters is that she stays alive.

"Oh Starlight, we didn't want this to happen" Twilight whispered as tears started to cloud her vision.

"Twilight? Starlight?" said the familiar soft voice, Fluttershy had flown as fast as Dash with Spike on her back, she heard what had happened and rushed to her aid. Fluttershy cleaned the cuts with alcohol and bandaged them with care; Twilight levitated her into the bed.

"Should we wake her up? We don't know how long she's been unconscious" Spike asked with concern for his friend, Twilight nodded yes as Spike went to get her a drink. Slowly Starlight's eyes fluttered open.

"W-what are you all doing here? Please just leave me alone" she said weakly, she could barely talk let alone see very well.

"There is not a chance we're going to leave you alone now, Starlight what was going through your head when you decided to do this?" Twilight asked her, she didn't want to sound angry but she wanted to know why Starlight resorted to cutting.

"They judge me before they get to know me Twilight, I'm so sick of the world being so cruel like this and I can't do anything about it. It's like no one even cares about me" she said as tears spilled out on her bed, Fluttershy was beginning to cry too it was so bad now.

"Oh Starlight we care about you! And that's all should matter, we don't want you to give up on life!" Fluttershy said as she hugged her. Suddenly a loud crash was heard in the hallway. Spike walked into the hall to see the others arriving and Rainbow Dash crashed into a table.

"What are you guys doing here?" he asked them.

"We saw Fluttershy flying fast with you on here back, is it an emergency?!" Rarity asked him looking around the hall for Twilight.

"It's Starlight Glimmer, it happened again in Canterlot but this time she cut herself...” he said, everyone was shocked.

"BUT SHE PINKIE PROMISED SHE WOULDN'T DO IT!!" yelled Pinkie Pie as her mane deflated.

"Pinkie in times like this, there ain't nothin' she can do even if she promised" said Applejack as she put her hoof around Pinkie.

"Indeed, right now she needs her friends by her side!" Rarity announced as she trotted towards Starlight's room. As soon as she saw the pale colored pony she felt sick with emotion.

"Girls? What are you doing here?" asked Twilight as she set food down for Starlight.

"We saw Fluttershy and thought something was wrong, I guess we were right." said Rainbow Dash, she may have been a brave pony but she was terrified for her friend.

"Starlight darling, what did they say this time?" Rarity asked as she gently rubbed her hoof.

"I'm a lost cause, I'm planning to overthrow the princesses, and I couldn't even make a friend without them running away from me. They're right, I am a lost cause..." she said turning over to face Twilight again.

"No they are wrong sugar cube, do ya know how much time it takes to learn such advanced magic? Yer an amazing pony and friend to us, don't listen to them"

"It's hard not to listen when it's the entire city AJ, I know what you guys are trying to do but it's not working, I just feel empty inside, it's like I'm alone and the entire universe is against me"

"Oh Twilight is there anything we can do?" asked Spike as the girls looked to Twilight for an answer.

"I'm afraid I don't know, depression is like war, you either win or die trying. Next thing you know, it's at a point where you start saying 'I’m used to it' and then you start feeling like you bother someone just by being alive" she explained to them, just then Pinkie Pie's hair poofed back to normal.

"I GOT AN IDEA! How about we each spend one day with Starlight doing our thing and try to cheer her up! RD can fly with her, Fluttershy can work with animals with her and you get the idea!" she said with excitement, the girls nodded and Rarity volunteered to take her out tomorrow.

"Alright girls, Starlight needs her sleep, Rarity you can come at noon to take her out, I have to make sure she gets a nice warm breakfast in the morning" and with that everyone left Starlight in her room, Twilight went to her room, the girls went home, and Spike gathered his blanket as he headed towards her room.

"Spike? What are you doing here?" Starlight asked as she looked over to see him standing in her doorway.

"I can't sleep without knowing you are safe, so I'm going to be your guard the entire night!" he smiled at her, Starlight smiled back as she shifted to one side of her bed to let him stay with her. In times like this all she needs are her true friends right now.


That night in her dreams, she was surrounded by dark shadows who were calling her names, provoking her, and more things. Soon the shadows were pushing her towards a cliff shouting and yelling, reaching the edge the shadows were telling her to jump, end it all now.

"Angels can fly, so can I" then she jumped, closing her eyes as the tears spilled she waited for the hard ground, but instead landed on something soft but bony. She opened her eyes and saw Princess Luna looking at her; she had saved her from the impact.

"Princess Luna? Is this all a dream then?" Starlight asked her as she drove away the shadows when they reached the top of the cliff.

"It is, Starlight Glimmer you are going through a very difficult time right now, and I understand what it feels like to have no one care for you and to feel alone, but the truth is you are not alone there are more ponies that care for you then you realize"

"I know that Princess, but how do I get the others to just accept me and get to know me before they judge me" she said as she sat on the ground.

"I understand my dear but suicide is not the answer, you want to end that pain that is causing you nightmares, but ending your life is harder on you and the ponies around you" she said as she put a wing over the pony. "What you really need is your friends; they are the ones who will get you through this pain, just because the voices in your head say something doesn't mean it's true. I must go now Starlight put your faith in your friends, don't go to the dark side"


"Starlight? You were mumbling in your sleep is everything alright?" asked Spike just as she woke up, there was a delightful smell of fruit and pancakes in the air that made her mouth water.

"Yeah I'm fine, ready to go to breakfast?" she asked as she got out of bed, putting pressure on her left hoof was a bit painful but she could live through it. She walked into the dining hall to see Twilight arranging plates on the table full of delicious food.

"Starlight your awake! I was just about to come a wake you two up, you slept like foals the entire night, and then again it was pretty stressful. Well sit down and eat!" she said as she motioned them to sit.

Today she was going to spend the day with Rarity and some with Fluttershy, as they finished the meal Rarity came in ready to go. Hopefully today would be a good day.

Author's Note:

Oh boy.. I had to update a few things about the picture and the preview, hope all is going well so far!