• Published 3rd Jun 2017
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Cosmic Lotus - Goldfur

The Anomaly was a star in the Equestrian night sky that was unlike all the others in the heavens. Advances in science and magic had only deepened the mystery. Finally it was decided to send a starship to learn what they could. This is their story.

  • ...

Dinner Time

“Have we mentioned Informal Fridays to you before?” Wandering asked Boyce.

The human thought for a moment before shaking his head. “I don’t believe so.”

“It’s a longstanding tradition in House Path, started in Griffonia and since emulated in all the branches. It’s had a few names depending on the country that it’s held in, but the principle remains the same. Friday’s dinner is held in the banquet hall and absolutely everyone is invited. The only condition is that you leave all rank behind; a farmer may dine with a king, or a ten-year-old filly gets the best chair if she beats a noble to it. Everyone is equal and on a first-name basis.”

“Do you really get that many nobles at those dinners?”

Wandering chuckled. “Things may have changed a little in the decades during which I was away on the Cosmic Lotus, but I doubt it. Most nobles still prefer to hold onto their privilege rather than being seen chatting with a commoner. However, there are some who have found that dealing with House Path on an equal basis has paid off in the long term.”

“They’re obviously the smarter ones. So, let me guess – I have not been aware of the local dates, but I’m betting either today or tomorrow is Friday?”

“Correct. The diplomatic talks in Canterlot will wind up early tomorrow and we intend to transport everyone over to Griffonia for the main House Path dinner. King Silverquill Glimfeather is eager to play host to the next week of talks, and he asked that the ambassadorial party be brought over that evening. It’ll give us a chance to introduce you to some of the family that did not make it to your welcome.”

“More? I thought that you had plenty already!” Boyce replied with a grin.

The stallion chuckled. “We’re a close-knit herd. Every child born into the House since it was established long ago has brought their spouses and children into the greater family. We like it that way. Anyway, I was asked to request that we are allowed to also take the Federation ambassadors over to Griffonia after their talks have finished tomorrow. You can follow in your skiff. I’ll set up a beacon for you to home in on.”

“That’s no problem. Hmm… would Ambassador E’Laki be invited also? He’s been annoying Rosepetal since being ousted from the ambassadorial team.”

“Technically, yes. But tell me honestly – do you think he’s the type to leave his prejudices at the door?”

Boyce sighed. “No, I don’t believe so.”

“Tell him about it anyway, but don’t encourage him otherwise. He might try to fake it, but with a large number of emotivores at the dinner, he’d be caught out almost immediately. That’s the great thing about having changelings in the House – you have to be honest about your feelings. Nobody expects you to be perfect, but you need to be genuinely trying. E’Laki didn’t try even after he was caught out. Has he attempted to get back on the ambassadorial team?”

Boyce rolled his eyes. “He ranted at me for half an hour the first day. He wants to contact the Federation Council to get reinstated, but unfortunately, we’re out of subspace communications range.”

Wandering tilted his head and cocked an eyebrow. “Didn’t we give you one of our crystal comms to keep in contact back home?”

“I somehow forgot to mention that to E’Laki.” The expression on Boyce’s face was of pure innocence before they both broke into chuckles. “Anyway, it’s a good thing that this Friday dinner is tomorrow. The Pegasus will be departing the next day.”

“Oh? Why is that?”

“We’re not here just to babysit the ambassadors and investigate your world. Star Fleet Command has instructed me to explore Equus’ actual location in the galaxy, and we’ll be heading back to the portal tomorrow. We won’t be going through it though – we’ll continue past it and through the nebula wall. The Pegasus will keep going until we get clear of it and can get an unobstructed view of the stars in order to get a fix on our position before returning. Travelling through a nebula is tricky because the relative density of matter there makes it hard to go into warp, and we can’t just travel at sub-light speeds because nebulas can be light-years thick.”

“So, you’ll be away for several days?”

