• Published 22nd Oct 2016
  • 2,330 Views, 68 Comments

The Usual - CoffeeBean

Tea Leaf's day revolves around a single mare's moment-long visit to downtown Canterlot's Tip-Top Cafe, that mare being Fleur De Lis.

  • ...

Nº 1

Author's Note:


I cleaned up chapter 1 a little, for any returning readers caring to give it a re-read.
Also; maybe the theme for this story? The title is just about perfect, as are the lyrics.

Celestia's 7:00 AM sun shined through the tall pane windows of the Tip-Top Cafe's front, the little shop being situated at the first floor of a 4-story complex along Canterlot's busy Main street. Looking perfectly down the center of a joining street, the café not only had the perfect positioning for the morning sun to not be shaded by the adjacent buildings but had the perfect positioning of prime café real estate. Not only did those passing by see the shop, but those approaching down this joining road were in direct line of sight of the café, meaning business during all hours was never a slow endeavor; especially in the mornings.

When Tea Leaf had spent her younger years in Fillydelphia, she had thought to be the exact opposite of a morning pony, but moving to Canterlot to pursue her master's at Canterlot University had changed that idea. Working the opening shift had grown on her. Initially, she had loathed waking so early to drag herself from bed, but the beauty of the Canterlot morning overpowered her desire to sleep later. Arriving at the front doors right at the crack of dawn to open with Steam Wand and Sugar Flake, the resident pastry chef, had become something she loved. Though, while such a routine was something she enjoyed, true enjoyment came from the perfectly timed, no matter rain, snow, or wind, 7:30 AM visit from a pristine, gently pink-maned mare by the name Fleur De Lis.

As a stallion before Tea Leaf spoke his order, her eyes were drawn up and to the left at the plain white clock hung above one of three pane windows that made up the tiny shop's front: 7:30. A graceful, white hoof swung open the door to the café, a slender, tall, somewhat intimidating (from a beauty standpoint, for certain) figure entering, the morning's sun giving her white fur and pink mane a radiant, almost angelic glow as she stepped in file with the 4-pony long line that had formed before the register.

"You got my order, right?" spoke the stallion stood before the counter in the usual cantor and demeanor of Canterlot's well-offs.

"Yes; you said a cappuccino with 2 sugar, 3 creamer and a double-shot of espresso, right?" returned Tea Leaf, quickly throwing her head to remove her heavily curled, green bangs from her face.

"Single shot, actually."

"Apologies. The norm is a double." Tea rolled her head over her shoulder, her bangs falling back over her eye. "Cap 2-3 with a single!" she called to Steam Wand, who's blue aura of magic fiddled and worked meticulously with the many machines before him.

"Gotcha, boss." he returned in the almost stoic manner he held, his white figure barely moving as he allowed his spells to do the work for him.

Being the son of a Royal Guard meant Steam Wand had picked up much of his father's soldier-like demeanor, and since he too aspired to join the guard once he was old enough, it was a good thing.

Like clock-work, the brew was procured, the customer gave their bits, the bits were calculated and placed within the register, and the brew was handed over. Again, and again, the process went through the machine that was the duo at the counter until Fleur De Lis finally made her way to the register, her smiling lips never parting as she watched the all-knowing Tea Leaf crane her head to address Steam Wand.

"The usual!" she called.

"Which, 'the usual'? There's like 13 'the usual's."

Tea stomped her hoof on the tiled floor, grunting annoyedly as her actions prompted Steam to, for once in his life, turn and see who the order was for.

"The usual." Tea re-affirmed, raising her brow.

"Ah, The usual."

"I didn't know my taste in coffee had reached the top spot as 'the usual'!" Fleur De Lis chimed as her pink aura procured the exact amount of bits required for her order, Tea taking them in an outstretched hoof, the spell holding them tickling the softer parts of her underhoof for a moment before they were fully released.

"Eh, well; 'the usual' is part of our code...." Tea lied in return as she popped the register open, her eyes not never leaving Fleur's as she dropped the bits into the metal tray with a clink. "There's 'the usual' and 'the usual', and... well, you see how the list goes on and on."

Steam caught on every word as he worked at preparing the preset combination of ingredients and steps held in his mind.

"Oh, and here I am thinking I had the special, top spot!" Fleur exclaimed jokingly, her words bringing a look of worry to the barista's teal eyes.

"No, no; you're still special; it's just that, uh... we have other orders we remember!"

A light laugh and a dismissively waving hoof were Fleur De Lis's response. "Honey, don't be so flustered. I understand what you mean. The fact I have a place on 'the usual' list makes me very happy."

"Just an FYI, you are the top spot on 'the usual' list, Miss De Lis." Steam commented as his blue spell transferred the finished, piping hot coffee to the checkout counter, his words causing Tea to momentarily glare at him.

"I am? Well, I'd love to know what sets me apart from the other patrons." Fleur De Lis returned as she looked to Tea Leaf, who's clay-brown cheeks held a light blush. Fleur brought her brew to her lips, gently sipping as she patiently waited while Steam Wand's magic took a certain pastry from left one of the two refrigerated, glass cases flanking either side of the register counter.

"Well, I mean; like I said, you are a special patron, but you always have the same order, so we've got a special code for when you arrive!" Tea lied once more, shifting on her hooves as she watched Fleur De Lis step to the side of the line, her white, fuzzy ears listening intently as she sipped her coffee and retrieved the little brown paper bag containing her morning's treat from Steam Wand's spell.

"Mh, I see." Fleur flicked her head to throw her pink bangs, smiling to Tea as she turned for the door, "You have a good morning, dear; don't try to let any more customers get you in such a flurry, you hear?"

The little bells above the door chimed upon her departure, Tea watching as the seemingly glowing mare continued on past the cafe's front windows.

"Good morning, I'll just be having an orange juice. Trying to cut back on caffeine, you know?" the next customer in line chuckled as she came to the register, her head craning back to take a pouch of bits from beneath her furled, gray wing.

