• Published 2nd Jun 2016
  • 2,244 Views, 212 Comments

The Sun Never Sets - Mr Fislewait

Sunset Shimmer finally returns to Equestria but when she arrives she is confused and sitting on death's door. Twenty five years later the mare Eventide Trailblazer is looking to continue the legacy of Sunset Shimmer for better... or for worse.

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Dear Diary...

Dear Diary,

Colts are awful and fillies aren't much better. Mommy was off working around town and she said I was old enough to look after myself so long as I remembered all of her rules about strangers and didn't leave the wagon unlocked. So I decided to go to the playground because Mrs Velvet told me that I should have more friends my age. Everything was going very well and lots of the ponies were being friendly, I introduced myself and we played some games but then one of the colts said that they shouldn't be playing with me because I was a 'tinker pony'. I didn't know what it meant but apparently it was a bad thing so I told him I wasn't but then he said I was because he had seen my mom around town working and she was a tinker pony and if she was a tinker pony then so was I. After that none of the other ponies wanted to play with me and the other kids all picked up their saddlebags and kept them on in the park. I went back to the wagon but I could still see them from there. Eventually their parents came to pick them up, most of them had two.

Mommy taught me that we shouldn't be greedy because greed is something for bad ponies. She says we should be happy with what we have. I'm happy with mommy but sometimes I notice how all the other ponies seem to have more than one pony in their family. They all have a mommy and a daddy and sometimes brothers and sisters and other things too. Flurry has a mommy and a daddy and also her auntie Twilight and her great auntie Celestia and her grandmommy and her granddaddy. When I saw them at her birthday they were very nice to me but they were just being friendly because I was one of Flurry's friends. Flurry has lots of friends but apparently I'm her bestest and Mrs Velvet says she talks about me all the time. I don't want to be greedy of what Flurry has because mommy says that's called 'NV' and if you get NV then you turn into a green eyed monster (just like a boogeypony) but I wish I did have somepony more than mommy. I used to think I had Starburst but whenever I ask mommy about him she says he isn't my daddy and that she'll explain everything when I get my cutie mark.

Today when she got back from work mommy got in argument with Celestia. I couldn't see her but Celestia is a very powerful pony so she was probably invisible, or talking from very far away.



Twilight sighed as she finished reading the page. At a guess she imagined that Evey must have been about six or seven. Pinkie had given her the diary on her fifth birthday and this appeared to be one of the earlier entries from when she was still recording incidents of Sunset 'acting funny'. So little of the diary had survived the fire and every page was like a dagger to the heart, but Twilight found it hard to stop. She hadn't been the best aunt to Evey, she had certainly tried and it was tricky juggling being a good aunt with making sure that she followed Sunset's rules about being around her daughter. Sunset had always been so protective of her, perhaps that was the problem? If it hadn't been for Twilight insisting that Sunset tell Evey about her father when she earned her cutie mark would Sunset have ever gotten around to letting her know? Then there was the disastrous three years when Sunset had been away on an 'extended business trip'. Twilight had such high hopes for those three years, she was going to have an opportunity to really connect with her niece and maybe have Evey open up a bit more, the young mare had been so introverted, so distrusting of other ponies, those three years were meant to help her break out of her shell.

In retrospect they had certainly succeeded in getting Evey to interact with other ponies but it hadn't been the way that Twilight had been hoping. Had she been too rash at Evey's fourteenth birthday party? She had said a lot of things she regretted in hindsight and her personal feelings had certainly clouded her judgement... but a lot of what had been said was true. Twilight never could have predicted her niece running away from home and catching a ship to foreign shores. That had been a very stressful few months, if she hadn't turned up again Twilight had no idea how she would have explained it to Sunset. Speaking of Evey running away...



She is the worst. The absolute worst. Why couldn't I have Fluttershy as an aunt instead? Or Rainbow Dash? Buck, even Starlight seems nicer than she is and I've barely even spoken to her! Twilight Sparkle thinks she knows what is best for everypony, she thinks that just because somepony stuck a pair of wings on her back and slapped a crown on her head that she knows best! What is she even princess of? Friendship? Friendship isn't all it's cracked up to be, lots of the worst ponies I know have so many friends, if friendship was as powerful as Twilight says it is then they should be a lot nicer. Also I stand corrected. Twilight is not the worst, she is second worst. Award for worst pony ever goes to little Applejack. She is an arrogant, hick, farm pony who could stand to be taken down a peg or two. Earlier in the year Twilight forced me to attend one of her little gatherings against my will. It was bad enough having to spend the day with one farm pony but having to spend it with the entire apple clan!? I get it AJ you have one of the largest families in Equestria, no need to flaunt it all the time. Still, I guess it does prove the old adage about quantity and quality.

