• Member Since 19th Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen 16 minutes ago


Klaatu barada nikto =^.^=

Comments ( 15 )

What's a Thom Yorke?

About a dollar twenty-five with coupon.:twilightsmile:

It's a promising beginning. Let's see where it goes!


You've done a splendid job of setting this story up. Unfortunately for me, there's no second chapter to enjoy yet. I very much look forward to more of this.

Also guessing Nurse Ratchet is homage to Nurse Ratched from Ken Kesey's wonderful novel "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest"?

just dont leave
dont leave

it's where your quote is from! radiohead good (especially this era of early 2000s radiohead)

aw, don't! there's a time in everyone's life where they have to learn about Radiohead :rainbowwild:

True. Though to be honest I’m more of a Butthole Surfers fan myself.

Electric Larryland is a pretty great album

Pepper is one of my all time favs though I liked Independent worm saloon and wierd revolution better.

i used to bop Electric Larryland in freshmen year of highschool endlessly
i think i even wrote a couple ponyfics while listening to it
sadly i am underexperienced with the other butthole surfers records

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