• Member Since 4th Dec, 2014
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Y'all don't hear me, you just wanna dance | https://ko-fi.com/chillybook


Ever since prohibition was ratified in Equestria, many businesses felt a sudden dip in profits. There was only one business that actually became more lucrative when alcohol was outlawed: Organized crime.

Octavia Melody is a "made man", a part of the Pie Crime Family for as long as she could remember, climbing the ranks from messenger to drug runner to one of Maud Pie's most trusted lieutenants. Things have been great, for the most part. She can't stop thinking about her mistakes, and the pain in her arm refused to go away, but she has more money and power than she really knows what to do with. So she goes about her business, sinning in the morning and praying for forgiveness in the evening. Things are about as good as they get with such a dangerous, uncertain lifestyle.

The life of a made man isn't easy, especially when there may be enemies inside the family, as well as outside

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 53 )

8035647 To be honest, I just felt it'd be easier to work with fingers and hands instead of hooves. Plus, things like magic and flight would ruin a story like this, I think.

I hope you enjoy nevertheless.

Ya know, I like ya kid, ya gots style. Ya got guts an' not many a' them boys here can do what you do. Imma letcha off easy now, ya hear? An' as a... show of my friendliness take a like an' a fav, I'll be trackin' ya ta make sure you don't do anythin' stupid. Don't make me regret this, got it?

But they couldn't be. It was impossible.

Maybe she hired the Mythos crew? :rainbowwild: No, but seriously, I'm wondering where Vinyl gets that kind of cash in six months especially with what she does.

“Well, let’s see what the Boss wants,” said Octavia.

I really can't wait to see what happens next. I'm already enjoying this story a lot! :scootangel:

8035762 It's a shame that I'd never be able to do a crossover of the two, because seeing how Medusa would deal with Octavia is something that interests me greatly.

Glad you're enjoying it so far, and I hope you continue for the duration of the story.


It's a bit disappointing that you can't do that as it would certainly be a very interesting interaction. This is just a thought, but you could always add in a character that has similar traits to that of Medusa? At least then you could have that encounter between Octavia and a heist crew. It'd be interesting to see how she handles them for the boss. :derpyderp1:

Don't worry, you've haven't disappointed yet, I'm sure it'll be another slam dunk! :raritywink:

Pretty sure Vinyl works with the cops.

Single minor issue: I don't know why but I prefer writing my numbers out rather than using than the actual digits. Any particular reason you just plunked a 6 in there? To me, smaller numbers (usually under a hundred ) just make the writing look a bit unclean, or weird. I dunno. Just my two cents.

8037303 The reason I used digits is because I personally think "60,000" is more visually appealing than "sixty thousand". And, once I used digits once, I had to use digits throughout, or it would annoy the hell out of me.

Interesting theory. Vinyl working with the cops makes a lot of sense. I guess we'll just have to see.

8037331 I completely agree that larger figures are better represented by digits. I see your point there. I just got thrown off by the admittedly wimpier 6.

Keep on rocking.

So far so good. We'v got our limey Octy, obegging to be killed Doc (of course the twist is that he survives the story) and wiseass DJ that is involved in something she is going to regret and I ain't talking bout her spreading habits.

The only thing that slightly bugged me was Octy confronting V since it seemed quick to me but that could be because it was almost pure dialog. Also extremely minor but wish for irony sake Octy told the Doc. "Hey, watch your bloody language".

Way to early for any predictions but I am looking forward to see Pies. They will probably make readers very nervous. At least Limestone will be herself.

Oh and to people that do not like the human aspect of the story. Just do what I do and still picture them as ponies. They have done stranger things with hooves in show. Besides easier for author to show the story to non brony audience this way.

Must say the interaction between Maud and Octavia was not what I have expected. Seems Octavia is much higher in the business. Then again I didn't expect an associate or a family member to openly question the Boss about the intention. Granted it was done so Maud would explain herself, but I am in a conundrum if a emotionless leader would feel the need to explain herself to a subordinate. And yet without that the whole scene would be just "Go Kill" and "Sure thing, Boss". This way we also get sympathetic side of Octavia, and we should probably start betting for how long will it last.
I sense there is at least some informality between them but probably wouldn't go and say "friendship" but I suspect Maud loosing trust will have a large impact later. Think I'll wait before judging Maud.

The second part was well straightforward line of events. Octy came, Octy saw, Octy killed. Nothing new revealed about Vinyl mystery so still clueless bout her spreading habits.