"I see lots of ponies trying to do the same thing." Tea commented back as she slid a single bit across the counter with her hoof, scooping it from the edge of the laminated wood as she dropped it into the now open register, momentarily turning her head back to look at Steam as his magic took a single glass bottle from the cafe's glass-faced fridge. "Why'd you put me on the spot like that?"

The bottle gave a light clink as it touched down to the counter, the gray Pegasus mare smiling as she took the bottle in her mouth and departed. "Because watching you try to explain that to her was about the best fun I've had this morning." Steam smiled in return, looking over his shoulder.

"Oh, you are such a jerk." Tea's attention went back to the front of the store as yet another patron stepped forward.

He explained his preferred style of brew, the information was relayed to Steam Wand, who had heard what the stallion wanted just fine when he himself had said it, and he began to 'work his magic'. As Tea dropped the customer's funds into the register, she diverted her gaze to the pastry cabinet to her right, focusing on the few crumbs left by a certain pastry's absence.

"You made sure to give her the right one, right?" Tea inquired without looking over her shoulder, the high hiss of steam ringing through the café for a moment as the machines to her back worked.

"Yes, I gave her the freshest one; as long as you put it where you always put it."

"Top right corner, slightly separated from all the others..." Tea mumbled to herself, checking her memory to ensure she had indeed remembered to set aside the mentioned pastry before the café had opened. "Yeah, I did."

A steaming-hot, whipped-cream topped coffee passed by her to the counter, the suit-wearing stallion taking his order with his hoof and stepping off to the side, taking a few spare napkins in his mouth from a polished aluminum dispenser.

"Well, then there's no need to worry, your mare-friend got her treat." Steam grinned, darting his look over his shoulder.

"How many times must I tell you; I am simply friends with her!"

"And she's a mare, isn't she?"

"You know very well what that term means."

"Can I get one of those absolutely de-lectable Danishes?" Came a somewhat prissy female voice, Tea turning to address the new customer.

"Of course; 4 bits, ma'am."


7:30 on the dot. Lucky for Fleur De Lis, there was only a single other patron waiting in line before her, and thus far, no one else had come in the take their place behind her in the queue. Her hooves gently clapped at the polished hardwood floor as the bow-tie wearing stallion before her trotted off with his coffee in-hoof, his magic taking a newspaper from the rack by the door as he exited from the café, taking a seat at one of the several sets of metal chairs and tables before the three pane windows of the shop.

"Morning, Miss De Lis!" Tea Leaf greeted with her usual genial smile, her outstretched hooves taking the perfectly calculated number of bits from Fleur De Lis' gently ticklish pink aura.

"Morning. Nice to see the place a little slow for once." commented Fleur, her puffy mane swishing side to side as she looked around the somewhat empty café, only a few seats being taken by ponies as they enjoyed their morning's treats.

"The usual, Steam." Tea spoke over her shoulder, Steam Wand simply humming in acknowledgment as he began to create the specified drink. "Yeah, it's been a slow morning, but a good morning." a short sigh came from Tea as she and Fleur shared a look. "Anything new with you?"

"Same-old, same-old. I suppose I could boast about some recent purchases, but I feel that's a bit... boring of me." Fleur stepped forward, crossing her front legs atop the counter as she smiled to Tea Leaf. "I should like to hear how things are with you; especially your schooling,"

"Oh! Well, I've got an exam right after I get off my shift... so that's fun." Tea spoke with an air of anxiety masked as annoyance. "Luckily, the prof's given us a little time for some peer-to-peer study, so hopefully March Wing and I can get some more information packed into our heads while we've still got access to all of the prof's books."

"March Wing's that stallion-friend of yours, yes?"

The attention was temporarily drawn to a floating coffee cup as it came to rest just before Fleur's hooves, her eyes moving down to address her brew as it was taken by her own pink aura.

"He's a stallion, and he's a friend, yes. Just a friend."

"Dear, I didn't mean to insinuate anything..."

"Oh, no; sorry... I didn't mean to snap at you, me saying that is Steam's fault."

Fleur drew her glance to the mentioned white stallion, his blue eyes returning her gaze for only a moment as his magic retrieved a specially set aside pastry from the chilled case. "Speaking of dear Steam Wand, how have you been faring? I rarely get to meet you in conversation." Fleur De Lis inquired, leaning her head past Tea Leaf's view to address Steam Wand as he slid the pastry into a little brown paper bag.

"As you yourself said; same-old same-old."

The contained pastry took the previous place of Fleur's coffee, her hoof lazily rotating the little parcel as she took a second sip of her brew. "Anything new with your father? Promotions, anything of the sort?"

"Well, he's working on his certification as a Class 9 SW, and so far that's been going well."

Fleur blinked. "I'm... not privy to army nomenclature."

"Class 9 Spell Wielder. Cloaking spells and stuff of that sort."

"Sounds exciting! I could use something like that..."

The chiming bell above the cafe's door drew the group's attention to the front of the store as a couple entered, their quiet chat being the only sounds for a moment as they stood in line behind Fleur De Lis.

"Well." Fleur brought her crossed hooves from the counter and lifted her pastry with a spell. "You two continue on with your day."

With that simple dialogue and a smile, Fleur De Lis trotted to the exit, Tea Leaf's eyes being drawn to her seemingly glowing figure as she pranced through the morning's light.


The cafe's air hung with the loud chatter of ponies enjoying themselves. Every available chair, both inside and out, was filled. Slow mornings like yesterday were a double-edged sword; sure, things were nice and quiet, and there wasn't such a constant rush to fulfill every incoming order, but the tip-jar went a little dry. On mornings like today's, the influx of customers, and therefore work, was well worth it for the extra bits.

"Well, how did that exam of yours go?" Fleur De Lis inquired intently, her magic transferring the bits into Tea Leaf's always perfectly outstretched hoof.

Tea could just let her place the bits to the counter as most other customers did, but the gentle tickle given off by Fleur's aura was something she loved almost as much as their talks.

