• Published 28th Jan 2017
  • 3,069 Views, 95 Comments

The Luna Papers - CoffeeBean

Cadance is left with Luna to watch over Equestria while Celestia takes her once-a-year, week-long vacation to the Bridle Shores.

  • ...


Upon their thrones with Cadance standing between them, sat Luna and Celestia, the trio's gaze resting upon the sunset just beyond the open doors of the castle's throne room. Next to Luna's throne stood her secretary and two guards, who too looked out across the hall as they awaited the sun's departure. In the grand hall stood the usual number of stoic guards posted at their pillars, but only a keen eye would find anything new. Above them, hanging from brass chains, were a series of rolled banners, and from the corner of each banner, hung a brilliantly golden chord of silken rope, the rope being ended with an ornate knot and tassel. The other end of the banner was adorned with a similar feature, however, in their current state, that second rope was shorter, and out of reach without the use of magic.

Luna's hooves tapped excitedly at the cushion of her throne as the sun finally passed the mountains in the distance, and without her input, the guards stationed below the banners were cloaked by an all-encompassing aurora of blue magic. The aurora faded, leaving every guard, including every other guard within the castle, with the exact appearance of her two personal protectors. She laughed, hopping from her throne and trotting to the edge of the platform her and her sister's thrones were stood upon.

Cadance too smiled, watching Luna's expression light up brighter than she had ever seen it as the guards, in perfect unison, pulled at their ropes with their teeth, the banners above slowly scrolling to downward to reveal their deep blue fabric, and at their center, Luna's mark. Though, at the far end of the room, the group could see one guard tugging upon his rope with no avail.

"Your Highness, mine is stuck!" he called, his voice echoing through the hall.

Luna groaned. "Confounded machinery; this is not the first time it has given up conniptions!"

Celestia let out a throaty chuckle as she watched her sister trotting down the stairs of the platform on her way to repair the banner.

"It is your design, after all, sister."

Luna scoffed, looking over her shoulder. "We shalt hear none of it! It functioned perfectly in my tests!"

Again, Celestia laughed as Luna continued on.

"Auntie, you mean to tell me that Luna designed... whatever mechanism controls the banner's raising and lowering?" inquired Cadance, looking up to Celestia, who despite being seated, was still far taller than she.

"Of course. Luna is horribly intelligent. All of those puzzles on her desk are of her own design."

"Wait, really?"

Celestia nodded. "Indeed. That mind of hers has to do something to keep itself occupied," she explained, looking back out to Luna, who had removed the banner from its chains and was doing something with it on the floor.

Cadance stared at her Auntie's gentle smile, the look in her eyes only speaking love.

"I... had a great time with her while you were gone."

"Oh, she told me. It's been a full two days since I got back, and I still haven't heard the end of 'the niece you have gifted me with is more than I could dream of'."

Cadance blushed. "She enjoyed my company that much? I mean, I knew she had enjoyed it; she herself had said so..."

"You have no clue, Cadance. Thank you, by the way, for opening your heart to her. I know she can be difficult to understand sometimes, but you; for the most part, looked beyond that."

"What do you mean, 'for the most part'?"

Celestia laughed. "You suspected her of being an evil tyrant."

Cadance blushed again, hiding her face behind her curly mane. "She made it sound like she was planning something!"

"She was planning something! Just not what you expected. There's a lesson to learn here, Cadance; don't make assumptions about somepony without the whole picture."

"But... I had tons of evidence."

Celestia stuttered for a second. "Well, then you should only confront somepony about something you suspect them of once you're totally positive."

"Actually, she confronted me."

Celestia groaned. "Cadance, I'm trying to teach you a lesson!"

"I know! I know! I'm just saying... I already learned my lesson. Seeing her nearly cry drove your point home far before you made it."

"I'm surprised she wasn't more upset with you. Luna is the sweetest pony I've ever known, and it haunts her that she ever let herself fall so far. It haunts her more than the worst nightmares you or I could ever dream up."

Cadance's ears fell flat. "I know. I've never seen somepony look so... horrified before."

Celestia hummed. "It's in the past, now, and you didn't cause any harm. Don't dwell on it. Be glad you were able to make her so happy. Trust me; she doesn't show it all that often, but she enjoys the company of others probably more than you do."

Cadance looked back out into the hall as Luna's magic floated the banner back up to its chains, her words with the guard below unintelligible. She and Celestia watched as the guard tugged at the rope, this time, the banner properly extending. Luna's triumphant exclamation sang through the hall as she began back towards the throne platform.

"Sister, I shall be going to ensure the rest of the banners have functioned properly! Art thou... are you going to join me?"

Celestia rubbed her neck. "I... am a little worn out after today, and wanted to get some sleep."

"No matter! Cadance shall be there to accompany me!"

Celestia looked down to Cadance. "You're not going to bed soon?"

"Actually, Auntie, I'm adjusting my sleep schedule to be nocturnal."

Celestia rolled her eyes. "Great, now there's two of you!"

Luna laughed as she trotted past, collecting her secretary and guards as she continued on past the thrones, Cadance following closely. "Indeed! Fret not, sister, for I shall not keep her forever!"

