• Published 21st Mar 2017
  • 911 Views, 11 Comments

Ponyville Fire Department: New Generation - Rescue Sunstreak

The explorers have grown up and now the five best friends face a year of hard training. They face it together, to return to Ponyville and their many friends, as the firefighters they knew in their hearts they were.

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4 - WILDFIRE! (part 1)

Studying was hard. Training was harder. Each of them had been pushed and shoved hard as they went day to day. Academy life was like that, but they all knew they did this not for themselves, but for the greater good of all.

The past six months had been some of the toughest they had all dealt with. However, they were all still together as one. No one washed out, no one failed. Diamond Tiara kept them going, every last pony, gryphon, and diamond dog. In turn, they respected the cadet chief, as she had earned the respect of even the few that clearly didn’t support the idea of a mare in a leadership position.

This was life for now. They had six more months until they all graduate and head off to their respective probationary placements.

Pip was suddenly woken by the klaxons sounding. In that instance, virtually all of campus was lighting up. Glancing at the clock, he saw it was only eleven at night. They had just hit bed an hour before. He sat up and glanced over to see his roommate, his best friend, Rumble, sit up with a start, both looking at each other as the Klaxon cut and the PA system came on.

“Attention all cadets, attention all cadets! Report to muster on the parade grounds immediately . I repeat parade ground muster, immediately! All Cadets to be in full gear, that is all.”

Looking at each other as they heard from rooms down the hall, fellow cadets started to yell and get going. Rumble hopped up and yanked his locker open. “Pip, what is going on?”

The paint pony shook his head. “I don’t know, Rumdum, but it sounds serious!” yanking his own hooflocker open and starting to tug out his gear.


They all looked up at the commander, even the gryphons among them shocked, tired, but alert now. They had heard it all; a massive, devastating forest fire was ripping its way towards Griffonstone. Virtually every able-bodied country in the world was sending help, and Equestria was stepping up. Along with every cadet they had, the sisters were sending twenty two pump wagons, three hundred members of the EFD.

Luna herself had called up all four of the country's major firefighting airships and twelve smaller sloop style troop carriers drafted out of the naval yards. Celestia for her part had bid the biggest of them all, the hospital ship Moonbeam’s Mercy, be brought out of the mothball docks.

Pip trotted over to Stonecrusher, he could see of the five gryphons, the officer candidate was the most upset. “Hey, Stone, you good?”

The gryphon looked down at the paint pony’s eyes nervously. “N... no,” he exhaled just barely. “My mother lives in Griffonstone, Squeaker.”

Frowning in worry for him, the paint pony put his hoof up on his fellow cadet’s shoulder. “All of Equis is rushing to help, she will be safe. I swear on my family name, we will do everything we can.”

The gryphon fluffed out some and he lifted his head. “You talk a big game, pony… lucky for you, I know you can back up your words. I am damn proud to be going into this with Ponyville at our side.”

A throat cleared and both males turned, snapping a salute to the pink pony who returned it. “Leading, I was just given an official commission,” her ears filled with blush along with her cheeks, all turning a darker pink than her coat. “P-Pip, they made me... an acting field lieutenant for the duration of this call out.”

Pip grinned some at that. “That is my mare!”


It was hard to believe the true scope of the mobilization transpiring. Pipsqueak and the other cadets simply stared wide eyed at everything going on.

Along the left side of the raised dock sat the four large fire ships; each a former battlewagon of the Equestrian Navy. No longer did they carry weapons of war, but weapons to fight blazes. Pip knew from study each of the four airships carried over forty thousand gallons of water. A crew of thirty, and room for thirty more firefighters and three pumper wagons in the hold.

Then there was the huge white airship with the massive red crosses on her side. Her bow painted dark in a sweeping stripe, her prow painted the likeness of Luna herself. The Moonbeam’s Mercy drew a length almost two hundred yards long. So massive was she that it took ten cloud nacelles and eight prop engines to keep her airborne. Once designed to bring war like her smaller cousin ships, she had been retired from battle and transformed into the largest floating hospital the world had ever seen.

Three hundred beds, five full surgery rooms, two mess halls; all serviced by one hundred full-time crew, and upwards of four hundred brought on board. From doctors to techs, firefighters to food staff. The Mercy could produce enough clean water, energy, and support when on the ground to keep a city the size of Canterlot running smoothly—all on her own.

“Cadets, at attention! Line up!” a voice bellowed out. Without a thought, every last one of them snapped to and into rows quickly.

Before them stood their commander, and two ponies Pipsqueak knew well. On the right a faded mint stallion, his grandfather. To the commander’s left, looking all business stood a dark brown stallion with bright yellow mane, a stallion who had taken a scarred and frightened little foal and turned him into a stallion… his father.

