• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2014
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"Be good to yourself, because nobody else has the power to make you happy."


Fed up of the pressures of dealing with her headstrong daughter and often absent husband, Spoiled Rich decides to enjoy a day of relaxation and pampering. Things pan out exactly as you'd expect.

Inspired by scenes from 'Applejack's Day Off'.

A little oneshot to get me back in the writing groove.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 55 )

Well, looks like Spoiled... Oops, don't want to (Ahem) spoil too much. Bad joke, I know but anyways a great story Deadpan and welcome back to the world of fic writing!

Yeah, she is pretty delusional. But seriously though, this was hilarious.

Don´t normally like reading a story from the point of a character I dislike, but your story was well written and had an happy ending so I liked it and am thankful for it. I am looking forward to more from you (even if it from characters I don´t like:P).

Hoo boy. She is a piece. Of. Work. ... Or at least a piece of something... :scootangel:
That "R not B" bit gave me one hell of a laugh though. :rainbowlaugh: Well played.

Wow, someone's head is in the clouds, and it isn't Rainbow's.:rainbowlaugh: Guess it is a good thing that AA gun of a note brought her back to earth.

Is this in anyway connected to your other works? This isn't the first time SR is depicted this way...

7265027 No, this is simply based on canon up to and including the latest episode. As to this not being the first time SR has been depicted this way, that's because the show hasn't exactly given up many other facets of her personality, has it? :moustache:

. After avoiding her usual nauseating attempt to kiss me on both cheeks,

Homeland tradition?

"She insisted just the other day I destroy a very expensive stained-glass window and statue I had especially commissioned in her likeness."

I hate to say it, but Spoiled has a POINT on that one.

7265095 Well, it's not like DT asked for them to made, is it? If ponies look at them and get a bad impression of her vanity, the blame should really lie with SR. That's why the request was made.

7264805 You and me both.

I liked it. Didn't see that ending coming, though! :rainbowderp:

So, Mr. Rich divorced his wife and took his daughter with him?

7266355 That, my friend, is in the lap of the gods... :rainbowhuh:

their sick ideals of equality and friendship continues to scar our relationship to this day.

Heh. Doesn't she know 'equality's a dirty word now?

How dare Spoiled Rich talk write about Best Pony that way! You insult her without valid reason, then there will be consequences! Also, gasp! Filthy Rich prefers the company of a world savior of good character over snooty, self centered Miss-her-name says-it-all? Shock of all shocks!

My surname starts with an R, not a B.

This quote is just perfect. Excellent work; faved.

7266912 Sadly, Starlight Glimmer has corrupted the true meaning of that word. Starting from now, I think we can claim it back as our own. I BELIEVE IN US!! :scootangel:


So I will be punished for reading this ? L-lewd.

The window open, and a fresh batch of my finest silken sheets knotted together to form a makeshift rope to the bottom of the grounds, with some telltale hoofprints leading away from the scene of the crime.

How can she used a rope to go down without hands of falling ? How ? My brain hurts thinking about it.

The way they infected my now rebellious daughter with their sick ideals of equality and friendship continues to scar our relationship to this day.

Typical teenager behaviour, always doing the opposite of what the parents want.

Well, let's just say the tongue-lashing I administered to her after the school election debacle will be a cakewalk in comparison.

Spoiled referencing CotLM out of nowhere. That sentence is so ackward. :rainbowderp:

After avoiding her usual nauseating attempt to kiss me on both cheeks, she responds in that funny accent of hers

But, I'm doing that too. :applecry:

Which would be a shame, as for all of his numerous aesthetic faults, you sure feel limber afterwards.

A muscular sexy futur wonderbolt who can give the best massage in Equestria ? This guy is a mare magnet, I tell you.

She insisted just the other day I destroy a very expensive stained-glass window and statue I had especially commissioned in her likeness.

Actually, I found the schoolhouse so much better with the stained glass. And DT is totally vain enough to like it. I wished it would have stay in the show.