Celestia looked past her throne as the group moved further into the castle proper, leaving Celestia totally alone. After a moment, the clap of hooves against marble came from a separate hall, bringing Celestia's head around to see Shining Armor approaching.

"I thought I heard Cadance..." he stated plainly, now stood in the archway of the hall he had come from.

"You did, my Captain. My sister stole her..."

Shining looked worried. "What do you mean?"

"Cadance has declared that she will now be nocturnal."

Shining's face went blank. "What?"

Celestia simply nodded.

Shining's brows bobbed as he smirked. "Now, she won't be tired when I have to work late. I can get behind this..."

Celestia let out a sound of disgust as she waved her hoof in his direction. "Oh, I don't want to hear about it! Keep it in the bedroom."

"We always do, your Highness."

With that, he bowed, trotting back down the hall he had originated from.

Comments ( 47 )

Well, this was fun to pre-read... We art gratified thy thoughts wandered towards Us.

Oop! Someone finally disliked. Bout time.

7917110 Well, you've proved yourself as a competent editor, so expect more work in the future!

This is such a sweet story! I love the way you wrote Luna and Cadance. I never thought much about their relationship before.

7918304 They're certainly a fun pair to write. I've got a great romance fic involving them, and it sparked my interest in writing about these two.

As usual; thanks for reading and commenting! Funny enough, I just finished watching a 2 hour movie and came up to catch your comment nearly 7 minutes after you made it! My timing is great.

Serious question, does Luna have some sort of mental disorder?

7919205 She's Luna; that's her problem. But, to provide a solid answer, I imagine so. You don't go off and try to kill your sister and take over the nation without having something wrong with you.

That would be the Dissociative identity disorder plus Schizophrenia I guess.

7920186 Schizophrenia, yeah... Dissociative identity disorder, not at all. And, less than actually having disorders, persay, I imagine that years and years of mental isolation and what she sees in her dreamweaving and dreamwalking have made her how she is. That, and social anxiety, for fear of being looked down upon for her differences.

She's different. We'll say that. :trollestia:

Well, this was definitely an enjoyable read, like the simplicity of it.

Definitely a very good story

7924460 :pinkiehappy: Glad you liked it so much!

Well this was an interesting read. I always enjoy a good Luna story. And seeing cadance interact with her was new for me. Not many stories where those two interact all that much. Least not that i've found. And that moment where Luna almost burst into tears. The feels. Oh the feels. Also, the ending made me chuckle. :yay:

7927753 I think you'll find yourself to be correct. My interpretation of Luna in this story doesn't stretch far from mild insanity and schizophrenia, but when one spends their sleep wandering the ideas, dreams, and nightmares of those around them, it becomes a little draining.

Also, thanks for commenting, and I look forward to seeing your thoughts in the future!

7927801 To be honest, the "mystery" aspect did feel a little off to me because (at least as an observer from this side of the fourth wall) I never quite bought into the possibility that Luna was planning to overthrow Celestia. Still, this was a bang-up SOL piece. Luna's definitely believable as an intelligent, fish-out-of-water character, and I enjoyed the rapport that Cadance established with her.

7936425 The mystery tag is very, very low-key with this story. It's a mystery from the character's view point, but not the readers. It's... sort of how I do my mysteries. Either way, thank you very much for the kind words, and I'm glad you liked the story so much!

I enjoyed this story a good deal. It was engrossing, despite its short length. I would have said something about how I was underwhelmed by the mystery element, but you've already addressed that in other comments and I'm willing to just accept it as your chosen style.

What I liked most was Luna. Despite following Cadence, Luna really stole the show. Her personality, quirks, and enigmatic nature suits the Princess of the Night well. She acts a little like someone with mental issues in the way that her reality is defined by things not shared by those around her, except that she isn't crazy; its just her nature that her attention and focus is divided and she sees more than most.

The story built well from a cold open, through a brief period of exposition and action, before reaching a positive conclusion with a friendship-affirming value. I could almost see this being an episode, which is no small praise.

I didn't notice any glaringly obvious spelling or grammar errors.

Overall, it was fun read that I'm glad I got to enjoy.

Thanks for writing it, and have a good Lunar morning! :trollestia:

8025881 Ah, you've picked up on something only one other person has; I wrote this to mimic the show! I'm glad to see my work in that regard paid off. I thank you humbly for your comment. I didn't expect something so detailed!

Good Lunar morning to you, as well, good sir.

8101016 :twilightsmile: Anytime I see a new review from you, I instantly stop what I'm doing, put on music, and go read it. Thanks for the kind words, my friend.

Oh this ending was adorable!

Hmm we really need more cute Luna/Cadance stories like this.

8110872 Oh! Thanks! I do agree; this ending was fun to write. So fluffy!

I dont know what kinda of story i was expecting with this but that wasnt it. I enjoyed it reguardless.

8172169 Yeah, I had a few people go into this and come out going "Well, that's not what I expected", which is exactly what I wanted, lol.

Also, thanks for the like and comment! Glad you enjoyed this little fic of mine. Also, I gotta ask; what'd you enjoy the most?

