• Published 30th Jan 2019
  • 19,626 Views, 1,328 Comments

Knowledge is Power - hydra30

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34 Diving in

Twilight and Fluttershy arrived back at the living are to find their friends had once again settled in the library slash work station to continue tinkering with their souvenirs. Rainbow began flying with her helmet on to test how long she could last weighed down, but made a startling discovery. She realized that as she wore the thing, she barely noticed its weight, which was odd, because it definitely felt heavy when she held it.

But thats not all.

She also discovered that while she wore it, she could push herself for longer then she used to be able to (twenty percent longer to be precise). It became apparent why after she really got down and examined the helmet. It had a florescent sheen of green about it, it was enchanted.

And that was just fine for Rainbow Dash...awesome.

Spike was hanging out with Pinkie Pie for a change, charring bits of paper black for her with his fire breath. The pink party pony then dipped them in a bowl filled with a mixture of glue and water (were the glue came from was anyone's guess) making them nice and sticky. What was she doing with all this?

She was crafting a black, wiggly pinata, made in the likeness of Hermaeus Mora.

Applejack had decided to take a nap, her hat over eyes as she reclined on the coach she had sat on while Twilight told them about the Daedra. Applejack wasn't a slacker by any means, but after learning about the atrocities of the Daedra, plus those now extinct people, she needed a break. Plus, she may not be proud of the circumstances, but it was actually refreshing to not be worried about her farm for a change.

Though she would never tell anypony that.

Rarity was sewing more Welkynd Stones into her dress. After the unrest involving Twilight and Fluttershy calmed, she had thrown her self at it again, this time working on smoothing out every minute flaw with her keen eye. But she soon exhausted her magic with such a task, but it also lead to her discovering the best thing here in Apocrypha yet.

One of the Welkynd Stones vanished from her dress once she was out of magic.

At first she was horrified, but less than a second later she found her magic fully restored, and it didn't take a genius to find out how. The Welkynd Stones restore magic, and that fact only made her reverence of them increase, despite their connection with the Alyieds. She had traveled back to that room afterwards and brought back several more, both for their beauty and to take advantage of their unique properties.

But once Twilight and Fluttershy entered the room, they all didn't hesitate to cease what they were doing and lend them all their focus.

" Twilight, Fluttershy," called Rarity, walking up to stand before them like all the others. " Are you alright, darlings?"

" We're fine, girls," said Twilight, extending out a hoof that was soom gripped by Fluttershy. "Fluttershy just needed to experience something positive in this place."

"Oh, the poor dear," said Rarity, walking up to Fluttershy and taking her hoof. "That mean old robot didn't hurt you did it?"

"I'm fine Rarity, really," reassured Fluttershy.

"And what have you all been up to since we have been away?" Asked Twilight, curious to what her friends might have been up to in their absence.

"Oh, just some idle gossip," said Rarity, though Twilight had an uneasy feeling as she leaned in to her ear with a dog smirk. "For starters, I didn't know Dance had such a winning streak when it comes to relationship's."

Twilight grew a sweat drop on her temple, "I...I don't know what you are talking about."

"Oh, don't play dumb, darling, it doesn't suit you," said Rarity, her grin mischievous. "Fancy Pants had better count his lucky stars he managed to have Fleur as his wife, considering who she was originally with."

Twilight felt her mouth go limp in shock. "The only ones who know about that are me, Shining, Cadence, Fancy and Fleur, and we swore we would never tell. How could you possibly know?"

"Give me more credit, Twilight," said Spike as he walked up next to her. "I may have been little back then, but I know that wasn't a good night kiss I saw back then."

Twilight scowled at him, but it didn't seem to affect him.

"So what do we do now?" Asked Spike .

Twilight decided to drop her irritation at him, walking to where she stood in the center of all of them. "What do you say girls, shall we begin?"

They all knew what she meant simultaneously.

"Darn tooting partner," said Applejack, rearing up on her hindlegs and punching the air, eager to get started.

"If it's what we can do to help you, darling," began Rarity, flipping her mane gracefully. "Then bring it on."

"Oh this is going to be so much fun," said Pinkie, bouncing in place before tapping her chin in thought. "Hey, can I compose a song with words of power?"

"I will definitely do this," said Fluttershy, a look of determination crossing her face. "If only for Twilight to be free of this place."

"I say, we quit flapping our mouths and get to it already," said Spike, punching a claw into his palm.

"The dragons right, let's start this thing," said Rainbow, heading to a book shelf along with the others.

Until Twilight appeared in their path with a mischievous smirk. "If we are going to do this, we will need more than whats here."


