• Published 13th Dec 2017
  • 1,616 Views, 27 Comments

On Shimmering Steel - Clay Pigeon

Eight long years of conflict & war, all spent a thousand years in the past – all brought to an end by the combat-obsessed warlord Apollyon. Now, the Warden has returned to her own time & must reacquaint herself with the life she left behind…

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Chapter III – High School

Chapter III – High School

“Te afflīgam!” Sunset muttered under her breath, slipping into Latin as she fiddled with her locker. She’d spent eight years fighting for lords and ladies living a thousand years in the past; why in God’s name would she be expected to remember something as minute and insignificant as a locker combination‽ Of all the things to get hung up on…

“Sunset!” A ladylike voice called out, bringing the former Warden’s attention over to… wait a minute. That was Rarity waving at her from the main entrance… Sunset’s breath caught in her throat as her eyes fell upon a sight she had so longed to see for such a long time.

Her friends.

Sunset bolted down the hall to them, putting her years of physical training to good use. She attempted to skid to a halt right in front of them, only to crash straight into Pinkie Pie, who embraced the former knight in a rib-crushing hug – at least, it would’ve been rib-crushing had Sunset not been used to being crushed. She knew why the Shugoki were so feared on the battlefield; she’d been the target of a few of their backbreaking embraces herself. Needless to say, Sunset was not at all fazed by Pinkie’s hug, and gladly returned it with equal enthusiasm and greater strength.

Naturally, this came as a surprise to the pink-skinned party-planner; Pinkie dropped her friend in shock and Sunset fell to the floor. “Whoa, Sunset!” Pinkie exclaimed, clutching her sides to ease the slight ache. “When did you get so super strong‽”

Deus malum sit.

Sunset gave a mental facepalm as she picked herself up off the floor. With how used to her increased physique she was, she hadn’t considered that her friends may find it strange! Stultus!

“M-my sincerest apologies Pinkie,” she stammered out, seeing her friend clutching her ribs. Had she hurt her? “Art thou alright?”

She hadn’t even finished inquiring as to her friend’s well-being before Pinkie had bounced back into her usual joyful state, her poofy rose hair bouncing around in all its brilliance. “Yep!” she replied with a smile, any indication of pain vanishing. “Just surprised is all.” Pinkie paused all of a sudden, cupping her hand over her mouth in an expression of thought. “Huh. I wonder if Granny Surprise would like to meet you.”

The not-so-discreet snicker of Rainbow Dash interrupted the party planner’s train of thought. “Pinkie, you’re so random sometimes.” The group shared a brief laugh before Rainbow remembered what Pinkie had just said. “Sooo,” she began, drawing the word out, “What did Pinkie mean about you being super strong?”

Before Sunset had a chance to respond, Pinkie popped back into the frame with a gasp. “Did I mean that Sunset Shimmer just got back from spending who knows how long a thousand years in the future as a super space soldier who had to save the last city in space from an evil army of space aliens in SPACE‽

To her infinite astonishment, Sunset was the only one to sport a completely dumbfounded expression. Maybe she just wasn’t as used to Pinkie Pie’s absurd antics as she used to be. Applejack was the first to speak. “Pinkie, how did ya know that?”

“Just a hunch.”

Sunset gave Applejack a strange look. Sure, Pinkie’s hunches had often been unnervingly accurate from what she could remember, but that seemed to be a little too ludicrous, even for Pinkie Pie. “I’m sorry to say this Pinkie,” she said, resting a hand on the party planner’s shoulder. “But thou couldst not be farther off.”

Cue a second round of stunned silence.

“Wait, what‽” Rainbow exclaimed, jumping back in shock. “Pinkie’s hunch is wrong‽” A look of complete and utter shock was plastered across her face, and judging from the identical look worn by everyone else, she had said what everyone was thinking. Are they serious? Sunset thought, almost unaware of her fingers wrapping around the bridge of her nose.

“Yes,” she said, slowly shaking her head. “Pinkie Pie is wrong.”

