• Published 29th Jun 2012
  • 9,492 Views, 602 Comments

Pony POV Series Season Two: Pearls - Alex Warlorn

Discord is beaten, but it's the scars you can't see that take the longest to heal. Let us continue

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Pearls Pony POV Series Episode 21: "Pearl Necklace Part 3"

My Little Pony friendship Is Magic
Reharmonization Pony POV Series
Episode Title: "Pearl Necklace Part 3 of 5"
By Alex Warlorn

(Back In Time copy righted by Sega.)
(MLP ending song copyright Habsor.)

My name is Screwball... Well, not really, but that's what everypony here except the nice doctors call me... I wonder why?

All my fellow residents are back to normal after the fog tried to touch and hurt them, except that pony on the other side of the wall of my room, I can't hear her.

Oh hi! Hello! Didn't see you there! I'm sooo bored right now. It's so nice to have somepony to talk to! It's a shame, the world made sense, but I didn't get to spend any time with my little princess...

My room doesn't have padding in it like a lot of the other rooms here, the other ponies say I'm not dangerous to myself, just... unpredictable. I don't know why they think that. I mean yeah, the orderly didn't seem to like the chiropractor job I did on him, but he really needed it! It wasn't my fault he didn't want one! And none of his bones were permanently dislocated! And I guess I do have a habit of leaving the hospital without permission, but it isn't my fault they kept saying no. All I want to do is see my prince and little princess again, I wish they'd understand that!

There sure are a lot of foals playing outside today, it makes me think of my little princess. I really want to visit her! The last time I visited her at our house, it was right after they added to this lock to my cell door... It's been awhile. Still, it was so nice of her to bring me that lovely gift! She's such a thoughtful and considerate widdle-filly-willy.

Still, that fog out there. A lot of the other ponies started screaming a lot when it touched them. It's a good thing I decided to climb up here and hang from the ceiling like this! The doctors don't seem to like me doing this, but what do they know?

Oh, look at all those cute yellow and pink song birds in my window! Looking at me with those blue eyes! There's something you don't see every day! The little birds opened their beaks to sing, but before they could give me a little song, this huge white and pink falcon with blue eyes swooped down at the them and they shattered in a flurry of feathers.

Oh look! A little sun bird with the falcon's coloring just landed outside my window! I'd better tell it what its friend did!

"That wasn't very nice." I said to the sun bird. "Your friend just scared all those other little birds away."

"Sorry. But I wanted to ask you a question."

I tilt my head in confusion, "Okay, I know I'm not that crazy. Birds don't talk."

"Maybe I'm not a bird. But will you answer my question?"

I tilt my head the other way, "Depends on the question."

"Would you like to see your prince again? Even if it's for just a little while?"

My heart skips a beat, "Yes! Yes yes yes yes!" I answered so fast I didn't even blink! I start hopping around from just the excitement of it all. The sun bird gives me a nostalgic look, I wonder why?

"Okay, I promise you'll be able to find him outside. Not right outside but-"

I poke my muzzle against the window, "THANK YOU SO MUCH! I'll be going now!"

"What? But-but don't you need some help to-"

"It's okay! Don't worry about it!" I said, waving her off with my back leg. I know just what to do!

I calmly remove the Plexiglas from the see through hole in my door (I got it loose awhile ago), and, using my front and back legs, pushed the little sliding-door in the door open.

I peek my head outside to take a look around, I didn't see any of the orderlies or doctors outside. I can go!

"No really, you don't need to-" the bird started, but I'm too excited to reply!

They make it so hard for me to open the latch on the door from the inside, but I know the trick. All ya gotta do is dislocate a major bone or three, ugh, just like that. Then ya slide your dislocated hoof through the tiny door like that ... then pull~, and it's field trip time! Now, just excuse me while I ... ugh . . push these ...back ... into PLACE! THERE! GOOOD-AS-NEW! Whao. If I wasn't crazy, I'm sure I'd have passed out from the pain there. Maybe I should tell the doctors I jammed the lock last time I had my bath. Huh, the bird looks at me a little sickened, it should get that checked.