“That’s most likely. Add to that the studies that the scientists aboard the Pegasus will want to make while in that location, and it makes it difficult to give an estimated time of return.”

“It will be interesting finding out where we are for certain, and how accurate Starry’s estimate is.”

“What about you? Have you any plans to return to sailing the stars?”

“Eventually. Many of the crew badly want to spend time with their families, or just take an extended break. Starry and I intend to return to the Cosmic Lotus in due time, but for now we’re just taking the opportunity to be a couple on holiday. We’ll begin our official honeymoon on Saturday.”

“What’s it like to be married after being mated for so long?”

Wandering’s face got a bit of a goofy look. “Wonderful! You wouldn’t think it would make such a difference, but making that commitment in front of witnesses just made a great thing better.”

“I know the feeling. I was married according to Caitian tradition, and I have never regretted it.”

“Rosepetal is still looking for Sixthwife for you?”

“Of course. I keep telling her that five is more than enough, but she’s a staunch traditionalist, and she won’t be satisfied until she finds the perfect sixth mate for me.”

“Be careful – you might go back to the Federation with a pony wife!” Wandering said with a chuckle.

“Sshhh! Don’t say that out loud! Rose might hear you!”

“From the Pegasus?”

“Wives hear everything regardless of distance!”

Wandering nodded. “Yeah, you’re right…. Maybe a griffoness instead?”

Boyce mock-glared at the cheeky stallion. “Now you’re just begging for trouble.”

“You’ll be at the Informal Friday dinner, won’t you? Plenty of opportunities for matchmaking.”


When talks finished that afternoon, Alexa made her way over to Penumbra’s chair. “I accept your request for a date. What did you have in mind?”

Penumbra’s face lit up with delight. “I reserved a table at a nice restaurant in the hopes that you would say ‘yes’. It caters to carnivores too, so you will have a good menu to choose from. Then there’s this popular play that I happen to have two tickets for…”

Alexa grinned. “You were pretty confident that I’d agree to come.”

Penumbra shrugged. “Very hopeful, anyway. I thought it worth preparing. So – sound good?”

“Yes, it does. Just give me some time to freshen up and change clothes, and we can go.”

Penumbra got up and they started heading out of the meeting room. “I’ll come by your room to pick you up in say forty minutes?”

Alexa nodded. “I’ll be ready.”

Penumbra arrived at Alexa’s room exactly on time, and his knock was promptly answered. He found himself looking directly at her breasts which were at his head level, but while they were attractively clothed in a beautiful blue blouse, they did little for him as ponies did not have boobs as such. However, as he swept his gaze up and down, he saw that she had also brushed her fur and hair and smelled that she had put on a dab of some cologne. She stood there expectantly, waiting for a reaction.

“You look wonderful, Alexa,” he said with a genuine smile.

The foxtaur looked pleased. “Thank you. I wasn’t sure what would be appropriate attire for the restaurant. Would it be better if I wore a dress?”

Penumbra shook his head. “No, dresses are optional. While it’s an upscale restaurant, it’s not super formal. Are you ready to go? The sooner we get there, the longer that we will have to enjoy our meal before we have to leave to go to the play.”

Alexa indicated the purse that she had over her shoulder. “I have everything that I need in here, and I’m ready to go.”

“Great! Shall we go now?”

Alexa nodded and stepped out of her room, closing the door behind her. A magic spell keyed to her chi locked the door as she departed.

Penumbra escorted the foxtaur out of the castle. At its gates, a Royal Guard fell in behind them.

“Umm… did you know that we’re being followed?” Alexa asked.

“Yes. Don’t worry about him – he’s not here to watch you but to make sure that nobody causes you trouble. He’ll be discreet, and won’t follow us into the restaurant.”

“Oh, good. Judging by the looks that I am getting already, I suppose he’s necessary.”

“You’re an oddity, even if there’s a greater mixture of races in Canterlot than there used to be. Most people will be friendly, but there are always exceptions.”

