• Member Since 12th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen 47 minutes ago


A long time ago, I created with abandon. I thought those times were behind me... It's time to pick up the pen once more...


It takes a lot to be the mayor of a town like Ponyville. You've got to keep a level head in even the most crazy of situations. And believe me, a lot of crazy things happen to this town all the time. Why just the other day... what's that? A monster is attacking? Yes, we get that a lot, but don't worry. Princess Twilight and her friends will take care of it. They always do, after all!

What's that? They're busy with something else right now? But... but then who's going to take care of the monster?!

Just a one shot that wouldn't leave my head until it was written. I hope you at least get a giggle out of it!

11/17/2018 Featured! Thank you all for enjoying my silly little story!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 22 )



No words...

Six is a perfect number.

I just...what? What is this even...I don't....what??

Good story though!

Needs a sequel
I wanna know the main sixes reaction to all the fights

This reminds me of this video. You should always have a back up crew.


Seven is better than six!” the Mayor shouted

Damn it Flurry Heart. I blame you and your Great-Aunt Celestia's teachings.

Yes, and seven is lucky, so that one worked out.

First: I believe I am having a stroke.
Second: Yaks are not of Norse heritage, but that is a very interesting idea and I have a PLAN.
Third; You write good. Keep doing that.

You know what this is? This is a list. I am keeping this, and whenever someone asks for a story idea, I shall have them write one of these adventures. What could possibly go wrong?

When the diamond dogs showed up, I got an immediate idea of this:

Cadence cast a quick invisibility spell on a turtle-shaped doll in her saddlebag and looked over to Flurry Heart. "Mommy is sorry to tell you, but those bad monsters over there took your whammy from me. See? It's not in my bags anymore.

Flurry flies over and peers into the bag and paws inside it, saying "Buh?" And then with more rapid motion she seems to get increasingly agitated.

"Yes sweetie, Mommy's so sorry. They took it when Mommy wasn't looking."

Flurry Heart then lifts her eyes up and stares at the little dog pack. Her eyes begin to glow blood-red and her horn begins to blaze blindingly bright.

The least stupid of the Dogs noticed a sudden eclipsing of the Sun and looked up in mild confusion. An oak tree, yanked out of the ground roots and all was floating above them. The Dog shrieks, dropping an instrument on the ground, "Suddenly I like pony music?" He runs to the hole just before the first impact of the tree trunk smashing the ground knocked him off his feet. "Great Dam save us!!"

For the rest of her days, Chrysalis never understood how she lost that fight.

Friendship, Chrysalis. It's a really useful thing to have around, you should try it sometime. I hear there's a whole school that teaches it now.

“Without us here, nopony was able to organize the festival!”

Sure. We'll go with that.


I agree with the Mayor. What even is today? And where the heck did Sombra come from?

What the masses think of this fic. Typical monster-of-the-day sucks!

:duck: I'm so filthy ' Where's Spikey ?
:twilightsheepish: Probably taking another 8 hour bubble bath
:raritywink: Ta Ta, see you in 7 hours
:twilightoops: Whammy!

This reminds me far too much of Thea: The awakening.

Kevin, the traitor. :rainbowlaugh:

This was delightfully absurd.

This was a hilarious story, slightly marred by a few spelling and grammar errors. The one that really bugged me the most was "gazeebo" - the word is spelled "gazebo".

“Without us here, nopony was able to organize the festival!” Damn true Twilight.
Also, Diamond Tiara should have been put into the Diamond Dog Fighting Unit. With Silver Spoon. After all, they are friends, and Friendship is Magic!
This was a pretty unique r

This had me in stitches, that last group though, "Mayor Mare tickled Flurry Heart's stomach and the little mare cooed before unleashing a massive uncontrolled surge of magic, it vaporised all the changelings."

.....Let me guess.....IT WAS FUCKING TUESDAY!!!!!

What a treat.

Here, have an upvote.

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