I trot out of my cell like I'm going down to breakfast, with the traditional royal swagger of course, got to keep up my appearances if I want to see my prince!

I jump when I see this little colt in a doctor's coat just their size outside below my range of vision (maybe the doctors were right and I do have tunnel vision). This day is starting to get really odd, they normally don't let foals wander around here unsupervised.

"Hello! You really need to go back inside your room now please."

Dang. There goes that trick! I'll have to think of a new escape method, again. Oh well, it gives me something to pass the time between sessions with the doctors!

"It's okay, a birdie said I could go outside."

"Oh?! Really? Okay! If Her Kindnesty says you can go outside! Then it must be okay! Have a nice day!" The little colt waves me off and I do the same with my back hoof.

"This is easier than usual." I said to myself. I pass the big orderlies, who haven't become small and cute, but are now SMILING! Seeing them smile is enough to make me shiver.

I trot through the halls unopposed, this is really weird. It almost takes the fun out of this... Oh well! I still get to see my prince! That makes it worth it!

"Hello and well met!" I jump, coming face to face with the pegasus without wings from the cell next to me, except she isn't in her cell anymore. She's standing in the entrance room, talking to the doctor colts and orderlies with a voice of authority and kindness.

"Hello. You look really great!" I reply. The pink pegasus is wearing platinum armor engraved with a butterfly symbol. She has the most beautiful pair of giant butterfly wings I have ever seen! The ones she gets on the weekends from that nice unicorn don't come close!

"Thank you!"

"A little birdie said I could go outside today!"

"Have a nice day!"

I walk out, the colts in the security booth undoing the door-locks for me with smiles on their faces. This is getting so weird, I almost feel bad escaping when it's this easy...

The moment I step hoof outside the house, I realize I had forgotten an important detail about this little adventure.

The fog is still outside. But the sun seemed to be keeping it away from me. It was funny ... I didn't think the sun could be so bright when the fog was out, pegasi are so clever, and the sun is so warm, so enveloping... It's like getting a nice hug from mom...

I feel so calm and serene. I remember myself being like before things became so confusing...

It's like back when I could look at a map and tell north from south, when I could look at words and not see just a jumble of confusing letters, when I could put my dresses on without being told I had put them on backwards...again. When I could look at the schedule I had just written down myself and see how things connected instead of lots of separate boxes. I used to love doing that for my prince and our little princess. To plan all our stuff out for us... Now I can't even draw the boxes without ending up with a bunch of circles...

Circles? Why does that ring a bell?...

Oh! Circles, like my roller skates, where are they? Oh! There are they are! How'd they get here? And now they fit me again, that's weird... Why wouldn't they fit me? Mom custom ordered them for my birthday! Doesn't matter. There we go, now let's go see what we can discover today! It's a big wide world and I'm not gonna miss any of it!


Onyx Tiara huffed and puffed, he couldn't remember when he had last had time to interact with other foals so much! Oh sure, he had friends, foals of other rich earth ponies, but they didn't really ever get to hang out or play by themselves, it was always at big, stuffy social things, which were so boring! He was catching his breath, but was still smiling. His father told him that Earth Ponies were always stronger and had more endurance than Pegasi, but these fillies were proving them wrong! He hoped his papa didn't see.

But he had never felt so free, he had used his silver namesake collar as a hula-hoop, which he knew his parents would never approve of, it made him grin! The pegasi had clapped at his performance. They weren't nearly as bad as papa and grandma had said they were.

The unicorns were a little intimidated to play ball, worried they might actually stick the ball with their horns and ruin the game, but Onyx had encouraged them to simply play using their back hooves rather than their front. They weren't anything like papa and grandma had said either, he began to get the feeling maybe they'd just never met any pegasi or unicorns for real.

Onyx didn't care if this day EVER ended! He wished it would last forever! He was free!

