• Published 22nd Jun 2016
  • 1,345 Views, 100 Comments

Pony POV Series Origins: Queen Majesty - Alex Warlorn

Origin story of Queen Majesty, ruler of Ponyland over three thousands of years before Celestia was born.

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Majesty's Ultimate Decision (Good Bye For Now)

Firefly walked towards the circle of uprooted bushes hiding the hole where Majesty and the Weather Witch were held prisoners. She was carrying a big stack of hay on her back, held together with a couple of vine ropes.

"Hello, I'm bringing in something to eat to the prisoners," she addressed the pegasus mare guarding the prisoners.

The mare standing guard looked at Firefly, then at the large stack of hay she was carrying, "Thunderstorm didn't say anything about feeding the prisoners during his absence."

"Well, starving prisoners aren't of much use, don't you think?" replied Firefly.

"I suppose," said the guard, "But all I see is hay. Humans can't eat that."

"I'm bringing this for the unicorn. I'll bring the food for the human later," replied Firefly.

"Also, that looks like an awful lot of hay for just one prisoner," said the guard.

"I'm just leaving enough for her now, and take the rest back to the other side of the oasis," replied Firefly.

"That sounds impractical," said the guard."But whatever, just make it quick."

"Thanks, it'll just take a minute," Firely said as she started to walk past the guard.

Suddenly, a small sneeze erupted from the stack of hay on Firefly's back.

"...Did that hay just sneeze?" said the guard.

Firefly sighed, "I'm sorry about this."

"Sorry about wha-"

Firefly kicked the guard right in the face, knocking her unconscious. Firefly looked around to make sure nobody had seen what happened, then grabbed the unconscious body of the guard and dragged it over behind a nearby tree so it would stay hidden from prying eyes.


"... So you actually met the Queen of Dragons?" said the Weather Witch, reacting to Majesty's tale.

"Yes, and that's how I ended up with an adoptive dragon son," replied Majesty.

"... and I thought my story of how I got the Golden Moonstar Flower was impressive," chuckled the Witch.

"Oh, don't sell your story short. I thought it was very impressive," replied Majesty.

They suddenly stopped when they heard the uprooted bushes rustling, as a pink pegasus mare emerged carrying a rather large stack of hay tied up together with vines.

"What do you want from us now? Haven't you done enough?" said Majesty with barely contained anger when she saw Firefly.

"I'm here to help you escape," said Firefly, as she carefully placed the stack of hay on the ground and untied it. As the hay unrolled, a small purple figure emerged from it, sneezing gently.

"Spike! Spike you're okay!" said Majesty with tears of joy in her eyes as she saw the tiny baby dragon happily giggle when he saw her.

Firefly untied Majesty and the Weather Witch, the latter of whom still bore injuries from Thunderstorm’s interrogation. "Are you okay enough to stand?"

"I think I'll be fine, thank you," said the Weather Witch as she sat down on the ground.

"I also brought these," said Firefly, as she rummaged through the hay and produced the Weather Witch's wand and broom.

The Weather Witch grabbed the wand with one hand and the broom with the other, and slowly stood up, using the broom as an improvised walking stick.

"Wait, why are you doing this?" asked Majesty, as she lifted Spike onto her back with her magic.

"I believe she finally had a change of heart, didn't you?" said the Weather Witch, looking at Firefly.

"You could say that," Firefly replied, as she looked up at the sky, "I just want someone to smile at me again."

Majesty and the Weather Witch looked at Firefly confused.

"Nevermind," said Firefly. "we have to hurry and get to Meadowville, Thunderstorm and almost half of the herd must already be there." Firefly peeked out of the uprooted bushes around the shallow prison hole, "I know a way around the oasis which nobody will see us leave, then we'll get to Meadowville, but we have to hurry."

"No, that would take too long," replied Majesty, "Get close to me, I'm going to teleport us directly to Meadowville."

"Teleport? You can do that?" said Firefly.

"I can teleport anywhere as long as it's someplace I've been before," replied Majesty. "Thankfully, I've been at Meadowville before."

"Majesty, are you sure?" said the Weather Witch, "Meadowville is miles away from here. Almost an hour if we fly. Teleporting a few feet is one thing... but this?"

"It's our only chance to make it there in time. The only way I can fix my mistake, and save the people of Meadowville. I can do it, I know it!"

