• Published 2nd Mar 2017
  • 1,989 Views, 163 Comments

Hard To Find The Right Words - Nameless Narrator

There are thousands of stories about changelings lost and broken after the explosion ending the invasion of Canterlot. After all, there were thousands of changelings caught in it. Some found love or peace, and some found death. I'm just one of many.

  • ...


"Hey, it's me!"

"Hey, Crest, did you finally break down and decided to take your chances in bed with me? Just kidding."

"You could be a little more appreciative of your situation, especially after what you did last time."

"Of course. Your princess blinded me and instead of killing me outright she tortures me with hunger and watches me wither away, but when I try to change my situation I’m suddenly ‘too feral to integrate into society’."

"Okay, I got a briefing yesterday about what happened in Canterlot. Supposedly, the explosion was kind of an accident. Wait, why am I the one defending princess Cadence’s actions? You tried to eat us all."

"I tried twice and I didn’t hear anypony complaining. I gotta give it to you though. Until now I thought you were just weaklings useful only as food but it looks like you give your prisoners the hard time they deserve. I’m getting stomach cramps just looking at you… well, in your general direction… where your voice is coming from."

"You could still be in the dungeons instead of sitting here. Palisade was furious she got taken out by Puff, and the poor colt was heartbroken from being wrong about you."

"Okay, hearing that actually physically hurt for some reason, so shove that mushy stuff where the sun doesn’t shine, though considering the size of your princess’ ass you might spend some time looking. I'm gonna die pretty soon anyway so you can leave out the fake empathy and threats."

"What do you mean?"

"A cripple like me can't even bite your weak ass anymore. I spent all the energy I took from the two on healing, and over four days… this is the best shape I could get into. Under normal circumstances I could regrow most of my body from that much love, but now I’m happy I can shuffle around.. What do you think is going to happen now that every one of you either refuses to come near me or are on their guard?"


"You… do realize that’s all your fault, and nopony else’s.”

“That wasn’t me, that was my evil twin. Ask your friends about the top hat, monocle, and a moustache.”

“I'm going to read a book, if you need anything just tell me. I’ve got a day off with nothing much to do, so I may as well keep you company."

"Present your neck and let me bite you."

*Sigh, hoofsteps, rustling of paper*

"Did you just sit here like that the entire past few days? I mean, on the couch."

"No, I think I rammed my horn into the walls few times, this place might need a plasterer."

"I mean... what did you do in your free time in the hive?"

"Free time? With how little resources there was it was - keep working and stay dormant when you aren't doing so."

"That must have sucked."

"Not really. It was nice, dark, damp and the constant buzzing of wings and clicking of chitin on stone meant home."

"Do you want to come back?"

"It doesn’t matter what I want anymore, I can't. I would be killed or kicked out anyway, not that I could find my way back with my little problem even if the hive was still in the same place."

"What do you mean?"

"The Queen sent EVERYONE to Canterlot and then they either died or got blown away so wherever they are now they sure as heck aren't back home."

"You know, you're still alive, nopony is trying to kill you, for now-”

“Aside from the fanatic.”

“-who isn’t here, and you're... well... female, I guess. I might sound crazy but why don't you try and start anew here?"

"Why didn't I think of that? As soon as I find someone to drain enough love from, grow some eggs in me and lay them in their brain I will do that, thanks for the great idea."

"Pfff, no need to be sarcastic."

"True, I said that entirely of my volition, idiot."

"Eh, it's getting late and I have an early watch tomorrow."

"Yea yea, want a good-night hump?"

"Wha- what?"

"Heh, blushing."

"I thought you couldn't see anything."

"I don't need to, you ponies are so predictable. "

"Good night, Fury."

"Sleep very carefully, lunchbox."


*Solitary set of approaching hoofsteps.*

"Oh hey, breakfast."

"I got myself some toast, I can bring you some too if you want."

"I was talking about you."

"How could I have forgotten?"

"If you grow complacent even a wreck like me will eat you."

*Crunching of weak chitin.*

"Were you trying to crack your neck? It’s not too menacing when my greatest fear is that your head will fall off. How do you feel?"

"Just peachy, completely fine. Still hoping for a crossbow bolt through the head."


"Do you want to come with me on my patrol?"

"Showing off your trophy?"

"I'm not going to force you if you don't."

"I don't care. There's no way I could bring more shame to my kind than I did already."

"If you're that uncomfortable with it then it's-"

"I said let's go! Parade me like a mule, make them laugh and throw rocks. It's the least I deserve."

"Um, I meant it just so you could stretch your legs. I can go grab some clothes if you want or you can change into somepony else for a while. I won't tell anypony."

"Nice try, you goody-goody wannabe. You know I'm too weak and damaged to shapeshift."

"Well, no, I thought you might have gotten better like with walking."

"Keep mocking me."

"I mean it. We don't know anything about your kind."

"I should have drained you while I had the chance and I sure as heck should have tried to bite your damn princess. At least I would have died fighting for the hive instead of... this weirdness."

