• Member Since 13th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


I'm Sheena. I write mostly angsty teen lesbian romantic dramedy, a few AUs, and sometimes porn.


This story is a sequel to Stupid Girl

Twilight finally has a date with Rainbow Dash, and she couldn't be more excited! Unfortunately, fate has different plans in mind. Equestria Girls.

Rated for discussions of sex and sexuality, brief strong language including homophobic slurs, Rainbow's cursing habit, and creative license in cleaning fabric.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 19 )

You know, this is a fairly good story. Might be the littlest bit incomplete, I'm not sure but for the most part this chapter sorta tells everything that needs to be told.

I wanted to open with a flashback to Twilight asking Rainbow out but I retroactively came up with a better way to do that but yeah rereading it made me think it was a bit incomplete but I was compulsively driven to finish all of my wip chapters; there's significantly more to this story but I wanted at least part of it out, you know? is there anything specifically that you're not getting that I can go back and edit for clarity or something?

Honestly, it just feels incomplete in some ways with that little confrontation between Rainbow and Jet Set at the end. A bonus chapter might be in order.

Well this is only chapter 1, and the meat of the story has yet to begin. If this was on ffnet it'd be labeled as hurt/comfort, the terrible date going wrong is just the beginning.

Honestly, I swear this site needs a hurt/comfort tag...

Wow, if your intention was to make us (readers) hate Jet Set, then you clearly succeeded. What he did was so not cool...though...I guess it worked well in setting up the conflict in any event.

Anyway, I'll say that this is really well-written so far, and both Twilight and Rainbow were fairly well-written. While TwiDash isn't a ship I go crazy over, if the story itself is good, then I'll enjoy it.

I didn't realise until I got to the author's notes that you were the same author who wrote 'Stupid Girl' and sent me that PM on how Rainbow Dash and others could be written as being autistic. Though given some of the subtext in this story, I can see you're still keeping to that headcanon here as well.

I'm curious, are you gonna continue 'Stupid Girl' or focus only on this story from now on...or possibly do both at the same time? Either way I'll start to track this one from now on.

...to the yard

...sorry...just had to do that...

Knighty had a reason why there is none back in like 2013 but I forgot it, but yesss I would read the crap out of that tag.

My intention wasn't to influence anybody's opinion but the preppy douchebag was just the punching bag this story needed to get to the juicy part. I'm sorry Twilight bby, u deserve so much better!
Thanks; I'm glad to know it's still staying somewhat realistic and true to the characters. After writing a ton of Dusk I was worried I wouldn't do well with sci-twi. I do like Twidash actually but I get the feeling entirely.
Yup, that's me :D this is actually kind of a sequel to Stupid Girl but not a direct one. This does take place in the same continuity though, chronologically. And yeah, that headcanon is pervasive in all my works. Dusk and Rainbow in my fireflies au are autistic; it's the source for a lot of my Twidash ship fuel. Twilight's in a bit of sensory hell right now and is gonna need mama Dash's intervention.
I'm doing all my fics currently. The running blog post on my user page shows the progress of each one I'm writing. The four up right now are the biggest priorities, although there's a chance that my next palate cleanse chapter will be my Thunderlane X Lightning Dust fic because I just heart the "Only Dying" demo by Stone Temple Pilots for the first time and since the first act of that fic is inspired by the album the song is from and the song is perfect for the story so I got suddenly struck with inspiration for how to start it. But that one won't be my main focus until after This Day Was Going To Be Perfect is done and I can then officially start doing Dusk's Dawn and Dusk's Morrow. But I'm totally gonna be working on all of them intermittently depending on when more inspiration strikes. Thanks for the track :pinkiehappy:

Damn right, it's better than yours

yeah, I was kinda surprised about that, too

Jet Set the Grade A douche.

Dead silence is never a good sign.

You can join in to my group called Sci-TwiDash.

Cool, and I think more of this is good!


After another moment of fiddling with knots, Twilight managed to put on both pieces, and examined herself to make sure it covered everything it needed to. That wasn't very much, all things considered, but it was enough to conceal her secret.

Is Twilight trans?

Also, how is this a prequel to TFW? In this Twilight is dating Rainbow yet in TFW she has a crush on Sunset.....do Twilight and Rainbow not work out?

That's a pretty big leap, lmao.
Yes this is a prequel to TFW although a lot of other events have happened between the two fics. In the canon chronology of my fics... alas, they break up. However, I am planning on making an AU where they stay together, because I love TwiDash. And if I'm being perfectly honest here, Twilight has a crush on Sunset in this fic as well, because as Stupid Girl is a prequel to this fic and her infatuation as it was then was in place, those feelings never really went away and subsist in this fic (although they have been pushed to the side in favor of Rainbow), but in the TwiDash deviation AU, those feelings fade in time. Not to spoil anything that hasn't already been spoiled. All of the details are in fics that I haven't even drafted yet. It'll come in time. But for now... you don't have to worry about things going bad in this fic any worse than they already have been.

Well that's a relief, cause while I do like SunLight, TwiDash is my absolute OTP. Although Monochromatic seems to be doing a very good job at trying to change my OTP to RariTwi with all their great stories lol

Okay, I did not expect to see another chapter of this story come up again. Still really well-written and engaging as I remember it, but please...maybe next time don't take two whole years to update? Please, pretty please? :scootangel:

After another moment of fiddling with knots, Twilight managed to put on both pieces, and examined herself to make sure it covered everything it needed to. That wasn't very much, all things considered, but it was enough to conceal her secret.

Secret? Does she have a...

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