"Actually, we didn't have the exam, our professor hit some poor mare mid-air while on his way to class that morning, and didn't make it until pretty late." Tea Leaf looked over her shoulder. "The usual, Steam!" She shouted over both the cafe's sounds and the loud whir of a bean grinder.

"The usual." Steam Wand spoke more to himself than to Tea as he began working.

"Oh, dear! I should hope he's not too injured." Fleur De Lis exclaimed.

"He's built like a castle wall; I'm more worried for the mare he hit. As bad as it sounds, I'm really glad she decided to fly in the wrong square inch of airspace that day, because the exam got delayed! More peer-to-peer study time!"

Fleur chuckled, looking down as her typical coffee was placed atop the counter by an all-to-familiar blue aura. "A little schadenfreude never hurt anypony."


"You know, taking pleasure in the misfortune of others? It's an expression from Germaneigh."

"Oh! You've been to Germaneigh before?" inquired Tea Leaf, her ears perking, but her eyes turning away from the slender mare as she ensured the pastry given to Fleur De Lis was indeed the correct one.

"No... not yet, at least. I simply know the expression; one picks up many words from outside languages when they spend enough time around the right ponies."

The crinkle of a paper bag drew Fleur's eyes over to the second part of her morning's purchase as the parcelled pastry was handed off to her own aura.

"I've always wanted to travel to Germaneigh." Tea spoke with a slight tone of longing.

"As have I." Fleur stepped to the side with her items as she allowed the light blue mare to her rear take the next place in line. "Maybe, some day, you and I could schedule a short trip there. I think that would be exquisite."

"I should quite like to try your special of the morning." Interjected the light blue mare upon having Fleur finish her statement.

"That'll run you 6 bits, ma'am." Tea Leaf turned her head to Steam Wand. "Special!"

"I heard."

"Just makin' sure." Tea's attention turned forward as she took the mare's funds, her hoof popping open the register with a metallic 'ping' as the coins joined their new friends within the multi-compartment tray. "I'd love to go there, but that 'someday' will be quite a ways off, seeing as I'm only a Junior."

"Time flies." Fleur De Lis began her departure from the café. "on the note of your time at University, I wish you the best of luck on your future exam!"

Just as she did every morning, (save for weekends) Tea Leaf watched in an almost trance-like state as the mare's slender figure passed by the three glass panes of the cafe's front as she went along her day.


"Don't tell me your exam was canceled a second time." Fleur De Lis laughed as she came to the front of the line.

A small collection of bits floated to Tea Leaf's waiting hoof, that same little tickle following the departure of Fleur's spell.

"The u-"

"I heard who it is. The usual."

Tea Leaf stood looking over her shoulder for a second, "...yeah," she turned back around, smiling to Fleur De Lis. "Sadly, no; we did have the exam. After having an entire extra day to study helped a lot, though. Both myself and March Wing are hoping for at least a B."

"Well, I should think you to be hoping for an A. Don't you think it best to set the bar high for yourself?" Fleur responded with an air of wisdom.

"March Wing and I have a little system where we convince ourselves we'll get a C or B on a test, so that way, when we get our grades back, if we get a B+ or an A it's super nice, and if we get a C then it's not as disappointing."

"Ah, psychological warfare; just used against one's own mind. That's almost ingenious."

A steaming cup of coffee came to rest atop the counter, Fleur De Lis never taking her sight from Tea as her pink magic brought her piping brew to her lips.

"I assume you saw there was a fairly heavy chance of rain tomorrow?" Tea Leaf inquired to change the subject.

"Yes! Yes, I did, and I could not be more elated. This monsoon has seemed a little sparse." Fleur De Lis turned momentarily to look out the cafe's windows at the overcast world beyond, everything having a slightly desaturated, evenly lit appearance, "even if Cloudsdale fails to bring us some rain, I can find myself enjoying the overcast skies. It has been such a beautiful morning."

A familiar crinkle of paper brought her attention back around, her magic taking her pastry from Steam Wand's blue aura. "It would be nice to catch some rain." Tea Leaf commented as Fleur began her departure. "Have a good morning, Miss De Lis!"

The mare shot her a smile. "I wish you the same, honey!"

As the slender, pure white figure passed by the windows, her mane and fur went unglowing; something that made Tea Leaf slightly loathe the overcast nature of the morning.


The three pane windows of the café provided a distorted, strangely in-motion image of the street and buildings beyond as sheets of rain fell from the clouds above, the few casually dining and drinking patrons seated inside either wearing damp coats or having an umbrella propped beside them in waiting for when the rain must be met again. Through the windows the rumble of the rain filled the café, the occasional crack of thunder breaking the fairly quiet, conversationless air inside. What was somewhat out of the ordinary for this storm was the lack of any considerable wind; the rain followed a perfectly vertical path to the streets and buildings of Canterlot.

This morning had been another break in the normal rush of business, as most of the ponies trotting in to simply enjoy their morning stroll were absent in place of those who stopped by to get their breakfast and coffee en route to the day's work. A chiming jingle from the doorbells drew Tea Leaf's eyes to the cafe's entrance, the unfiltered patter of rain filling the café. Stood in the doorway was the completely drenched Fleur De Lis, her sleek figure nude of any clothing and her magic barren of any umbrella. Her pink mane and tail hung heavy and uncurled with the weight of water, one-half of her face covered by the dripping mat of her bangs. Her fur glistened with moisture, water running down the contour of her chest and dripping to the hardwood floor as she trotted to the counter, her hooves leaving wet, slightly muddy prints. If Princess Celestia herself had followed behind Tea Leaf's eyes would not have moved from the figure before her.

"I hope me trailing water on your floor isn't too huge of a problem!" Fleur De Lis chimed in an extraordinarily happy tone, that typical well-off canter normally held by her voice seeming to be non-existent.

