• Published 17th May 2018
  • 863 Views, 161 Comments

Imbalanced: Legacy of Light - Nameless Narrator

Young Harriet is a dragonpony living on the eastern edge of the Griffon Empire. Her peace is shattered when dragonslayers attack her father, and her mother gets killed in the crossfire. Filled with grief, Harriet vows revenge.

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18: Companions and clues.

Author's Note:

It has been exactly a month since the last update. Don't believe anyone telling you otherwise.

It was the next day, and Harriet kept turning her head to look out of the caravan wagon for any dragonslayer attempting to peek inside. Thankfully, whatever the… Gem changeling did seems to have worked, and the dragonslayers have been keeping their distance, staying in the last wagon of the caravan. Less thankfully, she was much more conspicuous than she thought, and her new companions noticed.

“Still worried?” asked Prominence. She was the tall, white unicorn from the last evening who had attempted to comfort her in the first place. Harrier somewhat got the idea that Prominence’s affinity was more for magic than physical exercise, but the unicorn was fit to the point of slightly bulky, possibly like a guard of sorts despite not carrying any weapon around or wearing armor. Harriet thought she was also gorgeous with her fiery mane, full lips with glossy, orange lipstick on, and… well… the whole hip-waist-backside area. Granted, part of Harriet’s interest could be her progressing taint, which she was fully aware of, but if there was a mare Harriet would want to look like, it was Prominence.

“Those guys did some really bad stuff to me, miss Prominence,” Harriet looked at the wooden floor of the wagon, “I doubt that whatever your changeling… friend did will be the end of it.”

“As long as we’re on this caravan together, they’re not touching you,” said Magpie. Magpie was the griffon who had helped Harriet and the guard fight the Corrupted Hunter previously, and she knew something immediately when she saw him, something which according to her chat with their group last evening before bed his companions likely didn’t know - he was a Redtalon, and that meant a fugitive noble.

You see, while Magpie was the color of sand all over his body, with seemingly permanently narrowed blue eyes of a targeting hawk, his talons were rusty red. which wasn’t allowed in Harriet’s half of the Griffon Empire, and was downright dangerous in Emperor Cassius’ territories. Harriet didn’t know much about politics of the Empire. However, from what she had gathered from the travellers visiting her little border village over time, quite recently, a certain Redtalon noble by the name Veronica staged a rebellion against Emperor Cassius in order to usurp the Imperial throne. Her attempt was eventually crushed, she was imprisoned, and the Redtalon territory wasn’t allowed to have a standing army anymore, which caused a big uptake in banditry even back in Windy.

Oh yeah, and the red talons thing, the Redtalon nobility, the second biggest noble house of the Empire, supposedly used to execute all griffons with, well, red talons who weren’t part of the family, so that color was rare these days. Of course, Magpie could simply be a normal griffon whose ancestors dyed their talons or moved into a different part of the Empire, but Harriet’s story-hungry mind refused to let that train of thought go.

“Heheh,” Harriet chuckled, “I know you’re trying to calm me down, but it just makes me think about what can happen when we split up in Ponyville. If only I could shapeshift like miss Gem here...” she gave a nervous look to the changeling sitting cross-legged with her eyes closed.

“You can always dye your mane and wear something,” replied Gem immediately, “And I’m certain someone in Ponyville will be selling a shrinking potion. At worst, I can make one for the right kind of compensation.”

Ohhh… pony magic stuff…

Harriet had completely forgotten that was a thing here in Equestria. In the Empire, especially on its eastern border, real magical potions were rare beyond belief. There were a lot of herbal balms coming from further east, of course, but no real kaboom special effect-type stuff.

Wait, for the right kind of compensation? Changeling-sought compensation?


“We’ll… we’ll see in Ponyville,” Harriet giggled nervously, trying not to offend the changeling. Gem hadn’t given her the slightest reason to be scared of her, there were just all the legends, all the real historic accounts of changeling atrocities, or even the casual sayings for little chicks and fillies were too hard to ignore. Don’t go outside at night or changelings will cocoon you and no one will dare go look. Don’t disobey your parents, they know where the changelings are hiding and won’t tell you if you’re naughty. So on and so on…

Shuffling backwards into the corner of the wagon with all her stuff, she bumped into someone, and realized the last member of the group was already occupying the spot.

“Oops, sorry,” she smiled. This brown-coated, grey-maned earthpony’s name was Pack Rat. He was the quiet sort, and apparently the group’s packmule. He looked in his late twenties, but strangely exhausted due to his sunken eyes and bags underneath. He also twitched randomly from time to time.