The Weather Witch looked at Majesty, who was full of determination, "Okay Majesty, I trust you."

Firefly and the Weather Witch exchanged a look, and nodded before stepping closer to Majesty.

Majesty closed her eyes as her horn began to glow "Of walking we had our fill, this is our last resort, take us to Meadowville, TELEPORT!"

There was a bright flash as Majesty finished her rhyme, and all that remained was a small patch of blackened dirt where they had been standing.


"Grampa, look! A cloud!" said a little boy standing near a dried up well in the center plaza of Meadowville.

Everyone in Meadowville stopped what they were doing and looked up in awe at the cloud approaching the town. It was the first cloud to appear in the sky since the drought began, and it was so big that it quickly blacked out the sun. The people of Meadowville started to cheer, believing that the long drought that was threatening to kill all their crops was finally going to come to an end.

Their cheers quickly turned to confusion as several dozen pegasi flew out of the cloud and started to circle Meadowville. A scarred pegasi broke formation and flew right above the very center of Meadowville, high enough so everyone could see him but low enough for everyone to hear him. Thunderstorm and his loyal pegasi army had arrived at Meadowville.

"People of Meadowville, I am Thunderstorm, Alpha of this pegasi herd! For the last several weeks, your little farming community has been suffering from a terrible drought. We manipulated the weather to cause this drought. We have captured the witch you called upon in hopes of stopping it! Nobody will be able to stop this drought until I give the order!"

The people of Meadowville looked at each other in confusion and worry. They started to whisper to one another.

Rhubed, the town's elder, stepped up to Thunderstorm. "Why did you cause this drought? What have we done to you? What do you want from us?"

"We want Meadowville!" replied Thunderstorm, "Your homes, your crops, it all belongs to us now! I will allow you to take with you what you can carry with your own hands, everything else you'll leave here, for us! Once you go away to never come back, then, and only then, we'll end the drought and move into your former homes! We were waiting for you to leave on your own, but you stubbornly refuse to leave! I've come here to make it clear for you, you don't have a future here unless I allow you to have one. The drought will continue if you stay, no matter what you try to do. So, leave NOW, or there will be harsher consequences." The people of Meadowville looked at each other in worry, others looked at Thunderstorm in anger. He ignored them.

By now Indabor and Wooden Spoke were walking out of the house they were staying at. The human still had a bandage on his head.

"By whose authority are you telling these people to leave their homes!?" asked the Earth Pony.

"Yeah! What gives you the right?" added Indabor.

"Ah, Wooden Spoke, I presume. And the human Indabor, am I correct?" said Thunderstorm as he saw the Earth Pony and the bandaged human who looked surprised that Thunderstorm knew who they were.

“How do you know us?!” Wooden Spoke demanded.

"I had scouts and spies watch this village since before the drought began," explained Thunderstorm. "We know everything about your futile efforts of bringing water to this place in hopes that they can survive the drought."

“Great, we’re famous,” Indabor scoffed.

"As to the answer to your question," Thunderstorm continued, "The skies give us the right! We are pegasi! We are the masters of the weather! We are the chosen equines of the skies! It rains because we allow it! THAT gives me the right." He then turned again to look at all of the people of Meadowville, "Leave now, OR ELSE!"

"I worked these lands since I was a boy!" said Rhubed, "We all did! So did our parents, and their parents before them for generations! We have poured our blood and sweat into our homes and our crops, our very lives have been invested here. You can threaten us as much as you want, but we won't leave!" finished the village elder. The rest of the people of Meadowville cheered in support and stood firm.

"So be it."

Thunderstorm raised a hoof, signaling the other pegasi circling the town. After seeing the signal, all the pegasi flew faster and closer to the giant cloud they had arrived with. It started to rumble and lightning could be seen coursing through it. Harder and faster as the circle of pegasi flew closer and faster, now in a close circle around the ever darkening cloud.

"I tried to be reasonable with you, but you have chosen death! Prepare to face the wrath of the heavens from its chosen children!"

The people of Meadowville stood closer to each other, spouses embraced each other, mothers embraced their children, and friends stood shoulder to shoulder.

Thunderstorm lowered his hoof. Every pegasi stopped flying around the cloud and kicked it in perfect unison, a giant rumble came from inside the cloud louder than any other, and a giant lightning bolt shot out of the cloud and towards Meadowville, it hit the ground in a deafening thunder and a blinding flash of light.