Tea Leaf's eyes simply remained locked with the mare's exquisite, dripping figure, her gaze darting from feature to feature as she remained totally speechless.

"Dear, you look like you've seen a ghost!" Laughed Fleur after a moment, flicking her wet bangs from her eye, a little spray of water entering the air from the motion.

Tea Leaf's heart felt hot in her chest, that little flick driving her crazy. "A beautiful ghost." she finally muttered, Fleur De Lis giggling at Tea's comment.

Her hoof came to her chin, head canting to the side as she shot Tea a loving gaze from the corner of her eye, "Please, don't flatter me so!"

Was she doing this on purpose?

"The usual, Miss De Lis?" Steam Wand piped up from behind the still mostly paralyzed Tea Leaf.

"Oh, yes, quite!" Fleur's eyes went back to Tea, giving her that same, eyes-half-open look. "The usual."

She was doing this on purpose; she had to be.

The elegantly spiraling horn adorning Fleur De Lis' temple shined with a gently pink aurora as she procured the exact amount of bits for her coffee and pastry, her gleeful gaze remaining with Tea Leaf's as she moved the coins closer.

"No hoof? You've never missed a beat like this before, dear."

Tea's eyes widened as she snapped from her trance. "Oh! Goodness, right." her hoof came from the floor, turning bottom-up as the bits were gently deposited, that same little tickle almost sending a shake through her body.

What she would give to feel that sensation in other places...

"Hey, Steam; the usual," Tea began, her head turning to address Steam Wand, as she did a cup floated past her sight to the counter.

"I know, Leaf," he returned with a smile, his magic now taking a paper bag from a stack atop the cooler beside the register.

"O-oh; well, good work," fumbled Tea as she turned back around, almost scared to meet Fleur De Lis' wonderful pink eyes once more.

"A little absent-minded this morning, hm?" Fleur's gracious smile suddenly went to a worried frown. "You didn't fail your exam, did you?"

"No, no... we, we haven't gotten our grades yet." Tea cleared her throat, inhaling quickly as she finally returned Fleur's look. "You've ju- I've just been a little dreamy this morning, that's all!"

Fleur took a sip of her drink, looking away as a blue spell brought forth her bag, encased treat, her own magic receiving it. "Ah, well."

There was that look again.

"As have I."

Fleur De Lis took a sip of her coffee, giving a little moan from the warming drink. There was a moment's silence as she licked her lips, her head giving a tiny flick to move her mane back from her eyes as she peered up to Tea. "To re-iterate, I hope it's not an issue that I tracked a little water in here."

"Oh, no, you're fine... Steam's on floor-mopping duty today, anyway."

"Your decision wheel is rigged. This is the third day in a row." Whined Steam Wand as he casually leaned against the counter to the rear of the prep area, his work for the moment currently done.

"Then I apologize, dear Steam."

"You're not the only pony to come in soaking today, so there's no need to apologize."

"Mh, yes, but I'm sure I'm the first to be here naked of my raincoat and umbrella. I simply couldn't resist; it's made me feel like a foal living in Fillydelphia again."

Tea Leaf perked up, "You lived in Fillydelphia?"

"Born there, actually."

"Oh my gosh! I was, too!"

"Were you a north or south filly?"

"South, my parent's house is a few blocks down from Hoofton park. I'm amazed, Miss De Lis, for the longest time I figured you were born here in Canterlot!"

"Nay, my parents and I moved up to Canterlot when I was 10. I take it your parents still reside in the home you mentioned?"

"Yeah, they do. It was my grandparent's house before they moved to Manehattan, so they sold it to my parents when they were young. I don't think you could convince my parents to move to Canterlot Castle."

"Home is where the heart is." Fleur De Lis gave a short sigh. "Dear, you and I must talk more than our simple chats. There must be some time you can find in your life for a date."

Tea Leaf shifted on her hooves. "I get off school too late for dinner, and my weekends are always fully booked because I'm a T.A... so I just ca-"

"What about lunch? That school must give you a break for a mid-day meal."

Tea stood silent for a moment as she thought. "Our lunch is only like 45 minutes... that's not very long."

"You're making excuses, dear. 45 minutes is perfectly long enough for you and I to trot off somewhere and pick up a sandwich or a salad." Fleur's magic aimed her cup towards Tea Leaf, her head tilting down as she looked through her brow."Don't turn me down a second time."

Tea's words fumbled for a moment before she sighed. "I am making excuses. My break starts at 12, but I should be back to campus at 12:40 so I've got time to get to class."

"Well, how does tomorrow sound? My Thursday's are typically boring, so I think this would be a nice opportunity to spice things up a little."

"Yeah, tomorrow'd work just fine."

Fleur's hooves clacked to the hardwood. "Wonderful, dear! Took me long enough to get a date and time out of you," she taunted, shooting that same look to Tea Leaf.

"Like I said, you know... I'm busy a lot... it's hard to find 'me' time."

"Well, dear." Fleur De Lis gave a little frown. "I'll be sure to change such a travesty."

The two jumped collectively as a thunder crack broke the air, the incredible noise fading to a crackling rumble as it died off.

"Goodness." Fleur commented quietly, taking another drink of her coffee as she looked over her shoulder to the still pouring rain outside.

"You're sure you want to go back out in that?"

"Oh, of course. I'm not too far from home, anyway. A little rain never hurt anypony!"

"It certainly hurts the hardwood..." Steam Wand commented.

"Once again, my apologies."

Steam simply waved a hoof in dismissal. The cafe's door came open to let in both the sounds of the rain and an umbrella-wielding stallion, his black mane slicked back and his white coat nearly untouched by the rain. His eyes met with Fleur De Lis' as she turned around, their faces lighting up upon seeing each other.

"Fancy seeing you here!" the stallion's deep, almost regal voice stated as he approached the counter.

"Goodness me, how nice it is to see you again, Frame!"

Frame paused as his eyes traced up and down Fleur De Lis' wet figure. "You poor thing, did you get caught out in the rain without an umbrella?"

