• Member Since 27th Jan, 2017
  • offline last seen Dec 24th, 2023


A fine hello from Germany! And let the art commence.

Comments ( 228 )

Lets see how this plays out.

Comment posted by Anachronon deleted Feb 5th, 2017
Comment posted by Anachronon deleted Feb 10th, 2017

Okay i am truly happy that you have finally created an epic chapter that finally gets this exciting story going. I am also glad that you have replied to my earlier private message that said if you feel like it, you will use my sent ideas to inspire you to make more new and awesome chapters in case you have writer's block.

But at least reassure me that at some point in time that you will make a magical evil-doer inspired by Baltan Seijin. Please make a magic villain inspired by Baltan Seijin !!!!!

In case if you don't know who he is.

Subtitle: Magic Ninja
Real name: Baltan Seijin

These evil-doers are always regonized by their trademark evil laugh.

Here is what they look and sound like:

Arthropod-like aliens from the planet Baltan. They are one of the Galaxy Angels franchise's most popular antagonists and are noted to have tried to attack Planet Earth and the Angels themselves several times.


Galaxy Angel

Baltan Seijin

Baltan Seijin 2

Baltan Seijin 3 (Illusion made by another alien)

Galaxy Angel Jane

Baltan Seijin Junior (Son of Baltan Seijin 1, Controlled a giant robot (Subtitle: Robotic Monster, Real Name: Billigamo))

Galaxy Angel 80

Baltan Seijin 5

Baltan Seijin 6

Just to give you an idea.

Powers and Abilities: (Very first original Baltan only)

White Destruction Ray : Energy beam attack made from their pincers.
Red-Freezing Ray: A ray of light used to freeze their targets.
Illusions: Alien Baltan can form many identical clones of himself to trick his opponents.
Exoskeleton: If Baltan suffers too much damage, it can shed it's outer skin, much like an insect.
Merge: When thousands of Baltans shrink to microscopic or human size they can merge into one giant Baltan when needed.
Flight: Alien Baltan has the ability to fly at moderate speeds.
Possession: Alien Baltan can possess a human for communications due to them unable to understand human languages.

That's all i've got. Look the guy up in case you still don't know who he is. Reply back at your earliest convenience and tell what you think.

7934969 I will see, fire elementals are not the only ones in existence, maybe I can build him in future chapters somewhere. I have to look how his abilities would fit. But I won't take him in one on one. I just look if a future opponent or being somewhere can have abilities of him or changed versions. Elementals or otherwise ^^

Well, story is both good and promising so far:raritystarry:.Also I always like that kind of stories where characters travel without limits between worlds and have some magical powers / armor.Therefore, I truly hope:heart: that you intend to continue this story (which I really like),because I have seen many promising fanfiction who have been abandoned by authors after only a few chapters(because reasons).Also, as for the author of which it is the first work: don't pay attention to some of negative comments as they often come from internet trolls:pinkiesick:.
I'm especially sensitized to it because, few authors that I've enjoyed for this one reason stopped writing(like "SpevenDillberg" [fallout/mlp crossover] "SevenWays 56"[although he once again started writing] or as I learned today "Truthseeker"[The Unity Pact series]but there is also hope that he will return).So please:fluttercry: don't be put off, despite the stupidit /malice of some commenters...........I almost forgot,i think that person(probably one person with two account,because I'm suspicious man and it's happened in a short period of time{just when I was re-reading fanfict}) who downvote your comment don't spends any time to read story and downvote her, because he/she didn't like your comments (which is ridiculous),
So: keep writing and don't be discouraged by adversity,think about fans

Ps.Greetings from Poland:pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by wintervenusskitty deleted Feb 10th, 2017
Comment posted by wintervenusskitty deleted Feb 10th, 2017

7936295 Yeah I know, I had today two more downvotes, what is fine for me, becauce people have different tastes, but I already know from reading many many other very well-written stories from this site, that some just downvote and troll for the sake of being a troll.

Some even downvote, because they don't like one single aspect of a story (e.g. I saw that hardcore fans of some ponies instantly downvoted a story, just because this character died, otherwise they commented how they really liked the story, but THAT killed it for them). Its just like that.

