• Published 5th Apr 2019
  • 6,059 Views, 283 Comments

Harry Potter and the Little Pony Problem - Georg

Harry Potter never wanted a pony, let alone dozens of them. Sometimes, life gives us what we need instead of what we want.

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8. School Daze

Harry Potter and the Little Pony Problem
School Daze

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It felt so good to be back at Hogwarts, even with the news that Sirius Black was trying to kill him and not knowing what Voldemort was planning this year. At least he did not have to explain the events of the last week or the equine creatures who caused them to his aunt and uncle, because Minister Fudge had used his position to cover for him, and undoubtedly the Obliviators modified the memory of all Muggles involved.

After the new First Years had been sorted, everyone had tucked into a magnificent meal which could not compare at all with the scraps he had to eat at home. All of his friends had stories about their summer vacations, with all of the places they had gone and their exciting family activities, leaving Harry mostly quiet while eating until he could not handle another bite, then stuffing a few dinner rolls into the pockets of his perfectly tailored robe for a midnight snack.

If not for the comfortable school robe and the completed homework he had jammed into his trunk, Harry could have believed the little ponies were just some sort of dream. He was looking forward to telling his friends all about them.

Later. Sometime when he had earplugs for Hermonie’s reaction, preferably.

For now, he just wanted to enjoy his time back in school and revel in the feeling of being surrounded by friends who had fingers and toes. Even though he wanted to stay up talking at the dinner table until far too late, the prefects collected the students from each House and sent them off to their bedrooms, where Harry finally changed into his pajamas and slipped under the covers. There was a long year of school ahead of him, and he could not be more prepared.

After a few minutes with the lights out, Harry became aware of something moving on his pillow. At first he thought it might be one of the other students’ pygmy puff, but when he peered into the darkness, he saw a familiar set of golden eyes looking back.

A very small set of eyes.

“Sorry,” whispered Lyra. “It was cold in the trunk. And I didn’t bring anypony along,” she added quickly. “Just me. It would be nice to have my friends here, but I know how much trouble we caused.” She pouted in the shadows of his bed curtains. “You don’t mind me sneaking here with you, do you?”

Harry thought about all the terrifying things he had faced at Hogwarts. Tiny curious unicorns who played the harp and helped with homework were far, far down on the list. He scooted over and left her part of his pillow while settling down to sleep. “No,” he mumbled. “Just tell me before Hermione sees you. I need time to get my earplugs in before the screaming starts.”

Author's Note:

Done. And I think the part where Harry is facing off against Aunt Marge is what slowed me down the most. Seriously, well over a week.

And no, I don't plan on a sequel, because I would be (in effect) rewriting all of JK Rowlings third book, and I really like that book the way it is. It's one of the most emotional ones.

Comments ( 49 )

There we go. And I'll have another chapter of Farmer Bruener Has Some Ponies tomorrow.

Lyra's Hogwarts shenanigans will be legendary, that's for sure :yay:

A lovely end to a fun little series. I'm sure Lyra will be a great friend to Harry in times to come.

Come to think of it, I wonder what that summoning-spell does if set off in Equestria?

How long before we can expect a sequel/Continuation with Lyra's Shenanigans?

Wonderful fun from start to finish. Thank you for it. Though I'm more worried about Crookshanks's reaction to Lyra than Hermione's...

Tiny curious unicorns who played the harp and helped with homework were far, far down on the list.

I can see benefit is far outweight the opposite.

9674393 9674400 9674400 9674407 9674409 From the document notes (love my editors)
Peter: I'm pretty sure the tales of winged Unicorns was put down to another case of Accidental magic. I'm pretty sure it's pretty common for young magic users to create imaginary friends. Though they might not be as solid as Harry Potter's version.

Me: "She's.. um... an imaginary friend," blurted out Harry.

"I can see her," said McGonagall, sounding terribly not-impressed.

"You have an imagination," said Harry. "And you're friendly, so of course you can.... All right," he admitted. "It's an extra-dimensional extrusion of an Equestrian unicorn from a world where their sun and moon are raised and lowered by their rulers. I brought a tiny bit of one of them to our world accidentally, and she brought some more, and it all cascaded out of control until their rulers came to my room and put things right. Oh, and Dobby... wasn't involved."

"I see." McGonagall raised one eyebrow, considered Lyra some more, then shook her head. "Really, in my House and you can't lie any better than that foolish story, Potter? You had better come up with something better by tomorrow, or Professor Dumbledore will be notified."

C'mon, Dumbledore would love that 'lie" :derpytongue2:

Now I want to see all the ponies at Hogwarts and Celestia showing Dumbledore some pointers on teaching while she also gets some. Becuase of how anti social we have seen two of her students where she definitely needs some lessons there.

So now this story is complete, aside from updating the Bruener story, what is next? More updates for other stories or is there new stuff in the works?

Loved it, all of it.

oh, don't worry. Crookshanks is a Kneazle. they are extremely intelligent. once Lyra gets a chance to prove she isn't for eating she will be just fine. and if all else fails her death will merely send that small part of Lyra's magic back to Lyra and Dobbey, sensing Harry and Hermione's distress will simply resummon her and she will be able to inform them she is just fine.

Harry Potter and the Strangely Familar Unicorn for the sequel, Georg?

You know you've basically Want-It-Need-It'd the readers with this one.

Well that all was quite adorable. Thanks for the story.

NOooo! its complete. Normally finishing a story is a good thing, but I love where this was going. Great story, makes me wish there was more. Sequel perhaps?