So we confirmed that Octavia is still moral person, capable of cold execution, has trust in people she works with (she is more trusting than me regarding people she with) and she is rater close to the Boss (relatively speaking, it is Maud after all). Guess we are still in the introduction part of the story.

Despite what people mate be telling you

Didn't really want to point at grammar since I am most certainly not a proofreader but this caught my attention. Shouldn't it be "might" instead of mate? Or is this some definition of mate I am not familiar.

8050448 Octavia is very high up, indeed. There's only a handful of people who are higher up than Octavia: Maud, Limestone's personal guys, and Limestone herself. Octavia has been in the family almost since its inception, so she's really familiar with Maud. The Boss knows Octavia will always do what's best for business, which is why she's okay with being questioned like that.

That sentence was, as you guessed, a fuck up. Sometimes when I write, I jumble parts of a sentence when it comes time to type it out. I accidentally pre-empted that "mate", which was supposed to be later in the sentence. I also have a problem with words/names that have similar sounds, or even start with the same letter (I once wrote a story involving Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, and I referred to them by each other's name for the whole thing). Thanks for catching that, and don't be afraid to let me know how I've fucked up.

This story is going to be a slower build than things I normally do. My story Crime Pays had a much quicker flow; By the first chapter, we already had the plot rolling. I've had this idea in my head for somewhere close to three years now, and I want to take my time with it. But, if you're looking for advancement in Vinyl's story... Don't worry. You can expect that in the next chapter.

Thanks for reading!

8050479 Well good my deduction abilities are working at optimal efficiency then. So I take it then that Octavia is honorary family member and not an associate. I am rusty with mob hierarchy ^^;

Regarding misspelling it isn't to spare your feelings (though PM would be a better choice than comment section) but because if I find one I should probably try to point out others. And well I think someone that is better equipped with dealing with English spelling/grammar should be up for the task. I'd rather wage my one-sided war with spelling.

And hey no worries I am rather patient individual. And I have certain appreciations for characters evolving through dialog more than just action.

Oh I'm liking this.

the Pie Crime Family

...Where does Pinkie fit in on all of this?

8050785 She's integral to the plot, but that's all I'm going to say about it for now. Just don't expect to see her for quite some time.

I agree with Maud, kill the snake while it's still eating ducks.:raritywink:

That was a solid chapter. I really enjoyed the interaction with Maud and seeing how far up the family ladder Octavia has been able to climb. From the first chapter I was under the impression she might be middle tier, but I can't say I'm disappointed to see she is on decent terms with Maud considering the alternative is being on the business end of her employees gun. :twilightoops:

this snake terrorizing my family

Snakes, why did I have to be snakes. :pinkiesick:

I'm actually enjoying this slow paced plot as it is building so much anticipation and questions in my mind about what's going to happen next. Most of those questions are currently about the Pie family and Vinyl so I hope to see more on them soon. :scootangel: Also I don't know why, but I keep getting the idea that Octavia will at some point hide a sniper of something inside of her cello case. :rainbowderp:

....Welp, that's one way to tell a man to keep it in his pants :pinkiecrazy:

...I wonder where Pinkie is...?

Ok Limestone is great at getting the message loud and clear. :twilightoops:

And guess Octavia's hunt for Vinyl switched from pleasure to business.

And yet I have the feeling that Vinyl is part of something far larger than what Octavia has seen so far.

I have the suspicion that Vinyl is planning something.

Hohohoholy shit!

I think I like crazy Limestone

“You know her,” said Limestone. “Why? How do you know one of my girls?”

Someone's a little paranoid.

I didn't think you could creep me out more with a character than you did with Rarity the assassin, but with Limestone you have made a character the puts me on edge as to whether Octavia will get out alive under her employment. Not to mention you did that with just one chapter.

I'm looking forward to more. :scootangel:

8061365 Thanks for reading, and more's on the way

“Where am I going?” asked Vinyl. Octavia sighed, lighting her cigarette and taking a puff.

I really hope you have a prison riot or prison escape planned of some kind. :pinkiehappy:

I was wondering when we would get to see Vinyl and I can't say I'm disappointed with the chapter. Truth be told I really want to see Limestone hit a snag she can't overcome by trying to kill it right away, but only time will tell if that happens. I'm hoping it comes in the form of Octavia having to end her, but again only time will tell and I'm sure you have something great planned for whatever happens to these characters. :twilightsmile:

So what made Limestone this paranoid and well psychotic? I've seen my fair share of psycho's in games and movies, but Limestone is something else that's for sure. :rainbowderp:

8081477 Well, Limestone was born a few aces short of a deck, but one event in particular in Pie family history is the catalyst for her unstable behavior, and it involves Pinkie.