“Assignments are in, so listen up. Ponyville will break up into three groups,” the earth pony flipped a page. “Acting Lieutenant Tiara, you will be on the Mercy. You are to shadow Battalion Chief Sunstreak as his attache.”

Clearing his throat, he continued. “Cadet Ensign Sunstreak, Cadet Longsocks,” he frowned some. “End of the dock, you are flying out on the Hellfire...” he groaned. “With the Hot Shots.”

He barely got it out when both Pip and in a rare moment of exuberance, Lily, shouted and slammed their hooves together. “Hooah!”

Anyone listening close would have caught the pink mare in the front of the group mutter, “Idiots.”

Clearing his throat the commander continued. “Cadet Rumble, Cadet EMT Scootaloo, report to Angel Six once you board the Mercy. She should be port side aft of Nacelle Eight.”

The faded green stallion continued down the list, every cadet, every group. They all had their places, and were not just there to be coddled. Equis, the world, needed brave ponies, and it was their time to shine.


Looking up at his father, Pip set his ears back some. “Son, I… I don’t know if I like the idea of you jumping in with the Hot Shots,” he paused, setting his huge hoof on the paint colt’s shoulder, the boy he had raised into a stallion along with his husband, his deep emerald cores meeting the younger’s. “But your father and I are proud of you.”

Sniffling some, Pip gave a nod of understanding. “Where is Dad?”

Giving a bit of a smile, Rescue replied, “Stayed in Ponyville, acting captain at Station One.”

“Are you deploying, too?”

Again, the brown draft pony gave a nod and gestured with his hoof. “Pumper One and Rescue Eight-One are on board the Lady of Smoke, along with Pumper Two-Six from Appleloosa,” he looked back to the paint. “I will be in command of the forward command base in sector three.”

Both stallions looked at each other, and then Pip whispered to his father, “Please be careful, Dad, okay?” He knew full well that FCB’s can be overrun by flames faster than ponies could pull out.

Hooking his hoof around his sons neck he looked right into the boys eyes. “You just keep your wits about you, and you come home safe to us, you hear me, son?”

Perking his ears and stiffening his posture, Pipsqueak nodded back comprehensively. “Yes, sir.”


Airborne now, the five fire ships escorted by ten of Equestria’s biggest warships, two on loan from the Crystal Empire flew among the flotilla, both as new as can be, filled with crew eager to show the ships worthy of the empire.

Pip stood at the tip of the foredeck, once the home of a large cannon, now hosting two large water cannon. The Mercy really was one impressive ship, and all that it could do seemed impossible. Currently the Hellfire was docked and tied to her side as they headed for Griffonstone.

Standing quietly, pressed to his side a pink mare, the wind blowing her grey and white mane lightly. She glanced over and up slightly at the stallion she loved as he spoke. “You stay at dad’s side, Di, please. I need to know you are safe, and I know he will keep you just that.”

She sniffled, a singular tear running down her cheek. “Pip, you idiot, you are the one jumping into a hot zone. Please…” turning to look up at his eyes. “Come home to me, Pip, safe and sound. Don’t do something I wouldn’t.”

He smiled and dipped his head in, pressing his lips to hers in a soft, but loving kiss. “Always, my princess.”


Pip looked over his shoulder as he stood on the ramp, about to trot into the Hellfire. He watched as Diamond looked back across the airships docking link, as she stood on the ramp edge of the Moonbeam’s Mercy. One last time he mouthed to her, “I love you,” and watched her mouth back “Be safe.”

Turning back, he climbed up and into the jump bay of the smaller, faster airship. Looking around at the thirty nine other ponies, gryphons, diamond dogs, and the lone minotaur among them.

Spotting Lily, he trotted over to where she stood in the open room that was the whole mid deck of the ship. “You okay?”

She gave a soft nod. “Yeah,” adjusting the straps as she slid on the pack that held her parachute, looking back over at her friend and fellow cadet.

“She will be fine, Pip, You are going to have to learn to trust that. She is at your father's side, nothing is going to happen to her or the others.”

Picking up the carry harness of his own, starting to strap up and into gear as others were. The paint heard the ramp click shut and an announcement come from the speakers placed in the bay.

“Attention all hands, attention all hands. Push off in three, two, one!”

The ship bucked a bit, then all aboard could feel the strange sensation of rising slowly. The airships moorings dropped, letting its captain and crew start to bring her away from where she rested tied to the Mercy. They were now just twenty minutes from jump. Their first.

“I know Smash, I know. I just…” he paused and glanced over at her. “This is the first time since we met that we are truly apart going into a callout. It feels…”

She gave an understanding nod, shifting her equipment around. “Yeah, I know.”


Looking around the bay Lily and Pip took note of their fellow Hot Spots. Each helping the ones next to them double and triple check packs, equipment straps, backup gear. Pip felt his jump partner, Glenda, tug his pack again. “You are good to go, Squeaker! So, you got the tummy flops yet?”