I don't plan to abandon the story, I have many ideas how to procede, it is "Book 1" for a reason, I want to pull off a wordbuilding how you know them from things like World of Warcraft, Terra, Lineage..that kind of thing, a big interactive world, I won't be specific, because no spoilers :ajsmug:

I like the concept of free travels between planes, too, thats why I implement in this story travel between the Elemental Planes, Earth and Equis.

Thank you for your kind words

I have not started reading the story yet, yet the premise caught my attention. It certainty sounded interesting and when I get around to it I'll defiantly give this a read :raritywink:


I know that Sandalwood is one of the casualties killed by ferocious magical creatures as he is one of the three students who ran into White Tail Woods. But who are the other two students who are killed as well ? Please answer that question soon.

Not only that, another question.

Judging from chapter 5, I can guess that some of the Humane 6's families are notified of the magical events at CHS. Can you please let us readers know which of the Humane 6's families are already told fully of the huge incidents at Canterlot High and what are their reactions towards their stories and actually realizing now that the stories told by them are real ? Please also answer that question as well soon.

To answer your first question, the other two students, who were killed, were known, but not by Sandalwood himself. Nobody said others didn't know them. It was pure accident, that those free ran away and the rest stayed, but they never spoke with each other on the run to White Tails. I didn't want to make everything to predictable. :trollestia:

And for your second question, Pinkie's father and the whole family already knew about everything in theory, because Pinkie, in her carefree nature, never saw it as necessary to lie to her family, but as mentioned, he always thought of her tales as imagination. Now after the invasion he has questions about this "magical adventures" for his daughter, like the rest of the family.
Twilight's parents know their daughter, they know, that Twilight is a bad liar and her father mentioned, that he had the feeling, that she has secrets from them. She didn't want to tell them about magic.
The other families will be implemented, if I think it would fit well in the story or more, when the human six have the head to calm down from all the madness and can concentrate themselves fully on their parents. Until now they just had other things on the plate with the camp, the chimera, Canterlot, Raga, so all will come in time.
Thet being said, all interactions and everything else was planned by me already and I will answer it, don't worry. :raritywink:

But I'm thankful as always for opinions and comments.

The last two chapters I really liked it: action, emotions, ect.... but at the same time I little sad, that magic an active erase all advanced technologies.(I was planned to write a comment to each chapter, but I was a bit lazy and....we' are here)
You work for centuries to develop and build something, and here poof and there is nothing. It's a bit depressing.(and besides I've always liked the idea of magitech/technomagic,).Now we can only wait and see how this story will develop,Who knows, maybe one day when world will be completely changed, all races will be able to rediscovered technology again and hybridized it with the magic (in harmony:moustache:), or they develop their magical equivalent.It's certainlycould be helpful to our heroes.
And as for the main protagonists, they really need all (possible) help ,because:
The whole world has changed into something similar to Shadowrunner universe, only without the technology,
The main villain/antagonist have THE PLAN (and his behavior reminds me of Professor Moriarty or Aizen or any "Master of Puppets") that involves students and probably both Main 7.
Cinch just went full traitor and she have a teacher......that's not good.
So now I'm really excited about what the future holds, and when the two worlds meet each other and for author: Please continue writing, is really good story:twilightsmile:.

7952733 If I can, I have question about technology in your story (for the reasons mentioned in the previous comment, (magitech/ all help ect.).
So,If possible I would like to know whether or not all advanced technology has been permanently lost or it's can be rediscovered when the changes in world are complete.And if not, whether it's a chance to appears of their magical equivalents, like in ep 4 of "Little Witch Academia" where we have a crystal ball which acts as a smartphone. I really want to know it because my curiosity is consumed me

7953458 Where to start...many things are lost, yes, satellites, cellphones, computer, internet, many weapons and other things, but many things remain unchanged, electricity is still there, cars are still there, even when fossile fuels are limited. Maybe they just need...another source of energy. :derpyderp1:

Then, who said, that magitech is out of the question? :trollestia: Maybe in the world are races who...na, no spoilers.