*Doors opening and closing… closet, maybe? It has to be.*

“What colour do you prefer? Star Trail isn’t big on fashion, but I think a skirt might look good on you.”

“Which has nothing to do with you wanting to play around with my plot.”

“Come on-”

“Oh shush, perv. You know I’m basically your property at this point, so let’s be clear about it. You want to dress me up? Do it. You want to use me as your pillow? Do it. You want more? Do it.”

“I WANT TO MAKE YOU COMFORTABLE! I’m trying to get you outside because that’s usually what helps ponies in similar situation. I’m… look, no matter our differences and no matter how furious I was when you told me what you did to Puff and Palisade… it hurts me to see you like this.”

“...do you now understand, Crest?”

“Understand what?”

“That this is what we do. This is how we feed. We can make it painful, we can make it pleasant, but no matter what this is how you react. That’s why we had to do what we did. You are our food, and that won’t change.”

“I’m… not so sure.”

“What?! Are you saying you know my kind better than I do, because if you are-”

“Some of you have already been caught in Canterlot. Princess Luna along with few ponies have-”

“Stop… I’m fine with anything you do to me, but I don’t need to know what happened to the others.”

“Do I look like a pony who wants to hurt you for no reason? The pony whom you keep berating for being stupid and kind to the point of insanity?”

“That’s Puff, Crest. You’re just stupid.”

“...urge to punch rising...”

“See? That’s the difference between you two. He literally wouldn’t even think that, it’s not in him.”


“Look, I think you need to hear this. Some of the changelings who survived the explosion have lived in Canterlot for years with their real partners, disguised as ponies. The ponies were checked for mind controlling effects and in majority of the cases there were none.”

“It is possible, I suppose, if I lived my life as a transformed pony. If I assumed the shape of a hot mare I could get some attention and possibly a partner to feed from, but you’re missing one thing.”


“I am a cripple, I have no value to anyone. I can’t and won’t ever be able to shapeshift. I am a changeling, and what’s worse - I LOOK like a changeling.”

“Actually, I think you’re the one missing the point, Fury. The revealed changelings in Canterlot were mostly accepted by their partners after investigation showing that they didn’t just kill a pony and take their place. They BUILT their lives for themselves. Granted, even their partners were uncomfortable with them in their changeling forms, but that’s expected. There’s a lot more in the report I recieved.”

“Wait, does that mean that the integration into society order was actually real? Don’t get me wrong, I’m quite enjoying the fanatic being away. Him being wrong about all this is just the cherry on top.”

“The integration order was clearly fake, and someone is intercepting the messages coming to Canterlot. The report to law enforcement units is full of information, warnings, but leaves the treatment of any wounded changelings up to us. We are, of course, to detain or kill you in case you prove a threat, but if not… we’re just to inform them and wait for their ‘expert’ to assess you. I didn’t even tell the others yet, because Palisade and Bladehoof would doubtlessly make a good case of you being dangerous.”

“Yessss! Suck it, Star Snail!”

“That means your future is fully in my hooves, and I have very little reason to-”


“W-what do you mean by ‘meh’?”

“Crest, my second most favourite lunchbag, that just means nothing has changed. I’m defenseless and I can’t escape. I’m being held by an enemy who hates me and considers… me… dangerous… WOHOOO! I’m a threat again.”

“That! THAT is what you got out of all that?!”


“...you’re kinda the happiest I’ve ever seen you, although lying on your back with a goofy smile plastered all over your face on the couch and waving your legs around -slowly, I might add- doesn’t exactly reinforce the image...”

“Aaaaaah, sweet illusion of power. That was fun. So… back to the dungeon?”

“Wait, what?”

“You’re not under any command anymore, you can just lock me up and wait until I starve. Your problem will take care of itself, and-”


“Umm, Crest?”


“My ears work just fine.”

“...murder… must… not… murder...”

“Awww, I can hear you frothing. I mean, you’re still in the position of power so you can do whatever you want. If our roles were reversed, you’d be the one on the floor licking my hooves while I drained your whole town, and you’d be loving every second of it.”

“ALRIGHT! If power is all you understand then that’s what you’ll get!”

“Finally! So, are you taking me right here on the couch, or should I get back to the bed?”

“Neither, we’re going out for a walk. You’ll be on a leash, that’s all.”

“And we’re back where we started, parading your captured trophy around. Aren’t you tired of always being wrong?”

“The leash is so that you don’t hurt yourself on anything. I told you my reasons, but you clearly refuse to listen, you stubborn mule, so I’ll just have to show you. At the end of the day, you’re gonna feel better, sleep like a foal AND YOU’RE GONNA LIKE IT!”

“That’s a roundabout way of using roofies. I can assure you I’m way better in bed when conscious.”

*Silent but growing insane growling.*

“...mere words cannot describe the amount of hate, Fury...”

“Pff, I can help you with that. Two simple words just off the top of my head.”


“You didn’t have to hiss like that. Are you a pegasus or a snake? Anyway, you wanna hear them? Two little words.”

“...I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you...”

“Not. Enough.”