“No problem,” he scratched his head nervously as he tried to move away without touching Harriet. Was he scared of her? She did have a certain effect on ponies, that’s true, “Just give me a second to get out of the way.”

“That’s okay,” Harriet grabbed her backpack, “Do you want to go outside for some fresh air?” she asked Pack Rat.


“Anyone, really,” she looked around at the few other caravaneers chilling around the long wagon, “It’s kinda cramped here for someone as big as I am, but I’m afraid that when I go out… well… you know.”

“Sure, I’ll go,” Prominence rose up and started walking to the heavy blanket which is the back door of the wagon, “I don’t like sitting cooped inside here all day, and I can scream for help like no one else.”

“You make others scream for help,” chuckled Gem. Prominence just stuck her tongue out at her, and left the wagon, “And not only for help,” the mischievous changeling added quietly. "Magpie, keep an eye on them, will you?" Gem raised an eyebrow, "Promi has this unfortunate habit of blowing things up first, talking later. There's a reward in it for you," she winked at the griffon.

"You'd better have a look at Pack Rat," the griffon switched the topic instantly, “Looks like he's having a rough time."

Gem nodded.

"I know," she said. When Magpie left and perched atop the wagon, observing the area, Gem sighed and walked over to Pack Rat whose forelegs were shaking as he sat in the corner, hugging a backpack, "You know I can't give you another dose this soon, don't you?" she whispered.

"O-Of course..." he nodded, "Two hours left. I just wish my everything didn't itch and freeze at the same time."

"Three hours left. You can do it," Gem patted his head, sat next to him, and rested her head on his shoulder, not an easy feat considering she was around the size of a changeling queen and he was a normal earthpony, "You can get a little grabby if it helps. It would be a shame if these zebra curves were left unused," she patted her hip.

“I really don’t want to grope you, even like this. I’m don’t want to ruin anything.”

Gem wrapped her foreleg around Pack Rat’s shoulders.

“I know more than well how it feels to have to fight your body every step of the way. Speaking of which, did you check Harriet’s bag?”

“Yes, I did, after she fell asleep in the inn. You were right.”


“How was it? Was it lower or upper Canterlot?” Harriet’s eyes sparkled with interest in the morning sun as Pack Rat walking by her side mentioned living and working in Canterlot.

It was the next afternoon, and Harriet was beyond thankful that Gem’s group had offered her protection until they reached Ponyville. She hadn’t seen the dragonslayers since the morning after the attack at the Midway Inn. They had boarded the same caravan, but still hadn’t made any noise.

“Both, actually. With Canterlot being a hub between the Crystal Empire, Ponyville, Vanhoover, and Manehattan and travel still posing a threat, many companies rent warehouses all over both parts of the city. I worked for a provider of those, so I was sent to load or unload shipments all over the place. Not a fancy job, but it paid well.”

“Did you meet the princesses?” Harrier almost shoved her beaming face into Pack Rat’s.

“Me? Oh no no no. I was a nobody. I can’t recall ever seeing one in my life. Royals didn’t visit the same places that I did as a rule. They have their hooves full with important things.”

“Awww...” Harriet pouted, disappointed at not being able to hear any fancy stories about alicorn heroism, “And why are you here then? Vacation or something?”

“Vac-” Pack Rat choked on his own saliva, “Ah hahahahah!” he laughed for a moment after getting his breath back, then he scratched his head, amusement quickly turning into obvious nervousness, “I, well, how can I say it…? I did a lot of drugs. Everything I could get my hooves on. There’s a pretty thriving black market in Canterlot.”

“Why?” Harriet leaned backwards. From the little she’d seen of Pack Rat until now, he seemed like a nice stallion. The image she associated with drug users was one of skinny, tattooed guys threatening old ladies at night for few coins to get their next fix. Pack Rat certainly didn’t seem like one of those.

“I don’t want to be a downer. It’s not a nice, and much less a thrilling story,” he sighed.

“Come on. If there’s something I’ve learned as a waitress, it’s that sometimes just listening is the best help one can give.”

“Miss Gem is giving me enough of a help already, really,” Pack Rat rolled his eyes at Harriet’s determined expression, “You won’t let it go, will you?”

“Nope!” Harriet shook her head, now sure she’d get to hear it.

“Fiiine...” Pack Rat lowers his head, “Ahem, it might surprise you, but I’m not exactly successful with mares. I know, shocking.”