"You call that fast?! This is fast!" A purple and gold blur zoomed right past Onyx, making him spin! He landed on his flanks and looked to see a purple filly on gold colored roller skates passing the air-born pegasi foals and reaching (more like hitting) the tree that had been the finish line. How was she skating on grass? The filly picked herself up and put her beanie back on her head, "HA! I win!"

"No fair, you cheated!" Protested a yellow pegasus colt. Never mind the she hadn't actually been part of the race in the first place.

"How?" Asked the purple Earth pony filly looking up at them, cocking her head in confusion.

"You used wheels!"

"And you used wings."

"My wings are a part of me!"

"So if I grew wheels then that wouldn't be cheating?"

"Er, that is-Hey! Saria!"

A green pegasus with a darker mane and blue eyes nudged her friend out of the way, "WOW! You're fast! What's your name?"

"I'm Golden Skates! But you can call me Goldie, or Princess."

Onyx finally reached the tree, why did everything seem farther away when you needed to catch your breath? Being dizzy from the spin Golden Skates had sent him into didn't help either.

"Oh. And who are you?" Golden Skates asked lowering her head and looking at the Earth pony colt.

"I'm-I'm Onyx Tiara."

"Onyx Tiara, huh?" Goldie said smiling, "You always this slow?"

"AM NOT! And I bet I could go as fast you if I had skates!"

Skates grinned, the pegasi all looked at each other.

Sometimes I ask myself
What am I doing here
I think of all the reasons
But it's still not clear

Now bare hoofed Goldie trotted around Onyx, who was now shaking in Goldie's roller skates. "Ready?"

Onyx was having second thoughts, "Er-maybe-I-"

"Okay!" she pushed him.

I look at places to go
There's nothing near
So take me away from this
Cause this place I'll hardly miss

Onyx let out a scream as his roller path took him straight into an orchard, leaving the pegasi behind. His brain in full panic mode, he miraculously dodged every tree and breathed a sigh of relief and looked behind him at his accomplishment, and predictably smacked straight into an apple tree, looking like a splatted insect against the tree trunk as he slid down. Inevitably, the mandatory pile of apples only fell to bury him once he had gathered enough wits to look up.

So take me back in time
To another world
Then you can be mine
We don't have to worry
When you're by my side

Goldie skipped merrily to the pile of apples and casually knocked a few apples off the top of the pile to reveal the colt underneath. "Hiiii!" She smiled. "Not bad for your first go! Maybe next time you'll hit the tree so fast it'll get uprooted."

Tears in his eyes, Onyx snapped, Goldie noticed he had a bloody nose, "You big bully! Why do you hate me?! What did I ever do to you!? Just take your stupid skates and go away!" Onyx pulls his forelegs out of the pile and tried to undo the straps with his teeth but wasn't quite sure how to get them off. After half a minute of futile trying he just broke down and sobbed.

There's nothing I don't know
There's nothing to decide
Apart from where we want to go

Goldie got on her rear legs' knees, "I ... I don't hate you."

"Yes, you do! You just wanna see me hurt! You just wanna laugh at me!"

Goldie felt tears of her own, "I don't wanna laugh at you."

"Yes, yes you do! All you wanna do is laugh!" Onyx cried harder, not able to get the skates off.

Goldie cleared away the apples, and undid the straps on the skates and tossed them aside. She used her beanie and tried to clear away some of the blood, not working as well as she'd have liked. The filly hugged the colt and said, "I'm not laughing. I promise I'm not laughing. Listen, I'm not laughing. I won't laugh if you don't wanna. I promise. I'm sorry I hurt ya. I just wanted ya to have fun. I didn't want ya to get hurt. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

Onyx didn't verbally respond, but he didn't shoot any more hateful words at her. They stayed that way for so long that both the foals lost track. Goldie led Onyx to a small water pool where he could wash the blood off.

What I am I doing now
By coming back for more
Is it me or I have I been here before

"You ... you really did do good," Goldie said in a small voice. "I thought you really did a nice job until you stopped looking the way you were going."

Onyx said nothing.

