• Published 27th Mar 2019
  • 11,660 Views, 3,515 Comments

Mass Effect: Element of Kindness - CommanderApplejack

[CYOA] While exploring an old ruin an unfortunate accident sends Fluttershy halfway across the galaxy, how will the shy pegasus cope with being stuck away from her friends?

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Chapter 144


Fluttershy smacked onto a metal floor as Cadence finished her teleport, the alicorn stumbling herself as well.

“That was.. way easier.. when the voice explained it.. to me,” the alicorn panted.

“Everyone okay?” Fluttershy asked as her other friends groaned and gave various acknowledgments. “We're on the ship now I take?”

“Yes, I aimed for where the bridge was supposed to be,” Cadence answered,

“Supposed ta?!” Applejack exclaimed, “Ya just blindly teleported us in here?!”

“Of course. I couldn't exactly see anything in the tank,” Cadence said as if it was the most obvious answer.

Fluttershy shook her head and took some time to look around. The bridge, Just like the Normandy, had a command platform raised in the middle of the room surrounded by various other command stations. The seats though were clearly designed for ponies and other four-legged creatures, no back support on them but more like a couch where ponies could easily lay down in. A hologram of the vessel and its surrounding floated in the middle of the room, showing that the titan was rising up out of the gorge into the air.

“Cadence, do you perhaps know how to fly this thing too?” Fluttershy asked as two nodes appeared on the map above the Everfree, soon joined by three more.

“Uuhhh.” Cadence smiled sheepishly, “I know that's the pilot control, it's supposed to be crewed by a griffin or pegasus… I don't know how to fly it though, it’s supposed to be intuitive for pegasi and griffins.”

Fluttershy groaned, running over to the seat and sliding onto it. Holograms jumped alive as she grabbed a helmet of sorts that lay in front of her and put it on. The moment the helmet activated Fluttershy panicked as she got the sensation of falling for the briefest of moments, her wings slamming open instinctively. But after the feeling was gone, Fluttershy quickly got a hang of the very intuitive controls.

“Whoa… This is crazy,” Fluttershy looked around in wonder, “It’s like… I can see the screens around me but also what the ship’s sensors see, from the wind to those five heretic ships heading our way… Let’s get the hell out of here. Cadence, where is weapons control!”

“Over there!” Cadence pointed at another one of the chairs.

“Ah’ve got it!” Applejack said running over and getting on the couch and putting on a similar helmet to the one Fluttershy was wearing. Fluttershy felt Applejack enter the strange ‘network’ as she mentally pushed the ship forward and turned the vessel south in the general direction of the badlands, she didn't exactly know what half of all the values she was getting meant but pushing the ship forward wasn't the most complicated task. “Yer right, this is real freaky… Jus’ gimme a sec to figure this out...”

“Don’t take too long! Those geth vessels are closing really fast and I can’t seem to fire the main thrusters!” Fluttershy called out as she tried to get the ship moving as fast as she could. “Cadence, anything else important in here?”

“Well, there’s shielding and communication along with secondary stations to support the main ones...” Cadence said nervously, pointing out the stations.“The shielding was made with a unicorn in mind...”

“I guess that'll be my station then,” Rarity said, joining Applejack and Fluttershy in the mental connection. “I-I see what Applejack meant,” the unicorn shivered at the strange sensation. Pinkie joined moments later on the communications console, seemingly unperturbed as she happily pressed various buttons on the screen in front of her.

“We've got incoming!” Fluttershy called out as the largest heretic vessel opened fire, its energy weapons hitting the tick armor belt of the titan. “Rarity, what's the problem with the shielding?”

“I don't think they're getting power!” Rarity called out, disconnecting from the network and getting pointed to power control by the alicorn who was awkwardly watching the other ponies struggle to get things working. “Cadence, take over shielding and tell me if it gets power!”

“B-But I don't know how it works!” Cadence stammered.

“We don't either!” Fluttershy, Rarity, and Applejack simultaneously shouted, Pinkie just giggled it. The alicorn hesitantly took a seat on the couch and put on the helmet, sliding it over her horn, and connecting to the network.

“Hey Fluttershy, do you know what a 'Normandy' is?” Pinkie asked as more fire from the heretic ships hit the exact same spot as it had done before, two of the smaller vessels moving in closer while the others stayed at a bit of a distance.

“Yes I do, can you patch them in on the speakers?” Fluttershy responded as she tried her very best to dodge incoming fire and get out of the way of the two smaller ships that looked to her as if they were trying to get close enough for boarding.

“Okiedokie! Aaaaand there!”

“...this is the SSV Normandy, please identify.”

“Joker, this is Fluttershy. Where are you?”

“Fluttershy?! What are you doing aboard that ship?” Joker exclaimed.

“Long story, I could really use your help fi-”

“I've got it!” Rarity suddenly exclaimed manically, her voice cracking. “This should get things going!”

