• Member Since 11th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen 17 minutes ago


All my things are horse things!


When Applejack and Rainbow Dash wake up, hungover and in the same bed, they've only one question: how can we get even? A day spent tormenting their friends by turning one of their hopes on its ear pays off, but not quite in the way anypony expected.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 166 )

First things first. This fic was part of this event. So you may have seen it published under the name Little Robot Bird. Rest assure, it's mine. Read the blog post or not. The point where it was revealed that I wrote it was 1040341 here.

So this was my first attempt at writing an actual [comedy] fic that was not also [random] and based on terrible fanfiction. Judging by what people are saying about it, it seems to have succeeded. Yay! There isn't much too this that I didn't spill in my blog already, so I'll be brief.

I don't really have plans for a sequel. I won't say there isn't room for one, but I'm not planning on it. Sorry. This is meant to be a quick little oneshot. Otherwise, I'd need to explain PinkIty more. The only hints in the story is Pinkie's comment about Rarity's word-a-day calendar being hard to see in the dark.

As always, comments, questions, etc are welcome below.

:D Thanks for reading!

Looks interesting, added to read later.

I... I am impressed. Many laughs were had.

Great story
love the comedy

I loved it. You write brilliantly, but this is just amazing. Honestly, RD and AJ :rainbowlaugh::ajsmug:were all but then Pinkie and Rarity are like:pinkiehappy::raritywink:

Really, awesome. I hope you write more! I know it says complete, but I really want to see how it turns out. At least, the reaction when they see Pinkie and Rarity.

I enjoyed this. Very much. Nudging the shipping in very gradually was much better than having it hang obnoxiously over my head like a dead goose! and then the ending was so aaaaa
Very much approved!

Haha! That was great. I was grinning the whole way through, and I definitely didn't see the twist at the end coming. Awesome job :pinkiehappy::raritywink: :rainbowkiss::ajsmug:

:pinkiecrazy:Twilight Zone there. Good job:twilightblush:

Please for the love of Celestia tell me there will be another chapter!

That was fun to read :rainbowlaugh:

Aww yeah. They can go back forth like this for at least another chapter. I know its a one shot but c'mon, you know you want to write Pinkie and Rarity making out in front of Rainbow Dash and Applejack. Maybe they will make it a contest to see which couple makes out the best.

Oh this is lovely :heart:
I wish you'd keep going and show a bit more of the Appledash! :pinkiehappy:

wait you mean that :raritystarry: and and :pinkiehappy: oh wow I never saw that :derpyderp1:

You rated this as Everyone?

Oh lawdy...

Well, this was worth my time. Very funny ending. Good job.

I really enjoyed this, while part of the ending was predictable (AJ/RD), the other part(Rar/Pink) was quite suprising, in a good way.

I must say that you have mastered the difficult task of writing good Pinkie, I hope to see more Pinkieness from you.

This story was absolutely amazing, oh that ending was hi-larious! Somehow, deep in my mind I expected it, really, dunno why, but still it was perfect in many senses, I must thank you on giving me such a delightful time, and an amazing read.

pfffft hahahahahahaha! I'm guffawing and slapping the beejzus out of the arm of my chair. Damn this was a good upper to my day! bravo! :ajsmug::rainbowkiss:

There were D'AWWWs and laughs made :rainbowlaugh: Thank you for the read!

This comment marks the time when it was revealed I wrote this and not lam.

Hrm. I had never planned on continuing this, mostly because there is no real explanation for PinkIty other than "haha, jokes on you." If I think of something worthwhile, I'll certainly consider more.

They date. It's awkward and terrible. They decide to remain friends and then Fluttershy and Applejack get married and Dash and Twilight, Pinkie and Rarity are joined in holy polygamy. The end. :D

The absolute. Best. Thing. Ever! :raritydespair:

(Seriously, this was a really funny story. Well done!)

1040364 You're a terrible, terrible man. Now I'm completely in the mindset of that actual being the sequel to this

It ends with PinkieDashLight (and Rarity)
How can it be bad?

1043164 because it's not AppleDash, Rarishy and Twinkie


Speaking as someone who is not at all an AppleDash fan, I have one problem with this fic: it ended. Seriously, this was awesome. One of the best comedy/shipfics I've read yet. I saw the ending coming a mile away, but that didn't stop it, and the rest of the story, from being hilarious. 5/5.

Well thanks!
I guess it had to end at some point. Given my writing speed and current circumstances with twins and all, four weeks for almost 10k is really good for me. I don't really have any intention of continuing it--aplpedash is my least favorite dash ship--but I'm glad you liked it.

So basically, what we have here is shipping wrapped in comedy - or vice versa - with the ponies doing extremely pony things (pranking)? Now, I may not be entirely unbias'd here, sure, but I have to leave a comment just to have it done all proper: I love it.