"Seriously, you were great!"

Onyx looked at her passively.

Goldie struggled with what to say, she was so used to being in control of any situation, not having control and not knowing what to do next really scared her. The little filly struggled against panic with herculean effort.

"When I first started skating, my legs would start going in different directions! My parent told me I should just give it up before I hurt myself, and I did hurt myself, but I didn't want to give up, I just had to remember why I got hurt so I wouldn't do it again. You did WAY BETTER than me on my first try!"

Onyx looked at her, and wasn't able to figure out if she was lying or not. "Really?"

"Yes really!" She grinned ear to ear. She trotted up to him and held his hooves, "Wanna be my prince?"


I want to go somewhere
That we can explore

"Every princess needs a prince! That's what mom and dad say! So can you be mine?"

"What do princesses and princes together do?" Onyx asked confused.

"I... have no clue." Goldie confessed. "Uh, wanna play? For real this time? I promise I won't use my skates."

The filly looked at him pleading.

Onyx then remembered how his mother said you need to be always polite to fillies. He sighed. "Okay."

She hugged him again, which took him off guard. He stumbled, and they both fell into the natural pool. The splash was epic, something both foals could appreciate. Thankfully, as it turned out, both ponies could swim.

They looked at each other, their manes soaked, and laughed.

Just take me away from here
To somewhere that's no where near

Observing this were three small creatures that looked like miniature ponies with butterfly wings and long thread-like antennae. They fluttered about the apple tree branches, their breathing and motions in sync. They were white with pink manes and blue eyes, their wings were the color of pastel rainbows with a sunburst pattern. They giggled to themselves in an echo.

The fairy-like ponies flew over the two foals sprinkling pixie dust.

Goldie then laughed and beeped Onyx on the nose, "Tag! You're it!" She dove under the water, her lower half's flukes splashing him the face.

"Hey, no fair!" Onyx laughed and dove down after her, his tail propelling him fast after. He'd only heard about things like this in bedtime stories, now he was one! Of course, why wouldn't he be one?

Onyx chased after her, the pool now a lake. An angry squid raised its head, ready to deal with a few more ponies who had intruded on its home, only to get bowled over by a pair of hippocampi. The two nearly created a whirlpool as they spun around each other. Then Onyx got an idea and stopped, causing Goldie to crash into him.

The two swam up together and broke the surface, leaping so high into the air, it was like they could fly.

The two pegasi foals broke apart and spread their wings. Now it was Onyx's turn to fly away as he folded his wings, dove back down, opened them up again at the last moment, and had his wings skim the water's surface. Goldie followed, twirling in a corkscrew. The two flew up again, Onyx kicked a cloud in the way to make Goldie take the long way around but she just crashed through it head first instead. Onyx repeated his trick several times with the same result. Why had his papa said such mean things about pegasi? It had always been great to be one!

Take me there
Take me anywhere you want to go
To a place that we both know

Finally Onyx made the mistake of letting himself be cornered by clouds on all sides and she reached out to hug tackle him. Instead he teleported away. Goldie made a noise of disappointment, then sensed him and teleported too.

Goldie reappeared in the apple orchard, the unicorn looked this way and that in search of her playmate. She spotted him and teleported right next to him, only for him to teleport away an instant later. Goldie just laughed and teleported to his new location just a couple trees away, only for Onyx to teleport away the next moment once again. This cycle repeated several times until the orchard was a viable lightshow of teleportation spells.

Finally the two unicorns teleported right next to each other, and Goldie brushed against his side. "Gotcha, prince."

"Got you too, princess." Their horns touched and sparkled fireworks.

Now Onyx wished this afternoon could last beyond forever.

Back in time
I'm going back in time
Back in time
So take me back in time
So take me

A while later the two earth ponies came back to the main group, each introducing them to their new best friend. The pegasi and unicorns clapped.

Sunny Day sighed at the lovely sight. Then she noticed the fog was beginning to break up. 'Oh well. Nothing lasts forever.'

