• Member Since 26th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen 54 minutes ago


Forget not that I am a derp.


Sunset Shimmer's life has taken turn for the odd lately. Well, not odd. Odd isn't nearly a strong enough word for the utter batshit insanity that has consumed her every waking moment.

Thankfully, said madness hasn't quite spread to all of her friends yet. Though that may not be true by the end of the night.

Part of the Beanis Cinematic Universe. (Possibly Ant-Man or one of the TV series.) Rated Teen; the titular items are never put to use. That said, this is a largely M-rated worldline. Please bean responsibly.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 69 )

It's always the Beanis.

Also, I thought that Beanis link was gonna be TVTropes for a moment. You'll get there eventually...

Yo this was great. You did well.

You have no idea, Flash.

Oh boy, here we go again!

Well, at least Sunset doesn’t have to deal with this nonsense alone anymore, even if it does mean dragging Flash into the mix.

Goddammit, Foamy....

You would think that when the number of people who violate the laws time space-time and return to the past for the sole purpose of preventing an apocalypse caused by you reaches >0, you would rethink your current life choices. Needless to say, Sunset needs all the help she can get in keeping Sci-Twi and Beanis Inc. relatively sane.
This is the best-worst thing to come out of this god forsaken website, and I hope that we can keep this Beanis rolling for a while yet.


So...why exactly hasn't Sunset just loudly told Twilight this is stupid and awful and burned everything?

The pay is amazing, and the most alien illegal alien imaginable doesn't exactly have a lot of other employment opportunities.


I suppose. Just concerned about all the possible future apocalypses people keep coming from to try and prevent.

Majin Syeekoh

This is beautiful.

"I have made a terrible mistake."

New tagline folks, pack it up.

I’m still convinced that Beanis is all one really roundabout way of Twilight trying to seduce Sunset, since Twilight’s too nervous/obtuse to just tell Sunset that she likes her

I liked the Stupid Jar. Nice subversion of expectations there!

So with the carboard attachments, when do we get the Beanis De Milo Legume-droid?

Why do they have a stupid jar? Seriously, what's wrong with Sunset using the word stupid?

I am beyond confused. I had no idea this was even a thing. Is this a side-story to another bigger story?

It's a running gag. Every time Sunset says something is stupid, she adds a dollar to the jar. Originally it was to save up for a trip to Fiji. I dunno what she's saving for now.

It's a series of stories by multiple authors. Follow the Beanis Cinematic Universe link in the story description to blow your mind.

These stories have taken on a mind of their own. Probably the only reason there isn't a rule about them like 5SD4 is because they are one shots. But I never fail to laugh at the insanity. Keep up the good beanis work.


The benefits are killer too. Where else can you please yourself with a bean-based copy of Rainbow Dash's dick on the company's dime?

First day at work and he's already had Twilight slap her hot beanis in his hand.

... What the F*** was that?!

Have I mentioned that I find that the BCU being and actual thing is utterly hilarious.

Dear frag did I get the filter working again just right on time, esle I'd have been (bean?) missing all the fun...

The introduction of Flash gave me too many ideas and now I'm writing more Beanis, and its all your fault.

I mean, I do agree, but it's the principle of the thing :derpytongue2:

"This must be how Celestia feels."

"The principal or the sun god horse?" said Applejack.

"Yes," came the muffled reply.

I wonder how long until she becomes an Alicorn due to saving the world from Beanis. As much as possible, that is.

This was wonderful FoME, but please write it mature next time. It's bound to be twice as hilarious, at least.

It's a little disturbing that, for the last few weeks, there's literally been a new BCU story every time I've logged in to the site.


… beanfiction.net isn't registered yet. Just sayin'.

Thank you for providing the requisite "Goddamnit, (Author)" comment. It's not a true Beanis fic until someone does.

I'm happy-ashamed to have contributed to it.

Your approval fills me with pride, shame, and beans in roughly equal proportions.

That's the real tragedy of the Beanis Cinematic Universe: Sunset and Twilight can't find any way to communicate their feelings for one another that doesn't involve the manufacture of farm-to-bedroom marital aids.

If you have to ask, it's probably better that you don't know. It's too late for me. Save yourself.

Right now, I think she's saving up to send everyone else to Fiji. Whatever happens there, it's not her problem.

The rule about Five Score fics was instituted because a lot of them got started pre-transformation and were then abandoned before they actually got to the pony content. Here, the friendship magic is front and center. And it smells like burritos.

Sunset really needs to get around figuring out what qualifies as sexual harassment in a place like this.

A continuity wherein human Twilight becomes a magical item entrepreneur in the strangest and most vulgar way imaginable, with Sunset doing her best to maintain some semblance of reason and restraint.

Did I mention that Tempest Shadow is Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash's daughter from the future who came from this time to prevent the reign of Beanos, leguminous overlord of Earth, only to become a Beanis Inc. product tester? It's that kind of universe.


I read it, and was filled with regret.

I'm not sure what I expected, but I probably deserved this.

You're welcome! :twilightsmile:

Eh, restrictions breed creativity. Besides, there are only so many times Sunset can walk in on people in the middle of product testing before it loses its impact on both her and the audience.

Clearly, you are the Harbeanger, as foretold by prophecy.

I wrote it and was filled with regret. Well, more dread than regret. And no small amount of amusement.

Look, the point is that there was a nonzero quantity of regret present post-submission.

Again, fair enough. Best of luck! And look out for oddly shaped beans.

...what did I just read and why does it exist.

Sometimes I read these when they're on the new stories page even though I pretty much know in advance that I'm going to come away facepalming and questioning my decision making process. I suppose it's some combination of raw curiosity, perverse curiosity, and RL appreciation of beans.

In this case it was the title, authorship, and Flash that brought me in. I'm happy to find some good Flash characterization here. He truly seems like a relatable voice of sanity amid the bean-madness. So props for that!

I see you have joined the Universe.

The limo has been sent around. You should be picked up shortly. The seats have been cleaned.

The title should have been:
"Men Come From Mars, Women Cum From Beanis"
Or something similar, to keep the pun.


Physically speaking, the Beanis is a magical dildo crafted from bean paste. Beanis is also the name of Twilight Sparkle's company, since she is the one that made it.

The Beanis trend started out as me and Majin Syeekoh bouncing a stupid idea back and forth in a game of literary chicken. Unfortunately, neither of us blinked and now here we are.

Dildos made from bean paste.

Penis + beans = beanis


No they haven't. Who are you kidding?

In any case, a hearty welcome to you, Fan of Most Everything! Happy to see you're a fan of this thing as well, and I appreciate the addition of Flash to the cast!

Bigger question is, does it taste good?

Because I mean, not going to lie it sounds like it would be pretty taste.

No lie, if there was a refried bean log that squirted guac or sour cream...I'd eat it.

You think it could be used as an exorcism tool?

And what about transportation? Beanis jetpacks?

OH! And most importantly is Beanis Land a thing yet?



Don't worry, there's more coming tomorrow.

Beanis Land.
Beanis Land must rise.

And then be turned into Fort Beanis.

It shall tower over the land and pierce the heavens.





Odds are by the end of this both Sunset will have become a raging alcoholic.

I'd expect Beanis sex robots (To continue a pun, Beanis DA Milo) before the inevitable Beanis mech. Poor Flash would end up having to be a tester "so they can get the male perspective" and then Sunset's geode would animate it by somehow passing on memories from the whole group (because magic) and they'd have a new employee who's made of Beanis....

They already have an employee made of beans. She's kept in the secret vaults.

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