• Member Since 14th Dec, 2011
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Steel Resolve

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This story is a sequel to Green

Celestia had resigned herself to a life of solitude, and had grown comfortable with that idea. She wasn't interested in sycophants who wanted to dote on her, or in anypony who would wish to marry her for power's sake. But she still yearned for the true love of somepony who loved her for herself, so much so that it's quite literally driven her a little mad.

Luna, after being banished for one thousand years, was merely looking for good friends, and good times with them. But after seeing other possibilities, she begins to think of romance once again, albeit not in the forms that she'd previously thought of as the norm.

Both find love when they least expect it, neither quite know what to do when they find it.

Rated Teen for moments of sensuality, foreplay, and sexual themes. Reader discretion is advised.
Assistance by Karrakaz, Blue_Paladin42, TheGreatEater, Setokaiva
Cover Image by Nova Quill/Firimil, used with permission.
Additional graphical design by Novel-Idea.

Chapters (14)
Comments ( 222 )

And so it has arrived!
...I think. Has it arrived? Has it got the... Green Light? :trollestia:

Ok Thumbs up and Fave.
Now let's read.

Why does it say that it was published over a month ago?

:D I'm so happy!

Because chapter publishing date and story publishing date are two different things. I published the chapter to show it to a few people as I worked on the description and the artwork was refined.

answers to are only care


Good catch. I swear I had this edited by so many people but they can only do so much.

Oh.... Oh my.

Luna, go for it! Take them both! Sprit them away!

Green sequel's here? Alright lads, buckle up! Here we go!

Squeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Ahem. New chapter first of the month, save April, I presume? I'll see this through to the end even if it take five more years!

Liquid Pride 2 and now this?! Oh man, I know its the holiday season, but if this goes on, I am going to have a heart attack.


*squeals into infinity*

What great thing did we do to deserve you and your wonderous works? Overjoyed to have more of my favorite Ot3sa. :)

Very glad to see this universe again!

Wow. Over 477k words were not enough?

Guess not. Well, I'm in! *Commences reading*

8585319 Well, I did finish Flarity's story, but I had a few other couples involved.
8585252 Glad to be writing in it again.
8585208 I enjoy writing, Sometimes when I publish it people say nice things to me. It's a win win all around.
8584751 Welcome aboard once again.
8584599 Oh goodness, pace yourself.
8584594 Correct, 1st of every month, and I'll make every effort to keep that going until I finish as well.
8584289 Glad to have you following.
8584139 :rainbowlaugh:
8583933 I'm pretty thrilled myself. I was afraid I'd release the sequel with a great wet thud and then hear silence.
8583899 I hope you enjoy it, glad to have you following along.
8583897 All systems go. We set sail now.

It's one phenomenon, many phenomena. You just had to make things worse by typing 'singular' in front of it, didn't you...

You can teach monkeys many things, but they are still monkeys. This monkey apologizes.

This monkey is forgiven. Go forth and sin no more! (grammatically speaking) :pinkiesad2:

Bit heavy on the exposition, but not a bad reintroduction to the storyline. Eager to see more!

Sorry, I tried to keep it to a minimum, but I was also worried about a brand new reader going in cold.

It is a conundrum. From what I've seen, it's hard to transition gracefully. :applejackunsure:

Well it worked, somehow I missed the previous story until I read your comments :derpytongue2:

Wonderful to see this universe getting more horse words. The void left by Green in my tracking shelf is now filled. <3

Instead, I made contact with the ponies you sent after us, though they complained they did not do this sort of thing.

I'm confused. Luna sent assassins after Fleur and Fancy? I must be missing something here.

It's from a side story you may have missed that goes into how they met.

8583936 Just FYI, when you have a story that's unpublished and have set an Unpublished View password, prereaders can see and access chapters that haven't yet been published. You can also permalink unpublished chapters to people just by copying the url whether you've published the story or not. Unpublished chapters only don't show up if the story doesn't have a password. It's useful for times like these. :twilightsmile:

Good to know. I thought I needed to publish the chapter to even be seen.

Finally, I can give this the time it deserves!

Man, we skipped over a lot on the international stage, but then again, fighting dragons isn't the focus of this series.

It seems that in certain ways the royal sisters aren't all that different.:trollestia:

Well, as interesting as it might be to delve into Luna's travels, it wasn't something I wanted to do during the prologue, since we have enough to set up as is.

My FleurLuna Senses are tingling :pinkiecrazy:

I think I've said before that Green was one of the most consistant enjoyments through my history with the fandom, but if I haven't, Green was one of the most... you get the joke. :pinkiehappy: And not for any one aspect, either; the characterization was what initially hooked me, but that was then followed by Celestia's triad, which on rereading was followed by Luna finding herself, and so on. Most recently, and what was mentioned in one of my old comments, Celly's handling of Astra toward the end of Green and in this chapter is absolutely wonderful, and really resonates now that my own headmate's reawoken, and we've shared some times along similar lines.

All that to say he absolutely loved the phrasing in Celestia modeling the dresses for Astra. Something about treating her as a friend -- not as a voice or as a facet of one mind -- and doing it just because it made her happy. We're looking forward to seeing where things go once Astra's introduced to Celestia's partners! He's predicting that she and Pinkie get along dangerously well, and so help fill the gap on that side of the V.

Yep. That's a thing,

Well, when presented with that situation you can either resent what has happened, or make peace with it. Fighting yourself, provided you aren't being asked to harm yourself or others, is pure madness.

Oh this... this was sweet. Very well done chapter:

Thanks for continuing this amazing world.

I'm liking Celestia here. Clueless, but not annoying-clueless. Also, really glad she didn't go with "Sunny Skies."

I'll admit that, while the Luna bit was fun, I can't say that I'm nearly as invested in her part of the story as I am with Celestia. There was a lot more momentum built up with her relationship, and the conflict felt a lot more interesting. I'll have to see where this one goes.

The appearance of a certain possum makes this fic 100/10.

function without if need

missing sleep here.

The ponies of her age might have stoned him before exiling him,

Hmmm if you STONE someone the only place you are going to exile them is in a grave ^^;;;

would they cause


You're assuming a lot about their aim, and their intent. Ponies are not easy to kill, so I imagine it being more like pelting the infidel with stones then banishing them after they were driven off. :pinkiecrazy:

EEEEEEP!~ FleurLuna is here! i am so ready!~
i cant take this much tease~ :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

Good to see both of the Princesses adjusting.

For that matter, only just really looked at the artwork. Celestia's mane is very vivid- I guess it's going to be a while before she's back to her old self.

A time skip feels quite good for this story. In Green, so much happened in such little time, and now it's nice to see characters after they've processed things. I also like how events from the show are considered.
Now I just want a time skip to when Eriskay seduces Luna :p

Twi, never change.
Also, Luna you with your threesome give one heck of headache to parents of particularly three little fillies


I think Luna is having an easier time with the concept of more than one mate.

I think I like this notion.

A wild Ponk appears, Celestia is confused, Celestia flails in confusion.

I wonder if the younger dragons burrowed into the cake like a group of sugar-hyped gophers...

I must confess, I supershipped Luna with Fluttershy and Rarity, and was/am disappointed that it seems Luna DID damage her chances too much.

Although your Fleur is quite good at filling the gap...

Dude those pics are sweet, love Tia.

Twilight, have you learned nothing?:facehoof:


Twilight's natural state involves a certain level of anxiety. I think if she and Fluttershy compared notes, they'd be surprised how well their emotional baselines match up.

Thanks for continuing this, Steel! Luna's little triad makes me incredibly happy.

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