• Published 14th Apr 2018
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Homura Invassion: Madoka Magica x MLP - Eternalpinkiepride

The mane six are given a rude awakening when the demon queen Homura Akemi invades Pony, in hopes that they will blindly accept their new ruling.

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Chapter Four: Homura

Homura enjoyed sitting above them all, but it was still a shame that the harmony that had drawn her there was crumbling before her eyes, and she was still in denial that their fall through was entirely her fault; even though she was a demon, she still liked to think that she had control over how much evil she let out, but she was coming to a slow realization of the truth. She could fix it though, whatever she broke she would make sure to fix, this will be Homura and Manoka's new home, their doo over, where they didn't have to worry about the magical girls' fates or the incubator. She didn't know how she was going to take care of the nasty little creature yet, but it would all soon be figured out.

For now, her concern was the destruction that she had caused, but she didn't understand how anything was abnormal. The flying ponies flew around catching belongs that she assumed they had dropped, possibly a government accident of some sort? Homura was confused as to what could have truly happened, but she did know that it wasn't her fault, the idea of placing thigs on clouds was ridiculous, they were made out of vapour, nothing solid that one could physically stand on.

The orb in the centre of their village was another problem that Homura couldn't understand, was it the incubators doing, she thought that she had cast them out to other universes, and since she had discovered this universe after the fact, there was no way that it could have been here - she hoped.

Homura watched the funny god of chaos for the brief moments that had passed and watched as he took a copy of the map, it frightened her that he was able to have a copy of her labyrinth, much like the rainbow coloured pony her Clara doll took its distance and peaked over Discord's shoulder, it was mimicking her labyrinth's every move.

The other ponies had left the horn and winged one to herself with her - pet dragon? The rest of them had responded to the further destruction that was being caused in the town, it had appeared that these six were the caretakers of the other ponies, she wondered if that was the concept for every town in this realm, if so, she somewhat enjoyed the concept; it meant that everyone was being taken care of, no one was being ignored by their leaders.
As much as she wanted to further explore these ponies methods, she still needed to learn the basics as soon as possible before she was declared as an enemy, after all, her invasion was meant to be a peaceful one - not even an invasion, more or so a refuge or immigration. Having the one pony alone, (and judging from the amount of chaos that had started up again with ore falling items), for a very long time. It was the perfect time to smooth some misunderstandings.

One of her Cara dolls responded to her metal command and came back with a phonograph and began cranking the lever, and Homura began to spoke through it.

"Hello, do not be frightened, I see that there have been disruptions in your world, I wish nothing more but to fix it," Homura said, and thought she worked well, all she could do now was hope that the leading pony would respond with kindness and understanding, enough so that it wouldn't jeopardise her plans for a peaceful move in.

The voice made Twilight scream (she betrayed to reconsider if she wanted to take the responsibility as a princess if these were the problems she would have to deal with on a daily basis). Spike ran underneath her, Spike standing underneath her was enough to remind her that it was her duty to protect and that no matter how high of a rank she held, it was still okay to be afraid.

“Hello?” Twilight started, she brought a good to her chest again and took a deep breath. As the origin of the voice was a mystery, eventually she managed to stand still and stare at the tree chandelier that hovered over their cutie map. “I am Twilight Sparkle, one of the four Princesses of Equestria.” It was hard to decide which was more frightening, that she didn't know who are what she was dealing with, or that she still didn’t know who she herself was yet. “Your presence has disrupted the nature of our world. The clouds held homes for winged ponies and cities that have fallen from the skies. Our rulers have been forced into a panic, secrets have begun to develop within our system of ruling.” Twilight didn’t realize that she had started pacing again. “ You’ve started to corrupt our world, and you need to leave before it gets even worse. Tell us what it is that you want or what it is that you are in search for and we will help you so long as our world - so long if Equestria, is braided of this darkness that you’ve implemented upon us.”
There was yet another pause before the echoing voice responded.
“I am sorry for the discomfort my presence, please believe me when I say that that was not my intention. Tell me how the clouds held the cities, show me the darkness and I will take it away.” Her voice was persistent. Homura had hoped that the darkness she spoke of was anything but the orb that even she had no control of or what it was for the matter.

“Come and meet me face to face, tell me why you’re here.” Twilight hit her hoof against the crystal floor.

“I am afraid I cannot bring myself to appear in front of you, I am trapped in a realm that hovers in a parallel of your own.” (Of course what Hokuma was saying was lie, however, it seemed that it would be better if she could be viewed as some kind of victim as well, these creatures at the end of the day, were begging to forgive their enemies and trust them blindly as soon as they sang out their reformations, it was the only explanations for Discord’s freedom). “The only thing I can do is use my magic, spread my voice and see what you are doing, my physical form is restricted. Tell me how to fix these mistakes,” she repeated.

“Return the clouds to their formal state, give the pegasie their ability to walk amongst clouds again.” Twilight explained.

That explanation was enough. ‘ Ah I see,’ Homura thought. The clouds are treated as floating grounds, the soft material can make structures, the rainbows in the sky are physical materials that they have to create and can manipulate, in a certain sense, these ponies have managed to be their own gods and have created their own world to their own liking, is this how they managed to bring this world to one with next to no dark magic? Homura thought to herself, this world was becoming more interesting by the second - and she hadn’t even started digging yet.

“I understand,” Homura replied. “I will do just that.”

Twilight had her eyes closed and was ready to state her next argument as she become more comfortable with the situation, but ended up stopping in the middle of her step and tripping forward. “Really, and then you’ll leave? I assure you if you are trapped then we will find who or what is was that did this to you and find you a new home, one that will give you the freedom you deserve.” Twilight monologues.

“I do not need rescuing,” Homura enssured, although the idea of being the damsel in distress did seem to be amusing.

“Is that because you know how to leave on your own?”

“I don’t see why I need to leave if I have ensured you that I will fix what has been broken and leave you all to live in peace.”

“You may be able to fix the clouds, you may even be able to stop the darkness from passing through into our realm where we can see it, but you can’t erase it, it will still be there, and it will fester and grow until it can no longer be contained and harm all of us.” Twilight state with the confidence that almost convinced Homura that she could have dealt with a situation like this one before.

“I’m sorry but you will still need to leave, or you can tell us where you are and try to help us so that we can help you and pull you from this trapped world of darkness that is affecting the magic of our world.”
Homura couldn’t help but laugh at the idea of their help (little did she know that these ponies were more than what met her eye).