“Fair enough. So, while we’re on the subject of oddities, what made you decide to ask me out for a date?”

Penumbra grinned. “Why did you accept? Anyway, we have members of every Equian race in House Path, and we tend to see whatever is attractive in each species. I just looked for that in you.”

“But then why me in particular? I’m bigger than you, I have six limbs, and I am dual-sexed. I’m so different that it’s hard to see why you would prefer me over someone like M’Laaranth instead.”

“That presupposes that I find the physical more attractive than the mental. Dad told me all about the episode in the waiting room, and I noticed how competently you represented the Federation during the meeting despite being thrust into the leadership role at the last minute. I found that very attractive. However, you would be wrong in saying that I don’t like your looks too. I think we Paths have always found the exotic to be desirable. And I like your fangs.”

Alexa’s eyebrows rose as she looked at the stallion. “My fangs?”

The thestral smiled widely back at her, showing off his own. “We match.”

“Now you’re being silly,” she replied with a giggle.

“Heh! Maybe, but I still think you’re beautiful. Now it’s your turn – why did you agree to a date with a pony?”

“I’m not sure. I just liked you. Maybe it’s partly due to my human heritage. All morphs and taurs have some human in their ancestry, and for some reason, female humans almost always really liked ponies. The Terran ones, I mean. You’re a handsome specimen, and I liked the way you handled the delegates. You’re smart and attractive, so why not? I also like that my gender doesn’t bother you.”

Penumbra shrugged. “I’m bisexual like my father. If anything, being dual-sexed is another point in your favor.”

“But I still prefer my feminine side.”

“And I prefer my masculine side. I think we go together quite well. Anyway, we’re here at the restaurant.” He opened the glass door emblazoned with the name of the establishment – The Golden Peacock – and said, “After you, Alexa.”

“Thank you, Penumbra,” she replied, stepping into the dimly lit interior.

“Please call me Pen if you like.”

She smiled back at him. “I will if you call me Alex. I only let good friends call me that.”

“Thanks, Alex.” Penumbra looked at the maître d' and said, “Table for two in the name of Penumbra Path.”

The griffon gave Penumbra’s companion a studied look and nodded. “Yes, sir. I have a table ready for you. Please follow me.”

They were led to a quiet alcove with a small round table that was set with cutlery and a single large lit candle.

“Will the madam require a chair?” the maître d' asked.

“Thank you, no,” Alexa replied.

The griffon nodded and took away one chair to allow the foxtaur to sit on her rump at the table. When Penumbra was seated, his head was brought up to Alexa’s level which felt more comfortable for both of them. They were given menus before the maître d' left, telling them that he would send over a cocktail waiter immediately.

Alexa looked at her menu and shrugged helplessly. “While I was given a thorough knowledge of your oral language by that amazing spell, I haven’t had the chance to learn your written one as yet.”

“Those are trickier for some reason. Would you like me to read the menu for you?”

“Please do. But first, I see the cocktail waiter headed our way. Do they serve wine here?”

“They do. Ciders and beers too if you like them.”

“Order a red wine for me, please.”

When the cocktail waiter arrived, Penumbra said, “I would like a Sweet Apple Acres hard cider, and my companion would like the house red.”

The unicorn waiter scribbled a note on the pad that he held up in his magic. “Very good, sir. Would you both also like some ice water?”

“Yes, please.”

As the cocktail waiter left, Penumbra picked up the menu and began reading out the list of appetizers and main course meals. As the restaurant catered towards both carnivorous and non-carnivorous species, the sections were marked off accordingly. While clients such as ponies were not usually expected to consume meat with the occasional exception of fish, those frequenting this particular restaurant were either inured or oblivious to the practice. Alexa had no difficulty selecting a steak and vegetable meal, while Penumbra opted for salmon instead.