They were 'trial' and 'separation'

Nah, not happening. Spoiled and Filthy is a tender and loving couple who complete each other perfectly.


So I will be punished for reading this ? L-lewd.

If I were you, I sleep with one eye open tonite. Possibly with a bat by your side. :twilightoops:

How can she used a rope to go down without hands of falling ? How ? My brain hurts thinking about it.

How can they use knives, forks, can openers or indeed any smart item that requires the utmost precision?

As for your other problem, would you like some paracetamol? I just bought some from the 99p store. If you headache is cured shortly afterwards though, consider it purely a coincidence.

Oh, and P.S she abseiled down. See? I think of everything. :scootangel:

Typical teenager behaviour, always doing the opposite of what the parents want.

Yup. My parents always wanted me to be a loser layabout who stay at home all day reading stories about anthropomorphic ponies. Of course, what they got was... er... let's move on, shall we? :moustache:

Spoiled referencing CotLM out of nowhere. That sentence is so ackward.

There are lots of references to other episodes in this fic. I don't know why you've singled out that one as particularly 'awkward'. You're just trying to make me look bad, aren't you? And there was me thinking we were friends... :raritycry:

But, I'm doing that too.

You and Aloe should get together. I'm sure you'd have lots of fun. She might even introduce you to her good friend Vera. Geddit? :pinkiehappy:

A muscular sexy futur wonderbolt who can give the best massage in Equestria ? This guy is a mare magnet, I tell you.

But anypony with a crush on him, always ends up being crushed, quite literally.

Also, we still have to establish whether he can actually fly with any great efficiency or not... In Wonderbolts Academy he was a virtuoso, in Rainbows Falls he could barely even take off. WRITERS, MAKE YOUR MINDS UP!! :flutterrage:

Actually, I found the schoolhouse so much better with the stained glass. And DT is totally vain enough to like it. I wished it would have stay in the show.

I wish the playground had stayed in the show too... Last time we got a glance at the background of the schoolyard, it was conspicuously missing. Maybe Spoiled got through to Filthy eventually, and he pulled the funding at the last minute. Shame. :pinkiesad2:

And for the purposes of this fic, lets just say DT has been given a serious dose of humility. In the show itself, I still want her to preserve some of her narcissism and sass, even after her reform. Of course, that's even if they bother to give her another speaking part before the end of the program, now that she's fulfilled her original purpose... :unsuresweetie:

Nah, not happening. Spoiled and Filthy is a tender and loving couple who complete each other perfectly.

I'm sure Filthy's bank manager would disagree. Don't you care about the poor guy at all, huh? :trixieshiftleft:

Thanks as usual for your thorough reply. Lots of fun going through it, as usual. Catch ya on the flip side!! :raritywink:

Well, Spoiled, looks like you can quit lying to yourself and pretending everything is fine. I'm actually surprised Filthy Rich was able to keep his divorce plans a secret from you.

My surname starts with an R, not a B.

Nah, I'm pretty sure it starts with a B. :rainbowlaugh:

Despite my strong dislike for this character though, this was a fun read!


What annoys me is Glimmer talks about her former actions like she was the incarnation of evil, putting things in a black and white view. That is always dangerous, and foolish.

7268083 To be fair, stripping ponies of their individuality, brainwashing them into joining a cult, and doing what could very well be interpreted as treason, are all serious offenses.


Meh. What I found insanely unrealistic was how every single pony in the entire village spontaneously rejected the message after finding fault with the messenger.

7268257 They were lied to and brainwashed, led to believe that individuality was a sin. Learning that the messenger was a big hypocrite that didn't trust them was simply the icing on the cake. Granted, Double Diamond had little reason to turn on Starlight when he acted as her eyes and ears, even if he never knew of her secret.


I don't see what Glimmer taught as lying. Simply another point of view. And all societies brainwash its members. We're brainwashed to buy what the TV tells us to.