A second later a greenish glow enveloped the cloud, and dispelled it, letting the sun shine brightly once more.

"What was that!?" cried one of the pegasi when he saw the cloud disappear.

"Everyone! Look!" said one of the pegasi that had been flying around the cloud.

"What? Impossible!" said Thunderstorm, as he clearly could see that everything seemed fine as the smoke started to clear.

"Looks like we got here just in time."

Majesty now stood in the middle of the town's plaza, surrounded by the people of Meadowville, as well as Indabor and Wooden Spoke. Her horn was glowing brightly as a magical shield bubble now covered the entirety of Meadowville. On each side of the white unicorn stood the Weather Witch and Firefly, and little Spike giggling happily from her back.

"The cloud is gone." The Weather Witch was using one hand to hold onto her broom to help herself stand up, the other hand held her wand high up, it glowed the same color as the magical spell that had dissipated the giant cloud. Majesty quickly undid the magical bubble shield when it was clear that the danger had been averted.

"Look! Over there! It's Firefly!" cried one of the pegasi in the circle that had been flying around the cloud.

"Firefly? What is she doing there?" yelled another pegasus.

"Firefly! What are you doing? Stop that unicorn at once!" ordered Thunderstorm angrily.

"No!" said Firefly, looking up at her fellow herdmates, "What we are doing here isn't right! Why don't we cooperate with these humans? We would have to learn how to harvest from scratch if we take over their lands! Who knows how long it would take for us to do it properly?! But if we help them with the weather, alongside the human's farming knowledge, we can help them produce double their usual crops! That surplus would be able to sustain us and we wouldn’t be starving while we learn from them! We would all benefit from that arrangement."

Some of the pegasi flying above Meadowville looked at each other, Firefly did make a very compelling argument.

"This again, Firefly? You keep forgetting one very simple detail... THEY ARE HUMANS!" Thunderstorm flew around, addressing his own pegasi, "They might give us something in exchange for helping them at first, but then they will demand more! We will be forced to give them more and more, and finally they will enslave us again! Humans are cruel and selfish, they cannot be trusted! We escaped Redwall to be free of them!"

The pegasi of the herd looked at Thunderstorm and nodded, looking more determined now.

Firefly flew up, "I admit that there are cruel humans! They killed us without a second thought, like we were nothing but animals to them! But that doesn't mean ALL of them are like that! Don’t any of you remember the Liberatas Penna during the uprising at Redwall? Some humans knew that the way we were being treated was wrong! How many of you were actually released by humans?"

Some of the pegasi looked at each other again in doubt.

"Don't you see what is going on here?” Thunderstorm yelled again. “The humans WANT us to doubt each other! They WANT to divide us! That's why they did it! it was all a ruse to lower our guard and make us all slaves again! That's all it ever was!"

Firefly looked at Thunderstorm, "A human freed me! The only human I ever called a friend turned her back on her own family because she knew that giving the pegasi their freedom was the right thing to do! She DIED so I could be free!" she turned to look at the other pegasi, "Look at us! What have we done with our freedom? We are becoming the very thing that we fought against! Do you really want to become the type of beings who would kill others for the sole reason that they aren’t our kind?! Please, I beg you, if just a little part of you believes that we can live in peace with the humans, please, don't do this."

"I've heard enough!" Thunderstorm kicked Firefly on the back of the head, taking the mare by surprise and knocking her out. The pink mare started to fall down.

"Firefly!" said the Weather Witch.

"I got her!" said Majesty as she caught her in a levitation spell before she hit the ground, placing her down gently.

The pegasi looked at Thunderstorm in a mixture of confusion and fear, others looked at Thunderstorm in a neutral manner.

"Firefly, you have betrayed the herd and will share the fate of the humans!!” Thunderstorm turned to look at the pegasi. “If anyone else wants to join her, I will take care of any other traitor myself! Those who are still loyal to the true chosen of the skies, ATTACK! Kill them all!"

Some pegasi flew down in a dive towards Meadowville out of loyalty to Thunderstorm, others did it out of fear.

"Whirlwind!" the Weather Witch waved her wand at the incoming pegasi, creating a sudden strong gust of wind which threw them into disarray.

"Wooden Spoke, Indabor, take everyone into the houses! I'll cast a magic shield over each one to keep them safe!" said Majesty to the Earth Pony and his human partner.

"You can count on us," said Indabor.