"WOAH..." said Twilight’s friends as they sat before the gazebo that housed a huge book.

"This is what we need," said Twilight, a smug smile on her face.

"I've never seen anything like it!" Gasped Applejack, her face illuminated by the glowing blue pages.

"But how are we going to use it, Twilight?" Asked Pinkie, looking at said unicorn quizzically. "As big as it is, its only one book, and there are seven of us."

The others shared the concern.

" Wait, that color," said Spike looking at Twilight knowingly. "Haycarte?"

Twilight looked to him and nodded.

Spike smirked and speed off between the group of mare's and made a beeline for the book. When he jumped into the air over it they all expected him to flop face first onto the parchment. Their shock was immeasurable when Spike disappeared into the book, the surface rippling like water.

With a surprised gasp, all but Twilight surrounded the book, a tiny sketch of Spike visible on the page, waving up at them.

"You guys have gotta see this," said Spike, looking around in wonder. "Its absolutely amazing!"

They all flashed Twilight a nervous look, but she gave them a reassuring nod. But was this really what needed to be done? Despite how quickly Spike dove into the book, it was not something you see every day, and a ponies first reaction would be to proceed with caution...

"Cannon Ball," said Pinkie, grabbing her hind legs and jumping in, vanishing with a ripple.

Unless you are Pinkie Pie, of course.

"Well, here I go," said Applejack, leaping into the book front first after her fellow earth pony.

Rarity gave Twilight a worried look, which she returned with a gentle nudge of her muzzle.

"Well, okay," said Rarity, delicately stepping into the pages and sinking from sight.

Suddenly, Rainbow shot up through a gap in the arched ceiling of the gazebo, Twilight and Fluttershy looking up to see her fly almost out of sight. Then she speed back towards them again, gathering speed every second. They saw it coming, a Sonic Rainboom exploxed across Apocrypha like a ripple of color.

"BONZI," she called, diving into the book with a mighty gust of wind.

"That only leaves us," said Twilight after Rainbow's wind died down, reaching a hoof to Fluttershy.

She took it and together the couple approached the huge, enchanted book. Fluttershy fidgeted a little, but Twilight put her hooves on her shoulders and guided her gently. Fluttershy would still need assistance with proceeding, but that suited Twilight just fine, it was just how her timid friend was. Before to long, purple and pink pony tails slid under the surface of the book page.

Up above, a black tendril extended towards the book, another book in its coils. Carefully, Hermaeus Mora fused this last book with the bigger one, the moving sketches of six ponies and one dragon on the surface looking on in even more wonder than before as whatever the book added only increased their marvel at what they were seeing inside. Slowly, the tendril retracted and closed the book shut.

Hermaeus Mora laughed to himself, wondering what they would do with the knowledge of the Oghma Infinium.


Within the confines of the book, Twilight and her friends swam in a virtual epiphany of knowledge, and not just concerning magic and the Thu'um.

They learned several aspects of not just Nirn, but Mundus as well. The realm designed by Magnus under Lorkhan's guidelines, and the role of magic its creation plays. When Magnus fled Mundus to escape the cost Nirns creation was taking on the Aedra, his departure and that of his smaller kin ripping holes in Mundus, allowing magic to bleed through, as well as creating the sun and stars.

The difference between this and Equestrian magic must have something to do with why ponies can grasp magic better than the people on Nirn.

And speaking of which, Twilight and her friends learned about these people with more clarity.

They learned of the Altmer, a graceful elven race native to Summerset isle.

They learned of the Argonians, a humanoid reptilian race that live in the marshes known Black Marsh.

They learned of the Bosmer, an elvish race highly in tune with nature, living in the forest of Valenwood.

They learned of the Bretons, a partial elf, partial human race that live in the fertile country High Rock.

They learned of the Dunmer, formly the Chimer, who live in the volcanic country Morrowind.

They learned of the Imperials, who live in the lush Cyrodiil.

They learned of the feline like Khajiit and their homeland of Elsweyer, famed for the addictive drug skooma.

They learned of the Nords of Skyrim, tough and courageous because of the harsh cold of their homeland.

They learned of the Orcs, favorite race of the Daedric Prince Malacath, and native to Orsinium for the most part.

They learned of the Redguard, the people native to the mountainous region Hammerfell.

They also learned of Tamriel, the super continent that houses all the fore mentioned regions. The Daedra and the Aedra were more thoroughly viewed to, as well as the different types of people who worship them and in what way. And to top it off, they learned the Aedra's names and titles.

Unsurprisingly, Rainbow was drawn to Akatosh, The Dragon God of Time and father of all the Dragons of Nirn.

