• Published 14th Mar 2017
  • 8,968 Views, 107 Comments

Repercussions - SociallyAwkwardPegasus

Equestria soon realizes what it means to get on the wrong side of a kingdom run by two powerful mares and a human with no qualms about killing for the ones he loves..

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An Eye for an Eye

The vociferous yelling of guards permeated the air as swarms of armor-clad stallions and mares swept through alleyways and houses, with or without the owner’s permission.

“Find them! I want them found this instant!” A burley looking stallion yelled through the streets of the city. Surprisingly, this was actually a normal occurrence that happened about once every week or so. The resistance to the queen’s rule had grown by a significant amount, forcing the queen’s specially picked task force to deal with the threats.

“I think we are safe for now,” the quiet voice of a certain thestral whispered. It was just at that moment several guards ran past their position and into a nearby alleyway out of sight.

“Alright, come on. We need to keep moving,” Lumen stated firmly. Hoisting herself from the cold ground, the mare pushed away a large dumpster before helping a smaller mare to her feet.

“Do you remember what I told you to do if I get caught?” Lumen questioned as the two began to fall in with the normal, everyday crowd in the market area of the city.

“To keep on running and not to stop,” a rather annoyed voice responded. Lumen quickly grew a frown as she tightened her grip on her younger sister’s hand.

“Lily, please take this seriously. If I'm caught don’t even look back. Just keep running until you can’t run anymore.” Lily’s face winced in a slight bout of pain before groaning and nodding her head. Despite the annoyance of her younger sister, Lumen couldn’t really fault the mare for the way she acted. It had been over six months that a group of guards broke into their small house and stole away their parents. They claimed their parents were part of the conspiracy to overthrow the current queen of the city, though lacked evidence when sent to trial. Despite this, the courts found in favor of the queen, as they usually did, and sentenced both parents to death. Things had never been quite the same since then for the two mares.

“Alright, fine. Just stop treating me like a kid, ok? You are going to draw attention to us,” Lily stated as the two began their trek through the market district. So far, the two mares were making rather good time, seeing as how most of the guards were searching houses instead of looking on the street for their ponies of interest.

“So where are we supposed to meet this mare again?” Lily asked.

“In just a block or so. She is a good friend of mine that will help us get out of the city,” Lumen replied. Lily grew quiet again as she got her answer before the two continued onto the rendezvous point. After a quick detour to avoid a few guards, the mares had arrived at their destination.

“Lumen, I don’t see anypony here,” Lily stated, as she looked around the abandoned alleyway. Lumen grew a bit worried as well, hoping that her friend hadn’t been caught up in one of the daily patrols. It was just then that a soft hand found its way on Lumen’s shoulder. The mare quickly spun around, ready to attack, though a sigh of relief soon followed as she saw the smiling face of her friend.

“Lumen, it is so good to see you,” a blue-coated, black-maned thestral stated. Lumen was quick to embrace her friend in a hug before introducing her to her younger sister.

“Moonlight, this is Lily. I don’t think you two have met before,” Lumen said as she stepped aside to let Moonlight get a good view of the other mare. She was much shorter than Lumen, sporting a longer styled mane versus Lumen’s shorter style. However, both thestrals had a dark-grey coat with deep-purple mane that made them distinct from other thestrals.

“She does look a lot like you,” Moonlight teased. Despite the situation at hand, Lumen needed a good laugh, which she promptly did with a roll of her eyes.

“Yeah, yeah. Anyways, I hate to jump to the chase Moon, but what’s it looking like right now?” Lumen’s expression went from hopeful to hesitant as she saw the expression of her friend.

“If you want my honest opinion, I don’t think it is looking good right now. There are more guards patrolling the outer sector of the wall. Your best bet would be to wait until nightfall and make your escape under the cover of darkness, though even then, there will be no guarantees.” Lumen was quick to muse over the slim options given to her. If she were to stay, both her and Lily could be captured and tried for treason. And she knew how they handled prisoners. The safety and well being of the mare’s younger sister was more than enough to brave the treacherous journey to nearest city, over a hundred miles away.

“I think we both know what my answer is. Is there anyplace we can lay low before we leave? I’m afraid to go back to our home,” Lumen asked. She noticed the hesitation on Moon’s face, though grew a smile as the mare nodded her head.

“You know I'm taking a risk, but for you it’s worth it. Follow me. There is a safe house a few blocks away from here. They will have a bit of food and water for you two to wait out until nightfall.” Lumen was quick to throw her arms around her friend once again, even going as far as to gingerly nuzzle the mare’s cheek in a sign of appreciation.

“Come on Lumen, at least buy me dinner first,” Moonlight was quick to quip. Lumen pulled away with a silly smile on her face before following her friend with Lily to the safe house. Upon arrival, the two thestrals hadn't even noticed where the safe-house was. However, hidden behind some old boards was a scraggly metal door Moonlight had to force open.

“Alright, I know it’s not much, but it’s home for the time being. Feel free to make yourselves as comfortable as possible,” Moonlight offered. Lumen and Lily were quick to take the mare up on her offer as they plopped their flanks down on the only piece of furniture in the entire place.

“So you’re living here right now,” Lily questioned. Moonlight just grew a smile on her face with a light shrug.

“I honestly live anywhere I can. It makes it harder for the authorities to catch me.”