"It's as good as done!" said Wooden Spoke.

"Okay everyone, you heard the unicorn, into the houses! Go, go, go!" said Indabor, he ran along with them as everyone was getting into their houses.

Wooden Spoke did the same, taking a second in order for Majesty to set Spike on his back and to pick up Firefly's unconscious body before running along with the other half of Meadowville into one of the houses.

The pegasi recovered from the wind caused by the Weather Witch, and flew towards the fleeing people of Meadowville. They reached them just as the last person was safely inside the house, and Majesty conjured up magical shield bubbles around each house. The pegasi hit the magical shields, but they wouldn't budge.

Thunderstorm watched the other pegasi were kicking the magical shields around the house with no effect whatsoever. He then turned to look at Majesty and the Weather Witch who stood side by side, looking back defiantly.

"Everyone, on me!" ordered Thunderstorm. The pegasi obeyed immediately, and all of them flew towards him and placed themselves behind and to the sides of Thunderstorm, flying in perfect synchronized formation.

"Are we really going to do this?" the Weather Witch asked, holding her broom tightly, and struggling to stay on her feet.

"You mean fighting almost fifty pegasi while you are still injured from before and I'm casting up several simultaneous magic shields at once and more than likely die?" replied Majesty. Her horn glowed as she concentrated to keep up the magic shields around every house in Meadowville.

"Yes, pretty much," said the Weather Witch, smiling at Majesty through the bruises. "But I'm glad I don't have to do it alone."

"I'm glad too," replied Majesty, smiling back, her horn glowing and brow wet with sweat.

"Destroy them!" Thunderstorm pointed a hoof at the duo standing in front of him and his herd.

= 'I May Fall' - RWBY =

The pegasi dived at high speed towards the unicorn and the witch. Majesty teleported out of the way, and the Weather Witch jumped on her broom and flew away with the pegasi following close behind.

Majesty reappeared on the ground right behind the pegasi following the Weather Witch. She twirled her horn and hit one of the pegasi with a magical beam. The pony screamed in pain and fell down on the ground with a loud thud. Majesty was using up a lot of power maintaining the magical bubbles for the magical beam to be lethal. The pegasi was in pain from the fall and broke one of his wings, but he would live.

They repeated this a few times. The Weather Witch kept on flying in different patterns as fast as her broom could go with the pegasi after her, then Majesty teleported behind them and knocked one of them out with a magical beam. Ten of the pegasi were struck down in this manner in just less than a minute.

"They’re picking you off one by one!" called out Thunderstorm. "Some of you, concentrate your attacks on the unicorn! The rest get that witch!"

The pegasi quickly obeyed, with thirty or so pegasi turning towards Majesty and the remaining ten kept behind the Weather Witch. The pegasi dove towards Majesty in waves, but she just kept teleporting out of the way again and again.

"You guys never fought a unicorn before, haven't you?" said Majesty as she teleported out of the way of yet another pegasi.

"Tornado formation! Now!" ordered Thunderstorm to the pegasi attacking Majesty.

The pegasi nodded and started flying in a tight circle right above Majesty, then they started going faster and faster. She tried to shoot at them but they were going too fast for her to aim properly. They soon created a tornado, and began flying towards her. She teleported away, but the pegasi quickly corrected the direction of the tornado and went after her.

"Okay, everyone STOP!" A giant magical flash emerged from Majesty, and the thirty or so pegasi forming the tornado were encompassed by it. They were paralyzed in mid air, surrounded by an eerie magical glow like Majesty's horn. With no pony to create it, the tornado dissipated a second later.

The other pegasi were close to getting the Weather Witch, she kept flying and waving her wand towards them. A gust of freezing cold wind blew them away from her, and made them fall to the ground. Many of them had some part of their body covered with ice, some a hoof, others a wing.

Majesty strained keeping all the shield bubbles and now about thirty strong pegasi paralyzed in midair. She suddenly dispelled the paralyzing spell. The pegasi, surprised by their sudden ability to move and that just a second later were straining against the magic holding them still, fell in disarray as they flew in every direction. Some of them crashed down on the ground, others crashed with each other.

Some of the pegasi took off flying again, as did the ones following the witch that didn't have their wings covered in ice. Majesty started shooting magical beams into the flying crowd of ponies, hitting some while others successfully avoided her. The Weather Witch hoovered in place with her broom, and waved her wand, shooting gusts of winds at the different pegasi approaching her.

