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Ice Star

đź–¤ i eat children đź–¤


Princess Luna goes on a date with Twilight Sparkle, but something isn't right and Twilight isn't sure what's bothering the other mare.

After all, hadn't everything been perfect?

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Chapters (1)
Comments ( 33 )

Always like me some TwiLuna action.

That was certainly enjoyable, if a bit sad.

I can understand this. Being forced to interact with a lot of people can freak me out too.

luna sound like me in this story,

If this is a TwiLina fimfic... Why the hell has the TwiLestia tag too? .-.

7431543 Celestia appears in this story as well, there isn't any Twilestia.

7432450 That's what i supposed, man. and why someone put it as twilestia? that's my question

7432996 I don't recall putting in in any Twilestia group. Who did?


This is kinda the inverse of that, though...

ooo, Celestia seems to be playing matchmaker.

Although, I unfortunately did bump into another pony. All I saw through the glasses' tint were a few basic features: a unicorn stallion with a white coat, green eyes, and three aces for a cutie mark. His eyes almost looked terrified when I accidentally collided with him, but I didn't stay around to see before I added a quick apology and decided to teleport instead.

Oh, hello Sombra! Fancy seeing you here.

.....Part of me sympathizes with Luna because I'm like that in some ways, but I also have a hard time believing it from her due to her backstory. I really can't recognize the mare that became Nightmare Moon, in any version, as a pony content with solitude.

8048565 Oh? What exactly is so strange about her desire to be alone?

Its not the desire to be alone, its who its coming from. Regardless if Luna was Nightmare plain and simple or if Nightmare was a possession thing, Luna became Nightmare over a lack of ponies appreciating her and the night, along with seeming to love her sister and the day. A pony that doesn't mind being alone wouldn't have been as bothered by that, nevermind one that ENJOYS being alone.

8048633 The story of NMM and who and what she is in relation to Luna isn't that simple in the AU these stories occur in, but Solitary/Loner Luna isn't an uncommon trait/interpretation given to her.

A. Granted, I haven't read really anything of this AU. B. While true, its usually treated as a sad issue to deal with and overcome, not a misunderstood personality trait.

8048663 That's understandable, but all that was known of Luna/NMM in terms of history came from a story book - not something that is likely to be taken to literally in terms of what might have actually happened, yes? And indeed isolated/reclusive/solitary Luna is usually treated as if it is something that should be changed instead of just her nature. Usually.

Not particularly! It's just about someone who was pressured into going on a date with someone they didn't have any connection with beyond being aquatinted vaguely, and why they hated it.

A little character piece of mine.

Though, there's also the fact that it's never said if Luna and Twilight are even orientation compatible, and how this is something that you shouldn't do to anyone ever.

There needs to be another chapter here. All I read was Twilight having a bad time, Luna heing sent out to cheer her up and hopefully make a friend, Luna being rude as all hell by not paying attention when someone else is speaking, Luna throwing a tantrum and running off, then secluding herself away from everyone else and claiming that not only does she want to be left alone, but that she enjoys her solitude and will get around to making friends when and if she chooses to. All the while an emotionally fragile Twilight is freaking out that she did something to hurt or upset the princes.

Wow, grow up Luna, the world doesn't revolve around you. Sometimes you have to do things you'd rather not but it's called being considerate of othes. Now go out there and reasure Twilight that she did nothing wrong and that you're just not very social as others.

I don't think you have misread the story any more than you have.

There doesn't need to be another chapter, but there's a similar and somewhat related story here, if that looks like it's to your liking.

Luna was the one that had the real bad time in all of this, and I'm not sure how you missed that in a story that's narrated by her. Both the context in the story and the author's note set this shortly after 'Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?' where Luna clearly does magical self-harm, and she's barely post that. She's emotionally fragile and much of her is still mentally unwell. Twilight and Celestia did anything but help this, even if it wasn't intentionally.

