• Member Since 7th Oct, 2016
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Prismfire Productions

A ling from the southeast US, support me on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/sandstorm94/overview


Comments ( 71 )

Interested to see where you going with this. Good luck!

Comment posted by Fireheart 1945 deleted Feb 11th, 2017

Shortly after I read "Long Live the Queen" I found out you made an sequel.
I would have read it sooner but I was busy so I had to add it to my reading list. Now finally I got time to read it.

I will be honest (but fair) with you:
This story is very rushed.
Especially this current chapter. I would have expected to see a few szenes with the council; especially after you hinted it would probably be in Chrysalis' favor. Also the "relationship" between Flurry and Chrysalis seemingly comes out of nowhere (at least for me).
You writing-style isn't the best, but definetly on the better side. You can keep going with that.
What you really have to improve is spelling, punctuation and stuff. I recommend an proofreader.
Completely different suggestion: Don't only write the name of the original story in the description but also provide an link. That would make it far easier for future readers to find this reference and simply looks better.
And did you ask the author of the original story to mention your story somewhere? Maybe in his description or at the end of his last chapter. At the very least you can make an comment referring to your story there.
I hope that helps.

7951307 Yes, Sandstorm asked my permission to use the concept from Long Live the Queen and I was quite happy to give them permission seeing as I had no intention of going further with the story from my end. I'm fine with them not having a link, particularly as I tend to write a fair bit of nsfw stuff.

But thank you for reading "Long Live the Queen". The first chapter was me just goofing around with a silly idea. The second chapter was me actually working at trying to make a decent story.

Well, that escalated quickly.
Very quickly.

But I see what they are doing:
She provocated her parents to declare her an enemy. For international external observers the Crystal Empire is now the evil one. Changelings are getting stronger the more love they have. Now Chryssy and Flurry are going to 'produce' an infinite volume on love to make an unstoppable army. And then...


gives you some of Tia's cake good job, but Cadance is totally in the wrong here

oooh sex and good but good job keep going

Sooo... Is Chryssy still wearing her 'outfit'?

And I wonder just what Shining will explain next chapter.

Hmmm, Iiiiiiinteresting...

*sprays Thorax with bug spray* Whoops... >.> *does it again*

Hmm, yeah, feels rushed, but still amusing.

Stop bugging Chryssie, Thorax.

That escalated quickly. I can see Cadance's point, but Chryssie was kind of already published for her misdeeds, losing her hive and ask that, she even apologised. Time to let it go, let it go, Cadance.

Ooooh, kinky. And I think Chryssie enjoys that, despite the appearances. Let's just hope Flurry doesn't overdo it, it was kinda her fault that Chryssie was late, since she had to do everything without magic.

Hmm, so Shining seems to be much more reasonable.

"Anyways.." Petal said breaking the kiss. "I will see you in a bit."

That paragraph has a lot of punctuation errors.

I have to agree; skipping over the council scenes after hitting it would be difficult? Very dissapointing.

"Thou shalt not covet thy daughter's bughorse wife"


Written with permission from Penalt since his story "Long Live the Queen" is the inspiration for this story.

Can I please get a link to that story?

Chrysalis' jaw dropped at Flurry's words

Mine too. Now I need to find a way to reattach it.

and the Crystal Heart shattered...

I hope she has some duct tape arround...

7951744 Your story was entertaining and this is a faithful follow up.

8001229 Agreed she even apologised, I can't imagine how much that hurt her pride.

That settles it, I'm going to Canterlot to see my aunties; maybe they can exterminate the problem I am having in my home, Empire, and family while Aunt Lulu frees me from this damned to Tartarus nightmare. Enjoy your rest dear because I've awoken and I'm taking back control."

Awoken time woohoo.

7951307 Flurry Heart's feeling towards Chrysalis were subtly mentioned in the previous chapter.

I'm sorry what, Cadance is basically killing herself and Shining armor want to arrest his daughter because Cadance is being Cadunce?