The instant the words left her mouth, Sunset wished she could take back the unintentional insult. She immediately paid close attention to her pink playful partner, her eyes shrinking to pinpricks as she saw the rosy poof deflate slightly. “N-not that that’s any sin!” Sunset stammered in a desperate attempt to save face. “We all make mistakes at times!”

Thankfully, the save seemed to work on Pinkie, as the playful pink party planner popped back to her default state of delight, earning a sigh of relief from everyone.

…Awkward silence, round III.

“So…” Fluttershy began, willing to brave the spotlight to bring the silence to a close. “If Pinkie’s explanation of, um… space, isn’t it, then what is?”

“I wouldn’t worry about it at the moment,” Sunset said, not quite sure if she should tell them. After all, she had slaughtered many in the names of lords and ladies, for the Blackstone and Iron Legions alike. “So,” she started, quick to change the subject. “Is there anything new with ye?”

“Ya don’t have to say anythin’,” Applejack said, seeing right through Sunset’s feeble attempt to divert their attention. “Ya don’t have ta tell us nothin’ if you’re not comfortable with it yet.”

Sunset looked into the green-eyed gaze of Applejack, “You have my thanks,” Sunset replied, wincing slightly as she brushed the farmer’s hand off her shoulder – and off the still-aching scar from Apollyon’s blade.


Sunset jumped back slightly as the bell rang, signifying the beginning of class. “Zounds!” Sunset exclaimed, extracting herself from the group. “We’re late for our studies!” The group nodded in understanding, quickly separating as they ran for their respective classes. Instinctively, Sunset’s left hand flew to her hip as she took off, before slowly pulling away as she was reminded of her scabbard’s absence.

“Something in your pocket?” Sunset jumped, whirling around to see the unmistakable multicolored mane of Rainbow Dash. Once again, Sunset’s hand flew to her hip seeking the familiar grip of Miroiter. To no one’s surprise, no luck.

“What art thou doing here?” Sunset cried, cursing herself for her battle reflex. “Thou must hurry to class!”

“Uh, yeah,” Rainbow replied, crossing her arms. “I’ve got gym class first, same as you.” She reached up and wrapped an arm around Sunset’s shoulders. Sunset winced; Apollyon’s blade had left quite the scar, and it still hurt to touch. Thinking quickly, she pulled away from Rainbow’s arm.

“So let us be off,” she said, preparing to once again sprint down the hallway – only for Rainbow’s hand to come down again on her shoulder. She winced again. Always on the God-forsaken scar!

“Uh, Sunset,” Rainbow said, pulling Sunset back around. “The locker room is that way,” she said, throwing a thumb over her shoulder. Sunset leaned over, glancing behind Rainbow to see the sign to the gym.

Sunset blushed, giving a sheepish smile. “Mine apologies,” she said, bowing in shame. “I’ve been somewhat…” She paused, trying to find the right word. “Disoriented as of late.” Her hand unconsciously came to grasp her left bicep, feeling the reminder of her duel with Ademar under her jacket.

Looking back at Rainbow, the athlete was staring at her with a face practically screaming ‘I don’t buy it’. “Oookay,” she said, her voice laden with suspicion. “Well, we’ve gotta get to class. Coach Spitfire will have our butts if we’re any later.” Without another word, Rainbow grabbed Sunset by the arm – her right arm this time, thank God – and dragged her across the hallway and into the changing room.

Sunset sighed in frustration as she removed her top, letting out a hiss of pain as her top brushed against her shoulder – a harsh reminder of the cruel warlord who gave it to her. This scar was going to be the end of her, Sunset just knew it.

Sighing, Sunset pulled her gym shirt over her head and turned to leave – only to come face-to-face with the shell-shocked expression of Rainbow Dash. “Yes?” She asked, attempting to play dumb even though she knew it wouldn’t work. She knew what exactly what Rainbow had been staring at.

“What do you mean ‘Yes’‽” Rainbow demanded, shattering the silence that had passed over the room. Before Sunset had a chance to respond, the athlete stormed over and pulled up Sunset’s shirt. “Where did these come from‽” she demanded, thrusting a finger at the scars that strung themselves across Sunset’s body.