Harriet gave him a once over. He was a little on the skinny side for an earthpony, but seemed nice, and certainly was fit. Stringy, not bulky like Harriet, but clearly strong. He didn’t even feel too shy or evasive, he just… didn’t seek out company.


“Judging from your tone, that wasn’t an ironic ‘why?’.”


He shrugged.

“I’m not an ambitious pony, I’m not too educated pony, and I’m certainly not an interesting pony. Whenever I tried to find a nice mare in a club or something, she just got bored and left. Holding a conversation is hard,” he chuckled, “I’ve never had a relationship, never seemed to be able to get one, so I just gave up on it and tried to fit some hobbies into my life, but nothing really gripped me. So I added alcohol first to help the boring days pass, then I did harder drugs. You know, finish my shift, go home, another empty evening ahead, why not just fast forward to the next day, right? It worked for two years or so, but...”

“You got addicted and needed more and more?” Harriet gave it a wild guess based on the few mafia movies she’d seen.

“Not really, at least not in the classic way they use to scare foals. Umm, not at first, I mean,” Pack Rat shook his head, “It just… whenever I was sober or clean again, it just highlighted how unimportant and monotone my life was in comparison, and made me want to simply pass time again. I spent most of my money on progressively stronger stuff, and eventually I did develop a physical addiction, yes. The thing is, I didn’t have anything else, really. To be honest, most of the time I just thought about walking out into the wild, banging some hot Corrupted and get everything over with. I never gathered the courage, though.”

“But that’s like death, in a way! From what I heard...” Harriet raised her voice.

“No, really?” Pack Rat raised an eyebrow.

“Hey!” Harriet realized he was making fun of her, “My life was monotonous too, but I would never think of doing… well, that. I mean, we don’t have Corrupted anywhere near, but… you know what I mean.”

“I do,” Pack Rat raised a hoof to pat Harriet’s back, then thought against it and lowered it again, “Look, all that stuff about life being sacred and stuff, that’s nonsense. Most lives is mundane and worthless, and it’s up to ponies whether they want to live them or not. I got a pretty clear read on what my future was, and I didn’t want to live through another forty or fifty years of that. Drugs helped a lot.”

“Come on, you never know what’s around the corner.”

“I know myself better than anyone else. I appreciate what you’re trying to say, but don’t waste your breath. I didn’t and I still don’t regret it,” he paused for a moment, “Okay, maybe I did regret it for a moment when I overdosed on a toilet of one fancy upper Canterlot unicorn club, foaming, shitting uncontrollably, and feeling my heart stop. Yep, the only moment I’d say. Would have been my last moment if it weren’t for miss Gem. That was… two weeks ago or something? Time gets all weird when you’re constantly going cold turkey.”

“What happened?”

“As I lay there in a puddle of my… technically everything, hearing only my choking and muted club music from the main stage, she opened the door. It was a pretty sleazy club for upper Canterlot, so no separate bathrooms for mares and stallions, gloryholes everywhere. You know, fun,” Pack Rat took a breath, and continued, “Aaanyway, turned out that the mare I was flirting with while high as a kite was a changeling looking for a meal, and her dinner almost offed himself. She did… something to me… it’s all fuzzy, and after throwing up all over her, I passed out.”

“And yet we’re all here,” Gem, stretching her legs, jumped out of the wagon, “I don’t know the exact list of what you had inside yourself that night, but it actually melted the paper towels I used to wipe myself.”

“Sorry,” mumbled Pack Rat, hanging his head.

“No problem, I got myself someone to carry my things out of it, didn’t I?” Gem patted Pack Rat’s head.

“So he’s working for you?” Harriet found it hard to look the changeling eye to eye, especially with the colors of her eyes shifting and flashing, never allowing her to focus properly. She had to look away.

“Mhm. I got a business assignment outside of Canterlot, and I’ve been listening to my little lunchbox here all evening, so I offered him a new job. One which wouldn’t pay nowhere as good, but with certain unique perks.”

“Such as?” the changeling’s devious smirk immediately put Harriet on edge.

“I’m a rather skilled chemist and alchemist, and I know all about willpower as a changeling. One of those perks was that I would help him get over his physical addiction. It’s a slow process, but it will work eventually. As for other perks… that’s private.”

“Slow and painful process...” mumbled Pack Rat, “You try shivering uncontrollably and freezing with your head almost shoved into a campfire.”