She called out in a powerful voice, "I'm sorry, everypony! Looks like playtime is over."

All the ponies turned at Sunny Day's compelling voice. A chorus of "Do we have to?" "Not yet please!" "I don't wanna!" flooded back at her.

Mary Mare looked at Sunny Day with a disappointed and wistful look on her face, "Aaaahh!~ Does it have to be?"

Sunny Day nodded sadly, "Yes, sorry dear. I'm afraid it has to. I'm very sorry dearie. I know that it would be nice if it didn't have to end, but Mary, nothing does last forever. But I think this day has done all of you some very much good." Sunny Day lowered her head and nuzzled the slightly younger filly. "And you all did have fun with your best friends, right?"

Mary Mare accepted the nuzzle and nodded, "Yeah! Yeah I did! Me and Ravvey both did!"

"There! Then this day wasn't a waste! I think being without your troubles for a day has done you some good indeed."

Mary Mare didn't quite understand but nodded in response.

"I want you to know, you and all of you are my bestest friends. No matter what happens, do not forget that," Sunny Day said to her. Ravvey joined in the nuzzle.

Feeling too tired now for the field trip through Everkind Forest to see Princess Gaia's amusement park, the ponies began nuzzling each other and saying goodbyes. Little Redheart led her special friends back to her clinic.

Sunny Day felt her heart ache with regret (a price for this form) seeing Redheart subconsciously lead the foals back to their hospital beds that some would never leave again, but also gave a small smile, knowing they got to have the chance to run and play at least one last time before that happened. She knew Lulu would extract restitution from her for extending the day a little.

The fog was much thinner now. She felt Princess Gaia's essence given to Spike and Owlowiscious fade, and it was a slow scalpel along her side feeling the despair from a pegasus whose replacement wings dissolved along with her armor.

The fog was now just a few wisps, and they were coming. She rolled an eye to see them, half-formed shadows of ponies. Some raging, some weeping, but all moving like the wind toward the innocent and pure foals that she loved so dearly. Sunny Day was so tempted, so very tempted to annihilate them out of existence. It would take more magic than she had used in centuries, Luna would have to raise and lower the sun on her own for a few decades, but she could do it. Let these foals remain foals, either remaining in their simple happiness if they chose, or growing up into fine mares and stallions without these taints. Yes, it would be so easy, just a thought, just a gesture. She was an Alicorn, she had a right to make this decision if she chose!

Sunny Day sighed and let the shadows pass unopposed. She wondered if the foals could see them, likely not. Maybe it was kinder that way.

The little foal Berry Punch was trotting back to her house when a shadow dove inside her.


The mare Berry Punch shook her head dizzily, finding the world suddenly a lot smaller.

Blueblood nuzzled Apple Smith, and told her how he hoped that they could play again tomorrow before they parted way, Apple Smith trotting alongside Little Mac. Blueblood stayed along side his guardian.

Barely out of sight, a shadow wormed its way back inside the agile hyperactive green filly with a pie cutie mark.


The elderly Granny Smith slowed down to a snail's crawl. It was going to be a long walk home.

Another shadow dove inside Little Mac, returning to where it was born from.


Big Mac let his grandmother lean on him, hoping no one saw him playing with Smartypants today.

Onyx looked around for Goldie, wondering where she had gotten to. There seemed to be a lot less foals and more and more adults suddenly. Where were they all going? Then a partially ugly shadow entered and took its throne that it had been torn from before.


Onyx Tiara shook his head, what was this? Had he . . . had he really spent the entire day playing with feather-dusters and narwhals-?! And enjoyed it?! That couldn't be right could it-?! But that would mean all that time with his Princess today had been... the surreal play-date swam through his mind. He hadn't been, couldn't have spent the afternoon happily as one of -THEM- could he? Onyx Tiara fled back to his house and his room in terror at the confusing emotions that refused to leave him.

"Blueblood?" Sunny Day said to the little white unicorn, fifty-two generations removed from an Alicorn.