The cocktail waiter returned with two bottles and glasses, and he uncorked the wine and poured some of it for Alexa. He waited for the foxtaur to try it, and when she gave her approval, filled the glass for her before serving Penumbra. The server appeared just as the cocktail waiter departed, and they gave the pegasus mare their orders. As they waited, they resumed their conversation.

“So – what made you decide to be an ambassador?” Penumbra asked.

“I kind of fell into the profession,” Alexa answered. “I was brought up in a Red Foxtaur village where my sire, Strata, had met my mother, Fellana. Unlike my peers, I was born a Mountain Breed Stellar Foxtaur, even though I do have some Red Foxtaur traits. It was my lack of one of their traits that changed my life though.”

“Which was that?”

“First generation breeds of foxtaurs had their flaws. A major one is called TAS – Territory Attachment Syndrome. Unless a foxtaur moves about a lot during their growing years, by the time that they become adults, they are so attached to the place where they grow up that they get sick if they leave it. Some can even die from it. However, I had no trace of it at all, just like all Stellar Foxtaurs. For this reason, I often acted as a go-between for the various foxtaur clans, and this developed into an actual line of work. I was already a fairly seasoned professional when I joined the Stellar Federation Council as a junior ambassador. I worked my way up pretty quickly until this mission where I was originally second-most senior until E’Laki got rejected. So, what’s your story?”

“Mine’s much simpler, actually. Negotiating has been one of House Path’s major functions since its inception. I got into this particular family business because I liked it. You meet all sorts of interesting people this way, and you have to be the most intriguing one yet.” He gave her a gentle smile.

Alexa was surprised to feel herself blushing a little. The thestral was so frank and direct with his compliments that it was impossible not to be flattered by them. “Thank you. I find you to be equally interesting. You’re only the second thestral in your family that I’ve met besides your father. Are your kind rare?”

Penumbra chuckled. “Nah. Thestrals tend to be nocturnal though, and Princess Luna’s Night Guard consists of many of them. Keep your eyes peeled when we’re headed back to the castle tonight and you might see some.”

“But you work days?”

“As much as I like the night, my job tends to keep me on a diurnal schedule. I have a cool collection of sunglasses for the really sunny days though.”

Alexa giggled. “Dark and mysterious – I like that.”

“What about you? What do you like besides your job?”

The conversation continued with each taking turns to tell about some aspect of their lives and only slowed down a little when their meals were served. Dessert had just been finished when Penumbra finished telling about a series of funny real-life experiences growing up as a foal in House Path, and Alexa was laughing so much she was crying.

“Oh, no more!” she begged, trying to stifle her giggles.

Penumbra grinned unapologetically as he signaled the server for the bill. “We have to get going anyway if we are to get to the play on time.”

“I don’t know – it’s going to be hard to top this dinner date.”

Penumbra paid the bill and they got up to leave. The maître d' gave them a professional smile and thanked them for their patronage as they exited. As they headed down the street in the direction of the theatre, Alexa placed her hand on Penumbra’s withers. The stallion looked up at her and she smiled back as they continued to walk along, garnering curious looks from passers-by.

The play was enormously entertaining, and Alexa spent most of it with one arm around the pony. She still kept one hand upon Penumbra as they walked back to the castle under Luna’s bright moon and starry skies. When they finally reached her room, she paused in the doorway to face the stallion.

“Pen – this has been one of the best evenings of my life. Thank you for inviting me.”

“Does that mean that you would be agreeable to another date, Alex?”

“It means that I would be extremely disappointed if you didn’t ask.”

“Saturday then? Informal Friday will be at our Griffonian home tomorrow, and we’ll both want to be there, but the next day is free. I can show you around the place where I spent half my life growing up.”

“That sounds wonderful. It’s a date then.”

“Great! Umm… before I go, may I…?” He touched his cheek with a questioning look.