“I have. Not fun,” Gem simply smiled, “Anyway, Promi wants to walk around a bit. Go pack her things. There’s a limit to how much even she laze around.”

“Is there?” as single raised eyebrow from Gem made Pack Rat immediately head for the wagon entrance, “Yes, miss,” he climbed inside.

Gem and Harriet walked in silence for some time before the white unicorn mare with fiery mane joined them, and started chatting with Gem about this Ponyville town they were headed for while Harriet absorbed all the information she could.

Some ten minutes later, Pack Rat rejoined them. Unfortunately for him, that proved a poor choice immediately.

Just as all four of his legs touched the ground, the soil turned out much softer than he expected. A tentacle shot out from it, wrapped itself around Pack Rat’s hind leg, and started pulling him down as if the ground was liquid.

“Ahhhhh!” was the best comment the earthpony managed in that situation.

“What?” Harriet stood there for a second while Pack Rat pawed at the more solid part of the surrounding ground. Her shock went away almost instantly, she’d been through way too much at this point to remain stunned for long by anything, and she jumped towards him, and grabbed him by the straps of his set of backpacks and saddlebags.

“Whoah?!” after the first successful pull when Pack Rat managed to grab her neck, the tentacle gained strength rivaling Harriet’s, and was slowly pulling both of them in.

Why wasn’t anyone helping?

That’s when Harriet’s adrenaline rush allowed her to finally note the panicked screaming coming from all around. Within few seconds, the peaceful caravan turned into a pandemonium of ponies getting grabbed just like Pack Rat, and disappearing underground.

“Leave me!” yelled Pack Rat, realizing that even somepony as strong as Harriet couldn’t deal with whatever fresh Corrupted anomaly this was, “Just go while you’re still free! No one will miss me!”

“No!” growled Harriet, gathering whatever insane strength her years of hard work and days of taint brought her, and pulling.

She completely missed Gem squirting a vial of something into the pool of liquid corruption drawing Pack Rat in, and the black mass slowed down, turning into softer, jelly-like substance. The tentacle gripping him lost some of its strength as well, and finally, with a wet slurp, Harriet managed to pull him out onto the solid ground.

“Drink this!” Gem tossed a different vial, this time filled with green stuff, Harriet’s way, which she promptly missed with both her forelegs. Thankfully, the soft, black grass cushioned the fall, and Harriet immediately downed it, its minty taste spreading cool peace through her body and soothing her muscles aching after a fight for Pack Rat with the tentacle.

“Go find some schoolfilly to molest!” she heard Prominence who was busy fighting a two tentacles wrapped around her chest and a hind leg each.

Finally having time to look around, Harriet saw that most of the caravan members were already halfway down through the progressively stickier ground. Prominence being the closest one, she took her first step towards her just as the unicorn’s hind leg turned into pure fire just like the afflicted part of her chest, incinerating the tentacles and freeing the unicorn with ease.

“Don’t worry about me!” she called out, “It looks like they don’t retaliate with horn rot, so I’m fine. Get out of here, the whole place is turning into a swamp!”

“Alright,” Gem patted Harriet’s shoulder, “Run straight ahead, I think I can see-”

As Gem’s horrifyingly sharptoothed jaw dropped, Harriet turned her, only to see several fleeing ponies get dragged underground almost instantly. What’s worse, a dripping, black equine mare with bat-like wings and a horn making even Harriet feel small formed from the ground nearby, her eyes glowing red.

“A… Corrupted... alicorn…?” Gem took few stunned steps backwards.

A loud explosion made everyone’s heads turn towards fully equipped Magpie with an assault shotgun aimed at the alicorn, the buckshot slowly sinking into her semi-liquid flesh.

“Was expecting a bit more from thiiiiiiiiii-” Magpie yelped as the alicorn grabbed him with a spawned cluster of tentacles, bringing him up to her muzzle.

“Nooooot youuuu...” the alicorn hissed, and tossed Magpie away so hard the griffon broke through the wall of one now empty caravan wagon.

Was this creature looking for something, or someone?

“Alright, screw this!” Gem levitated a bright blue potion from one of the two belts filled with vials like ammo for a machine gun crossed on her chest, and tossed it at the alicorn.

As the vial broke, a small and localized blizzard enveloped the powerful Corrupted, its chill instantly freezing the surrounding tentacles. The alicorn herself, though remained untouched other than covered in white dust.

“Don’t just shrug it off, do you know how hard is to get and enchant liquid nitrogen?!” Gem yelled.