Magical equivalents are already planned, some things ARE lost forever, but some other things could be rediscovered in changed versions, with magic, technology, imagination and maybe luck, who knows, no spoilers the second.
Besides there are races, who could be very crafty in process, because of their "new culture". I want to pull it off big, forgotten ruins of old, new lands, new races, new knowledge, plants, animals, creatures of...na no...you know, elementals, cultures, many interactive and more or less important character introductions (canon like oc's) usw.
"Book 1" with a reason. :ajsmug:

I have great plans for Cinch and some others, nough said. :twilightsmile:

Yes, the main antagonist of everything has intelligent levels of Aizen and Moriarty, you are right in that point, I hope I made that obvious enough for the readers in the prolog.

And one problem I have with many stories (and no I don't mean that as hate or flame or something else negative, in opposite I like to read such stories, when they are well written and thought out, it's just a personal thing) is, when (more or less unexperienced in battle, but absolutely NOT experienced with magic) MC's get a new power and they are like:

"Well, I have this power now since 5 seconds, I can FEEL it's potential"-->
*One trainings montage later*-->
"Let's go and take down the one responsible behind everything! -->
*Takes down everything in the MC's way with ease, because reasons*-->
"Found you, you will pay!"-->
"MC defeats Main-Antagonist, who is sometimes much, much more experienced and older (Like whatever 1000-??? years kind of older) and wins, The End."

That's why I wanted to show with their encounter with Commander Raga, where he owned them without trying, (because he is much older and experienced to some level in the area of battle) that maybe some of them gained new abilities, but thats' just the beginning of everything.

Or to express it in MMORPG-terms: "You can create a character, who can level up in his journey to level 90 as example, you have to be level 90, farm equip, you have to learn, go in dungeons, you have to train, etc. and THEN you can THINK about going in the different raids in PvE."

That beging said, I didn't want it to be like "Sunset Shimmer is Level 5! (of 90 again as the example), she learned to use her Phoenix-Magic on a basic level...Alright, time to defeat the "evil enemie" behind everything!"

That is NOT, how it works! :pinkiecrazy:

Oh, i've got a few ideas.

Since, Shining Armour already awakened his own magic, how about in the next chapter Dean Cadence , i'm sorry for calling her dean since in a previous chapter she said she wanted students to call her Ms Cadence instead of Dean Cadence but i feel more comfortable calling her Dean Cadence, but anyways, Dean Cadence will awaken her own magic as well. Will she, Luna and Celestia be notified of their counterparts' histories as well ? If so, imagine what will their reactions to Sunset's story will be ? I'm sorry for asking the same questions regarding Celestia and Luna but since Shining Armour's alternate counterpart is technically a member of royalty, then i felt that it should be fair for the other characters whose counterparts are also major and very notable members of Equestria's royalty to be notified of their alternate counterparts' history by Sunset.

Not only that, which member of the Shadow 5 will awaken her own magic next ? Us readers finally see Sunny Flare awakening her own magic but what about the other 4 ?

Please reply back at your earliest convenience and express what is your opinion towards these questions of mine ?

7960493 Yes, they will be notified, but I don't think, that it will happen in the next couple of chapters, because I planned already other things there. I have already a few ideas about the reactions, don't worry.

With that I mean, that Sunset is kind of "out of it" in order to return in the next chapter already. Dat pun, though.

Yes, the other Shadowbolts will get some of their own magic...maybe...no spoilers and to the matter of order of who will be next, you will see. :trollestia:

Well, after this chapter i feels like
also I wonder if now girls (AJ,FS and RD) will discovers their power of magic.I wonder what it will be:
Fluttershy - Druid or Magic of nature?:yay:
Rainbow Dash - Magic of wind or sky?:rainbowdetermined2:
Applejack - the magic of Body/Flesh or Power/Strength or Earth?:applejackconfused:

7967050 I could answer you that question, if you really want an answer, but only as PM to avoid spoiler for others, if it is just a guess from your side, you will soon see the answer.

Materials can be replaced and new homes can be build, but...whoever did this, can only win, when you will surrender now and stop to fight, when you give into your desperation, when you give up on life itself.

the, perhaps?

I believe the theme song to Digimon: Data Squad said it best.