Both of Meadowville’s defenders were breathing heavily, but their attackers were now in disarray, while some were injured on the ground and out of the fight. The pegasi were now in the defensive.

"My Alpha, we cannot win this," said an orange pegasus stallion. His body covered in dirty from crash landing, half his side covered in ice from the Weather Witch's attack, he was barely able to fly as he approached Thunderstorm, "We need to retreat and come back with reinforcements."

“Retreat?! Never!” Thunderstorm turned to look at the orange stallion with fury. "Look at them! They can't keep this much longer! We almost have them!"

Just then another pegasus was shot down by Majesty's magical beam, and fell down hard on the ground. He tried to get up but he was too badly injured to do so, he collapsed once more on the ground, unconscious.

"Our herd can't keep this up, my Alpha!" exclaimed the orange stallion, "Staying here is too dangerous, we need to treat our injured..."

"There will be no retreat!" said Thunderstorm as he slapped the orange stallion with a wing. "Those two fall here and now! We fight to the last pegasi!"

"I'm not going to do this. This isn't worth dying for." The stallion rubbed his face with a hoof where Thunderstorm had slapped him.

Even more pegasi were retreating, some were dragging the pegasi that were too injured to move, or unconscious, most of them had been taken down by Majesty. Only a handful of pegasi still remained in the fight, and were all too busy dodging Majesty attack to get close, and when they did get close the Weather Witch would use her wand to conjure up a gust of wind to push them back.

Thunderstorm looked at the Weather Witch, then at Majesty as the unicorn was able to hit yet another pegasi with a magic beam from her horn, he looked at them with absolute rage in his eyes.

"Damn it! DAMN IT!" Thunderstorm flew towards Majesty as fast as he could from her blind spot at her back. She was too distracted to notice him.

"Majesty! Watch out!" the Weather Witch screamed as she flew towards Majesty and safely pushed her out of the way of Thunderstorm.

“DIE!” Thunderstorm yelled, hitting the Weather Witch instead of Majesty.

"ARGH!" The Weather Witch screamed in pain as the pegasus hit her at full speed.

The witch flew off her broom and bounced hard off the ground hard until she finally came to a complete stop. She lay limp and still on the ground, her broom and wand thrown from her grip into the dust.

“Stupid human witch, serves her right!” said Thunderstorm as he looked at the Weather Witch's body lying in the dirt.

Majesty quickly recovered and got up from where she had landed, from being pushed away by the Weather Witch. She turned to see her friend lying on the ground

"No!" she disappeared in a flash and reappeared right next to her body, "Weather Witch?"

Majesty shook her a little with a hoof, nothing happened.

"Weather Witch!" Majesty shook her a little harder, still nothing happened.

"SIREILA! Please say something!" Majesty cried out the Weather Witch's name, tears in her eyes, but she remained still.

"One down, one to go," said Thunderstorm as he walked confidently towards Majesty, flexing his wings.

Majesty turned around to look at Thunderstorm, her expression one of absolute fury and sorrow.

"You'll pay for all this you... YOU MONSTER!"

Majesty let loose a giant magical beam, but Thunderstorm flew out of the way. The spell hit the ground, leaving a scorching hole where Thunderstorm had just stood.

The magical shield bubbles disappeared, but Majesty didn't even realize it. She was too focused on Thunderstorm. Luckily for the people of Meadowville most pegasi were now in no condition to fight, or do them any harm, and none of them wanted to at this point.

Majesty tried to shoot Thunderstorm again and again, but the pegasus stallion was too fast and easily dodged the attacks.

"You think you can defeat me as easily as the rest? I'm no ordinary pegasi! I have seen every attack you have done since this started! You move your neck a certain way right before you fire your magic attack, allowing me to read your every move! Dodging your pathetic attempts is easy!

"I'm a seasoned expert! I have tuned my senses and weather control abilities to be the best there is! I can control every inch of air around me with! I can condense the air around my wings into ice and use it to attack you from a distance!"

Thunderstorm flexed his wings, creating icicles on the tips of his feathers and shooting them at Majesty. She disappeared in a flash of light.

Thunderstorm smiled and turned a little to the side and shot his icicles again at the empty space where Majesty rematerialized. Surprised at the attack, she teleported out again in a flash. Thunderstorm turned again and again seemed to fire to an empty space where Majesty was teleporting to, again she teleported out, and again Thunderstorm rightfully guessed where she was going to reappear.