"Nay; this was by design. Simply enjoying the weather." she returned, beginning towards the door with her morning's treats held by her magic.

"It's a good look for you." Frame spoke, watching her departure for a moment before continuing to the counter.

"Tea Leaf seems to think so. Speaking of you, Tea; I'll be seeing you at 12 tomorrow. Don't you dare stand me up, I know where you work!"

As Fleur's wet hoof pushed open the door, that wonderful sound of the rain poured back into the café as she stepped back outside. Fleur shot a smile to Tea Leaf as she flicked her tail in her direction, the little action stiffening Tea's figure as she watched the drenched mare pass by the windows.


Clouds still withheld the sun's light, but unlike yesterday, only drizzled occasionally instead of the constant downpour that had lasted most of the morning and afternoon. As beautiful as Canterlot was when it rained, Tea Leaf was more than relieved to see things dry; if Fleur De Lis popped up again with her sculpted, slender figure drenched from hoof to horn again she doubted her strength to not pull her across the counter and romance her on the spot.

Perfectly at 7:30 AM the door gave its signature chime as the ladder mentioned mare stepped inside, a white, stocky built stallion dressed in a fine suit and bow-tie following her in as they chatted, their words lost among the sounds of the café.

"Have you made any decisions yet, ma'am?" Tea Leaf inquired to a horribly indecisive Pegasus mare as she tapped her chin, her green eyes never moving from the menu board hung from the ceiling as she continued to browse.

"Oh... well... how about the, uh..." Her hoof moved from her chin as she let out a sigh. "I think I'll have a croissant sandwich."

"One of my favorites. 5 bits." as the Pegasus began to retrieve her coins, Tea Leaf turned over her shoulder. "Croissant!"

"Gotcha, boss."

"If you'd like to take a seat somewhere, you can, ma'am. It'll be a moment before your order's ready."

The Pegasus simply nodded, stepping out of line, Fleur De Lis and Fancy Pants taking her place.

"Morning, Miss De Lis, and Fancy Pants." Tea smiled, turning over her shoulder once more, "The usual!" She paused for a moment, turning back around. "I didn't take your order, Sir. I'm sorry; Miss De Lis usually comes solo."

"You're in the green, my dear. I'll just be having a latte, seeing as I've already eaten this morning." Fancy returned with his almost trademarked way of speaking, giving Fleur De Lis a little smile as he took his bits from a coat pocket, dropping them to the counter while, as usual, Fleur's pink aura deposited hers to Tea's waiting hoof.

"And a latte!" She called to Steam Wand, dropping Fleur's bits into the register before scooping up those given to her by Fancy.

"So, I understand you've got a little lunch date with the fine Miss De Lis today, yes?" inquired Fancy Pants, his magic holding his monocle from his face as he cleaned the little glass optic with a cloth.

"Yeah, when I go on my lunch break."

The trio's attention was temporarily brought to Fleur De Lis' order of both her coffee and pastry as they were set to the counter by a blue spell, Tea taking a split second to ensure the correct, freshest pastry had been selected, "On your break? I thought you were attending University." Fancy elaborated as he re-installed his now pristine monocle.

"I mean my lunch break at school,"

"Ah, I see. Forgive my ignorance."

His attention came back to the counter as his order was placed before him. With their coffees and pastry in-hoof (or in-spell, if you would) the duo turned for the door. "I'll see you at 12, dear!" Fleur De Lis called over her shoulder as she leaned against Fancy while they walked.

"See you then, as well, Miss De Lis!"

Just before the door's chime rang through the café, Tea Leaf could just barely catch Fancy Pants make the comment. "You are right, darling; she's a cute little thing."


Like a lighthouse beacon, she stood in the drizzling rain. At the base of Canterlot University's wonderfully ornate and quite large marble and granite main staircase, Fleur De Lis stood with her front hooves crossed upon one of two flat stone podiums connected to the railing's end. Her upright pose showed off her perfectly sculpted chest and belly, her wonderful hind legs holding her body up how Celestia's golden throne held her. At least she wasn't soaked horn to hoof.

"Glad to see you decided to show!" Fleur De Lis chimed in her usual demeanor as Tea Leaf stepped her way down the flight, many of the ponies around her having their eyes drawn to Fleur's pose just as Tea's were.

"I'm glad it decided not to rain..." Tea commented once in ear-shot, Fleur bringing her elegantly crossed hooves from the podium to the paved path with a clop.

Fleur hummed. "A drizzle will do. As much as I'd love for a downpour, I think it horribly inappropriate for us to have a meal while looking as of we had stepped out of the shower!"

Tea's mind ran wild with the image.

"Do you have a preference?" Fleur inquired after a moment as the two continued on from the University's entrance to the elaborate city beyond.

"For mares?" Tea inquired nervously, totally missing Fleur's intended question.

"No, you silly-filly! For lunch! Goodness me, I hope the rest of our conversation isn't like that!" Laughed Fleur De Lis, giving the now flustered and blushing Tea a look of surprise.

Tea's clay brown cheeks went red.

"I... uh, whatever you'd like, I guess. You're buying, so it's up to you." Tea's slightly delayed response came as she tried erasing the past few seconds from her mind.

"Well, then I know a wonderful place nearby. I must know, Tea; what prompted you to assume such a... personal meaning to my question?"

Tea Leaf momentarily looked up at Fleur, the juxtaposition of their heights making her look a lot shorter than normal, and for that matter, feel a lot shorter, "I... guess it was the pause before, and I assumed you had already chosen a place for us, and I thought you were just trying to make some small-talk."

"Hm. Well, your mind certainly works in strange ways of you made such a conclusion from my question... no offense."

"None taken,"

Things went quiet as the two continued on, the still light drizzle of rain being just enough to give the ground a damp appearance.


"I'll just be having your wonderful house soup of the day, the ingredients look divine." Fleur De Lis informed as her pink aura lowered her menu to the table.