Luna certainly and clearly did not go there to make a friend and cheer Twilight, who she has little experience with beyond flinging out the most banal and generic description of her being 'nice' out there, but solidly expressing little interest in her, friend-wise. Twilight is literally seeking a rebound girl, and I'm not sure how you missed Celestia even admitting she worked behind Luna's back with Twilight to arrange them to go on a date. Yes, a romantic date. Luna's internal dialogue nearly screams that she doesn't want this at all, and that she has zero romantic interest in Twilight Sparkle, but is essentially guilt tripped into going on a date she has no desire to. There's also the matter of Luna showing zero signs of any remote attraction or anything to Twilight, and her utter absence of any romantic thoughts is pretty clear that she is a) 100% not interested and b) possibly even orientation incompatible and is too afraid to speak up, yet because of how abruptly she was shoehorned into this, her discomfort at being pressured to go on a hastily organized rebound date with somepony she doesn't have any interest in and is orientation incompatible with makes for an experience of horrifying discomfort. The 'romance' in this story is on Twilight's part only, because she clearly has some kind of a crush on Luna, even if it isn't a very deep one.

Throughout the entire thing, Luna clearly tries, but struggles to pay attention to what Twilight is saying, even if she admits she doesn't care to herself, because she's at least trying to be platonically nice to somepony she knows. Both internally and externally, she's showing very obvious signs of panic, paranoia, and discomfort that either go over Twilight's head when they're right in front of her or she turns Luna's discomfort into a literal guessing game if she has phobias instead of asking if she needs to go somewhere where she feels safe, or if she feels safe at all. Instead, Twilight sits by at plops her feelings about a breakup onto Luna and yammers on until Luna's stress and discomfort eventually lead to her having a panic attack that you've brushed off as a 'tantrum'. At the end of the story, Luna finally tries to do what does make her happy. Twilight isn't the emotionally fragile one here, but the emotionally oblivious one. She may have been going through a breakup, but it's also one in what is almost a routine for her: it's on again and off again, and she's already arranging dates shortly after the fact. There's a very cold angle to all those things. While what Twilight is going through is natural, and could be supported with friends and family, Luna is experiencing something much more traumatic that can't just disappear so. Twilight tells Celestia what happened, as someone responsible should, but she also isn't 'freaking out' as you said. She just looked sad and confused. These two, Twilight and Luna, have such a fundamental inability to understand one another.

Wow, grow up Luna, the world doesn't revolve around you. Sometimes you have to do things you'd rather not but it's called being considerate of othes. Now go out there and reasure Twilight that she did nothing wrong and that you're just not very social as others.

Luna actually ended up doing exactly what she didn't want to do, and while it was, like, 80% out of being guilt-tripped, she did at least want to offer a bit of a 'hey, are you okay?' all while going through terrible mental torment. She did the most unselfish thing, and got horribly hurt because of it. Never once does she imply that the world revolves around her or any selfish desire, but she's clearly not getting the right amount of respect in these kinds of situations, and all her protests were cut off by the other two at various points in the story. It's almost humorous that you'd suggest Luna is the one being inconsiderate when she does the most considerate thing she can, even though it's hurting her.

She doesn't owe Twilight anything, especially reassurance. If anyone did anything wrong in this story, a simple drama and not a grand tale of good and evil or anything with a protagonist/antagonist scale, it was Twilight. She couldn't even ask for a date face to face, too, and instead had it arranged in a very backhanded way. When Luna was scared or behaving oddly, she didn't act with reassurance or anything to ease Luna's struggle and discomfort. She didn't take recent experiences or how asocial was into consideration, either because she brought Luna out smack in a public place where someone who has gone through what Luna has (outed, though obviously not super nationally, as someone with depression and self-harming behavior) would not react well. She didn't even attempt to learn if Luna had romantic interest in her. Just because Twilight isn't cackling, mean, or acting in any overtly negative or seemingly problematic way doesn't mean that she wasn't the one in the wrong or that she hurt somepony very deeply.

Yes, Luna could have refused if she was in less mental turmoil, but she clearly felt (and outside of her own bias, was) forced into a situation that's not acceptable to put anyone in. Now, that's inconsiderate.

If this is as you said, the you seriously need to put an AU tag on this because everyone is acting so OOC that they're hardly recognizeable out side of their physical description. You don't have to like my opinion, and I doubt you will.

There isn't anything in here that's out of character. It's a drama of flaws and faults, and while that may not align with how you see the characters that doesn't make anything in here out of character. While many things happen in the story with good intentions on some parts (Celestia does want to help Luna even if she wasn't very good at it and didn't know what Luna needed) and Twilight wasn't perfect, that wouldn't be out of character or require and alternate universe tag. I do know what to tag my stories, but I don't know how you came to the conclusion you did reading this when it is a story that's not so nuanced that you need to think extra deeply about its content. There's little that makes the characters particularly unrecognizable.