“What of them?” Sunset said, defaulting to her usual response whenever a peasant had asked her about her scars. “Worry not, my friend; they’ve long since healed over.”

“And that one‽” Rainbow accused, pointing directly at the large red gash that streaked through her left shoulder.

Sunset’s expression turned grim. “Thou should see mine opponent,” she said darkly. “Trust me – I gave as well as I got.”

Rainbow’s expression turned from accusing to shocked and a little scared. She opened her mouth to retort, but couldn’t seem to find the words. Sighing, Sunset snatched her gym shirt back from Rainbow. “I will explain it to you all later,” she promised, pulling the shirt back over her head. “For now, we have physical education and Coach Spitfire to worry about.”

Rainbow glared at her, clearly wanting to press the subject further. “Fine,” she relented, throwing her arms up in exasperation. “But you’re hiding something,” she said, giving Fluttershy’s famous Stare a run for its money. “And you’re going to tell us.”

“As I said.”

Sooner rather than later.”

Sunset sighed again as she walked toward the door. “Come,” she said, her voice laced with irritation. “We must face the wrath of Coach Spitfire.” Rainbow gave one last glare of suspicion, then reluctantly followed Sunset out the door into the gym.

To Sunset’s surprise, Coach Spitfire wasn’t the least bit irate with the two of them for their tardiness. “What took you two so long?” She called, a cocky smirk planted firmly across her face. “Couldn’t find the changing room?”

“Yes, my lady,” Sunset said as she walked to her place on the floor, accidentally delving back into her default chivalry. “I will not let it happen again.”

“I’ll hold ya to that,” the coach responded, bringing her whistle up to her lips in an unspoken threat. “Just because you’re the principal’s daughter now doesn’t mean you can get off scot-free.”

“Understood, my lady,” Sunset called back, once again speaking to her teacher as if she were noble.

Spitfire’s smirk grew into a lighthearted grin. “‘Lady’, eh?” She asked, raising one eyebrow behind her aviator sunglasses. “When did you get so polite, Shimmer?”

Too late, Sunset realized her mistake. “Ah,” she stuttered, scrambling for an answer. “Sh-should not my attempts to better myself include my speech?”

Thankfully, Spitfire seemed to find this answer acceptable. “Eh,” she shrugged. “Your speech is your business.” Turning back to the rest of the class. “Alright maggots,” she shouted, her voice raising to drill-sergeant levels. “Hope you’ve been brushing up on your throwing arm.” She kicked the trash can beside her, which toppled over as a multitude of colored balls came spilling out.

“‘Cause it’s dodge-ball time!”

Author's Note:

I really should’ve said þis by now, but þis story has multiple phrases in different languages, þe translations for which I’ve received from TheMajorN on YouTube and Google Translate. Þese are correct as far as I know, but if you speak þe language and I’ve messed up a translation somewhere, you have my explicit permission to correct me in þe comment section; just so long as you’re not rude and condescending about it, of course.

Translations (In order of appearance)

  • “Te afflīgam!” – Latin for “I’ll crush you!”
  • “Stultus!” – Latin for “Stupid!”
  • “Akumanohōyō” – Japanese for “Demon’s Embrace,” one of þe Shugoki’s most devastating moves, in my opinion. I was going to use þis somewhere, but I ultimately decided ‘twould be out of place for þe same reason as þe Icelandic phrase in þe previous chapter.
Comments ( 21 )

I love this fan fic it’s amazing canny wait to ver mas no e leído lo que recommended but I will read it now

Not nearly enough for a fourþ chapter at þe moment, but I have been working on it, I assure you. Unfortunately, I’ve written myself into a corner and, as of now, I haven’t þe slightest clue as to how to get out of it. I know what I want to happen, just not how to make it happen.
My sincerest apologies. One thing I despise is when auþors disappear wiþout a word, and here I am doing þe exact same thing. :facehoof: I’ll try to keep everyone posted from now on.

Most definitely. :ajsleepy: I’ve managed to write myself into a corner wiþ þe next chapter, and I am in severe need of an editor. If you’re offering, I’d be honored to accept.