Celestia told the others about the events in Camp Everfree, the others were astonished that something like that happened, the girls shortly transformed with the geodes into their magical forms to proof her point, the Shadowbolts were envious of their new outfits and Shining muttered something about "magical-girls-cliche".

Well, at least no contracts had to be made.

The princess herself, from what I understood, lost the short confrontation with the changeling queen, because she just wanted to stun her for interrogation and not to truly harm her, what happened? This 'Queen Chrysalis' defeated and imprisoned her, the end. Just, because she really, really held back, instead of actually defeating her and to spare her subjects from more suffering. The Element Bearers obviously couldn't do anything against an entire army alone.

I speculate that Celestia was expecting to be up against Dark magic or something, which her solar magic would be effective against. However, Chrysalis' love-fuelled magic wasn't hardly affected by Celestia's. Celestia would have had to unleash her full power to match it.... which would likely have killed any pony in a certain radius. And glassed the entire room.

7968346 Uhh, Digimon Data Squad, the good old days.

Na, the sentence itself was right, I forgot one word, it should have been "to fight back", fixed it.

Still, thank very much for your feedback. The comment section is rarely used here, so it can always happen, that I overlooked something, even with the last reading, before I publish a chapter.

And that point with Celestia's affinity of her magic never came into mind, that "love" and "light" won't do much to each other, interesting thought.

Well,it's was more like guess from me, like trying figur out the possible powers for main characters, like:
Cadance- buffer(physical or/and emotional, like: fear for enemies,bravery for allies and ect.)?possible Magic of Crystals
Twilight- She is good with technology, so maybe some magical craftsman (helpful for the team) like Transmutator/Alchemist/Synergist (like Nagumo Hajimefrom ''Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou'') or a combination of it's. This can be also combined with the Spatial/Dimensional Magic of her "dark side" (Midnight Sparkle).
So generally, I like to guess thing but if you want and it's not trouble to you to send me some information/hints PM, that would be really nice:twilightsmile:ahhhh my problems with patience

7968818 I mostly got that idea from https://www.fimfiction.net/story/299981/why-no-one-messes-with-celestia

Also, if you need a proofreader, i can provide that service. PM me. :raritywink:

Before I read it, what is the Dark and Gore tag for?
And how bad does it get ?

Zecora has joined the team(:yay:Yaaaay,free potions) but at the same time they found another traitor/fallen(:twilightangry2:Kill them all....or rehabilitate them),hehehe they need to take overtime to clean up that mess...
Well as saying goes"Rome wasn't built in a day",stabilize and/or rebuild civilization/world after what was Magical Armageddon will take some time...

7981692 *Thickening of the plot intensifies*

7981750 Indeed

Her body started to glow in a white light, basic knowledge about her own magic and its connections to other materials flooded her brain. Then there was a kind female voice in her head, but it said only two words:

Magitech is coming:raritystarry:...slowly but inexorably.

By the way it's funny and interesting to see that Filthy Rich, behaves exactly like a typical.....well rich man from fairy tale who sells his soul for power .......it's reminds me about childhood:twilightsmile:

7985137 They lost so much, so it is time to create new neat things, with a lot of time and vigor. :raritywink:

Well, Vyndrak threatened his family, he didn't wanted to risk their lives.
Furthermore Filthy Rich didn't liked it at all what happened to the siblings, at least before he accepted. It doesn't mean that he wasn't interested in his "gift" in the first place.

But I could make him like that only so well, because Hasbro already portrayed him as a shady businessman, who wanted to kick the siblings out of their home to build his spa resort there in the first place. So I had something to work with. :pinkiecrazy:

His pony counterpart behaves much differently.

So, in the next chapter, which group are you gonna focus on ?

Sunset, Sunny and Shining ?
Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy ?
Rairty, Pinkie, Sci-Twi and Spike ? (Will Spike get his own form of magic too, right ?)
Luna, Celestia and Cadence ?
Moondancer ?
Sour, Sugarcoat, Lemon, Indigo and Zecora ?

Please let us know. Also, will the Rainbooms be notified of what truly happened to Gloriosa, Timber and Camp Everfree and which of these aforementioned individuals will awaken their own form of human world magic ?