Yes, I've read the description. Yes, I've read some (not all) comments and discussions concerning what I'm about to bring up.
The story revolves around a serious topic and is handled well. There's obviously a 'but' implied, strongly implied. I think that... the 'romance'-tag is misleading. Especially since it's written from Lunas point of view, there's not a single, teensy-tiny hint of romance in this. Yes, Twilight might have feelings - but even that isn't said outright. And to be honest, after reading - it doesn't feel like she's romantically interested in Luna, too.
While I don't agree with this being a romance story, I would tag this thing 'sad', or something similar. As dlazerous pointed out - Luna's having a bad time, Tia's having a bad time, Twilight's having a bad time - hell, even Rarity is probably having a bad time. And as an unavoidable result of this: I'm having a bad time.
That's not anything inherently bad. This story obviously doesn't strive to be cheery. But readers going into this should know what they have to expect. I'm trying to hammer this point as much as I do for a simple reason. My activity on this site isn't continuous. I just recently started reading again, after more than a year of just lurking and collecting stories in my 'read later'-list. And that was a good year. MLP is my safe haven. My retreat. I come here to read stories to feel good. To feel accompanied. To feel something. Because I'm miserable. Not 'having to read' that last year was a blessing. But I'm here again, for reasons.
As with almost all stories in my 'read later'-shelf, I expected - hoped - for something cheerful. I got downed, hard. And I think there might be readers out there who, for whatever reasons, get hit even harder by stuff like this.
So while the story itself is good and all, I hope you can reconsider the tags you used for it.

Thank you. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the comment! I debated the tags on this one before posting it, back when I wrote it, and I feel that the tags describe it well, but it's the description that gives away that this isn't a story of cheery things... and at the same time, it's not all sad, either. The romance tag is for the situation - a date is being set up - and because Twilight does in fact have feelings for Luna. They're probably not the deepest feelings, but they're still feelings of attraction.

The only time I revoke the romance tag outright is if the relationship in question is abusive/rape/mind-control based/anything similar, since there's no romance in any of those. However, the usage of the drama tag is fine - drama is about feelings, and this story is certainly about feelings. It's not a tear-fest, even if it's sad. Certainly not all drama is happy, and the range of emotions in drama stories varies. This is something that is made of everyday errors. Luna isn't going to love Twilight, and that's okay. Twilight had a bad day, that happens. Celestia doesn't understand Luna in this, and thought she was doing everypony a favor. It happens.

But thank you for reading.

Yeah. I feel nothing for Luna here. If I was meant to feel something, it failed miserably. Unless of course that was the plan, and I'm meant to want her to be knocked around a few times.

That worked. If not, then yeah. You make it impossible to like Luna, or even try and see it from her perspective. And I agree that the whole idea for her and Twilight in the chapter was a very dumb idea.

I still love the story. Just thought I'd get that out.


Yeah. I feel nothing for Luna here. If I was meant to feel something, it failed miserably. Unless of course that was the plan, and I'm meant to want her to be knocked around a few times.

That worked. If not, then yeah. You make it impossible to like Luna, or even try and see it from her perspective.

I'm genuinely not sure how you came to this conclusion; especially since she was guilt-tripped into a date with someone she felt no attraction to while in a vulnerable emotional state post-Tantabus.

I don't want to hear how much about how much I owned Twilight Sparkle,

*owed Twilight

I simply prefer it this way, and every time I try to sompony else this,

*try to tell somepony else

Hmm. This was an interesting story. I really felt for Luna in this one. Along with her being post-Tantabus and clearly needing alone time to recover from that turmoil and feel safe, I got the vibe that she was either straight or aromantic/asexual on top of clearly not being into Twilight. Celestia forcing to Luna to socialize—as well as setting her up as Twilight's rebound—honestly seems in character for me, given the rift between them demonstrated in the show at times. It certainly wasn't happy to read about, but I don't get the comments that complain about the characterization. I think the Romance tag works okay, both as a descriptor, and as a subversive gut-punch. I went into this expecting TwiLuna, and got a deep dive into Luna's mind instead—which isn't a bad thing.

All in all, I want to hug the sad goth horse, per usual. Faved. :twilightsmile:


And here I thought the revised version caught everything.