Keep in mind just how deeply Flurry's words cut in the last chapter, Shining was using that as a personal attack against the Imperial Princess (aka Cadance) so it is grounds for arrest considering Cadance's deteriorating state

The analogy, death by chocolate comes to mind here

Welp, that's going well. At least Shiny and Chryssie are reasonable.

"Cady dear, please eat something, the nurses' horns are starting to get sore from having to constantly magically convert your food and drinks into a form your body can absorb through magic." Shining pleaded with his now-frail wife.

Can't they just use an funnel?

Hopefully the meeting won't end like this comic:
Video version.

Nice chapter.
But you really should look for an proofreader.


I have a proofreader, hence why my chapters have been getting better over time:pinkiehappy:

This fic needs comedy tag, because its so cheese and OOC that is absurdal


I don't know whether or not to see that as a compliment or insult....

I really want to see where this is going

"Are you absolutely sure you are ok? I don't need you to be coming down with something like the chloroflu, I would be upset if you didn't seek a medical opinion if that is the case...or if you did and hid it from me. I am sorry if I am being overbearing, but I am just concerned since you are my wife."

I like this bit specifically because of the chloroflu. Little details like that-a unique disease-makes you setting seem more alive.

"Worse than I ever was Flurry...even worse than Sombra, meaner than Discord at his peak, more cutthroat than Tirek himself. You will become what you hate to be, a loveless pit of nothing but anger and swearing vengeance on everything good because you felt wronged. I am speaking from experience dear because that is what happened to me. Before my villainous days, I was like I am now, a kind and sweet mare. Me and my mother were close, you never saw one without the other and she always set time apart from her busy day to spend with me. I loved her deeply, and she loved me back..."

More cutthroat than Tirek is...debatable. He was a sociopath who only saw other living beings at best as a resource and whose only positive relationship, his brother, is long gone and withered. But Chrysalis isn't fully in Tirek's mindset and it's not an unreasonable thing.

"N-no..." Flurry's muscles locked up as the mental dam started crumbling and the pain of her feelings started to swell. Her horn started sparking, her body shaking as wave after wave of pent up emotion started to course through her entire being. Chrysalis' jaw dropped when the magic coming from Flurry's horn started having specks of green in it.

"I must be seeing things...there is no way-" Chrysalis' train of thought detailed and its engine flew into the next county as, with a scream, Flurry's whole body started to glow. Her muscles rippled and grew stronger as she gained about 6 inches in height, her coat remaining but thinned slightly. Through true pain a single thought fought its way to the forfront of her brain, she had to be with her family.

[Insert evolving pokemon music here.]

Anyway, glad to have caught up with this. I think the pacing is a bit off and more focus on internal thoughts and feelings would be nice, but I still like the story. Nice, Sand.

As stated in the summary, this was inspired by Penalt's "Long Live the Queen" and I have his blessing to write this

He did say anyone was welcome to take the idea and run with it.
You however asked, got the entire planet and timeline, and made a mad dash to Discord's writing desk.
Oh this is going to be crazy and beautiful.


You however asked, got the entire planet and timeline, and made a mad dash to Discord's writing desk

Looks down at pile of shiny beads he got in exchange.

Well, that went well.

... Now i imagine Dive running around and flailing as Twilight has latched onto his fondue'd horn and is cleaning it.

Chrysalis shivered as a feeling came over her. "If you keep going down the path you are, I see you becoming an evil tyrant..."

He quickly teleported to Twilight's throne room and bowed, accidentally dipping his horn in the cheese dip canister on the floor due to the play day the Mane 6 were having. His horn, still hot from the teleport spell, caused the dip to heat and bubble turning it into fondu.


Twilight had already made an official statement concerning cheese:

Good chapter, but maybe a bit rushed at the ending.

That turned out to be a surprisingly happier ending than I expected. I'm not sure if I like that or not. I find tragedy can be extremely impacting,given the right context.

I feel like too much focus is given to the explanation and actual saving rather than the emotion the characters must have been feeling in this moment.

Aside from that, another nice chapter sand.

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