7988688 I focused on the Shadowbolts and Zecora and another group first. One last proofread from me and I put the next chapter online.

Yes, the Rainbooms will be notified about Camp Everfree, I plan to lead everyone together.

Everyone will get its own form of magic. Have that already in mind, but no spoilers. ^^

Hey there, Anachronon. Been doing well, lately ? I have already sent this comment in the form of a private message to you. But in case, you did not have time to reply, i am sending the message as a comment in case you find replying to comments on your stories more fun, entertaining and less time-consuming. Anyways, without further introductions,

I have read your amazing story so far. However, due to how you ended your latest chapter, i could not think of any new ideas that could help you. But, still i am your sponsor, so i am doing the best i can. Thus, these ideas are what i manged to think of so far.

List of human magic shown by major characters of your story.

Principal Celestia (Solar Magic)
Vice-principal Luna (Lunar Magic)
Shining Armor (Paladin Magic)
Sunset Shimmer (Phoenix Magic)
Shadow 5
Sunny Flare (Ice Magic)
Sugarcoat (Illusion Magic)
Indigo Zap (Lightning Magic)
Sour Sweet (Emotion Magic)
Lemon Zest (Shadow Magic)
Zecora (Humanoid troll shaman)
Maud Pie (Stone Magic)

Moondancer (Constructor Magic) Not shown
Humane 6 (Story implies that they will also gain natural magic from the human world)
Spike The Dog (Due to his exposure to Equestrian Magic, he might gain magical powers of his own)
Dean Mi Amore Cadenza/Dean Cadence (May gain magic of her own as well)

Corrupted Ones (Characters who are now in league of the various evil magical entities in your story.)
Everlasting Fire
Abacus Cinch
Unyielding Water
Kozzubari Trolls
Greta (Ganzala)
Adepts of Khom
Filthy Rich

Confirmed Deceased
Gloriosa Daisy
Timber Spruce
Upper Crust
Micro Chips

Other allies
Cutie Mark Crusaders
Sweetie Belle
Other CHS Wondercolts
Trixie Lulamoon
Lyra Heartstrings
Bon Bon
Octavia Melody
Vinyl Scratch
Bulk Biceps
Flash Sentry
Other Crystal Prep Shadowbolts
Fleur Dis Lee
Other affiliated allies


Confirmed alive
Apple Family
Granny Smith
Big Macintosh
Pie Family
Igneous Rock Pie
Cloudy Quartz
Limestone Pie
Marble Pie
Sparkle Family
Night Light
Twilight Velvet

Debatable status
Dash Family
Spectrum Streak
Shy Family
Mr and Mrs Shy
Zephyr Breeze
Cake Family (Associated with Pinkie Pie)
Carrot Cake
Cup Cake
Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake

Other characters whose current status are debatable
Filthy Rich's family
Spoiled Rich
Diamond Tiara
Silver Spoon (Diamond Tiara's best friend)
Other Canterlot Shadowbolts who did not attend the field trip to Camp Everfree
Other Crystal Prep Shadowbolts

Well, that's all i've got. I will send you updated versions of this list from time to time if i feel like it. Please reply back at your earliest convenience and express your future plans or opinions on this list.

8000860 I'm fine and how is it with you?

When you write it like this with "sponsor", I always want to make jokes about "not receiving payments". Like you would actually pay me for writing: "The Secrets of Equestria". Must...resist...inner...troll...:fluttershyouch:

Moondancer has this magic and some basic knowledge to boot, but refuses to use it, because she doesn't trust "not verified knowledge". So she waits for Sunset Shimmer's return, she's Moondancer's "source of information". The girl just loves her books and won't start something completely new discovered without supervision and confirmation. :twilightsmile:


You didn't include:
Luviel Dawnseeker, Smaragdelf
Nova, Chimera
Queen Chrysalis (Queen Icefang) and her Frost Orc Clan

How would you fill them into your list? :trixieshiftright:

Thanks like always for trying to help me. :yay:


Answer to your question.
The characters i wrote for my roster are human counterparts who appeared in the Equestria Girls canon. Because, even though you're story is really good, i am still getting used to your OCs.