Hmm. This was an interesting story. I really felt for Luna in this one. Along with her being post-Tantabus and clearly needing alone time to recover from that turmoil and feel safe, I got the vibe that she was either straight or aromantic/asexual on top of clearly not being into Twilight. Celestia forcing to Luna to socialize—as well as setting her up as Twilight's rebound—honestly seems in character for me, given the rift between them demonstrated in the show at times.

You seem to be in the minority here. Most people did not pick up that Luna didn't even comprehend the idea of being attractive to Twilight or possess any indicators she was a lesbian. Not to mention, she's backed into a corner to go into this situation and it leads to her having a panic attack in a f/f "nice guy" situation of thinking she has to owe somepony romance. None of those things are very cash money.

It certainly wasn't happy to read about, but I don't get the comments that complain about the characterization.

It's a story about e-rated more-or-less gaslighting and magical canonical self-harm aftermath. I feel that the only people who were angry at Luna were denied shippers or people who were thrown off by flaws in the previous version. The latter I can understand.

I think the Romance tag works okay, both as a descriptor, and as a subversive gut-punch. I went into this expecting TwiLuna, and got a deep dive into Luna's mind instead—which isn't a bad thing.

I mean, the description is meant to give away things that aren't in ship-shape. The drama tag is there. Not to mention everything above. Twilight has misguided/unrequited romantic feelings, which is enough for a romance tag.

All in all, I want to hug the sad goth horse, per usual. Faved.

Thank you for such poggers feedback, gamer.

Unlike the author I don't eat children; my usual diet is mostly TwiLuna and full grain.
So this story was certainly not written for me and somewhat painful to read. But I did. Twice even.

Luna's characterization is in line with her depiction in the early show including the Tantabus incident.
Twilight is very twilight as well, painfully so when it comes to her talent to overlook/ignore the obvious.
Can't really see how other commenters could interpret any of this as badly OOC; then again, it's the same picture in many comment sections, practically every time a popular ship fails because the author clearly focused on the wrong character traits. How dare they mention the thing that can ruin it all!^^

Heh, anyway. The one thing that does bother me tho is Luna's sexual orientation. Is she bi or straight? It doesn't feel like it's meant to be so nebulous, yet I can't tell even after the re-read. As silly as Tia can be, I doubt she'd forget/not know which way her sister swings.
The actual date somehow reads more like it's being written from a straight Luna's perspective, but the very first thing that came to her mind when she learned about the date was that Twilight's looks don't match her preferences. The second thing was Twi's personality and submissive behavior. Those simply aren't traits you'd consider unless the person in question is at least within your strike zone in terms of gender and age.
If someone had set me up for a date with another guy, the dude's handsome facial features, or lack thereof, would be the least and last of my worries and not play a role in my assessment of the situation.
Yet the monologue goes on and apparently it'd be stranger for Luna to be with a mare than it'd be for Twilight to be illiterate. This part sounds like it hasn't happened before even once, which doesn't fit with her previous thoughts nor the situation as a whole.
So is she technically bi-sexual - and had rolls in the hay with mares in the past that Tia knows about - but is romantically only interested in stallions - an important distinction her sister might not be aware of? Maybe Luna prefers partners with a level of 'dominance' that usually rules out mares by default and Twilight in particular?
It just doesn't make sense to me and if the nature of her sexual orientation stays unclear then this entire bit becomes even more redundant.
A lack of romantic interest in Twilight based on their incompatible personalities would be enough to cover that aspect of the situation.
Personality being the dominant criteria would of course imply 'bi by default pastel horse' for the same reason I mentioned earlier, but we're all used to that by now and the story would flow easier without the unnecessary confusion. Whether Luna's straight, asexual or gay as hay for everypony but Twilight is of no consequence for the rest of the story. She simply isn't interested in Twilight; the exact reason and how it relates to her sexuality doesn't matter. It's literally everything else about the situation that's freaking her out.

Many words about a minor flaw in an otherwise great story. Not a happy story, but it's written too well to dismiss it simply because the teased ship doesn't work out. The description is telling enough; it's kind of the point.


Luna's characterization is in line with her depiction in the early show including the Tantabus incident.
Twilight is very twilight as well, painfully so when it comes to her talent to overlook/ignore the obvious.
Can't really see how other commenters could interpret any of this as badly OOC; then again, it's the same picture in many comment sections, practically every time a popular ship fails because the author clearly focused on the wrong character traits. How dare they mention the thing that can ruin it all!^^

I think it has more to do with the fact that characters having flaws that can make an argument for why a favored ship doesn't work irk people. I like Rarity/Applejack a whole bunch, but depending on what is focused on and how they're written, it also makes sense why they wouldn't end up together. And there are folks who went into this expecting a fluffy romance story, which this never was.