Fluttershy felt the vessel lurch as more power flowed into her systems, the engines that previously had been giving all sorts of errors, started to warm up. Applejack simultaneously also cried a yell of victory as she got control of her systems too.

“Take this, varmin!” Applejack laughed as one of the secondary turrets turned and, in a single shot, disintegrated one of the two small vessels that were nearly upon them.

“Stand by Joker, there's a few heretic ships that need taking care of!” Fluttershy called out.

“I know!” Joker shouted back, “Legion forgot to mention that there were multiple cruisers down here and I can't get into space to shake them due to that shield!”

Fluttershy paused for a moment as she had to assess her options quickly coming to the realization that they could under no circumstance leave any heretic vessels to do whatever they wanted on the planet. “Head directly for us, we'll take care of those cruisers.”

“Are you mad!?” Rarity exclaimed, “Fluttershy, we can barely get this thing moving, let alone truly fight!”

“Cadence, what's the status of the shielding?” Fluttershy asked of the alicorn, ignoring Rarity for the moment.

“T-They're charging!” she reported.

“Good. AJ, you think that you can fire the main battery of this thing?”

“Only once! Ah ain't got a clue how ya reload these dang things after Ah fired them!” Applejack reported as the two cruisers along with a vague contact that was presumably the Normandy. “If ya line up the shot Ah'll get 'em!”

“Understood! Make sure you're not in our line of fire, Joker!” Fluttershy called out as she steered the ship to point directly at one of the cruisers.

“Already done, I heard all of that insanity!”


“Hold yer horses, dammit! This ain't as easy as it looks!” Applejack cursed as she frantically tapped buttons. A loud thud sounded through the vessel suddenly, a bright projectile hitting the cruiser Fluttershy had aimed at and punching directly through it to explode inside. The cruiser completely disintegrated, parts scattering all over the edge of the badlands.

“Hell yeah! One more to go, I'll try to get those smaller ships of your ass,” Joker called out, The Normandy shooting past the titan and using its Thanix cannons to blast the ship that had initially fired on the larger vessel.

“Can't do that again, Shy, Ah hope ya got more good ideas cause Ah'm plum near out of large cannons ta fire!” Applejack reported.

“I do. Cadence, can you strengthen the shield around the bow?!”

“The what?!”

“The front of the ship!”

“I think so? Give me a second!” Cadence told her frantically trying to do what was asked.

“That is all you'll get! Brace for impact!” The distance to the second cruiser was almost zero as Fluttershy corrected course, plowing straight into the cruiser and ripping it in half by the sheer advantage of mass they had.

“Shield holding!” Cadence called out with a wavering voice, “I barely strengthened it!”

“I think I lost some things here, some of the places I was getting power from aren't responding… that was absolutely insane Fluttershy,” Rarity reported, the Normandy meanwhile had taken out the trailing vessels leaving only the one that had approached closer and was now hanging off the side of their ship and trying to dislodge a boarding party.

“Normandy, if you could be so kind as to remove this little passenger off our side that'd be appreciated.”

“We'll get it, just hang on in there!” Joker took the Normandy up into a climb before diving straight down on top of the heretic ship and blasting it off the hull. “That was all of them, now I think you owe us an explanation Shy.

“Of course, just give us a minute to figure stuff out and park this thing.”

“No problem, we'll be right over for that story Fluttershy,” Shepard told them over the radio, closing the connection.

Fluttershy, after stopping the vessel, took off the pilot's helmet and looked at the others who had already gotten out of their seats. They briefly stared at each other in silence but Applejack soon started snickering, infecting the others with her laughter.

“Ah'm not sure what ta say, if anypony told me this mornin' Ah'd get reunited with mah lost friend, fight a bunch 'a evil machines, and fly in a spaceship Ah would've assumed 'em ta be one of Lyra's conspiracy friends,” the farmpony laughed.

“Same here Darling,” Rarity snickered, “You certainly did not disappoint on the excitement side of things, Fluttershy.”

“What's wrong with Lyra's conspiracy friends?” Pinkie asked innocently.

“Nothin' sugarcube, they're fine, just wacky so every now and then,” Applejack assured Pinkie as they had a group hug. Cadence awkwardly stood to the side only for Pinkie to pull her in as well.

“And I thought our mission was interesting,” Garrus said with a smirk as he along with Shepard, Luna, Rainbow, and Tali entered the bridge, their armor stained with ichor.

“Hello, Auntie.” Luna came to an immediate halt and her mouth dropped open as she saw the second alicorn in the room.

“How about you tell us about it, we'll tell our story,” Fluttershy grinned back at the turian.

“Sounds good to me.”

Author's Note:

[Paragon] or [Renegade] are colored when available, though normal options might also contribute to one or the other. As for the shippers under us, [Romance] is now also a thing.
When an option is not available due to various reasons it will be colored [Grey]

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