Alexa caught on and leaned down so that he could give her a quick kiss on her cheek. She felt a slight blush at the gesture, and she smiled as she bade him goodnight. Closing the door, she went to the bathroom and pulled off her blouse in preparation for having a shower. She caught her reflection in the mirror, and she looked at herself for a long moment before grinning. “You lucky vixen! You found yourself someone who likes you for being you, and he’s a dashing and intelligent pony! Can this mission get any better?”

She was still smiling when she curled up in bed and drifted off to sleep with the memories of that wonderful evening.

Transferring the delegates to Griffonia after talks had concluded on Friday was a simple process. While the hypervelocity tube spell could still only be operated by powerful alicorns, several were headed that way that afternoon. Many of the Equian delegates had travelled by it before, but it was a totally new experience for the Federation personnel. Nothing like it had been developed by scientists or even theorized. It became the initial topic of discussion as everyone started gathering for the Informal Friday Dinner.

Penumbra took Alexa aside to show her around as he had promised. One of the first stops was the training grounds and the home of House Path’s Warmaster.

“Why is it so big?” Alexa asked as they approached the building.

“Two reasons,” Penumbra replied. “Firstly, part of his home is also a small arena. Secondly, his wife needs the room.”

Alexa blinked, trying to comprehend why someone would need a place so huge. “Am I going to be surprised?” she asked suspiciously.

“I sure hope so,” the stallion replied with a grin.

They entered the building and immediately discovered Blue Streak in a training session with Eon. Alexa gasped in surprise at the speed and ferocity of the bout. While the dracopony had introduced his father at the family gathering at Twilight’s castle, both had been socializing, not fighting. She could hardly focus on the blue-coated stallion as he moved to dodge Eon’s attacks which seemed horrendously dangerous to her. If any of them connected…

“Pen, won’t Blue Streak be horribly injured if Eon lands one of his attacks?”

“His pride would probably be more hurt. Uncle Blue’s special talent is speed, and believe me when I say that he’s not even moving half as fast as he can.”

She looked at him askance. “You’re kidding me!”

Penumbra shook his head. “He can gallop faster than the speed of sound. One on one, nobody can hit him because we all move as slow as molasses compared to him.”

“That’s a little mind-boggling. So what’s the point of Eon trying?”

“The Warmaster is limiting his speed, for starters, and secondly it’s not just a matter of hitting him, it’s also about Eon preventing Blue Streak from disarming him. Eon is going to be the next Warmaster, and his father has absolutely no intention of Eon becoming any less than the best that he can possibly be. They’ve been training relentlessly since the Cosmic Lotus returned because Blue Streak wants to make up for lost time.”

“But the Cosmic Lotus wasn’t due back for a few more decades – wouldn’t Blue Streak have been concerned about passing away before Eon returned?”

“Normally, you would be correct, but Uncle Blue went through an experience that changed him a little. His aging has slowed considerably, and while he’s not immortal, he’s expected to live a century or more longer than the average pony. This makes his wife very happy because dragons live for thousands of years.”

“Yes, I noticed that Cinder and Blue Streak are very close. It still doesn’t explain why she needs this much room.”

Penumbra smiled smugly. “You’ll see.”

Just then, a spear came hurtling at the thestral. Penumbra dodged to the side and his wing snapped up to snag it out of the air. He calmly folded the wing with the spear held snugly against his barrel. “Hi, Uncle Blue! Got a moment?”

Alexa gaped at Penumbra and then back at the two contestants who had ceased their combat. Eon was panting lightly, while the Blue Streak hardly seemed affected at all. The earth pony strode over to the visitors with a smile on his face.

“Good to see that you’re not getting soft, Pen,” Blue Streak said.

“I wouldn’t dare slack off my daily training, Uncle Blue, and I know better than to let my guard down in your dojo.”

“Do you always greet visitors by throwing spears at them?” Alexa asked.

“We are all warrior-scholars, Ms. Mountaineer,” Blue Streak replied. “We are expected to be able to respond accordingly.”