He turned and grinned at the gryphon, reaching out a hoof to start checking her pack and gear straps for her. “A little, but I am fine.”

She gave a squawk as he pulled a strap around her belly tighter. “Buck me, kid, you are going to crush my ribs,” but it was said with a grin on her beak.

Pip snorted with a smirk. “Kid, you are only three years older than me, fish eater,” he retorted jokingly.

Up came her right claw, and he bumped his hoof with it. “Damn, hay breath, you might just fit in here you keep this up.”

The speakers again boomed. “Jump in thirty seconds!” the captain's voice reverberated across the deck.

He looked over at Lily, standing with her jump partner, Brutus. The lone minotaur of the group and the only other one in the squad who could use the massive chainsaw strapped to his back, mirroring the one strapped across Lily’s. It was new technology, in fact she was the first cadet to be trained in how to use it outside of the one carried by her partner.

The magitech was quite advanced; a motor of sorts, powered by crystal storage units. The magic they stored spun a steel chain with sharp teeth along a bar that was thirty-six inches long.

It could make quick work out of taking down a tree far faster than even a team with axes could do it, but it was heavy. It was not something most could use, and the few strong enough to use it understood the thing. With the power it had, if it kicked back could sever a limb or worse before anypony could even blink.

Pip turned, hearing the ramp start to grind down. Two of the ship's crew cranking the cable winches to lower it. His ears lifted as Gaslamp, the Hot Shot captain, yelled out. “Squeaker, Smash, up front. You virgins get to jump first!” said with a grin on his beak.

Moving past others, receiving a nudge or a smack on the back with their jump partners behind them. The two moved up to where the huge gryphon stood near the start of the ramp, looking out at hell.

The forest burned away to ash and smoke hazed the sky. They could see the clearing off in the distance they were aiming for, being so high up. The captain grabbed Pip’s pack and shook it once, then did the same to Lily’s.

“Alright you two, first jump. Relax you have done this in your training jumps and passed. Just focus on what you know you have to do. Smash, Brut, soon as you two hit, I want packs off and start getting the saws put together. Squeak, Fish, you two get started on brush clearing.”

He raised his voice. “I want a clear zone of forty yards around the landing zone, ASAP! You morons hear me?”

Everyone, from pony to gryphon, diamond dog to minotaur bellowed out. “Hooah!” in response to the cap’s orders.

A big red crystal lit up near the door, as the captain again yelled out. “Ten seconds!”

Pip inhaled, then exhaled slowly, counting in his head. Then the light went green and he was moving before the “Go Go Go” from the gryphon captain even started.

He and Lily ran with all their might, and leapt off the ramp. For a moment, they were pegasi. They understood what it was like to fly, then gravity had its way. Pip focused on his training. Spreading his legs he plummeted down, the strange fabric of the jump suit rippled and snapped as it caught the air and he entered a glide. Arrowing his body for the landing zone in the distance, he took a moment to just admire the view.

To his left, pristine forest as far as the eye could see, and even a hint of the city of Griffonstone in the distance. To his right and in front of him, the beast. With a smirk, he turned his head to his left more and took note of Fish with her wings spread wide, right next to him. He grinned at her, and winked. The gryphon’s face gave a look of surprise and a squawk escaped her beak, just before he tugged in his legs, rolled on his back, then went into a vertical dive.

The air nipped at him as he gained speed. For a moment, he truly understood what it was like to be Rainbow Dash. To dive, to go fast, he knew now why the Wonderbolt loved it so. Again a glance to his left told him the gryphon had tucked her wings in and caught up, diving with him, a mirroring smirk on her beak.

To his right motion caught his eye, one of the pegasi was mirroring him. Wings tucked in hard, diving with the earth pony and gryphon, Cloud Striker streaked down. A grin that mirrored Pip’s simper on the warm blue pony’s muzzle.

Looking back over at his jump partner, he watched her tap her left claw with her right, and he gave a nod. Pulling up, legs out, the fabric once again caught the air and his gut dropped as it slowed him down and sent him in a screaming glide.

Using his speed to glide out for twenty seconds, Pip soon bled off momentum the closer he came to the landing zone. As he rapidly approached the mark, he again watched the gryphon zip in front of him and roll; his signal to yank his front legs up. Shooting vertical, he came to a dead stop before starting to plummet legs first.

A few seconds later, he reached to his chest and tugged on a cable handle.

His whole body wrenched and the air was knocked out of him for a moment as the sound of fabric catching air came from above him. The rectangular parachute tugging him so he was now vertical, head up, legs down. Tail and mane streaming behind him, he reached up to a handle on each of the two straps tying him to the chute, and pushed his hooves into them.