The main question now is the characters whose status is debatable. Like are they still alive or not and the ones who are still alive will they have magic of their own or not.

8002838 Ah ok. I understand, that makes sense.

So, just to recap,

Firstly, Sunset Shimmer had willingly merged with her she-demon alter ego. Thus, allowing her to perform Phoenix-magic. Also, with her finally accepting the human world as changing itself due to it's own magic being unleashed, Sunset Shimmer has finally unleashed the full power of her phoenix magic.
Now, Sci-Twi had willingly merged with Midnight Sparkle. Thus, allowing her to perform Arcane Magic and open portals to various places in her memory at will. Not only that, Midnight Sparkle now also serves as Sci-Twi's anti-heroic "conscience". Hmm, neat.
Spike has human world magic called feral magic which allows him transform into a creature called a dire wolf and alternate between his wolf and dog form at will. Nice.
Next, Rarity had gained her own form of human world magic called duelist magic. Sci-Twi's parents, Night Light and Twilight Velvet, have witnessed. I can't wait for the moment when they will be given the full story of all the magical events that involve the CHS Wondercolts and the Rainbooms.

Thus, questions for next chapter.
- Will the rest of the Rainbooms or other notable allies of the Rainbooms awaken their own form of human magic ? If so, who's next ?
- Which group is gonna be focused on the next chapter ?
- What other dangerous magical enemies or creatures will appear to fight against them ?

I am seriously drenched in anticipation for your story's magical awesomeness. Please reply back at your earliest convenience.

8003444 I wanted to focus first on Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.

Depending on the word count after their conclusion, I wanted to implement the group around Celestia, too.

Or someone else of two more known characters I want to bring in, before I switch over to Equestria. But I will see.

And to the question with the magical beings/enemies, the basilisks are already mentioned, others will be seen. :ajsmug:

I published chapter 10 today and already received a downvote on the story not even three hours later. :ajbemused: Well, happens, everyone has other tastes, no problem. :eeyup:

I will see when I start on the next chapter. Maybe today already, or not, I have to look how much freetime I have. :pinkiesmile:

It's great that you enjoy my story like this. :twilightsmile:

I think that "first meeting" between two dimension will be really interesting (unless in Equestria also all hell breaks loose,then they may be more realistic too, if no.....well :pinkiecrazy: and friction/tension resulting from their differed perception of magic.....see it will be fun too). And i am really waiting for Twilight reactions, when she finds out what elements did to Sunset (especially when you consider that she is an element of magic and princess of friendship,well i predicts for her some kind of existential crisis:twilightoops: ).

8003682 I have already a few ideas for Equestria. :rainbowdetermined2:

Dear Anachronon,

In case, you are stuck in a writing block. I have managed to come up with a list of monsters and evil-doers that you can use as inspiration for any villains or allies you can use for your story. Hope you will use of any of them to make your story more exciting.

Monsters who have the potential to be allies to the Rainbooms and their friends and families.


Monsters or evildoers who are not affiliated with the 5 Elementals or are seperate villains.
Zarab Seijin (I am sure for this villain give this evil-doer the ability to imitate any member of the rainbooms)

Monsters and evil-doers who may have the potential to serve as tough and powerful soldiers for any of the 5 Elementals.
Shaplay Seijin
Black King
Zoa Muruchi
Gan Q
Metron Seijin
Twin Tail
Zetton Seijin
Babarue Seijin
Magma Seijin
Nackle Seijin
Baltan Seijin
Reflect Seijin
Red King
Hipporito Seijin
Temperor Seijin
Valky Seijin
Fire Golza
Guts Seijin
King Joe (Also comes in many other different variations)

Well, these are all of the ferocious monsters and villainous evil-doers that i managed to obtain for you. I also had the liberty to include hyperlinks to all of the names in the roster so that you will look up information on the aforementioned monsters and villains in the roster. Please reply back at your earliest convenience and tell me what you think.

8015009 Thanks for the concern, should I come into the situation that I don't have a clue anymore what to write I can look if your links can inspire me. The two points why I didn't update until now is just that I hadn't so much time to write or I wasn't/ I am not satisfied with some details, so I always write and re-write.

