• Member Since 9th Feb, 2017
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


I am a self proclaimed horror and dark fantasy fic writer. You want darkness, death, and despair? You've come to the right place. Also an eternal Twilight Sparkle and avid Lovecraft fan.


This is an alternate timeline set in the same universe as The Ties that Bind -- a "what if?" scenario, or "sister story" if you will. Reading The Ties that Bind is not required, but it is recommended.

On a cold winter night, tragedy befalls Twilight's family and she barely manages to escape with her life. Now she's lost and alone in a place she doesn't recognize.

She's left to wander aimlessly with nothing but the dark memory of that night to keep her company, but that's about to change.

Something awoke in the lavender filly that night -- a new kind of magic she's never had a chance to study before, and she soon finds she's not the only filly with dark memories and something new to learn.

Thankfully they both come across a strange town with a pony that just might be able to cultivate their new talents.

Chapters (47)
Comments ( 182 )

So is this a more dark twilight hunting for revenge kind of thing?

that's one idea I have, but there's a few of them. We'll see where it goes as the story progresses.

Intressting start can't wait for the next chapter.

Also are Twilight and Starlight going to have a sisters relationship

This one I'm actually not too sure about yet. I can see several possible ways this story can play out in the future, and more than one of those possibilities involves a romantic relationship between the two. I'm not saying anything is concrete, just that the possibility is there.

It's like I told Umbra Animo, we'll just have to see how the story plays out.

Thanks for the reply I will just wait and see where you go

did just about everything other thing a filly who had experience what she had could do beside...

'everything a' or 'every other thing a'

The whole 'lavender filly' and 'mysterious filly' back and fourth reads rather clunkily.
Personally I think it would be better to refer to Twilight by name, but it's a matter of preference I suppose.

I'm aware of how messy it is, but that's how I wanted to write the chapter. The names will be introduced in the second chapter.

Nice chapter. Kind of sad. :applecry:

Thanks for another good chapter can;t wait for the next one.

Also are Twilight and Starlight going to go to Cleestia school for gifted Unicorns or are you going to go down a diffrent path anyway I look forward to the next chapter

Getting a strong Elric brothers vibe here. I like it.

That's exactly what I thought! I didn't realize it until after I had finished writing the chapter.

No, they won't be learning at CSGU. Their teacher lies elsewhere, and let's just say that they aren't a teacher our Kind and Benevolent Sun Goddess would approve of...

So Starlight is going to create her anti-cutie marks town with Twilight as a second in commander? Or they are simply going all "evilier than thou" or what

Nah, I'm doing something entirely different. There will be moral degradation, but it will be gradual. Don't expect to see a super evil Twi/Glim duo all at once or immediately.

Well I suppose the wait is worth to see Super Evil Twi Star duo how I pity now Nightmare Moon when she returns

I'm guessing that these two will meet someone who will look after them? Just like how Twilight,Trixie,and Sunset have Ancient Scroll?

Yup. And they ain't gonna be no Ancient Scroll lemme tell ya.

So, maybe not necessarily evil, but definitely colder, harsher? Shaping the two fillies' worldview so they only truly care about each other?

Starlight, having accidentally killed her family and only friend, takes a more proactive role, actively pursuing their best interests. In contrast, Twilight, having watched her family and BBBFF get brutally murdered, takes a more passive role, planning their long-term goals and ambitions. Starlight tends to be the face, and the defender of the duo, while Twilight is the brains. At some point, Twilight has to step out of her shell in order to protect Starlight, showing more of the phenomenal strength her magic possesses.

And their caretaker? They're not what you'd call a kind pony. Perhaps they've been shaped by tragedy too, which is why they bother looking after them in the first place. Regardless, their method of taking care of the duo strengthens the bonds the fillies share, perhaps at the cost of their empathy for other ponies. But no matter what happens, Twilight and Starlight will ALWAYS be there for each other. And not even Celestia herself can help anypony foolish enough to try and seperate them.

Good guesses, but to tell you the truth I haven't planned ahead nearly that far. It could turn out like you predicted, or it could be something completely different. I don't generally plan my stories ahead of time -- rather, I take a few vague ideas, I write a chapter, and continue to build the story from that chapter onward focusing on one chapter at a time.