Tugging some, sending himself into a slow, shallow dive, and adding a bit of a turn to it. At twenty feet up from the ground, he reached down and tugged another strap. Sending his pack and gear down on a long strap to dangle almost ten feet below him. His forward momentum insuring they would be behind him and not a hazard.

Five feet, he braced, four, three, two, touchdown! Already letting momentum crash him down on all fours once more he ran, then tucked up into a tumble as he had been trained to. Bleeding off energy and speed, he came up on his hooves once more to come to a stop, Instincts and training once more kicking in. He wasted no time looking around, but spun on his hooves and started to haul the parachute in, to keep it from pulling him down. Once it was collapsed, he had time to glance around. His jump partner was right next to him with a huge grin across her beak.

“So?” she yelled.

Pip could not help himself. “AGAIN!” he bellowed in excitement, slamming his hoof into her uplifted claw. Reaching up to his neck and undoing the straps to the jump helmet, he turned along with the gryphon, to start unpacking gear and get into their turnouts.

Looking up as he tugged himself out of his jump harness, Pip watched Lily come down next, not nearly as hot as he had. However, the big mare stuck her landing hard, no runout or tumble, with an almost textbook perfect flare of the parachute just before the ground. He watched her come down on all fours, such was her style. She did everything by the book and without a single mistake made.

Others were landing, each with their jump partners. Soon the landing site was a flurry of action and yelling. Jump gear packed into a large pile to be picked up later. Pip snatched up his McLeod tool and he got to work ripping up the ground and knocking down the larger weeds and grass clumps. Looking up at the high pitch sound of a chainsaw, he watched for a moment as Lily handled the big blade with ease, already cutting into one of the larger trees at an angle to start her notch.

Gaslamp landed next to him as he was digging in and snarled at him. “Squeaker, what the buck was that!”

Looking over at the gryphon captain, he gulped. Gas looked absolutely ticked off. “Just, uh, a fast insertion sir?”

He felt the male’s claw poke him in the chest. “Do that again and you are grounded from the jump team, kid! That kind of crap gets ponies killed.” His glare then softened. “Still a decent landing, rookie, now clear this damn LZ so the tractor can land!”

Pip gave a nod and a grunt, “Hooah!” and swiftly went back to digging out clumps of weeds and small brush with the others. Looking up in time to see a tree crack and start down. Lily. not even watching her work, already moved on to the next tree as the one she finished smashed down into the woods right between two other trees; a perfect fall.

It took the team ten minutes to clear out the space, eight trees, untold bushes all lay in piles and spread out like a fan from the now larger clearing. Gaslamp gave a nod to one of the few unicorn on the team who shot a bright white ball of magic up into the air. It burst like a flare, a signal to the hellfire they were ready for the rest of their gear and equipment.

It came in the form of a massive container, falling, tumbling. Right up until the three chutes opened and caught air. Two of the Hellfire’s pegasus crew guided it as it fell, peeling off fifty feet up and letting it come down with a massive thud.

Already the Hot Shots were on it, some pulling the chutes down, others tugging out hammers and starting to bang big metal pins out of the corners of the container. A diamond dog by the name of Spot called out. “Clear right!”

A huge metal wall fell, exposing what was inside. A hybrid of magic and steam tech, a creation born of a train engine and a plow, the huge flat bladed dozer sat on tracks almost as tall as a pony. More of it exposed as more panels fell showed it to be a open cockpit design, no protection there from the heat.

“Burn, Wings, I want that thing fired up,” Gaslamp gestured. “Let's start cutting a firebreak this way, say, three clicks if you think it can push it.”

Pip tilted his head and glanced at Wings, a bright yellow earth pony who was about the closest one he had ever met to being Pinkie Pie’s clone of another color, right down to the mane.

“Got it, Gasbag,” responded the yellow stallion, pronking over to the great machine.

Turning, the gryphon groaned, then pointed at Lilly and her partner. “I want you two on point. Fell anything too big for it. Let’s make sure we fall them,” he gestured. “Fireside, I want as little chance of a jump as we can get.”

They all dug in and got back to work.

Author's Note:

Sorry it has taken me so long folks, but I have not abandon this story. Just that Ranger takes up a lot of my time but I will keep the PVFD going, it is after all close to my heart.

As to the jump in, you want to look up "Dragonforce: Through the fire and the flame" as music as you read that part of the chapter.

Comments ( 3 )

This is the first time I’ve seen Diamond Tiara in a job other than mayor. Then again, this could be one of her several careers before becoming mayor of Ponyville.

you may wish to go back and read PVFD. She plays a major roll from nearly the start. I have always seen her has a leader and that is kind of the way she shaped up into in the story line.

That is a great thing you are working on here. I'll wait for more.

And now get your Baumkuchen!

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