"And for the acquaintance?" Asked the server, his finely combed mustache bobbing as he spoke.

"Cucumber sub, please. With extra peppers."

"Wonderful." Both menus before each mare were taken by the server's hoof. "I'll be back shortly with your meals."

Tea Leaf looked out the window of their booth for a moment as she watched the rainy, overcast world go by. "Thanks for taking me someplace so nice. A little extravagant for a little lunch, thought, don't you think?"

Fleur De Lis took her lips from her glass of water, humming as she shook her head and swallowed. "No, not at all. First impression matter most."

Tea raised a brow. "First impressions? I've known you for months now, this is hardly a first impression."

"This is the first time in those months I've actually been able to get you for a lunch, however."

Tea tilted her head a little. "That's true."

Fleur took a second drink of water, her glass coming to the finely lacquered table top with a clink.

"So, how's Fancy Pants been doing? I haven't seen you come in with him for a while." Tea inquired as she turned back from the window.

"Wonderfully. He and I had a place to be this morning, and he had been at my abode the night before, so I suggested he tag along."

"You two don't live together?"

"No... what makes you assume that?" Fleur spoke as she cocked her head to the side.

"I thought you two were in a relationship."

Fleur gave a little chuckle, "We're in a different relationship than most would assume. He and I are long-time friends and business partners, as I have some considerable stakes in his companies, and he co-owns my studio. We have a strict agreement to never adorn the other with the title 'mare' or 'stallion' friend. Love hurts business, we've both seen that truth in action." Fleur took a quick sip of her drink. "I love the old boy dearly, but we've kept things open. Now, that said... sometimes the tension needs to be cut." She smiled. "That's where our relationship has stayed interesting."

"I think I get what you mean..."

Fleur De Lis hummed knowingly.

"It's odd to hear that about you and Fancy Pants, though. I see you and him running around town all the time."

"Oh, well of course! He and I are very, very dear friends, and I love being around him; it's just that we're not in what most would refer to as a solid relationship. He hasn't found a mare to settle with, and nor have I with a stallion, so he and I will, on occasions like this morning," There was that smile again. "break the tension."

"So you're single?" Tea asked intently, seeming to ignore the last part of Fleur's statement.

"Yes, indeed."

"I'm kind of amazed by that, actually. For a mare as beautiful as yourself, I'd think it'd be easy to find a stallion."

Fleur's hoof waved as she giggled. "Such a flatterer! While I agree with you on me being beautiful." she held her head up boisterously, yet still in a joking fashion. "I don't agree on the easy part. I've never met another stallion I'd consider doing more than a night of fun. I'd even say that about dear old Fancy, as much as it would harm him to hear me say that."

Tea held her silence for a considerable time as she thought deeply, wondering if the question in her mind would be a curse or a blessing. Almost as a saving grace, their server appeared with each of their meals balanced wonderfully on an outstretched foreleg, the soup being the first thing to the table, then the sub.

"If you two should like anything more, do not hesitate to call me over."

With that, he made a somewhat hasty departure. Tea's hooves instantly moved to retrieve her sandwich as she took a big, crunchy bite while Fleur took a somewhat light drink from her spoon of soup.


The dawn's sun gave no light to the street Tip-Top's Café resided upon, Tea Leaf and Steam Wand standing side by side at the locked door as they waited for the key-holder and pastry chef Sugar Flake to show his face.

"I'm glad you finally went to lunch with Miss De Lis, she's been trying to meet you more for like a month now." Steam spoke, his upright and rigid stance resembling that of the Royal Guard while Tea Leaf leaned lazily against the cafe's patio railing with her hooves crossed.

"I am too... and, you know how I am around her. I'm timid when she's in the café, imagine now nervous I was when we were sitting there actually talking!"

"You really are over-thinking this. Loosen up a little; she's not going to start looking down on you if you say something stupid."

Tea shifted her glance to the side, "Let's hope you're right."

Steam squinted. "What do you mean, 'let's hope you're right'? You didn't say something stupid, did you?"

"Please don't laugh..."

Steam had already begun to laugh; albeit lightly and mostly stifled. "Oh, by the Princess' name; what did you say?"

"As we were walking to the restaurant, she asked; 'do you have a preference?', and because of how she paused before asking, I thought she was trying to make small-talk by, you know; just asking some questions..."

"Uh-huh?" Steam leaned in as he listened intently.

Tea's cheeks went rosy, "And I said 'for mares?'."

Steam's hoof came to his face, a smile being seen from behind as he let out a sigh. "Oh, man; you really did goof."

"She's not going to be... I don't know what's she'd be, but this won't ruin our friendship or anything, will it?"

"Tea, don't be ridiculous. You slipping on a question isn't going to make Miss De Lis hate you or anything."

A pause was held as the duo looked up as Sugar Flake trotted his way to the patio's entrance, his yellow aura taking the cafe's keys from one of the four pockets on his chef's coat. "Good morning, everypony."

"Good morning, Flake. Tea finally went to lunch with Miss De Lis yesterday."

A click sounded from the door as the keys turned, Sugar Flake pushing it open with a hoof as he walked inside. "Oh, really? How'd that go?"

"It was great! We had fun, we talked about stuff, the food was tasty, and she was even nice enough to walk me back to campus!" Tea Leaf quickly intervened before Steam Wand could mention a certain blunder.

"That's great!" as Sugar and the two front counter workers made their way inside, he paused just before entering the back room to prepare the morning's treats, "Makes me wonder why you've always hesitated to go with her before."

After Sugar's departure, Tea Leaf looked to Steam as they walked behind the counter. "Because I've been worried I'd say something stupid."


Tea's hoof flipped the cafe's sign from 'closed' to 'open', smiling to the line of 5 or so patrons through the door's window as she began towards the counter, the chime of bells signaling the first customers of the morning.

"Do you think she... knows? That I like her?" Tea Leaf asked timidly as she stood to face the first patron in line.

"Honestly... I doubt it."