"I can feel every vibration in the air! When you cast your teleport spell, the electric charges in the air changes all around the spot you are going to materialize right before you do so. Impossible to perceive by a common pony, but not by someone that controls the weather as if it were a part of him, like a hoof or a wing!" said Thunderstorm, his icicle attacks were getting closer and closer from hitting Majesty who was now doing nothing but teleporting out of the way all the time.

"You really thought you could defeat me?!" said Thunderstorm as he kept shooting icicles at Majesty, the unicorn barely teleporting out of the way in time, "I am the master of weather! I'm the clouds! I'm the winds! I'm the rain! I am the chosen of the skies! I AM THE SKIES!"

Majesty had to do something different, and fast. As she reappeared after teleporting, Thunderstorm had already fired the icicles that were just about to hit her when suddenly Majesty cast a spell on herself, and instead of teleporting out of the way of the icicles, she ran, in an incredible speed that made her too hard to follow with the naked eye. Centuries later, expert unicorn magicians would actually recreate that spell and name it 'Accelero'.

"What!? What is this!?" Thunderstorm tried to hit Majesty but she was running as fast as the fastest pegasi moved around flying, he couldn't even aim at her.

Suddenly Majesty came to a complete stop and stood there looking at Thunderstorm with a neutral expression. "Let's see you dodge this!"

Thunderstorm produced even more and larger icicles, and flexed his wings ready to shoot them at Majesty. Suddenly ANOTHER Majesty jumped on his back, and a surprised Thunderstorm could do nothing as he and the second Majesty fell down on the ground. He yelled in pain as one of his wings broke from the impact like the icicles clinging to his feathers. The two Majesties merged back into one before the duplicate that had attacked Thunderstorm hit the ground, safely standing unharmed in front of the fallen pegasus. Centuries later, expert unicorns would recreate Majesty's spell and name it 'Similo Duplexis'.

"Look at you, not so high and mighty now, are you?" said Majesty as she kicked Thunderstorm, hard, as he was struggling to get up.

The pegasus rolled around on the ground from the kick.

"You thought you could do anything you want, didn't you? But this ends here!”

Majesty approached Thunderstorm's body as the pegasus struggled to get up. She kicked him again, he rolled on the ground a little, but this time she grabbed him with her magic as he tried to get up.

Her horn glowed as she lifted Thunderstorm off the ground, holding him in midair, unable to move at all. She made him float closer to her so she could look him right in the eyes. The pegasus looked back at Majesty in complete horror.

“You are a disgrace to ponies everywhere. You claim to care for your herd, but you treat them more as servants than family! You threaten others to obey you to make yourself feel important, and say you do it for their own good! And for all your talk of escaping the hatred you suffered, you just inflict your own hatred on others!

“I never dreamed I’d find something more disgusting than the witches who killed my herd, but I was wrong. They were born and bred to think evil was a virtue, and at least they knew that they were monsters! But you? You don’t even have the courage to admit that you just want to hurt more humans because some humans hurt you!”

Majesty cut off his rant with her magic.

"Remember when you said you were going to tear Spike limb from limb?"

Thunderstorm felt Majesty’s magic begin to pull on his hooves and wings. The pegasus opened his eyes in a silent scream as her hold wouldn't even allow him to give voice to the pain. He could only float there and feel his limbs stretching and joints begin to fail.

"Majesty... no..." came a weak voice from the side.

Majesty stopped pulling on Thunderstorm's limbs, but kept ahold of him with her magic. She turned to the Weather Witch standing a few feet from her, barely standing with both hands leaning on her broom for support. Majesty looked both stunned and happy that she was alive.

The Weather Witch slowly approached Majesty, "Don't do it... Don't kill him."

"...What?" exclaimed the unicorn. "This has to end here! He needs to die!"

"Look at him... Majesty... look around."

Majesty did so, and saw the pegasi that had followed Thunderstorm looking at him in contempt, others just looked away in shame. Majesty saw Firefly walk out of one of the houses, a bruise on her head but okay otherwise. The pink mare looked at Majesty and shook her head.

"He is defeated... his own people no longer believe in him," said the Weather Witch, "He can't hurt anyone anymore."