“I got my wing pierced a few times before I mastered the timing of that maneuver,” Penumbra admitted. “Anyway, I brought Alexa around to show a little of what we do before the dinner starts. I also want her to meet Cinder.”

Alexa’s face contorted in perplexity. “But I’ve already met her.”

Blue just smiled and looked up to a large ledge above the arena. “Cinder, love – come meet our guest!”

Alexa’s eyes grew huge and her jaw gaped as an enormous golden dragon looked over the edge and nodded.

“So I see,” Cinder rumbled. She spread her wings and jumped off the ledge, a single beat of her wings raising a huge gust of wind as she broke her fall. Alexa was rocked back a step by the blast, but the others, more familiar with the dragoness’ entrance, leaned into the wind and stayed in place. The floor still shuddered with the impact of the massive creature. She lowered her head to Alexa’s level and said, “Welcome to our home. I have not seen one of your kind for a long time.”

“What? How could you have seen one at all? We only arrived on your world a few days ago!”

“Ah, yes – I remember that well. Quite an occasion, it was. Equus was changed forever by that event.”

Alexa was getting more and more confused. This Cinder strongly resembled the much younger and smaller dragon that she had met recently, but she spoke as if she had known about foxtaurs for ages. “Are you the younger Cinder’s mother? Did you name her after yourself?”

The huge dragon’s mouth split into a grin. “No, you might say that I was named after her.”

“Now I’m totally lost,” Alexa admitted.

Penumbra said, “Can I let her off the hook now? I think we’ve had enough fun at her expense.”

Blue chuckled. “Go ahead.”

The thestral looked at Alexa. “Both Cinders are the same person, only Matriarch Cinder here comes from the distant future as a consequence of a time war that was fought a century and a half ago. Because of changes to the time stream, she can never go back, but she and her younger self are happy living here together with their husband.”

“I… see. Warmaster Blue Streak, Matriarch Cinder – I have seen many an odd couple in my years, but you officially have them all beaten by a mile.”

“You should see us at bedtime,” the Matriarch added with a smirk.

“Aunt Cinder! Really?!” Penumbra objected.

The huge dragon merely rumbled with laughter before saying, “Keep up the good work, Ambassador. We shall talk a lot more in the future.” Cinder then turned around and leapt up to her ledge, leaving a grinning earth pony and his son.

“I love my wife’s sense of humor,” Blue Streak said.

“You treat the two as if they are one person?” Alexa queried.

“Not always, but a lot of the time, yes, because they are the same person, just from different time periods. The Matriarch remembers everything the younger Cinder did up until the split in the time stream, and many of the events since then have been identical too. It’s strange, I know, but it works for us.”

“What caused the split in the time stream?”

“I originally died saving Equus. Cinder mourned for me for centuries.”

Alexa was taken aback at the bluntness of that answer, but it made her wonder about something. “Pen said that the Matriarch couldn’t go back to her time, but surely some way could have been found… unless she did not want to go back.”

Blue streak smiled gravely. “You are perceptive. Even after two and a half millennia, she still longed for her mate. Now we are together, both versions of her, and I intend to make my wife’s life as wonderful and fulfilling as possible. She will outlive me, but her memories will be much happier.”

“That is so wonderful. Thank you for talking with me, Warmaster Blue Streak. I hope you and your wife’s… umm… both your wives’ dreams are all fulfilled.”

“Thank you, Ambassador.” Blue turned to look at Penumbra. “Training session first thing after breakfast.”

“What? But Uncle Blue…!”

“Be on time or I’ll double it. Bring your girlfriend if you like.” He then turned away and headed into the arena. “Come on, son – we still have much catching up to do.”

Alexa watched them start sparring again in a daze. “Girlfriend? Who mentioned anything like that?” she murmured.

