• Published 28th May 2019
  • 1,952 Views, 206 Comments

Changeling of the East - AF FireFly

A mutualistic changeling crosses the great ocean to observe the lifestyle of ponies in Equestria.

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Set Sail [Re-Edited]

Waves crash upon the defiant cliff side in a mighty roar, sending glimmering specks of water to cool the warm air. The salty smell of the sea carries on the ever-present gentle breeze which blows around my form as if I'm an inconvenience. I lay on the cliff's edge in silence. With closed eyes, I draw in the feel of the soft grass which surrounds me. I breathe in the signs of the approaching spring weather as plant life springs forth, shaking off the long winter. I absorb and sink into the relaxing embrace of nature's sounds. The thundering waves, the crackling fire beside me, the groaning wood of my ship
bouncing in the waves, and... laughter?

I open my eyes and spy a group of grubs on the sandy beach of the natural forming harbor below. They get as close to the water as possible, only to turn and gallop back in laughter as the incoming waves chase them. Another group stands in a circle where the sand turns to grass. Two of them have shifted into pony forms and appear to be cheering on the third whose face is scrunched up in concentration. A flash of pink engulfs him for a split second. Where the small changeling once stood now stands a tall, hot pink stallion with lime green hooves, a short slick dark teal mane, a goofy light green tail, and both a horn and butterfly wings. His two friends break out in laughter as their pony forms break off due to the lack of focus. The unfortunate grub hangs his head in defeat but soon starts to smile himself and join in his friend's merriment. I can't help but chuckle myself, we were all there once. A memory creeps up reminding me of my first attempted shift. It was horrifying, no changeling should ever have that much yellow.

I look over myself, inspecting my own pegasus form. I sport a much more sensible snow-white coat. my flat laying, unkempt mane, and long tail are both blue in color with a single white stripe running down the middle. I once thought about giving the web-like scar on my left wing the same color as my mane, but figured it would look too silly. My should-be icy blue eyes hover over the mark on my flank. Of all things on my pony form, I placed the most thought into the cutie mark. It is a simple design, two snow clouds with a lightning bolt slightly shrouded by the falling snow. Despite its simplicity, the mark reveals who I once was, the event that changed my life, and who I am now.

Arctic Thunder.

The sun begins to slip out of sight in the distant horizon. Hues of red, orange, and yellow dance across the sky in one final performance before the fading lights of twilight begin its brief reign. I add another log to the dying fire in preparation for the cool night. The grubs on the beach are picked up by their parents and head towards the main hive a fair trotting distance away. I reserve myself to camping near my ship as I use my final days in the homeland to prepare for my long journey. One such preparation, I decided, is to practice my introduction for when I arrive in the new lands.

"Hello, fellow pony. My name is Arctic. Arctic Thunder that is to say... uh... salutations to thee." I swear, I'm better when I'm face to face with another pony.

"Hello, Arctic, it is a pleasure to meet you. You may greet me as Queen Shinuie, the guardian mother of a thousand changelings."

It's actually more around three thousand changelings at th- By the Queen! The Queen is right behind me!

I snap to my senses and quickly turn to face the Queen. I smack my hoof against a small mound of dirt, sent to ensure my demise, causing me to lose my balance and face plant before her in a complete kowtow. How insulting.

"Oh, you dare insult your Queen with a bow? My dear Arctic, I thought you knew and respected me?"

I'm doomed.

I scramble to my hooves, quick as lightning, as I attempt to recover from this unfavorable situation. My mind races a million miles a second trying to come up with a solution. Then, just as fast as my brain searches for an excuse, my thoughts slow down. It's then I notice the sense of calm coming through the link bond that I, as well as all other changelings of the hive, share with the Queen. With my mind running with calm focus, I take in the image of the Queen herself. She stands at a height of three changelings, her pink, silk-like membrane hair and tail flowing in the ocean breeze, she stares at me with patient, pink eyes; a playful smirk spreads across her muzzle.

"No insult was intended, my Queen. You see, an enemy of the hive has made itself known with attempted sabotage of relations between you and your changelings."

"A grave claim to be sure. And where is this culprit which seeks the breakdown of the hive?"

"Right there, Shinuie."

I point to the small mound of dirt. The Queen walks closer and examines the little hill with mock anger. She leans down and starts talking.

"What say you in your defense?" The crashing waves are the only answer we hear. "I see, for your crimes, I hereby banish you from these lands."