"A large green tea with lemon, please!" spoke the young, white-coated Unicorn mare at the counter.

"3 bits, ma'am." as Tea slid the three bits from the counter, she looked over her shoulder as Steam prepared the drink. "Really? What makes you think so?"

"She's a photography star and a model, I'm sure you aren't the first pony to get a little flustered around her."

Tea's eyes temporarily looked to the filly's beverage as it floated to the counter, her own magic taking it as she trotted for the door. "Have a good morning!"

"You too, miss!"

Taking the filly's place in line was an elegantly dressed Pegasus, her pink mane falling over one side of her face. "Latte topped with caramel and whipped cream, please." she informed with that signature 'Canterlot Cant' as Tea had heard it called a few times.

"5 bits, and would you like a lid?" Tea's hoof slid the five bits from the counter, turning her head to address Steam. "Latte with the works,"

"Oh, yes; please, I've got a carriage to catch and I'd like to not cover myself in coffee."

"And a lid."

"Gotcha, boss."

Tea turned back to face the patron, and after a moment of being stared at, she watched as the finely dressed mare's face lit up. "My goodness, I thought you were familiar! I saw you yesterday when you were at lunch with Fleur De Lis!"

"Y-you did?"

"Yes! My husband and I were sat a few tables over and we noticed you two walk in! If you see her again, do give her a compliment, I adore her work in extenuating the mare's physique."

"Well, she's a regular here, so I'm sure I'll see here again this morning." The mare's latte was placed before her, a highly polished hoof coming up to take the drink. "I'll make sure to compliment her for you."

"You're a dear! Have a good morning, now!" she called, making her way to the door.

"You too, miss!"

"Well, you're already getting recognized! You're a regular celebrity now!" Steam taunted.

Tea simply scoffed.


The door gave a chime as an unexpected figure stepped in, her presence causing Tea to look up at the clock; it was only 6:45.

"Good early morning, dear!" Fleur De Lis called as she walked to the counter, which, conveniently enough, had no patrons at it currently.

"Miss De Lis! You're early! You always come here at 7:30..." Tea returned.

"Quite. I've got a train to catch at 7 this morning down to Manehattan for a little pow-wow of sorts, and I could never go any other place than here for 'the usual'!"

Tea's extended hoof took the bits from their tickling, pink spell. As she dropped them into the register, she looked back to see Steam already working to make her drink.

"So, it's a Friday. Tomorrow is a weekend, and thus; you're off school and work, yes?" Fleur spoke, bringing Tea back around.

"Yeah, that's right..."

"Well, how about tonight you and I catch a late dinner? My train comes back at around 5, but as I understand you're mostly busy until well into the night."

"Uh, how late?"

"I'm willing to eat at midnight, time doesn't matter for me."

"Eh, well... I'm going to be helping my professor out tonight until like 10... most places close at 10."

"Oh, I know well enough. You see, I was hoping we could have dinner at your abode, I know you fancy yourself as a cook."

The attention temporarily moved to Fleur's coffee as it was delivered to the counter. "I... I don't know, Miss De Lis. That's kind of late, and I don't know if my roommate will be out with her friends tonight or not..."

"Hey, Tea; slight issue." Steam spoke as he pointed his hoof to the cooler box beside the register, Tea looking to see that Sugar Flake hadn't yet brought out the one fresh pastry she had him make for Fleur.

"Oh! Her special pastry isn't here!"

"'Special pastry'? I have a special pastry?" Fleur De Lis inquired as her ears perked.

Tea snapped her sight to Fleur as she remained totally quiet, "Nice one," Steam spoke quietly as he pressed his hoof to his face.

"Tea Leaf, what do you mean by 'my special pastry'?"

With a deep blush, Tea brought her head to the counter, covering her face with her hooves. "Oh, what did I just say..." she mumbled.

Steam sighed. "Do you want me to tell her, Tea?"

There was a short nod.

"You see Miss De Lis, Tea has given special instructions to our pastry chef to make you a perfectly fresh item every morning instead of giving you one that was prepared a day earlier. He hasn't brought it out yet because you're early."

Fleur looked from Steam to Tea with a look of joy, and also confusion. "Dear, is this true? You've had your poor chef make me my own fresh treat every morning?"


Much to Tea's surprise, Fleur De Lis reached across the counter, pulling her from her hooves into a warm hug. "That is the sweetest thing any pony has ever done for me! You truly are too much, Tea Leaf!"

Tea's cheeks flushed rose from beneath her clay-brown fur as Fleur leaned away, a huge smile on her face. "Don't worry about my little pastry being a few hours older than normal, my dear. Just knowing you've gone to such lengths to make my morning just that little bit better will make up for any deficiencies in taste."

On queue with her words, Steam's horn lit up as he began packaging one of the standard pastries from the cooler, Tea Leaf still standing with a completely embarrassed and flustered expression.

"Well, that aside; how does dinner at your place sound? I can be there at 11, if that's convenient for you."

"H-How about tomorrow? My room-mate has some internship thing that lasts until 6 the next morning, so then we can have the apartment to ourselves."

Fleur De Lis gave a smile as her magic took her now standard pastry from Steam. "Tomorrow works wonderfully. When does this internship event begin for your room-mate?"

"Uh, I think at 8 or so..."

"Poor thing, has to be up that long?" Fleur shook her head. "Well, then I'll be by at 9. I should get your address before I run off; however."

"Oh! Uh, hold on," Tea ducked behind her register counter, popping back up a moment later with a small notebook and pen in her mouth, Fleur simply taking the two items in her magic as she prepared to write.

"15B Tower Street, 4th floor, number 1029,"

Fleur's eyes focused on the paper for a moment as she quickly jotted down Tea's words, tearing the note from its book and floating them back to the counter.

"Wonderful. As I said, I'll be there at 9. I'd stay and fraternize a little longer, but I've got a train to catch!"

As she trotted for the door, Fleur De Lis gave a smile to Tea. "Good morning to you, Tea Leaf!"