Penumbra had to cut the tour short as the time for the dinner to start drew near. By the time the two got back to the dining hall, it was already filled with a huge assortment of species of all ages. It was a cheerful rabble that they wove their way through with the thestral introducing her to far more people than she could remember. One that did stand out though was a large male griffon named Trask Silverquill. She only belatedly recalled that he was also King Glimfeather the Second of Griffonia, but like everyone else there, he was chatting on a first name basis with everyone, completely devoid of regalia, and he was quite a jovial fellow.

The alicorns Cadance and Shining Armor turned up for the dinner despite the fact that they normally attended the same event at their branch of House Path in the Crystal Kingdom. They left Princess Flurry Heart to look after that this time, but they did bring their other daughter, Crystal Path, and her husband, Cloud Thumper. Cadance had an odd smile on her face when she talked with Penumbra and Alexa which the foxtaur did not understand, but she figured that there was a lot that she had yet to learn about Equus and its ways.

The egalitarian nature of the dinner was a stark contrast to the many formal banquets that the ambassador had attended, but it did tend to remind her a great deal of her old home in the foxtaur village on Earth. M’Laaranth and Sharathiss seemed to handle it well, but Hogarth was distinctly uncomfortable although unfailingly polite. In any event, the changelings made no objection regarding him, so it was not a diplomatic setback.

The surprise of the evening came when Twilight Sparkle, Luna, Long Path, Crystal Path, Trask Silverquill, Eon’s sister, Era, and a hippogriff named Gidela all got up on the stage to do some musical numbers. Judging by the way the crowd sang along, this was hardly a unique occasion, but it made Alexa wonder how such a mixed civilization had created a harmonious society where some of their greatest leaders played the part of entertainers for their guests. Whatever it was, she decided on the spot that she wanted to be part of it.

Penumbra dragged himself into the family room and collapsed on a sofa with a groan.

“Can I get you something, sir?” asked one of the staff who had been cleaning the room.

“Coffee, black, three sugars, please.”

“Yes, sir.” The maid promptly exited the room.

“Got you too?” came another tired voice from the other side of the room.

Penumbra just managed to raise his head enough to see Wandering sprawled in a chair. “Training?” he asked exhaustedly.

“Before breakfast. Said I was overdue for review.”

“Ugh. When does he retire?”

“Too long. Going back into space for another forty years.”

“Lucky bastard.”

# # # # # # # # #

Author's Note:

An omake by AlaskaIsCold...

The Warmaster stomped though the house, mad that two of his students had skipped their exercise requirement.


He knocked the door down with his front hooves to find an empty room. The Warmaster's anger started to rise as he rushed down the hall, Cinder following closely after him. He reached the guest rooms with a snarl.


The mass of bodies in the room slowly unwound the bare skin, fur, and feathers and tried to sort themselves out. Boyce let out a groan. “Mmngh...?”

Rosepetal curled up around a pile of feathers. “Too loud... too bright…”

A griffoness was partially uncovered when Rose moved and curled up. All she was able to do was let out a tired caw.

Blue Streak blinked and shut the door. “We didn’t see that.”

Cinder nodded.

They went down a few doors.

“A DEBT THAT CAN ONLY BE REPAID IN– oh, come on!” Blue looked in the next room to see the rejected ambassador growling loudly, tied to a chair with ‘PLOTHOLE’ written on his chest with a sharpie pen, his muzzle tied shut with one of his pants legs.

“HAH!” Cinder laughed.

“This is getting stupid!” Blue hissed.

They slammed the door shut leaving him in the room.

“REPAID IN SWEAT AND BLO– OKAY NOW I’M PISSED.” Blue looked around the empty room as Cinder started laughing.

“Comedy comes in threes!” Cinder chuckled as they left the room, the door slamming shut hard just as a pair of bodies fell from the ceiling and slammed onto the mass of pillows and pelts.

“Ow,” Penumbra groaned.

Alexa couldn’t help but giggle.

The usual kudos to Airy Words for his pre-reading help.

Art by Foxenawolf.