Anyway, Twilight Sparkle. She's a prude, an absolute prude. She's so damn set in her ways and has such particular beliefs about how everything must be done in such specific ways. Not like Shivery Timbers, he recruited me as cabin colt even though I'm a mare. He doesn't care that I didn't have any proper credentials, once I proved that I was a capable worker he was willing to hire me on my skills and talents alone. I bet Twilight Sparkle would never do that, she'd need a three page essay on why you were good for the job, a half dozen references, a full employment history and a hooffull of aptitude tests. Can't write any more. Too tired and too pissed off, hammock isn't particularly comfortable and the sea is very loud.



When had things last been good between them? Evey had used to love Twilight and in turn Twilight had doted on her little niece. She'd tried her hardest to give Evey the things that she was going to be missing out on. Against Sunset's wishes she'd introduced Evey to her half-sister and Sunset had begrudgingly come to accept their friendship (just so long as they remained friends and not sisters), Twilight had arranged for Evey to spend time with Night Light and Twilight Velvet though none of them had known the nature of their relationship. Hay, Twilight had even trusted the little filly with a major state secret so that she could meet her mom's friends. Their relationship couldn't have soured over one little spat at a birthday party could it? She sighed and attached a date to the page, at least this one had a very clear time frame, it made it much easier to sort. As she picked up the next page Twilight couldn't help but sigh at the poor quality hoof writing, this was probably one of the earlier fragments, those were proving much harder to organize.


Dear Diary,

Today was a very scary day. We were traveling through the Smokey Mountains to try and head west. Lots of ponies describe the west as 'undiscovered' and mommy says that it's up to adventurous ponies like me and her to change that. Anyway that's not the point. The point is that while we were traveling we came across some other ponies with wagons. They were being very nice and everypony was friendly but then mommy shot one of them the dirtiest look I've ever seen. She told all of the other ponies to get their wagons and move on because her and the other pony had a 'personal matter' to talk about and that they should all make themselves scarce. I've never seen mommy so angry before. She was very quiet but there was something scary in her voice. The other ponies all decided to follow her advice and then mommy told me to go and hide in the wagon until she came to fetch me.

There were some raised voices while I was in the wagon and some awful wailing. It sounded like somepony was in a lot of pain and I was very scared. When the noises stopped mommy came in to find me, she had lots of green gunk on her hooves and some on her horn too. I asked her if she had hurt the other pony and she just smiled and said yes. Ponies aren't meant to hurt other ponies and for a little while I wasn't sure if it was really my mommy or not, my mommy is a good pony. She sat me down and told me that everything was alright and that the pony wasn't really a pony, he was a boogeypony, like the ones in her stories that spirit naughty young foals away in the night. She said that boogeyponies were very bad and that they didn't count as ponies for most things. She said that ponies like her have to make sure that the boogeyponies never ever hurt good little ponies like me. When mommy was cleaning herself up I realized what she meant. She's a super hero just like the power ponies, that's why she always hides her wings or her horn, it's so she can keep her identity a secret!

Today was very scary but I'm glad that I have somepony like mommy to keep the monsters away.



"Oh, Evey..." Twilight sighed as she threw the page onto the stack of unsorted early entries.


Dear Diary,

Today Twilight was very cross at me. It was my fault, even though I didn't know all of the rules I shouldn't have burnt the book without asking her. Apparently burning books is very bad and not just because you are destroying somepony else's property. I got very upset but mommy told me I had to apologize to Twilight because I had done wrong. Twilight was still upset but she was very happy that I said sorry and that I meant it.

Not much else happened today, we don't get to visit mommy's friends till tomorrow so I was just sitting around the library reading. I didn't mean to be bad but I got very angry with the book I was reading and my magic flared up. I didn't mean to burn it but I definitely wanted to. The book was called 'Peter Plastern' it was about a bad pony who foalnaps some children and tries to convince them that their families don't love them. It was a very bad book because at the end the villain wins. I'm very sorry that I broke the rules but I'm not sorry that the bad book is gone. It was a very evil story.



That one was easy enough to place. Twilight remembered the incident very well, she had been very shocked to find Evey glaring at the smoldering remains of the children's book in the middle of the library, she'd never seen the little filly so angry before. Evey had been inconsolable when she was told off. Neither Twilight nor Sunset had been able to make Evey explain why she had burnt the book, other than that it was very bad and said bad things. Rubbing a hoof against her forehead she put a date on the entry and sorted it with the rest.

"Twilight!" Spike called to her as he entered the study. "Letter for you from the Princess."

"Thank you, Spike," Twilight quickly scanned the letter from Celestia, it was short and to the point. It was also something that required her immediate attention. "Spike! Pack a bag, we're going to Canterlot as soon as possible!"

Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle,

Princess Luna was just awoken from a troubling sleep. She saw a premonition of things yet to come, things that hopefully may yet be prevented from transpiring. In her dreams she saw Tirek freed from Tartarus once more. I have dispatched some of my most trusted guards to Tartarus to investigate the matter but I request your presence in Canterlot to help us. It should go without saying that we cannot allow Tirek another attempt at conquering Equestria.

Your friend and mentor,
Princess Celestia

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