• Member Since 9th Jan, 2017
  • offline last seen 13 hours ago


Not much to say. I love to write, and I write just about every kind of story.

Comments ( 28 )

hmmm, it was okay. little spot here and there, but overall pretty well rounded. 7.5/10

I don't understand why this story has so many dislikes. Or is that just normal for a rapefic? It doesn't sound right to dislike something based on it's premise.

It's pretty normal for a rapefic at first. When it's on the front page, a lot of people see it and dislike it, but over time the only people people finding it are people looking for it. So the like bar gets better over time. My other rapefic had a similar like/dislike ratio, but is almost twice as good now.

Damn these dislike bots

Is the pic by sip? I don't recognize it nor can I find it.

Yeah it is by Sip. She is going to post the "full" version soon. :raritywink:

Wow...poor girl.

Oh, Ok. Haven't seen a lot coming out from her recently, just a couple pics of Silver and Sweetie. This one does look promising.

Great story, I've noticed a few times that it said 'chocked' Instead of 'choked'. Overall, 9.5/10

Decent writing, grammar and spelling are good except for a few hiccups. The storyline is used a ton on this site, but I just love your writing. Overall, 9.8/10.

I'm willing to bet my life that the vast majority of the downvotes this story has were done by people that never read the story at all.

That said I saw a lot of typos; mostly with the word "her" where it should have just been "he." It's just a nitpick though.

In my opinion it was a good oneshot clopfic if you like rape fics. I've honestly not read that many of them as it's sort of a new fetish I'm exploring, but I got into this. Compared to the "CMC's New Lives" where I felt guilty for enjoying it this one was more just a "fun in the moment" concept. It was sincerely relieving that she was placed back home instead of carted off for the rest of her life or killed to keep her silence. I'm sure Babs doesn't know how fortunate she is (after reading how it turned out in other fics).

Ok, I haven't read this, and I probably won't, but do people actually like faping to people/ponies getting raped?

Provided that it is entirely ficional and no one has really been hurt, yes. It's weird and I don't fully understand it, but there is something to it that makes it a favored fetish for some people myself included.

8184569 Well, I understand that it is fictional and involves fictional characters and no one really gets hurt, and I respect that people like the ones where no one really gets hurt. All that I understand. I myself have a morbid curiosity with it, but to each their own, right?

Thank you for being understanding. :twilightsmile:

8184688 Yes, you are welcome.

sip #17 · May 26th, 2017 · · 1 ·

wait... i never did that cover on the past weeks... D: I would like to take this opportunity and say that that is not my work there...i would never draw foalcon or non consensual acts on innocent fillies.. D: especially rape...

I may be a lot of things... Politician, local weirdo and sexual predator, bath singer, communist, foalcon artist... but i will never be a porno actor.. just pointing that...

not a fan of rape it's not my thing but this is a very well written story and defiantly worth reading even if that low life needs to die a horrible death. glad sip linked this it was a good read even if not my thing.

Well, I can definitely see improvement in your writing. A few errors here and there, but the story progression and imagery is quite good. Also, interesting choice of victims, don't see her a lot as she's usually the aggressor.

As much as I'd like to take full credit, that wasn't all me. I keep forgetting to credit people in the description, but Tony The Brony helped with editing. As for Babs, I love me some Babs rape.

Hmmm, why so many dislikes?
the spelling and grammar were decent...
The only problem I had was the "why" and "how" the raped happened
>Manhattan(Add "mane" to make it cancer)
>leaves door unlocked
>leaves door unlocked
also, what was this rapist gonna do if she did lock it that day?

but does something this nitpicky need about half dislikes?
No, So is it cuz its foalcon? or rape? well they do have their "haters" but there small in number and theirs to many fics to dislike, so ever there's more "rape haters" in foalcon communities or more "foalcon haters" in rape communities, this is something i would like to explore..

I really do like the storyline, but the grammar and readability of this story does need some work. You might need another editor, or a better one the least, to help with your stories. Your story ideas have potential, but it could have definitely been written better. I'm not saying that your work is bad because it is pretty decent, but it could be imrpoved.

I can vouch for that

Im ok with rapefic as long as it not gore

Fucking hate gore

Rape fics, I don't mind. I really like them when it's my favorite ships like Starlight rapes Spike. So it's like a romance/dark/rape

7/10 would recommend.

Any chance of a follow-up to this?

Afraid not. I don’t plan on coming back to this one

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