"But... he hurt and killed so many... he was going to kill everyone in this town... he was going to kill Spike... he was going to kill me.... he was going to kill YOU!" said Majesty to the Weather Witch.

"And you stopped him," replied the Weather Witch, "Killing him now achieves nothing. He will never be a threat again. Don't kill him, you... you are better than that. You're better than him."

Majesty clenched her teeth and looked back at Thunderstorm, he looked so defeated, so helpless and pathetic now. She saw nothing but fear in his eyes.

Then she looked around at everyone, Rhubed, the other people of Meadowville, the pegasi, Firefly, Wooden Spoke, Indabor. Even little Spike. Some were looking at Majesty with concern, others were shaking their heads, and some of them, some of the children of the town, were looking at her in fear.

"You're right... I'm... I'm not a savage... I'm... I'm better than this," said Majesty, her horn stopped glowing and Thunderstorm was free from her hold. The pegasus fell down on the ground, and slowly got up, he had bruises on his face where Majesty had hit him.

Queen Majesty finished trapping the protesting ponies in paintings, painting over their mouths. Turning ponies who rejected her authority into trees. Turning witches who had already abandoned Lilith's clan into bubbles. All with a stern look on her face. A horrid stranger with her face.

"Go away, Thunderstorm," she said to the pegasus, "Afterall, I owe you. If I hadn't met you, I might have become you."

Thunderstorm looked at his pegasi, he saw how they either looked at him in contempt, or wouldn't even look at him. Firefly also looked away from him.

"I... I won't forget this," said Thunderstorm with what little intimidation he believed he still had.

"I certainly hope so," replied Majesty in contempt.

Thunderstorm clenched his teeth, and then turned around and galloped away. Everyone watched him silently run until he was nothing but a speck in the distance.

"I knew you could do it," said the Weather Witch to Majesty. Then she collapsed.

"Sireila!" cried out Majesty as she quickly grabbed the Weather Witch in her magic before she hit the ground, "Help! Help please!"


Two men carried the body of the Weather Witch inside the house the town had lend her, followed by Rhubed and also Majesty.

They placed her on her bed where Rhubed looked at the Weather Witch’s injuries. He turned to look at the two men and Majesty.

"Please, leave us." The two men nodded and walked out of the cabin, but Majesty stayed. “You too little pony.”

"Please... let me stay... I'll stay out of the way," said Majesty pleadingly.

Rhubed nodded, he produced a couple of what looked like small berries from one of his pockets. He held them with one hand and squeezed them, producing a translucent goo. He rubbed the goo over the Weather Witch's wounds on her face, her sides and her shoulder. He then produced a small vial from another pocket, filled with a green liquid. He opened the vial and held it over the Weather Witch's mouth, pouring it inside, he moved her head to make her swallow it.

"Will she be okay?" asked Majesty in worry.

"There's nothing more we can do," replied Rhubed. "Now all is left is to wait and see."

Rhubed walked away from the Weather Witch. Majesty moved in closer to her, and the town's elder placed a hand on her back supportively

"Please, please be okay," said Majesty pleadingly, "I'm so sorry about everything. I was wrong. I thought you were evil because you were a witch... and because of that you got hurt... and then you saved me... and now... now... please be okay... if you... if you die..." Majesty closed her eyes and turned her head away, "I... I would never forgive myself."

"Don't cry... little pony." came the Weather Witch's voice, weakly.

"Huh?" Majesty looked up. The Weather Witch was awake and smiling up at Majesty. "Sireila! You're okay!"

Rhubed smiled, and walked out of the cabin to spread word that the Weather Witch is okay, leaving Majesty and Sireila alone. They could hear the people of Meadowville cheering in joy outside.

Majesty nuzzled the Weather Witch, "Weather Wit... Sireila, I'm so glad you're okay."

The Weather Witch smiled weakly, "I'm glad I changed your feelings towards witches."

Majesty looked embarrassed, "About how I treated you when we met... I'm..."

"I know, you're sorry," said Sireila. "Challenge your preconceptions, or they will challenge you."


"My first magic teacher told me that," explained Sireila. "At first I thought he meant our preconceptions of magic, to try and think outside of them to discover new spells. But as time went on, I discovered that is something that one must apply to all aspects of life. And of others as well."

Majesty looked seriously at the Sireila, then looked serious and nodded, "It's good advice. I'll keep it in mind."