They also learned of Alduin and the Dragonborn. To learn that their was someone who thought it was their destiny to devour the world was a concept they could not fathom to say the least. It was especially hard for Fluttershy, Alduin being a dragon and all. But it was also tranquil in a way, for as sinister as Alduins actions were, the dragons of Nirn were no longer extinct and seemed to be learning from their past misdeeds.

All this and more helped Twilight’s friends progress even faster than she did during her time in Apocrypha, and with each success, they felt that they were that much closer to accomplishing their goal, and that much closer to going home.

Outside in Apocrypha, the gazebo sunk into the pool of black ink beneath it, masking its presence to anyone who happened upon this place in the future.

Author's Note:

Sequel soon

Comments ( 73 )

Sequel soon

this is still labeled as 'Incomplete' though...

First story, sorry but I am having trouble finding out how to make it say complete

its one of the settings on the Publishing page...

Once again, you do such a wonderful job with the characterization of the Mane 6. I did notice you have a bit of an issue with dialogue, though. You tend to add a space after the first quotation mark:

" Cannon Ball,"

It should instead be:

"Cannon Ball,"

Just something to keep in mind.

My iPad does that for some weird reason, I don't do it on purpose. And I can't get it to stop, sorry

" We're better than alright, girls," said Twilight, extending out a hoof that was soom gripped by Fluttershy.


--- Outside in the Apocrypha, the gazebo sunk into the ground, the pool of black ink on top masking its presence to anyone who happened upon this place in the future.

I don't like where this is going

No worries, I just wasn't sure if you were aware or not.

You never actually showed Rainbow entering the book.

That Complete tho

why do i feel like they'll have spent weeks or months in that book?

That Complete tho

Saw the cover image, thought to myself 'is that ol' Herma Mora hosting himself behind Twilight?' Interest piqued. Was tempted to add to 'read later', just wanting to read the first chapter.

Ended up binging the entirety of it.

Gotta say while I'm fond of romance in works like this, it just, dunno, didn't fit. Like, it was good and whatnot, enjoyed the shit outta the story nonetheless, but the romantic sub-plot featuring Twi and Shy just didn't grab my attention like the, I guess campaign did, itself. Hell, part of me wanted to see a dark knowledge seeker, Twilight. Instead, friendship—and romance, evidently—of course, remains magic.

In no way am I riffing on the story; with how you played it out, I fucking loved it. Hell, it's in my Top 10 for a reason. Just wished it focused more on the 'champion disciple of Herma Mora' aspect. But ignore me, can't wait 'till the sequel drops either way. Thanks for writing this :twilightsmile:

... meanwhile back on Equus.
Shining Armor: Princess! I just got the report that 'it' has returned!

Outside in Apocrypha, the gazebo sunk into the pool of black ink beneath it, masking its presence to anyone who happened upon this place in the future.

Alright everyone, you all KNOW what's coming:

Waiting for the sequel...


aye, tis a fair description o Vile an his games, but ye canne say e was bored...e ates bein bored...

I would definitely read it again.

Ok hoppully more daedra or aedra go to equestria

I wonder if the 7 of them will become ascended like Talos?

They learned of the Redguard, the people native to the mountainous region Hammerfell.

Hammerfell is a desert region with only a bit of mountains around the border. Mostly the northern part.

Hilariously enough I faintly recall some comedian going on about the semantics of that.

Well, in my experience with the mod community, doing that for all the game is a massive undertaking that I don't think someone has been willing to attempt.

Though there is a mod I cannot recommend enough that replaces all player dialogue options with Khajiit dialect. (Even giving options in the installation if you are playing a custom race of Khajiit that are a different variety not present in vanilla Skyrim.) It is both lore friendly and absolutely hilarious.

My heart agrees with you but my brain is telling me to make more Jojo references

Everyone who has played Skyrim, certainly.

Sorry, I meant to change my name to Captain Obvious before I made the comment. :trixieshiftleft:

Oh well, I'm not doing it now. :twilightsmile:

Ponies aren't the brightest race in existence, that fact they manage to live this long is nothing short of mind-boggling.

while i agree with you i was making a joke that's all

Except, small complaint, the story clearly shows the Hivemind isn't a controlling force. Thorax, Pharynx, and others act independently of Chrysalis's will.

... yeah, okay. I can see it.

In which case... I've got nothin'. I really don't have any explanation. If they're not being controlled, then they're either very evil or very stupid. Or devoted to the point of religion, really. Or scared to death. Not sure which is worse, and not sure they're mutually exclusive...

One word: Celestia.