Heh, anyway. The one thing that does bother me tho is Luna's sexual orientation. Is she bi or straight? It doesn't feel like it's meant to be so nebulous, yet I can't tell even after the re-read. As silly as Tia can be, I doubt she'd forget/not know which way her sister swings.

This is actually intentional. If you really want to know, in the story continuity this occurs in, she's a biromantic asexual, but one massively skewed towards the hetero side of things, think like 9/10 she'd go for anyone who isn't female. I have in my notes (because sometimes I simply do not remember these things off the top of my head) that for mares, it really only extends to tomboys/more androgynous ones -- so, more like Applejack. TLDR she's not sexually attracted to anypony, which means she can be less inclined to pursue relationships, she is romantically attracted to all genders, but not only massively prefers one, when it comes to mares she has a type. Celestia setting Luna up with Twilight is her showing that she doesn't know this about Luna -- while Luna speaks about herself with ease, the fact that she just generally seems disinterested and never gives off a clear label to what she is shows that she doesn't really address this part of herself to the point that getting a read on what she is becomes very difficult. At this point in my timeline of stories, Celestia just has no idea what Luna is and has assumed that she's just a very private lesbian and that some of her social anxiety/otherness comes from feeling out of place in that regard. She's technically right about the otherness part but for the wrong reasons.

The actual date somehow reads more like it's being written from a straight Luna's perspective, but the very first thing that came to her mind when she learned about the date was that Twilight's looks don't match her preferences. The second thing was Twi's personality and submissive behavior. Those simply aren't traits you'd consider unless the person in question is at least within your strike zone in terms of gender and age.

Exactly. :ajsmug:

Yet the monologue goes on and apparently it'd be stranger for Luna to be with a mare than it'd be for Twilight to be illiterate. This part sounds like it hasn't happened before even once, which doesn't fit with her previous thoughts nor the situation as a whole.

It's more just her expressing that she knows she's hella ace/straight without being clunky about how it's relayed.

So is she technically bi-sexual - and had rolls in the hay with mares in the past that Tia knows about - but is romantically only interested in stallions - an important distinction her sister might not be aware of?

She's not been with anypony before, she just knows where she's oriented.

Maybe Luna prefers partners with a level of 'dominance' that usually rules out mares by default and Twilight in particular?

She just doesn't like what she would see as a pushover in terms of temperament. Twilight is a very obedient and dutiful character, one who doesn't always question socially-accepted authorities, factor in strange possibilities, or break social manners. Luna simply finds that kind of personality grating.

It just doesn't make sense to me and if the nature of her sexual orientation stays unclear then this entire bit becomes even more redundant.

It's very much a story rooted in indirect characterization and focusing on what's said -- it's incredibly common for people to make these kinds of assumptions, even in situations where it's not dangerous to disclose information like one's sexual orientation. I've had many women assume that I'm straight and make passes at me before, often when I didn't even realize it. Nothing deep is necessarily reflected in these assumptions, but it can lead to the kind of conflicts that make a story.

A lack of romantic interest in Twilight based on their incompatible personalities would be enough to cover that aspect of the situation.

Which I mentioned above with the part about grating personalities.

It's literally everything else about the situation that's freaking her out.

Which again, is intentional. Luna communicates to herself what she is, but struggles to understand why anyone would perceive her as a lesbian simply because she doesn't really show interest in anypony and hasn't been in any relationships before, since that can signify any number of things. But she also struggles to both be listened to and state outright what she is because to her, it's the most normal thing in the world. She knows what she is and is used to that. Everypony else isn't.

Not a happy story, but it's written too well to dismiss it simply because the teased ship doesn't work out. The description is telling enough; it's kind of the point.

Finally, someone gets it.

How dare you do this to me :raritydespair:. Anyways, I don't really feel Twilight did much wrong her besides be her normal somewhat oblivious self. Celestia obviously pushed Luna into it without taking her feelings into account. Decent story even if the TwiLuna lover in me says otherwise.

11830617 I am more than capable of drinking from my great mug of reader tears when the need arises.

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