"I want you to know, your Auntie Celestia really does love you and care about you. She doesn't hate you, and never has, and never will, though the way you act sometimes does make her very upset. But she still wouldn't want a world without you, and she's very sorry she could never spend enough time with you. She had something very important to do for her sister and everyone, she was preparing for it while you were growing up, but that's no excuse, it was her own fault for not wanting to see the warning signs with her sister when she should've in the first place. She just wants you to know that she's very sorry. And she hopes she can still make it up to you."

The confused, innocent colt still looked at her as a shadow dive bombed into him like a tidal wave.


Sunny Day vanished in a flicker of light, and the goddess of the sun herself stood in her place, wearing her heavy mantle.

"Auntie?" Blueblood said, the spoiled stallion of a prince's head spinning. "What happened?"

"The one thing you wanted your entire foalhood, nephew: To be a colt rather than a prince, I'm sorry I couldn't give it to you longer."

Sheriff and chief looked looking at the kissing couple. Ah, young love.


Between species-?! DISGUSTING!!! But they'd spent the entire day accepting it! How was that possible?! It wasn't right, was it?! They were different species! Everything seemed so confusing... Maybe they both just needed to sit down and share a tall glass of whisky with lots and LOTS of salt mixed in...


Blueblood nearly had a breakdown finding himself in such a nowhere town like Ponyville, but glad it was within relative trotting distance of Canterlot, that meant his carriage to carry him back would be there all the sooner. Blueblood was no mage unicorn and had no mastery over teleportation magic. Celestia let him be, like everypony else, he'd have a lot of confusing thoughts and feelings to work through and needed time to do it.

Celestia saw a collection of tiny stars, sparks of existence whose only trait assigned to them was 'alive' float down into Ponyville and enter a number of round bellied mares, two enter a bakery called Sugarcube Corner and return to a blue mare. Celestia had never thanked Her Parents so much as in that moment.

She felt a foal hug her leg, she looked down and saw Golden Skates hugging her distressed. "I-I don't wanna go." She sobbed.

"I'm sorry dear. There's a filly who loves her mother very much, who is waiting for her mother to heal and overcome her shadows."

"But I don't wanna go! Everything isn't confusing anymore. I can see! I can read! I can understand!... I don't want everything to go back to being confusing."

Celstia gently nuzzled her, folding her wings around her, keeping the shadow at bay just for the moment. "Everything won't be confusing forever. I promise you'll get better. I promise you'll find your way through the fog and find your family waiting for you. You'll become a stronger self. And hopefully, being reminded of the good times he had with you will help your prince guide you out of your fog."

"I don't wanna die." Goldie sniffed rubbing her eyes, begging.

Celestia eyed the shadow, just a gesture, just a thought, and leave only a foal behind who could enjoy life and eventually become a mare who wouldn't be dragged into the fog and tear apart her family. Sure, destroying all the shadows might not be right, but would anyone care if she destroyed just one? So easy. But Celestia knew it wasn't that simple.

"You're not dying, you're just becoming something new. I promise, what makes you 'you' will never disappear. You're not vanishing, you're growing."

"But I like being with my prince! I like... wanna, wanna see my little princess... I wanna... please..."

"If I could grant that wish I would. I'm so sorry, my little pony. Just rest now. Just listen to my voice, and rest...

My Little Pony, My Little Pony,
Isn't it time we started home?
My Little Pony, My Little Pony,
Who ever dreamed how far we'd roam?
Crickets are calling, evening is falling,
Over the meadow and glen.
My Little Pony, My Little Pony,
When will I see you again? "

Celestia's divine voice almost broke, but she knew it would do no good for her subjects to see their princess on the verge of tears.

Celestia gently telekinetically lifted up the sleeping foal. She unfolded her wings.

The shadow pounced.


Celestia lovingly nuzzled the still sleeping mare, and put the gold roller skates in her forehooves, far too small for her, being made for a little filly. Then, without a word, Celestia teleported to Golden Tiara's hospital room, deposited her on the bed, and teleported away.