I know this isn't one of her brighter moments, but for the most part she's the force actually holding them back. To be fair, I think she's rediscovering her fighting spirit here, and it's going to take a while before she's stable enough to make good decisions again.

Surprisingly, it fits either way.

beginning and middle were highly enjoyable.

when the mane 6 all get together it sort of just comes to a complete halt and as someone who has no idea of anything in oblivion except memes, it was really really boring. i powered through it just to see what would happen. but it was just a info dump from the wiki.

i'll give the sequel a shot, as i hope its more like the beginning of this fic, than the latter.

  • what was the point of the heirloom ring?
  • how many / which spells does twilight know?
  • why almost give up on equestrian magic till the very end? even then, its just a hypothesis by twi to free the dragon soul
  • will the elements have any play?
  • what does the changing of cutie marks mean?
  • what happens when all knowledge in equestria is learned?


Isn't Discord an incarnation of Sheogorath though?

Actually, Discord is an incarnation of


i loved this fic! it had its flaws, but everything does in the end honestly, and most of the stuff that bothered me was just personal things. makes me hyped to go back to skyrim and play the dragonborn dlc. people who didn't want a lore dump probably shouldn't have read a elder scrolls fanfic. :unsuresweetie:

anyway, heres some grammatical mistakes:

Twilight letting off a powerful magic blast that only ricochet off the crystals reflective surface

should be ricochets

bouncing off multiple places before heading strait for Twilight, who just barely dodged.

should be straight

“It..it can’t be...!” moaned Twilight, standing up as if she had never been exhausted a few minuets ago.

should be minutes

It was even rumour to have been owned by Princess Platinum herself.

should be rumoured

It was far to big for her then, of course, but she just want to put it on at least once.

should be too and wanted

Twilight had little control over her magic, and hers was more potent then most.

but following the ball of light was better then being swallowed up by the darkness it was leaving in it's wake.

Standing in front of her was the most ornate book stand she had ever seen, even more so then the ones she had seen at the Canterlot library.

should be than

Twilight said taking her eyes of her families long lost keepsake and staring down the long dark tunnel before her.

should be off

Then an all to familiar sent of ink reached her nose,

should be too and scent

Who ever this was was claiming to be just as into knowledge as her,

who ever should be whoever and while was was technically isnt wrong, it sounds awkward grammatically. it would sound a little better with a comma between the two

Twilight looked up at the towering book stand before her,

should be bookstand, just one word

this is just from the first chapter, but if i covered every chapter i dont think anyone would be very happy with me taking up so much comment space. still, a very good fic, and ive enjoyed what's been written of the sequel so far!

Not true, as Twilight could have told someone about the book/portal/god but didn't. If as a kid she told Celestia about it and Celestia found it, she could have sealed the Portal Area in molten rock, and the book either with it destroyed, or hidden in a place no one can find it. But Twilight SPECIFICALLY contacted the God, went training with the god, and then came back and was told about the orb and STILL carried it on her where Chrysalis found it and broke it.

Chrysalis accidentally pulled the trigger on something she didn't even know was a gun, but Twilight was the one that handed it to her and told her how to do it. Who is the one in the more wrong?

Okay now that thats over great story I loved it.

thx, thought everyone who loves elder scrolls and MLP at the same time read it already. Sequal is being worked on, if you are the kind of guy that doesn't read fics until finished, I am already over half finished.

I'm reading the sequal right now.
glad to hear it's almost done.

Will I need to know anything about the Elder Scrolls in order to enjoy this story?

would help, but I try to include enough lore to make it understandable

Unfortunate, but considering the backlash I'm seeing in the comments, I guess I'm not surprised.

I don't see the issue, I like shipping.

Yeah sorry, but I have had so many people stop reading my story because of that. I hope that they will at least give my story a try again. But if it makes you feel better, I still intended to go through with the Spike Ocellus ship

You didn't have to. It's your story.
But thanks it sometimes makes people feel uncomfortable, I guess. Anyways thanks for the wonderful story.

I hope you will continue to read my updates

Why quote me? I liked the ship. Besides, I see that complaint brought up in practically every single mlp story that brings romance into the mix. And unless their criticism (if you can call "Ugh romance? I'm out" criticism, which it isn't) actually brings up a valid issue such as bad pacing or the romance being out-of-character, then the best thing to do is simply ignore them.

From what I saw, pretty much every single complaint about the ship was that it was romance at all, or they didn't like the pairing. I don't think I recall a single complaint that actually brought up any valid issues, so I'm kind of surprised you didn't simply ignore them.

hope you will pick up again

Haven't stopped reading yet.

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