Please for the love of FAUST, tell me that there will be a sequel about what happens at Hogwarts during Harry's 3rd Year while he's got a tiny Lyra with him, heck I would love to see her summon Bon-bon, Octavia, Vinyl and any other background pony you might want to have come over.

Dumbledore probably keeps an ongoing correspondence with Starswirl.

Oh Lyra. Well, should make things fun.

An adorable, heartwarming story! I LOVED when Celestia and Luna came in and grew big and sort of fixed everything! XD

I'm going to join in on those hoping for a sequel and Lyra needs some friends no pony should be alone.

I remember that movie from when I was younger.

9674475 Still putting along. Monster Over The Bed is progressing. Sweetie Belle - Hogwarts Exchange Student likewise. My okra in the garden are at the 4 leaf stage. The wife plans on re-doing all of the yard up next to the house with gravel so the dumb dog doesn't dig lounging pits. Spring makes writing slow.

Loved the whole story, the epilogue in particular :twilightsmile:

a very nice tale. most excellent.

I will not overanalize or make complicated and deep comments 'bout your work.

All I'll say is that this little fiction, specially the last two chapters, managed to put a very large and warm smile in my face, despite my last two days being a living hell for me.

So, in other words: thank you. A lot.

9700576 You're welcome. I think about 95% of my stories are meant to leave a warm feeling inside when you're done. The other 5% are to catch regular readers off their guard :)

Very nice chapter. I do kind of wish this was going on so we could see Harry go through Year 3 with Lyra helping him.

9713329 Like I said, rewriting Mrs. Rowling's third book is beyond the scope of my hobby. I may consider a few addendum chapters, if the moose strikes me.

Awww, too bad there is no sequel, I could like to see Twilight in Diagon Alley

9717634 Well, Sweetie Belle - Hogwarts Exchange Student should give you a good example once I start publishing.

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Asking Sparrow about flying was a lot like asking Twilight Sparkle about magical theory. It seemed as if she could talk for hours about it and you’d be just as lost at the end as you were at the first word. It was too hard to pay attention to Sparrow’s chatter while walking up the steps to Gringotts’ bank front door when there were so many other things to watch, like all of the goblins at the doors and through the building, or the stream of other witches and wizards going in and out of the bank, and the way a massive metal cover slid down across the doorway behind her when Sweetie followed Wycliffe through it.

The thud of the steel plate coming down was overwhelmed by what must have been dozens of different-sized bells ringing while goblins scurried around. Goblins dressed in formal clothes dove behind the counters and goblins dressed in armor and all kinds of weapons came running out, one of whom was carrying a sandwich instead of his sword. The noise from the bells and clattering armor made conversation impossible, even with her hands over her ears like most of the rest of the bank customers were doing. Finally, a much larger goblin came out from behind the counter, likewise holding his long-fingered hands over his hairy ears and shouting something that was lost in the din until the bells cut off abruptly.

“—and find somebody to shut off… Finally!” The goblin came striding over to Sweetie and Wycliffe, arranging himself in front of the boy as if he had already determined the reason for the noisy disturbance. The big goblin looked a little like somebody had built a roughly spherical cloth shell with arms and legs, and glued a fat-cheeked face on top. His face seemed set in a permanent scowl while he looked Wycliffe up and down, the corners of his mouth turned down to nearly touch his chubby neck and his eyes narrowed into near slits. “A mere boy,” he scoffed in a voice so low he could have been mistaken for a rather large bullfrog.

“A customer,” countered the boy without changing his serious expression one bit. “I take it the bank is experimenting with a new security measure after your last theft?”

Well, I'll wait for the story, it looks good...

Looks like another promising project. Looking forward to reading it.

You know on rereading this i wonder did Harry back up far enough or did a tiny magical representation of him wind up in Ponyville.

Also the power Voldemort knows not thousands of travel sized pony friends.

Would like to see sequels. Also Crookshanks reaction to Lyra

a super fun story that i really enjoyed.

Well this was hilarious.

I agree it's a shame there's not a sequel to this.

There are a lot of good HP/MLP stories out there as well. A few of them off the top of my head are: Magic School Days, Sweetie Belle - Hogwarts Exchange Student, If Wishes Were Ponies, The Triwizard Pony, and Harry Potter and the Crystal Empire. I've got an idea for a story or two, but my writing time is limited, and I'm trying to figure out what my next duty station is and prepare to move.


Thanks sadly I've either read those or taken a look and they're not to my taste.


I know, it's such a shame that there isn't going to be a sequel to this story, I loved it and hoped to see how things would turn out at Hogwarts with Lyra there with Harry and her helping him with everything.

Well, maybe the author would let you write a sequel/spinoff to this great story.



If only I were good at writing then I could do just that, but I'm not a writer.

Eh, writing is not a gift, it is a hard-earned talent gained by the three "R's": reading, writing and arithmetic reviews. Read some good stories and look at what they did. Practice writing your own stuff. And get honest reviews and feedback. Wash, rinse, repeat.

I must point out, that writing can be a lot of fun. I've spent many hours typing away, and I've found it a good way to spend a lazy afternoon, a rainy day, or to unwind after an exhausting day at the office. So, will you give it a try?


No argument there.

Well, THAT was good.

It's in the lore! Read the books,

If a moose strikes you, you probably won't be writing much for a while.

11734552 Mind you, møøse bites Kan be pretty nasti

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