Then I work backwards -- looking back on what I've already written and using that to write something new that's consistent and makes sense with what I've added to the story previously. In short, I don't really know where the story is gonna go until it gets there and that's what makes writing fun and exciting for me. :twilightsmile:

Sorry for going off on a tangent, but yeah, those really were some good guesses. :twilightsheepish:

Yeah, this was one of the main reasons I decided to make this an evil Twilight/Starlight fic. Just imagine the havoc these two could wreak as a team of experienced spellcasters. :rainbowderp:

I bet they were found by someone after this.

Ah, this is that AU fic you mentioned? Interesting. And we're doing an evil run? I suppose you'll be wanting the nasty stuff then?

Yup. I'm also gonna try to focus more on Twilight's and (what I personally think is) Starlight's special talents as well as their magic affinities. And yes, there will be some rather nasty magic involved so if you have any suggestions, I'm all ears.

Should be an interesting trip then. As to nasty stuff, I'll need a more specific area, a little creativity can twist any school to dark paths. Also, when we say "nasty stuff" whose definitions are we using? if we're looking to cause a disaster I can dredge up some brutal stuff, but I'd hate to show up with endarkened torture-rituals when you were only looking for dementors...

For dark magic, most of what Sombra did is a good example. with blood magic, just let it all run rampant. kill with abandon and use the horror and death to fuel ever bigger spells. Blood magic gets exponential after awhile if nobody can get to the mage in time.

Having no idea as to starlight's talent I can't help you there, yet, but I will note that a thorough knowledge of anatomy coupled to basic telekinesis will wreak havoc in the hooves of one willing to use it. "For if I could tie a knot in a bottle no man could stand against me."

Twilight's talent is Magic in obviously -- specifically the study and application of magic in general. You already know from TTtB that her affinity is Dark Magic. If you'd like however, I could PM you with what Starlight's talent and affinity are so you have a better idea of their dynamic and what I'm working with.

why not? sounds like an interesting puzzle, I'd be glad to help come up with some synergies. I should note that our sleep patterns appear to be mirrored, so expect a fairly lengthy turnaround.


First, Necromancy. Perhaps it starts out as a way to bring closure to Starlight for what she did to her friend and family, and maybe Twilight thinks she can use it at some point later on with her family. But with the knowledge the dead have to offer, and having ever-watchful guardians that don't need food, sleep, or even air...

Blood magic is another good one. It COULD be used to heal, I'm willing to bet. Fear magic, possibly as a subset of Mind magic, and then moving on to controlling other emotions, maybe even minds. Scrying, to watch from further away their undead guardians can. Combat and war magic, because they want to be able to defend themselves from anything. I could come up with more, if you want.

I mean, you can ask that, but I'm juggling multiple stories on top of an eight hour work shift while also using a computer that isn't mine and that my roommate uses as frequently as I do. Although, if I make some sacrifices I could probably get out chapters faster...

As long as they aren't sacrifices to the quality of your work, and frankly, I'd rather you take your time.

Not the quality. Never the quality. I'd just have to switch my writing schedule around which would mean not updating TTtB everyday anymore.

I'd recommend a rotating schedule, where you work on different stories different days, as well as a "free day" where you choose what story to work on, or none at all.

That's exactly what I was thinking.

Good plan. Never ignore the muse when it strikes, nothing worse than trying to write with an offended muse...

Thanks for the update another good chapter sorry I didn't coment on the last chapter.

I am very curious to see where you go I am wondering who this new charecter is kepp up the good work and I can't wait for the next chapter

Thanks! :twilightsmile:

And while I do enjoy reading comments, you don't have to go out of your way. just comment whenever you feel like it.

So that prison cell was a test... :rainbowderp:

I mean, it's technically an Orb of Insight... It just gives insight about something different than expected.

What starts as a journey to prevent their vision from coming to past, becomes a quest to gain the power they've seen. If Equestria will only see them as monsters, then monsters they will become. They will not allow anypony, anyone, anything, to hurt them ever again.

Aeon. Powerful mage, Asylum leader, ...Shipping Fanatic??

Hey, we all have our quirks. :ajsmug:

I personally am excited by the idea of evil Twilight and Starlight. It would make a welcome counterpart to the Ties that Bind.:raritywink:

I'm glad to hear it! :twilightsmile:

Though the story hasn't gotten nearly as much attention as my other stories, I'm still glad to see people that are reading it are enjoying it. :pinkiesmile:

I saw the premise of a Desprite Bond and was immediately like, this will be fun.:pinkiecrazy:

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