• Member Since 13th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


I'm Sheena. I write mostly angsty teen lesbian romantic dramedy, a few AUs, and sometimes porn.


Rainbow Dash tells the story of Crash Blitzkrieg, the colt she was born as, to news media as her coming out. She then accidentally becomes a role model to hundreds of young fillies and colts as the first out trans Wonderbolt. At first the attention is great, but then the responsibility and prejudice that comes with the title begin to take their toll. But in the end, it's worth it. This is the story of the fallout of her decision; all of the good, all of the bad, and all of the... surprising.


Deals in themes of LGBTQ issues, family and acceptance, being trans in the military, and depression/anxiety in queer youth.

Featured in the group Absolutely Disgusting because I made one of its members angry by deleting his hateful comment towards another commenter. In response, I'm modifying & expanding my original plans for the story.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 7 )

The feels! They hit me! Hard! A truck came and ran right through me! I am emotional now! Please halp! Also! Good story! Keep up that super duper awesome amazingly thingy cool work! Kudos for you! Insert random words! Why am I shouting! I can't stop! Please halp!

Comment posted by DAMN HAMSTER deleted May 15th, 2018

first of all you didn't deserve what hamster said. second of all, thank you. I'm glad that somebody's appreciated this fic. even if it was just a product of waking up at 2am again. glad to know that I'm able to inflict +30% feels damage :)

Eh, all the best stories are made at the wackiest time and in the wackiest ways. I like gender bender stories in all their forms, whether they are wacky and crazy/cringeworthy(it's sometimes hard to deal with the amount of cringe in these types) like they typically seem to be, or more serious like this one, that deal with actual problems trans people(or in this case, ponies) face. So I would be lying if I said that that wasn't one of the main reasons I looked at this story. But I am glad I did. And no one can take that from you. Also, in order to increase that feels damage, you might want to do a raid for legendary equipment in the "emotional rollercoaster" dungeon. Heard there is some pretty great loot for feels damage and armour.:twilightsmile:

Weirdly enough literally my top 3 fics were all spur-of-the-moment and the one I put the most care and planning into has the least attention paid to it. Maybe I should stop planning things in advance, lmao. And I was always interested in the concept of Rule 63. I'm even planning to write one with a male Rarity [Elusive, it's titled]. I just didn't realize until later on in my life WHY. Guess I should listen to my subconscious more often, eh? Anyway yeah, I'm noticing a lot of cringe just in general on this website, like Sergeant Asshole and the Edgelord brigade raining on your parade and vengefully adding this fic to a group specifically designed for MST3King bad fics just because the characters aren't straight. If anything's cringe it's that pathetic dumpster fire of human waste. Regardless though, I especially see that there's a lot of shitty fics that try and miserably fail to cover trans issues, so at least there's a gold mine of possibilities there. And I mean there are plenty of good ones, just none that are quite as expansive as I'd like to read that don't get abandoned far too soon. So in the wise words of Toni Morrison, "if there is a book you want to read that doesn't exist, you should write it" or something very similar. And no, I don't consider futanari porn to be at all in the same category. My ex-girlfriend was super into futa hentai and, well, yikes. And lastly, I have no use for armor that gives me feels defense, since I have a trinket with a regenerating shield for feels damage, but I could always use a new weapon. I main a two hand sword but it only gives me basic attribute bonuses. Maybe we should raid the dungeon together if you have three friends, because I am NOT gonna dungeon run with randos ever again.

Yeah. I write the same. I get an idea of a chapter, like what it includes somewhat, but beyond that, its me writing a mass of random words. As The Last Dragon chronicles put it, I write organically. Or in other words, I write what inspiration hit me in that instant. Its effectively stress free, though how effective its output is is uknown. I have yet to test it in my evil genius pink dragon's mad laboratory for things like creating black holes, felt tips(*shudder*) and WAMD(weapons of apocalyptic mass destruction). I guess that's more of a factory. Huh. And unless you're playing warframe, I can agree that randos are not good. They don't hold conversation goods. Not that I have a choice with all the MOBAS I play. Hmmmmmmmm. Must get scythe of harvest that deals more feels damage, dependant on the feels they've already taken. That, or hope a video game that is multiplayer and has dungeon raids seriously comes out with which their is actually a damage type called feels.:pinkiecrazy:

Omg it was awesomeee

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