Harriet ran over to the broken wagon to help Magpie who had just crawled out of the hole in the wagon wall, shaking his head.

“Did anyone get the number on that cart?” the griffon blinked out of sync.

“No, but you’re sitting in it,” Harriet grabbed his head with both forelegs to stop his swaying.

“Whuh- what?” he finally caught up with the situation, “Why aren’t you running already?”

“I can’t just flee and leave everyone behind!”

“This is Corrupted business. Whoever stays here will get dragged under and eaten. GO!” he pushed Harriet away, and started trotting towards Gem ineffectively throwing various potions at the approaching alicorn.

A unicorn made of pure flames rammed into the Corrupted alicorn, finally making her flinch. Tentacles sprouting from everywhere tried to grab the creature to no effect, but the fire didn’t seem to be able to hurt the alicorn in any way either. Thankfully, the distraction helped everyone regroup.

“Where’s Prominence?” asked Harriet.

“THAT is Promi,” Gem nodded at the living fire, “She’s part fire elemental, but she can’t stay like that for too long. We gotta go! I was hoping Nightshade’s patrol would help us, but this happened way too fast. Everyone is either gone or dead. We’re leaving. Now!”

Not arguing with the changeling, Magpie nodded at Pack Rat and took point.

The ground exploded, showering him with dirt. Corrupted of various shapes and sizes started spawning in dozens everywhere around, making Harriet immediately grab her heavy frying pan on reflex. The nearest Hunter, however, just ran past her and immediately pounced on the alicorn.

“Ooof, speak of the devil...” Gem let out a sigh of relief, whistling at Magpie and then pointing at a spot a short way away, “Go go go!”

As the whole group moved out of the way of the new Corrupted and into what seemed like relative safety, a mane-less female equine covered in black scales with the build of a fitness trainer emerged from the ground, laughing.

“Take a good look Harriet,” Gem let out a relieved sigh, “This is Nightshade, the most powerful being on the planet.”

“A reeeeal Corrupted alicorn,” laughed Nightshade, “A Corruptor on top of that. And here I thought I’d never get a second chance to grab one for myself.”

With no regard for her safety, she pounced straight at the alicorn who screeched. Burning inferno of magma erupted from the alicorn, the sudden pyroclasm obliterating everything around other than now smoldering Nightshade.

“Alright, the easy way would be boring anyway,” Nightshade hadn’t stopped laughing for a second, her flurry of punches and kicks forcing the alicorn to back off.

A set of snapping talons in front of her face brought Harriet back to reality from the fight of the two titans.

“We’re leaving,” ordered Magpie firmly, “I don’t want to be within sight of, or preferably on the same continent as, anything that can make Nightshade go all out. Move!” he pointed into the distance.

No one argued as the griffon took charge, and the group kept trotting south towards the settlement called Ponyville. It couldn’t be far, at least that’s what Harriet hoped. They escaped with only bruises, but meeting a force they couldn’t do anything against was something Harriet could live without.


Energy hummed through this comfortable room mostly filled with books, photos, and lit by soft light of, for some strange reason in this age of electricity and magic, oil lamps. In the center of the mess stood a clearly frazzled purple alicorn, her eye twitching as she downed another whole thermos of the black death coffee, the strongest brand known to ponykind.

“There’s NOTHING common among all these!” screamed Twilight Sparkle. Here, inside her pocket dimension, she could let her frustration out freely, as there would be no one to hear her. Photos held in her telekinesis surrounding her in a circle dropped on the floor. Any knowledgeable pony would understand that these photos were gathered documentation of all artefacts stolen by Flow previously.

“Alright, just one more of these, and I’ll go to bed,” she downed the hundredth cup of coffee in an instant, her eye twitched…

...and the world stopped.

Her jaw dropped as she looked around, wide-eyed, at the dropped photographs. She shoved one, moved another, switched two, and started laughing.

She’d been looking at these completely wrong. Yes, there was ancient alicorn writing on all those artefacts, one talking about a seal, but that was the least important part about them. They weren’t supposed to be similar, to have anything in common.

As she looked around at the photos spread out in a circle, she knew what she’d been missing all this time. Together, the artefacts formed a magical circle, a seal, with the big one - the altar at its center. A three-dimensional magical circle, a magical ring of sorts.

The thing was… that judging by the similarities in spellcasting she knew, the magical circle would be about the size of Canterlot’s central square.