7268394 She forcibly took away what made them unique, forcing them all to be the same and establishing a police state. Anyone in that sort of situation would naturally develop a resentment for the one who created it all.


She did that to the mane six, yes. But I wish the writers would do away with the nonsense of her 'taking over' Our Town, when she bloody founded it. I doubt there was a town full of misfits desperate for acceptance with two rows of houses in an equal sign.

7268508 Just because she founded it does not mean the villagers were wrong to complain when they learned Starlight was lying to them and had tricked them. They gave up their lives for something they thought was important, only to learn they were disposable pawns Starlight used to make herself feel self rightous.


What I can't believe is that they all abandoned the cause just because the one who introduced them to the cause had to keep their cutie mark because it was the only way for them to give up theirs.

7268551 Because that in and of itself confirmed she never trusted them, and thought only of how to use them to get what she wanted. If she truly believed in the equality she had convinced them of, she would've never tried to hide it behind the guise of a cult and create a police state.


The government lies to us all the time, yet revolutions don't happen every day.

7268572 The government does not outright condem individuality like Starlight did, on the surface everyone is said to be treated equally. Plus, we've seen that in Equestria cutie marks are a huge part of pony society, it's only natural that someone who would remove them for her own self benefit would provoke a lot of anger.


Starlight Glimmer wasn't selfish. She had a messiah complex to be sure, but she was the hero fighting against the evil mind control tattoos that were deciding ponies' fates for them as far as she was concerned. So no one has to suffer having a garbage collector cutie mark, as they were sitting next to a pony with a cutiemark for quantum physics.

7268587 Yet the show has taught us that a cutie mark is what you make of it, and it is possible to misinterpret it or not see the possibilites of it. And even then that does not justify Starlight's attempt at revenge by using time travel, she was shown directly what her actions would cause and yet she refused to believe it, even trying to justify it with her backstory and then threatening to destroy the spell so Twilight couldn't stop her. In that moment, Starlight was perfectly willing to doom the entire nation of Equestria to a future of misery and suffering, simply so she'd have the bragging rights of defeating Twilight and preventing her and her friends from getting their cutie marks. No matter how you slice it, that's basically treason.


Oh by Starlight's RETURN by the end of the season, she was most definitely just out for revenge, had nothing left in her mind BUT revenge, and figured if Twilight and her friends had never gotten together and ruined her life, she'd still be happy in Our Town with her friends. She wanted her life back, she wanted her friends back, she wanted her home back, and she was willing to take Twilight's and her friends' cause in her mind that was just making them 'even Steven.' And thanks to how little Starlight knew of Equestria's goings on, and how little credits Twilight and her friends have been given over the years for saving the world, she had a hard time swallowing that what she saw was real. She came back to reality because Twilight was likely the first one in a life time to actually treat what happened to her like it actually mattered.

What I found annoying was how NO ONE ELSE ever stepped in to save the world like a entire planet full of NPCs.

At any rate, those like Spoiled Rich was basically Starlight Glimmer's ultimate justification (and ponies like Blueblood, Lightning Dust, and most of Suri, Jetset and Uppercrust). Glimmer wanted a world of equal ponies, and thought cutie marks were getting in the way of that.

7268611 But she went about it all wrong, and tainted the idea as a result. Had she simply casually approached the subject and suggested the idea of ponies not being forced to be stuck with cutie marks they didn't know how to work with, perhaps she could've actually built up a following and brought about the change that could benefit those individuals.


Thus why I said, "Messiah Complex."

You know what, it is slightly annoying to get constant alerts on your bar that someone's left a nice comment on your story, only to discover it's you two having a spirited debate concerning a character this story doesn't even feature.

Not that it isn't fun to read, but I do wish after the dust has settled you two can perhaps take this bunfight somewhere else, to a more appropriate venue.

My only contribution to the topic is while I thought Glimmer's backstory was complete bull, and her integration into the show could have been handled a lot better, I have been warming to her ever since No Second Prances, which is possibly my favourite episode of the season so far.