GAH! I so want this to continue! Writer's Block sucks though, I know.

Trust me, I want þis to continue as much as you do; :ajsleepy: unfortunately, I have written myself into a corner wiþ þe next chapter, and ended up forgetting about þis story completely until þe Marching Fire expansion came out a few weeks ago. I’m trying to get back into þe swing of þings, but work is keeping me a bit... distracted right now.
Þe fic’s not dead, þough. I promise þe fic’s not dead.

I shall await an update with baited breath... And then I'll remember to breathe and wait normally.

I’m deeply sorry to put þis story on hiatus, but I cannot in good faiþ string you guys along any longer. Real life is swamping me right now, and my drive to continue On Shimmering Steel has nearly fizzled out.
Þe story isn’t dead – I do plan to continue þe story someday – but I’ve currently written myself into a corner and lack the creative spark needed to get out of it. I’m sorry, but I’ve no interest right now in continuing þis story… and from þe lack of feedback in þe comments section, I don’t þink þere’s much interest fröm you guys eiþer. I won’t lie… þat’s a big factor as to why I can’t bring myself to continue; it feels like I’m only publishing þis for my own sake, and þat’s not enough.
Clay Pigeon

I am willing to help. Sorry I am late. I hope others sill agree that this story is awesome, and I personally like it a lot, and we wait for it's return.

I've been looking for another For Honor story to read, and I'm happy to find this. Been enjoying it so far, and I'll be looking forward to continuing reading this whenever you decide to update this. :twilightsmile:

Hey, if you like for honor stories, I have a for honor story that isn't displaced. Though it does have humans put into equestria. Just click my name and look at FOR THE HONOR OF EQUESTRIA.

My sincerest apologies for getting to þis so late! :ajsleepy: As I hinted at in my previous comment, real-life kind of has me at a moment where I really need to get my shit togeþer and writing does not take priority, unfortunately. If you’re willing to help in any way, I’d be honored to accept.

Yes sir. I can write a chapter, and send it for approvel, or edit chapters as you do them. I also can help with direction. The story is slice of life, and her transition home. A fight here and there, but it isn't about those.

Any and all of þose would be perfect. I’ll send you a DM wiþ a link.

I just noticed.
This story has ZERO dislikes at the time of this comment.
In my eyes, that speaks highly of the quality of your literary skill in and of itself.
If you want some actual praise, i honestly feel like leaving it off on the cliffhanger you did is the only low point.
But that is more a personal nitpick out of bias against cliffhangers.

Also, it'd be some funny shit if Sci-Twi was sent back in time as well.
Have her be either an orochi or nobushi.
That'd be a fricking headspin.


I honestly feel like leaving it off on the cliffhanger you did is the only low point.

I’ll admit, þis cliffhanger has aged poorly to me; originally, ‘twas done because I was uncomfortable wiþ writing action scenes yet and wanted to publish what I had lest I never do so.

Also, it’d be some funny shit if Sci-Twi was sent back in time as well.
Have her be either an Orochi or Nobushi.
That'd be a fricking headspin.

As cool as þat would be, I’m going to have to joss þis one. Sunset was þe only character to travel þrough time; þe Dazzlings got to þe present þe normal way… by waiting. Þat’s why Aria is surprised to see þe Warden’s spitting image in þe present – it shouldn’t be possible.
I’ll have similar characters to þe present day – such as Countess Celeste/Principal Celestia – but þese are distant relatives, not þe same character.

So when’s new chapter coming out

Interesting story idea. Sad it was cancelled. :applecry:

Yea, I am too. I really wanted to keep going wiþ it, but life got in þe way more and more, and I saw no one seeming to care about it, so I just… stopped. :ajsleepy:

I left it on hiatus for a while – much too long, honestly – just in hopes þat I’d continue it eventually, but I won’t kid myself, and I won’t lead on what few readers I had. I hope to come back to On Shimmering Steel eventually, but for now… it’s over.

For what it’s worþ… þank you for caring. It really made my day to see someone still enjoying þis little story of mine. :pinkiesad2:

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