“We need to find the place where the seal parts fit,” her head twitches three times, “Okay, maybe I need some rest,” Twilight realized her heart was beating at a pace inconsistent with life of anything other than a hummingbird or an alicorn, “Screw it, can’t go to sleep and risk forgetting something important. I can’t figure out this magical circle. Luna won’t either. Shame Scream isn’t alive anymore, or… ohhhhhh,” Twilight suddenly beamed, her crazy smile cracking a mirror on the wall nearby, “Why not just ask the best of the best, right? Now, where could I find Magnus at this time of eternity?”

Gathering the photos took less than a second, and with a flash of her horn, Twilight was gone.

A moment later, she appeared in the real world, making princess Cadance just getting ready to go to bed jump. Her brother as well.

“Twi?” Shining Armor facehoofed as he noticed Twilight’s insane expression, “Have you been working too hard for too long with too little sleep again?”

“Twilight!” Cadance pouted, “You know this is our ‘¨do not disturb’ time.”

“I’ll be here only a moment, Shiny, Cadance,” a mosquito got fried after hitting Twilight practically buzzing with energy, and she brushed the place off, “Look, this is important, and I can’t leave it after the coffee wears off. You remember the parts of the magic circle, right?”

“What magic circle parts?” asked Shining.

“The stuff that Flow creature stole, parts of it. It’s a magical circle, not just some assembly of connected artefacts. We need to find all the pieces as well as the place those things fit.”

“Oookay?” Shiny blinked, trying to understand Twilight’s machine gun speech, “Do you have any idea where any of those could-”

“Nope!” Twilight beamed, “But I know where to ask. I’m off to visit Magnus. You keep your artefact safe.”

“Should we increase security?” asked Cadance, clearly worried now.

“No, that’s pointless,” Twilight waved her hoof, “Or downright counterproductive. The fewer ponies know about it, the better. Besides, that just means less sacrifices when Flow finds out about it. We still have no way of fighting him. Just keep an eye on the artefact, and if it gets stolen we’ll know our time is running out. I gotta go now, have a good night!”

Not waiting for an answer, Twilight poof’d off.

Her next appearance wasn’t in the real world again, and made the occupant of this tall, completely classical wizard tower on the edge of nowhere roll his eyes.

“Good evening, Magnus,” Twilight waved her hoof, remaining in her coffee-induced focus despite the burning glare of the previous alicorn of Magic, and the last one of the primal trinity, Magnus.

“What fresh hell brings you here…?” the white, blond-maned alicorn grumbled, instantly wondering which of the many protective spells he was going to have to alter to prevent this happening ever again.

“This!” Twilight blasted the increasingly irritated alicorn with the set of photos, unable to control her telekinesis well enough to spread them out, “These are the physical locks forming some magical circle, and I don’t know what it is. It looks like the first versions of Thauhorss’ binding base, but incredibly spread out, which would increase the required power dramatically, and nothing in this world can do a spell like that-”

“Yeah, because Thauhorss had no fucking clue what he was doing. That’s what you get if you combine Germane philosophy with magic, but forget all about efficiency,” Magnus shuffled the offered photos, making a circle on the floor with several spots missing.

“Come on, in comparison to you, no one has any clue what they’re doing as far as magic is concerned, and that’s coming from me,” Twilight tried to throw an olive branch to Magnus.

“Doesn’t make it any less true,” Magnus huffed, “Anyway, before your heart stops and Sunbutt has to revive your overdosed corpse, I suppose I have to ram enough knowledge into your brain. This thing isn’t just any magic seal, it’s a gate and a seal in one,” Magnus drew several symbols where the pictures of the photos of the artefacts were missing, “which means that just disassembling it won’t release what’s sealed. It needs to be correctly assembled and used to unlock what’s behind it. This one is incredibly complex. A damn fine piece of work, if I say so myself. It feels familiar...” Magnus tilted his head, “whoever made this had to be an excellent archmage. Not as good as myself, obviously, but certainly the second place.”

“So you know how to make something like that?” said Twilight, ecstatic that she finally made some progress.

“Obviously,” Magnus looked almost insulted and certainly disgusted by such question, “It’s just a crazy overkill against anything I can remember.”

“Perfect, so you might know how to find where the seal is located.”

“I’m BUSY!” Magnus gathered the photos and smacked Twilight’s muzzle with the stack.

“Come on, the world might be at stake!”

“Again?” Magnus rolled his eyes, “Ugh, fiiiiine… but just because I don’t want void monsters knocking on my door after the world is destroyed.”

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