"Good to hear," replied the Weather Witch. "Now, if you don't mind... it's been a really long day and I really feel like just laying down and rest quietly for a while."

"Sure, I'll leave you alone." The unicorn turned to the door.

"And Majesty," called out before the unicorn walked out, "Thank you."

"No," replied Majesty, "Thank you, Sireila,"

Majesty closed the door behind her, letting her friend rest.


A few days later...

The people of Meadowville were happily working their fields, every crop now a healthy green. The trees were also green and lush, and so was the grass. A mother and her child were busy filling up a wooden bucket of water using the town's well. Some pegasi were flying happily around the town, others were pushing some clouds around, some pegasi were talking with the townsfolk, others were looking at them work the fields, asking questions about it, while others were helping plow the fields as some farmer from Meadowville helped them and explained how to do it properly.

Wooden Spoke was heading out of town, pulling an empty wooden cart. A completely recovered Indabor was walking next to him. Majesty was also with them, carrying a sleeping Spike on her back.

"Hey, Majesty! Leaving without saying goodbye?" came a voice from behind them.
They stopped and turned around, Sireila was walking towards them with Firefly. The Weather Witch still had bandages on her head, and one arm in a sling. She was walking with a little limp, and was leaning on Firefly with her good arm to help her walk at regular speed.

"We'll let you talk, meet us right over at the town's entrance," said Indabor at Majesty. Majesty nodded and walked over to the Weather Witch and Firefly as Wooden Spoke and Indabor kept on going.

"Rhubed said you were still recovering? Should you be out of bed yet?" asked Majesty.

"I'm fine, I couldn't just stay another day lying in bed. I'll go crazy." replied Sireila.

"So, you're going then?" asked Firefly.

"Yes," replied Majesty, "I still need to find someone to teach me to read and write. I was just waiting for Indabor to recover completely. He and Wooden Spoke have offered to walk with me to the nearest city, since it's on their way back anyway."

"Lucky you," said the Weather Witch, "I have another week of recovery, at least, before I can even think about leaving. But at least I have a first hand opportunity to see pegasi manipulating the weather. Too bad all the notes I'm taking are barely legible because of this arm sling," she said that last part smiling. Majesty and Firefly giggled.

"How about you Firefly?" asked Majesty, "I heard some of the other pegasi talking about staying in Meadowville."

"Yes, some of them are," replied Firefly, "But this isn't for me. Maybe I'll settle someplace, someday. But as soon as we finish stabilizing the weather after undoing the drought, I'm going to go out and see the world." 'And this time, I know Aeliana is smiling again,' Firefly thought to herself. The dreams she kept having told her as much.

"Well, then, I guess this is goodbye for now," said Majesty at Firefly, who nodded back, then she looked at the Weather Witch.

"Till we meet again, my friend." Sireila waved at Majesty.

"Till we meet again, my friend," replied Majesty.

The unicorn then turned around and walked away, towards the entrance of the town where Indabor and Wooden Spoke were waiting for her. That night, she had a dream like Firefly's, except this had her part of a great herd, larger than her birth one, and a small colt along side her. Majesty smiled, knowing she'd see her friends again someday.

Because they're My Little Ponies
They're happy and gay
They wave to their friends as they pass on their way
With a clippety clop and a hip hip hurray
I'm so happy with My Little Ponies
So happy with My Little Ponies

My Little Ponies
My Little Ponies
My Little Ponies
My Little Ponies
My Little Ponies

Author's Note:

The most important decision in Majesty's life awaits her. This is the final chapter that Persona22 has written for the Majesty Saga. It may be a 'long long time' before Persona22 ever writes another. We shall see Majesty again.

Goodbye for now, and thank you!

Written by Persona22, with additional writing and edited by Wolfram-and-Hart and Alex Warlorn. Grammar edits by docontra.

Origin story of Queen Majesty, ruler of Ponyland over three thousands of years before Celestia was born. And Majesty faces her greatest ordeal yet.

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Set in the pony POV Universe. The origin of Queen Majesty the Unicorn of Ponyland. Where did she come from? Who was she? What was her connection to the first Spike? To the ancestors of the mane six and others? How does she connect to Celestia's bloodline? What legacies did she put in motion that still exist today after pony civilization has had to start over twice?


Next Chapter:

First Chapter: alexwarlorn.deviantart.com/art…

Cover art by Skypinpony

End lyrics from "Seven Songs and A Story".