8172186 i would say when luna confronted cadence and the epilogue.

8172210 Did you ever think Luna was actually going to pull something crazy? I had someone theorize that she was trying to form her own nation.

8173066 to be honest not really with the way the story had been going i couldnt really imagine luna doing anything drastic. I kinda halfway guessed what was going to happen from her guard test. Though i should have figured it would show in the castle some way as well.

This was a nice little character piece. Thank you for writing it. Will there be any more Lundance interactions, platonic or otherwise from you in the future?

Actually, the next story I have planned, "life in boxes", will be a quasi sequel to this. It'll have the same Luna, and it will have Cadance as a minor roll.

Neato! I'll be sure to look out for it.

This was a wonderful story. I read it all in one sitting. Your characterization of Luna was so quirky and inventive I wish it were completely canon. I thought a little bit about showing Cadance be the first (besides Celestia) to show Luna love and acceptance in a further telling of my own story, but had yet to put it to paper. Glad I could read it here. Thanks for a great read ☺️

:rainbowkiss: Thank you so much! I'm over-joyed you liked this little story of mine! Getting Luna right in this story was easily the most challenging thing, and it's nice to see that I've succeeded. As you said; she's quirky, and there's clearly a lot more going on in her mind than what she allows to come out in words.
Again, thank you for commenting, favoriting, and liking! Waking up to see this made my morning. If you'd like, consider following my page, because the next story I release, titled 'Life In Boxes', is a quasi-sequel to this story. It'll be the same characterization of Luna, and will feature Cadance a tiny bit, but the premise will be entirely different.

Awesome! I'll be sure to follow you then! Glad my comment made your day. :)

That with out a doubt is one of the absolute best Luna story's I have ever had the pleasure to read my good sir! Not only do I Demand that you wright more about her but.....If you can wright Luna this good I would love to see what you could do with queen crastaliyes lol-how ever the buck you spell her name-

I thank you for the comment, and for reading! Sorry it took me 2 weeks to reply, you commented when I had another story in the featured box, and I was getting lots of notifications. Yours slipped through the cracks! Anywho, I'm so glad you liked this story, and as for writing more Luna, the next story I will write (once I finally finish up with 'Sol Point') Will be a quasi-sequel to this, and will feature the same Luna as the protagonist! If you care to know when it comes out, give my page a follow!

A fascinating interpretation of Luna, and a great presentation of the shared struggle between the aneurotypical and more conventional minds to understand one another. Thank you for a surprisingly rich and suspenseful read.

It was my pleasure, and thank you for reading and commenting! Im glad you've enjoyed this as well as some of my other works, as I know you've read 'The Past Saw The Future'. If you haven't already, maybe give my page a follow? The next thing i write will actually be a quasi sequel to this story, and will dig far deeper onto this interpretation of Luna.

oi fuck yeah cunt.
2 for 2. Now I just hope The Usual can stand up to the test.

Yep. Honestly wish there were more stories with Cadance and Luna the main characters.

Great story The relationship of cadence and luna is interesting and uncommond .
This story need a sequel

I've never really considered a sequel for this story. A sequel to any of my stories would be fairly uncommon; I purposefully leave things where they are in a story. That said, nearly every story of mine is connected, and the lore, characters, and the details of each one intertwine with the next.
Also, thank you for reading! I'm glad you've enjoyed this little tale of mine. Be sure to leave a like, if you haven't already!

This story is just so... awe-inspiring.

I went into this without checking the description, and I have to say, it was definitely the best decision I've ever made on how to read a story. Each chapter was just so fulfilling with the discovery of new pieces, and as the chapters went on and I learned more about the puzzle, the more enchanted I felt. I felt like I was stepping into Cadance's hooves one chapter, then back into my own body the next. On top of all this, your characterization just takes the cake and shoves it in my mouth; it makes me want to read more about the world your princesses live in, and just how this family of immortals interact! This story made me want to write, it was that great of a read. In conclusion, the story left me wanting more, and it gave it to me.

A super fulfilling read, this was.

Wow, thank you so much! I'm,so happy to hear you've liked... nay, maybe loved this story! I worked pretty hard on this little piece, and it's always awesome to see it pay off! Thanks for reading, famalam

I love this story. You captured my interest within the first few paragraphs and held it right to the end of the epilogue. Well done.

Thanks so much! It's funny, I sent this story to EDQ and whoever I got as a pre-reader must have been a total blockhead, because he said he didn't know what the point of the story was supposed to be, and kept saying how nothing happened 1 chapter in. I typically don't like tooting my own horn, but considering this story has been reviewed by both SA and The Writer's Cafe and maintains a 183 - 2 like/dislike ratio... so I think he was a little dim

Either way, lol, I'm so glad you read both this story and Life In Boxes!

Just realized I left a comment after I finished, so here it is! Overall this story is such a good read - it’s got mystery that Cadance is subtly working out, it gives a fresh take on Luna and her nieces relationship, and it’s written in a way that makes it so enjoyable to read. I definitely recommend!:twilightsmile:

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