That's all you're getting out of me.

Clothes flew threw the room

Ok this is first sentence so it was hard not to notice. So is the threw actually supposed to be "through"?

Anyway the fun has officially started and Vinyl has learned a valuable Chicago lesson. Never bring the knife to a gunfight. But Octavia seems that she has yet to learn something about herself. Definitely looking forward to see what happens next.

8081956 Fuck me, I don't know how I messed up so poorly. I think it was one of those instances where I spliced two potential sentences into one abomination of the English language. Thanks for catching that.


Limestone was born a few aces short of a deck

You can say that again. You've certainly peaked my interest about Pinkie's involvement. I'll just have to wait and see what happens next. :pinkiecrazy:


Huh. Prison...

Oh Doc I'll miss you when you are gone. Also got to respect Maud, she her principles streight.

On a minor not wonder if that love should have been luv. Eh probably not.

Hmmm.... I could make more of my deductions again as to what Octavia is planning, but as your last story showed: Staying in suspense is much more fun~:pinkiecrazy:

I wonder... when will we see a certain pink pony~?

I can't help but wonder if Octavia was followed or not.

8116576 Probably later, rather than sooner, but you will see her for sure. I'm just gonna take my time here.

I like it. Tracking.

Now this looks interesting.

Things are about to get hot. I like it.

Besides, if Octavia threatened and kidnapped the women she was interested in, then Vinyl wasn ’ t sure if she wanted anything to do with her.

A little late for that, looks like your stuck with Octavia. :derpytongue2:

Small-time players in a big-time game.

That's why I prefer to be the dealer. :raritywink:

I have missed this story! I can't tell you how happy I was to see this chapter up. As always, I'm looking forward to seeing how things play out, and now that the Apple family is involved you have once again captured my curiosity. :twilightsmile:

Welp. This can't end well for her Karmic record...

Fun fact: In the original draft of this story, Vinyl was not a prostitute. She was a down-on-her-luck musician who needed money to pay for her grandfather's funeral. The prostitute sidekick role was originally played by Rarity.

Great work and nice twist putting ab big mac and braeburn into the picture and by having them aressted it avoids a full scale war

Interesting note! I love it when writers tell the readers little bits of trivia like this. :twilightsmile: Will Rarity be making an appearance later, or is that something you don't want to spoil?

upcoming conversation with Limestone Pie

I'm sure she'll understand. :rainbowderp: Who am I kidding? She's going to go psycho, again. :facehoof: Oh, she was actually calm. Way to throw a curve ball. :rainbowderp:

Military weapons, new cars, and, on top of that, they can do things cops normally can’t

Oh sweet Celestia, this team sounds like fun! :pinkiehappy: I hope Octavia can handle this kind of team, they don't sound easy to take down. :pinkiecrazy:

Well, I'm glad you like these little trivia posts, because I'm making them a regular addition. The original iteration of A Made Mare is so different from the final product that they're nearly unrecognizable as the same core project. It'd be a shame to let all those ideas just go to waste, so I figured this would be a good way to get it to the people.

Currently, no plans exist for Rarity because her plot thread no longer exists. In fact, I can't even remember what it was (something about Octavia owing her a favor and then searching for a kidnapped Sweetie Belle). That can all change, though, so don't be surprised if Rarity does end up making an appearance.

Thanks for reading!

Huh I expected Twilight to be the one running the Untouchables, or at least be the one behind cleaning the city of crime (ironic considering the other story you wrote). Though the HCU probably aren't modeled after that group anyway.

As for our darling Rarity well I am sure she will pop up in a most unexpected place.

That other story he? she? IT? THEY wrote was AMAZING. Made me consider reading this one and I like it less, but they still work! I like it! Is it the same universe, well no, cuz the apples. but it could've been that've been cool

I'm a dude, just FYI.

Glad you liked it, even if you find it lesser than Crime Pays (can't say I really blame you for that). No shared universe, I'm afraid, but I wish I could've made it work. Would've been neat.

Agreed. Good job on the stories, I look forward to more.(wow that sounded conceded. oops. I'm no good at writing stories, and do not view me better than anyone,) but good luck and good job on writing to keep even a ginger entertained!

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