• Member Since 12th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Last Friday

Impossible Numbers

"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying, And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying."


Coloratura struggles after losing the odious manager Svengallop, and does what she can to get her life back on track.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 4 )

That was a good story and a really good song!

I don't understand why people write Coloratura as being destitute after firing Svengallop, he was riding the coattails of her success, it seems to me that he'd need her much more than she would need him... but I've seen it written this way a few times.

Anyway, within the context of this story it all worked pretty well; that Coloratura didn't take the easy way out and decided to put faith in her fellow ponies to let them judge her as an unknown, not by her previous star power or a boost from someone else.

Thanks for yet another good story.


:scootangel: I'm glad you liked it, especially the song! That could be a pain at times because what I wanted to say wasn't always what would fit the meter, and it was arguably the most work-intensive part of the whole thing. It looks like I got the balance right. :eeyup:

I suppose the best counterargument in favour of the destitution thing - though admittedly not a great one - is that the episode doesn't really contradict Svengallop's claim that he works hard for Coloratura's success; the main issue was that he was doing things behind her back (bullying Pinkie, most obviously) which she could never agree with. In my fic here, her power to bowl ponies over with her song is still intact, but a large part of her fall from grace was about what happened around that, hence Svengallop's talk about how he keeps a clean image, the newspaper report making her look crazy, and her own realization that he's good at picking winners.

Thank you very much for the comment. You've consistently helped by giving feedback about my work, and that's exactly what I like. :twilightsmile:


Hah, everyone knows Cherry Jubilee's cherry orchard is just a front to help poor souls down on their luck get back on their feet.

Shh! D'you want to blow her reputation as business-savvy exploiter of the poor and desperate? Trust me, the cherry industry has more sharks in it than all the oceans combined.

This was a nice read, and in the end, a plausible outcome to Coloratura breaking off from Svengallop. The music business is far from concerned about things like integrity and morals, after all. Glad Rara's sticking to her guns, though.

Glad you enjoyed it! Like I said to xgfhj above, I wanted to make her fall from grace (and potential comeback) seem real while preserving her musical talents. Svengallop's "realism" worked as the counterpoint to Coloratura's idealism, which made it really interesting to depict him and Cherry Jubilee in the same story (after all, they're both business managers, but approach their respective businesses from morally different angles).

Thanks for the feedback. It's always a pleasure to read. :twilightsmile:

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