I still hold that the two initial paragraphs could be shortened down, cut to the third a bit quicker, but I told you that. Once past that, the thing is just thoroughly funny. It's not the same type of hide-behind-your-pillow riotous breathless laugh-fest that some humor fics are. Rather, it's a half-hour's worth of smiling, giggling, and shaking your head as it hops from cute and funny to funny and cute. That you ever doubted this fic strikes me as extremely odd.

Also, RariPie is an amazingly cute couple.

I honestly wanted to change the opening, but couldn't come up with anything I liked in the time I had remaining.
I doubt all my fics. I am a doubty mcdoubtington.

I'm not sure I can do riotous laughter fics. They are pretty empty of any meaning and I jut dontknow if I can writemore than 500 words of that before growing bored. I'm glad it's smile inducing!

Apple dash :ajsmug::rainbowkiss: and Raripie :pinkiesmile::raritywink:

I see this going one of two ways :moustache:. Rarity and Pinkie see Applejack and Rainbow kiss in the cafe and confusion reigns, or they (R&P) decide to play along in a giant game of wedding chicken, which culminates in AJ and Rarity standing at the altar in four days time wondering how they actually got here.

Brilliant Story.

Oh, hey, I should feel like crap because I forgot to comment on this. Must remedy.

To be completely honest, I would have loved to have seen you do the deconstruction of AppleDash that you'd hinted at earlier in the writing process (because it would have been so awesome to have someone pull one of those off), but I think that the direction you went instead made for a tighter fic overall (especially given the time constraints (and your ability to not totally cop-out like I did :derpytongue2:)). The pranking was nicely done and fun to read, and I liked that it ended with AJ and RD not fully shipped.

Think bits of it might've been a bit rushed (think the turnaround on AJ and RD figuring out the prank especially), but, hey, we were in a rush after all, right? Certainly isn't something I'm gonna hold against you.

Anyways, fun fic, Kits.

Haha. Wedding chicken. That's great.

Yeah. I kinda suck at deconstructions. I guess I could sequel it and show how it falls apart and ends where such a ship should--in PinkieDash--but that's not on my list of things todo.

I need to go comment on your fic too. I was waiting until the switch and then I forgot :x.

Haha, I knew Rarity and Pinkie were dating from that offhanded comment Pinkie made about seeing Rarity's word calendar in the dark. And then I was waiting for some confirmation on that... which I loved the way you did it at the end.

Also, I'm not an AppleDash fan, but this is the first portrayal where I actually enjoyed and believed it. So, it was pretty awesome.


As a dedicated fighter in the battle against shipfics, I have to wave my white flag and admit that this story has beaten me. I lol'd much and long, and d'awwws were let out. You win, my good sir.

I did catch that hint, but filed it under "undecided" until the end. A hilarious and escalating series of pranks that ends badly when Rainbow Dash realizes the Wonderbolts are based out of another city, and conflicts with Applejack's cutie mark'd destiny as the permanent manager of Sweet Apple Acres.

Dat ending...

So much wut.

This fic is great!
I loved it!
Hope to see more. :ajsmug:

I honestly never expected this to be a fic to "win people over." Twilight's List, on the other hoof, had a lot of people who usually dislike shipping singing its praises. If you're willing to try another ship fic, check that one out.

I'm not sur if this is good or bad :pinkiecrazy:

I've got 3 other fics on EqD.
One that will make it if I ever finish
And a few that won't ever be considered due to subject matter. Have at 'em!

Despite all the joking, we all know that a game of ultimate wedding chicken ending in all the Mane 6 marrying together is the inevitable sequel that you shall write. Can't wait!

That was excellent.

Honest opinion.

It was a good fic. Very well played. :twilightsmile:

It was very interesting for me to see Pinkie show signs of weakness. Remind me that despite being Pinkie, she's still just a pony.:pinkiesad2:

Most importantly, I was kinda disappointed that Rarity and Pinks got the last laugh at the end. :unsuresweetie:

I know it was a one shot thing, but apparently in the end, an actual relationship started between RD and Aj, and we already know what will happen to rarity and pinks, so sequel perhaps? I would love to read it. :twilightblush:

But again, well played.

Very fun read ^^ I enjoyed it very much :rainbowkiss: Just one question though... I know it says the story is complete... But I would love to see how this develops :rainbowwild:


Gorgeous, Kits. xD Also, goodness... Raripie is very rare.

Oh, that was thoroughly good! I love the ol' reversal reversal, soooo yeah...pretty much demands a sequel.

Oh, it was a great story, the ending just threw me!

MORE more more more. This story needs more to it, I like it alot and have enjoyed it greatly

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