"You too..."

The door's bells jingled as the mare made her way past the windows, bouncing happily on her hooves with a smile still held on her lips.

"I am such an idiot... how'd I let myself slip like that?"

"Ah, the wonders of being in love with somepony and not knowing if they love you back; or if they ever will." Steam returned with a somewhat joking air of wisdom. "You're overthinking this little thing; if anything, it might make your friendship better. She certainly knows you care about her now."

Tea sighed. "I am overthinking this..." after remaining motionless for a moment, she groaned and put a hoof to her face. "I forgot to tell her about that mare earlier."

"You're on a roll this morning."


The deep orange light of the evening's sun gave a wonderful glow of warmth to Canterlot's streets, Fleur De Lis finding it hard to not feel invigorated from the light as she pranced towards Tip-Top's Café. Her train had made it's arrival a little later than scheduled; 5:21 instead of 5:00, but she still had more than enough time to get to the café before 6, which was when the little shop closed, and to that effect; when Steam Wand's day was done.

Throughout her day, the morning's pastry event had stuck with her quite fiercely, and her mind had begun to wander with the possibility Tea Leaf had simply been doing that favor because of her status as a prominent photography model and business-mare, and not because they were genuine friends. It was a terrible thought, but it seemed very possible, as it was an occurrence she had experienced in the past more than once. She knew it rude to bring such a question up to Steam Wand; but she had to know, for better or worse. Down the street she could make out two figures leaving from the cafe; one standing behind the other as the door was shut and locked. With the cafe closed for the evening, Sugar Flake and Steam Wand had their goodbyes and went off in separate directions; Steam conveniently heading right towards Fleur De Lis as she made her approach.

"Oh! Good to see you, Miss De Lis." Steam called from a short ways away.

"Good to see you, as well." as they met, Fleur gave a little motion with her hoof as she turned back the way she came. "Walk with me, dear."

"Is... there something you need, Miss De Lis?" Steam inquired curiously as she complied, walking at her side.

"Indeed; I have an inquiry about Tea Leaf; specifically this morning."

"The pastry thing?"

"Yes. I know it's rude of me to ask this, maybe even nosy... but, has Tea been doing that as a true friend or just because of my status?"

Steam held his silence for a moment, deep in thought. "Tea would kill me for telling you this... but it's for the good of both of you," Fleur felt a lump in her throat, "It's neither, really."

"Pardon? How is it neither?"

Steam looked to Fleur with a nervous smile. "You didn't hear this from me; but Tea Leaf is madly in love with you,"

Fleur De Lis stopped dead in her tracks. "What?! But... she's a mare..."

"...That likes other mares; especially you."

A look of horror came to Fleur's expression. "By Celestia's throne; it makes sense now! She's always so nervous around me... and her gesture with the pastry, her constant compliments of my appearance... Wednesday... when I came in soaking from the rain... that's why she was so awe-struck! Oh my goodness, what have I been doing to that poor filly..."

Steam hummed and nodded.

"I... I simply assumed she acted that way because I'm a celebrity, I'm so used to others being the same way, it's never clicked that her reactions were... genuine."

"You've dug yourself into quite the hole, as well. You jokingly flirt with her all the time, and now she thinks you might 'feel' for her."

Fleur's expression remained the same as her eyes wandered aimlessly, her mind reeling. "What have I done to that poor filly..."

"You've made her happy; that's for sure."


"Oh yeah. She loves talking to you in the morning, she's told me that you were the main reason she kept working at Tip-Tops. I remember when she first started working with me, and every morning... eugh, she was such a drag. But, as time went on, and you two became more friendly, she started to love waking up and coming in early, just to see you for 3 minutes out of her day."

"How have I been so ignorant to have never seen all of this before!? I... I feel like I've genuinely hurt her in some way."

"As much as she tried to avoid it, she really loved going to lunch with you."

"Why has she been so adamant about turning me down if she's so deeply enthralled with me?"

"Fear. She doesn't want to mess anything up or say something stupid... which she already has, apparently."

"Messed things up? Heavens, no! She hasn't done anything wrong!" Fleur's exclamations paused as Steam held up a silencing hoof.

"I mean, say something stupid. I'm sure you remember a certain blunder you and she had while at lunch?"

Fleur's eyes widened in remembrance. "Oh, yes... her comment as we were en route to lunch. I was wondering why she had thought there to be such a meaning behind a simple question."

Steam offered another silent nod, Fleur pausing as she thought on this whole matter. "Does she wish to make love to me?"

Steam blinked a few times, visibly shocked by the question. "I... I think so. I'd assume so." he paused, thinking a little longer. "Yeah... she does. She's never said it out loud, but yeah; she does."

"I'm not a mare's mare... you know that, and I'm sure she does, so what... what do I do if she tries to get me in bed with her?"

Steam chuckled lightly. "If you don't lean towards mares, then you don't lean towards mares."

"If I told her no, I'm sure it would crush her... and I don't want to hurt her or do anything to ruin our friendship..."

"You could just kiss her."

The suggestion gave Fleur a moment of pause, her eyes once again wandering. "Oh goodness... what do I do here, Steam? If she does try something tomorrow night, I'll end up saying no, and it'll most likely hurt our friendship... but I can't say yes, because... I don't like other mares how she does! I've never really considered myself as somepony that would lean both ways..."

"Like I said; if you don't like mares, then you don't like mares."

Fleur tapped her hoof in thought. "You also said 'you could just kiss her'. For that sweet little filly, I'd most certainly cuddle and maybe give her some pecks on the cheek... but actually making love to her? I... I don't think I could."

"Miss De Lis, if you actually spooned her, you'd make her the happiest mare to ever live."

She paused again in thought. "I... still don't even know about kissing her, though. I'm promiscuous, I won't deny that... but, I simply don't lean towards mares."

Steam put a knowing hoof on Fleur's shoulder, "You do what you think is best, Miss De Lis."