The Queen picks up the small mound in her magic, chucking over the cliff and into the watery grave below. It doesn't even get halfway down before the wind picks up and scatters the dirt across the land. Unable to hold on anymore, I burst out laughing at the bizarre turn of events. The Queen smiles and moves to lay next to the fire. I recover and join her on the other side of the flames. We sit there in silence as the moon takes its rightful place among the stars, the image of the Night Queen glaring greedily down upon the land below. She is a reminder to all creatures of the consequences of abusing one's power for selfish gains. I wait for Queen Shinuie to start the conversation.

'Tell me Arctic, why is it you seek the lands across the ocean?' She asks through the link. I recall my presentation from earlier.

'My Queen, during your reign, the hive has known nothing but peace and prosperity. However, with this prosperity, the swarm continues to grow in numbers. Eventually, a day will come when the small towns and settlements of ponies of this land may not be able to properly sustain us. Connecting with ponies across the ocean may bring in new opportunities to continue our prosperity without the threat of famine.'

'I too, recall your spiel to my daughters and me, yet, I did not ask how sailing across the ocean can benefit the hive. I asked why you wish to explore the faraway lands?'

Caught with red hooves. Fearing the Queen would invest in my journey for strictly personal reasons, I came up with the idea of how a trip could save the hive from a non-existent problem. I realized during my presentation how weak the argument actually was, however, The Queen still approved the materials I need to complete my crossing, resulting in a ship outfitted for six months at sea. I foolishly believed that The Queen believed my reasoning.

'In truth my Queen, It is a sense of wanderlust. Ever since I was a little grub I would hear stories from the merchants and elders of this paradise across the sea. A land filled with the most beautiful sights drenched with serenity and ruled over with harmony. I must see this land for myself, to experience their culture. If what is said is true, it could be a true paradise for changeling kind. Think of all the great things we could accomplish if we were to integrate into their society!'

I stood up at some point during my explanation, and I'm currently pacing back and forth. I stop in my tracks and observe the Queen. I'm sure that I accidentally sent waves of my passion across the link and to her. She doesn't show it though, instead, her smile slowly fades into a more serious expression. I sit down back at the fire, waiting for the reprimand of hiding my true intentions from her.

'You do remember the last time you chased after a story, correct?"

My left wing twitches unconsciously. The sound of thunder rumbling in my memories, the smell of burnt fur, the cold of the snow.

'Never can I forget. But, to stop here in fear is to cease being me. My resolve is firm, I know this land exists. It has to.'

'Be wary of placing too much expectation on the unknown young one. Fate has a way to turn our lives sour in an instant and I wish for you not to become its victim once more.'

The conversation falls silent. The Queen makes no move to get up and return to the hive. Curiosity fills my mind as to why? And not just why she is still here.

"You have a question, Arctic?"

"Why did you approve my trip?"

To my surprise, she starts to laugh.

"You can thank Wave for that, she knows how much this trip means to you. Needless to say, she made me curious about the potential of your journey. Not just for how the hive can benefit, but also what this new land may be able to teach the ponies that live here. With that said, I ask that you send me reports when you arrive. Should I and my daughters find this place within the hive's interest, we will be sending a team to integrate and learn all we can from these ponies."

"A sub-hive?"


Well, this trip just got more interesting.

The Queen stands and trots up to me. I stand as well, wondering what she may want. She tilts her head for a brief moment and says, "You may want to practice your shape-shifting some more. Your eyes are two different colors again." My blue and orange eyes widen in realization. I blink, returning them to their proper icy blue, "Green and red."

"Stupid, complicated pony eyes!"

"You'll get it down eventually," she chuckles. "Now, if you don't mind, I like to give my little changeling a proper send-off."

Her horn lights up and she places a hoof on my withers. Flames of pink flare to life to reveal an average-looking changeling in every sense of the word. Average height, blue eyes and wing covers, black chitin, and a grey fin and tail. The only truly unique feature of my natural form is the visible scar on my wing. The Queen embraces me.

"Farewell young one, and know that no matter the distance, I'll be with you. I'll leave you now to rest."

She releases her embrace and begins her journey back towards the hive. With little else to do, I return my gaze to the far-off horizon and give into night's sweet symphony.

Author's Note:

I'm sailing away,
Set an open course,
For the virgin sea.