“That makes sense I guess, but what would ever happen if you got caught?” The question seemed to sour Moonlight’s mood, as she knew exactly what would happen to her. She just chose not to think about it for the most part since it has yet to happen.

“Things I would not wish upon anypony, except for maybe the queen and her little henchcolts. Aside from that, I tend not to think about it,” Moonlight responded with distaste in her mouth. A small smile grew across Lily’s face at the mention of what would happen to anypony caught threatening the queen or her rule on the city. Before Lumen or Moonlight could question the uneasy smile, the metal door of the safe-house was blown off its hinges as numerous guards poured into the small room, tackling both Lumen and Moonlight to the ground. As both mares struggled to fight off the invading guards, Lily continued to watch as her sister and her sister’s friend were knocked unconscious during the scuffle.

An undisclosed amount had passed by for the two mares now in captivity. It wasn’t until a sharp knife jabbed into Lumen’s leg that the mare was able to wake up from her bout of unconsciousness.

“I am glad to finally see that you are awake. I was beginning to think the guards may have handled you a bit too roughly,” A sadistic, yet familiar voice stated to Lumen. Trying her best to ignore the burning pain in her leg, Lumen managed to force her eyes open to a sight of disbelief. There, sat across from the mare, was her little sister with a devious smile on her face. The sheer shock of the situation found Lumen without words, though her little sister could understand.

“Surprised, aren’t you?” Lily questioned. Lumen could offer no response as the younger mare smiled at her sister’s predicament.

“I suppose you are wondering why you are restrained instead of me? Though I don’t think it is that hard to figure out.” Another moment of silence filled the interrogation room as tears began to swell in Lumen’s eyes.

“Why?” Was all the older mare could say with tears threatening to burst at a moment’s notice.

“Why you ask?” Lily retorted back like she had been insulted.

“You know damn well why I did this, no, why you did this to yourself!” the mare violently screeched. Lumen was quickly taken aback by the hostile nature of her sister, and thus unable to offer a retort.

“It is because of you that mother and father are dead Lumen. You filled their heads with blasphemous lies and deceit and it cost them their lives!” Unable to hold back her anger any longer, Lily raised her hand and brought it across the face of the restrained mare. The mere notion that her sister believed she was the cause of their parents deaths cut deeper than the knife currently imbedded in the mare’s leg.

“Lily, I did no such thing! They came to those conclusions by themselves. All they wanted was for us to have a chance at a better life. To not fear when our next meal would be or the gods forbid, have a chance at a decent education like they never had. But that was never going to happen unless things changed.”

“And who said I wanted anything to change?” Lily yelled back. “If you never would have filled their heads with those lies of treachery, mother and father would still be here. We would still be a family.”

“Lily, we are a family. You are the only family I have left!” Lumen could no longer contain her tears as the poured freely from her eyes. The comment from Lumen however, made Lily backhand her sister again with a look of utter disgust on her face.

“We are no longer family Lumen. When you killed our parents, you forsake that right. Though I do have to thank you for one thing Lumen. You opened my eyes to the reality of the world and life. And I have come to the conclusion that life is not fair. It is a daily struggle that only the strongest will survive.” Lily took this as her moment to stand from the chair and look down upon the sister she once looked up too.

“You are weak and are destined for a life of despair. Goodbye Lumen.” And with those last two words, Lily made her way to the door, all the while Lumen fought desperately against her restraints as she continued to yell out her sister’s name.

“After that, I was thrown into the dungeons. I was beaten, raped, and starved, day after day. And as my will begged me for the sweet release of death, my body willed itself to survive. It wasn’t until about four months later that I was rescued from that hell, my body near the brink of death. And you know who was the one to save me princess?” Lumen questioned, standing up from her chair as a hand brushed over all the pieces of torture tools laid out on the table. Luna could offer no response, though in her state, she had a hard enough time paying attention.

“The human you assaulted, Derrick Ray Winters.” Luna could tell the mare’s tone took a dark turn as hints of anger and rage filled her voice.

“He pulled me from that cell and gave me a second chance at life. Day after day he nursed me back to health, waiting on me hand and foot as well as many others in the same situation as myself. He endured sleepless nights and chaotic days trying to save everyone he could. There were times where he wouldn’t even eat for an entire day in order to make sure everyone had what they needed and was well taken care of. And as the months passed, I began to realize why I had survived that ordeal. Why my body willed itself to survive through all of the abuse.” Lumen paused her rant for a moment before looking down at her captive with a scowl on her face.

“Though I don’t think I need to tell you why I endured. Granted, I doubt you care in the slightest,” Lumen added with a bit of distaste in her mouth.

“What you should be more concerned about is what is going to happen to you. You assaulted one of the only people that has garnered the respect and admiration of the entire city. You threatened us with war and death upon our leaders. But worst of all, you disrespected the one I love princess. And for that, you will pay dearly.” Without any hesitation, Lumen grabbed for the large machete dangling on the side of the metal table, a look of utter vengeance upon her face.

“You know princess, there is a saying I rather like. An eye for an eye, or perhaps in this case, a cheek for a wing.” The sudden realization was too late for the restrained princess. With one strong hack of the machete, the princess of the night let out a blood curling scream that caused many of the castle staff to wince, as well as stirring a certain human from his slumber.

Author's Note:

Hey everyone! Hope you enjoy this chapter. Not sure when i will release the next chapter though. But for now, enjoy!