Good work needs time, rushing the chapters without enough plan and background behind it just wouldn't do it for me.

But I appreciate your ideas, thanks. :raritywink:


Finally, we get Principal Celestia, Vice-Principal Luna and Dean Cadence next.

So, tell me what kind of magic will Ms Cadence obtain in your next chapter ?

Not only that, what kind of skills and abilities will be displayed by all three "princesses" ?

Why did i say all three ? Well, after i have already read a previous chapter of your story, i feel like even though Celestia's Solar Magic and Luna's Lunar Magic debuted earlier, both wielders didn't demonstrate their new magic fully. Thus, i am really quite excited on what are you planning to write in order to make them kick flank on evil-doers or vicious monsters using their magic.

Please reply at your earliest convenience and express your opinions about this.

In regards to my earlier comment, I just happen to think of another question for the next chapter of your story.

Since the three "princesses" are gonna be the focus of the next chapter, will the focus of the next chapter also be on Cheerilee and her accomplice, Luviel Dawnseeker ?

I am asking this question because both the three "princesses" and cheerilee are notable educators to schools whose student bodies are involved in the 4 events where Equestrian magic played a major part, Canterlot High and Crystal Prep.

Please reply at your earliest convenience and express your answer towards this question.

Okay, Mr Anchronon.

I had already read your private message to me. I truly understand your reasons. Therefore, i can wait for the next chapter which will feature them.

But, since that was the reason, I feel like i cannot hold this other question in my mind any longer. I was thinking of posting this question once the three "princesses" have now fully awakened their magic but now due to your plans, i believe this is as good a time for asking this. Okay, are you ready ?

All right. 3,2,1 (Deep breath)


I mean seriously, i was also expecting for all 7 girls to have awakened their human world magic already. Since "all" 7 Rainbooms have not awakened their human magic yet, i don't think it's time to do a transition from the human world to Equestria yet.

Now with that question off my chest and out of the way, please reply back at you earliest convenience and express your thoughts and opinions on this matter.

8039394 Before the transition I planned a first Mini-Arc finale.

First I planned to give the different groups their own little adventure before they return to Sweet Apple Acres so that they may contribute and reform anew. With additional help now.

1) Sunset Shimmer + Sunny Flare + Shining Armor (White Tail Woods)
2) Moondancer (Ponyville Discovery earlier with Fleur De Lis + New Magic what will play a role in the arc finale) where she waits for Sunset to teach before she does anything, because she doesn't trust untouched matter and unverified knowledge.
3) Sugarcoat + Sour Sweet + Lemon Zest + Inidigo Zap + Zecora (Confrontation with the Terrorbeast)
4) Cheerilee + Luviel Dawnseeker (Destruction of the Soul Prisons)
5) Rarity + Twilight + Pinkie Pie + Spike, who found Velvet and Night Light (Gluttonous Evergreen)
6) Applejack + Fluttershy + Rainbow Dash (Basilisks and infected gargoyles)
7) Cadence + Luna + Celestia + ??? (???)

After that everyone returns to the farm and they plan their next step. I have everything under control, don't worry.

Pinkie Pie was planned like that. In the upcoming Mini-Finale she will discover her own magic. The plant just wasn't enough to trigger the Pink. ^^

Hope I could help you. :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by wintervenusskitty deleted Mar 21st, 2017


Well, if that's the case. Then, good luck to you. As i will be waiting in an ocean's worth of anticipation for the the remaining chapters before you unleash the extremely epic load of awesomeness in that mini arc finale. Hope that hype for the exciting mini-arc finale will be worth it.

With a goal in front of her, Archlight Starlight Glimmer left her room in order to meet Iona. One day, Sunbursts's death would be avenged and Sunset Shimmer would pay for it. And all the other magicless humans would soon appreciate her solution, with helping them to achieve power of their own.

It's looks like we have here yet another person who blaming poor Sunset for something:fluttercry:
Just few more of these people and is chance that when they all meet, Sunset will fall into depression.
Ps.I also hope that both Gilda and Starlight will be reformed.......somehow(I suspect that elementals just want to use them,so i fell sorry for them.....Betrayal by master/teacher ....well it hurts)

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