Now, shake hands, and stop bogging down this comment section with irrelevance. You know it makes sense. :twilightsmile:


How can they use knives, forks, can openers or indeed any smart item that requires the utmost precision?

The show used to be creative about that. They used to have ponies acting like ponies. Nowaday it is always human pose and sticking hooves. I dread the day when they will stop using their mouth even for the most basic things. :ajsleepy:

Oh, and P.S she abseiled down. See? I think of everything.

I would rather have her jumping down and survive the fall without any injuries because she is a sturdy earth pony.

But anypony with a crush on him, always ends up being crushed, quite literally.

Are you implying this is a bad thing ? :scootangel:

Also, we still have to establish whether he can actually fly with any great efficiency or not... In Wonderbolts Academy he was a virtuoso, in Rainbows Falls he could barely even take off. WRITERS, MAKE YOUR MINDS UP!!

In Rainbow Falls, he is in the team. So we can assume he is one of the best flyers in Ponyville. Give him some credits.

I'm sure Filthy's bank manager would disagree. Don't you care about the poor guy at all, huh?

Look in your heart, you know I'm right. Plus the "Spoiled and Rich love passionately each other for ununderstandable reasons" aspect is appealling as fuck. You should give it a try. :pinkiehappy:

Thanks as usual for your thorough reply. Lots of fun going through it, as usual. Catch ya on the flip side!! :raritywink:

See ya in a month when you finally write the next part you god damn slacker. :scootangel:

7268681 Sorry, didn't mean for it to get so out of control.

I like how you went all out with Spoiled and made her completely unrepentant. Fits her well.

7278678 Well, she doesn't really strike me as the kind to change their ways easily, ssoooo... :twistnerd:



when I manage to restore her to default settings.

Uh, Spoiled, Diamond Tiara isn't a phone or a computer.

They were 'trial' and 'separation'.

So Filthy Rich is planning on divorcing her? :rainbowhuh:

Really glad to see you writing again. I love how you're able to keep characters in-character, especially Spoiled Rich, given what little we saw of her. Somehow you're able to make me hate her even more than I already do, and that is a sign of a truly amazing writer! I look forward to reading the rest of "A Mother's Love." I hope this bitch gets hanged in the end. After what she did to Diamond Tiara, she more than deserves it.


Nowaday it is always human pose and sticking hooves.

To be fair, that's how it was done in the previous generations too. As for currently, I haven't really noticed this trend.


And for the purposes of this fic, lets just say DT has been given a serious dose of humility. In the show itself, I still want her to preserve some of her narcissism and sass, even after her reform. Of course, that's even if they bother to give her another speaking part before the end of the program, now that she's fulfilled her original purpose... :unsuresweetie:

I would really hate if they just dropped her from the show completely, as I'm very interested in seeing where they go with this. I don't think they'll do that, though. After all, Discord and Twilight have fulfilled their purposes and they're still around, so it's unlikely that Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon will be dropped from the show completely.

Comment posted by Blast deleted Aug 9th, 2016
Blast #49 · Aug 9th, 2016 · · 1 ·

Still, if you reside in a backwater like Ponyville, beggars can't be choosers...

Yeah, well why don't you try your luck in Canterlot or Manehattan? You'd be dead and buried in seconds.

You wouldn't last a second among the royalty. I bet Zesty Gourmand would throw up the second she saw you :pinkiesick:.

And let's see how you do when you have to go to Suri Polomare for your outfits. At least she has a clue how to survive in an everypony for themselves environment. :raritydespair:

It's a good thing I suppose for the community at large, because as a group they can do far less damage than they could individually

Oh, Spoiled BITCH, you're effing wrong! SO. WRONG. SO MANY. WAYS! The Crusaders can cause SO. MUCH. MORE. DAMAGE. Especially when they're together. When Ponyville's not plagued by monster attacks or Twilight and Pinkie's shenanigans, it's these three and their penchant for tree sap! Also, welcome back to writing.

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