• Member Since 21st Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday

Wind Scribe

The Ride may be coming to an end, but who says we can't keep on riding anyway -Says the guy straddling furniture at the Ikea store


Anon was your average wannabe NEET who just wanted to coast through life. Though it seems a certain Purple Smart just couldn't help but dabbling in the dark arts some totally legitimate magic and caused another tear in the space-time continuum, ripping Anon from some important work (see; eating an entire box of Frosted Flakes and watching reruns) and into the land of ponies. It wouldn't have been as bad for dear ol' Anon, except, Purple Smart tried to fix it...Anon was not happy with the results.

Just a one-shot of a prompt from Discord that got talked about a long while ago. Had it lying around, so here you go. Don't take it too seriously, cause I certainly didn't. Like I said, just a prompt I thought was kinda funny.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 18 )

Alright Anon one million years in Tartarus for you.:trollestia:

What could go wrong?
Not enough, or this would be rated M :rainbowdetermined2:
Cute though.

Filly Anon: *Even more angry filly noises*

'She' is just mostly being spiteful, especially toward Twilight for her little 'solution' to Anon's problem

I would love to see a human Anon meet Filly Anon on. It's going to be weird

You know, I've never tried weed before. Everyone I've asked who has says I'm missing out, and my Great-aunt informed me that there's a "weed day" that is celebrated in the town I grew up in on a dude's private property every summer. Should i check it out?
Oh right, this fic. I enjoyed reading it. Love me a good Anon-fic, and this certainly fits the bill.

Can you please make a sequel?

This story... this motha-fuckin masterpiece of a story...

Wasn’t too fond of Ocelbar before I read this, but now Im a pretty casual shipper. The rest of this was off the fuckin’ chain with awesome, and I’d pay a gazillion bucks to see a sequel.

Hilarious. And Anon coukd really fuck with Twilight's reputation by revealing he shouldn't be a filly, it would be a great act of revenge. The knowledge getting out that the Princess of Friendship got drunk, abducted an unknown species and turned them into a filly would humiliate her, but what would really destroy her reputation is telling people that Twilight is deliberately not transforming him back so she can force them to attend her school. Maybe that's being a bit vindictive, but she deserves it at this point.

To be honest I kinda want to see a sequel.

Just wanted you to know, “autistic hijinks” usually involve being brilliant yet antisocial. I am autistic, with a 176 iq, and I’m a savant. If I weren’t autistic I’d be quite average, as I have Asperger’s Syndrome, but thanks to that, I can literally join MNSA.

Twi is kinda a dick in this.

Used colloquially, autistic means socially ignorant and/or obsessive. It's describing stereotypical traits. It's not a psychological diagnosis.

Twilight being a fucking narc falling for some bullshit industrialist's antipot propoganda

Filly Anon causing Filly Anon.

If i were to break the walls,dimensions AND universes i might just break into the story and get everything right, remaining narcotics ripped from existence - in return advance the medicine do erase addictions, turn anon back into a Human and then bring him back home at will by giving him the ability to call forth upon a portal to equestria and his home. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Oh yeah and make sure that Twilight gets her share aswell - punishment for the mistreatment of Anon due to the failed spell from before AAAAND snipe down the bars on the entire planet and all other associated shit to alcohol and bars etc. blablabla:rainbowlaugh:

I am designing a Anonmare meets anonfilly meets anon human meets anon plush for maximum chaos.


how about an anon stallion/colt?

Maybe, maybe.
The jokes focused on the characters are kinda like this.
Anon mare, cusses at stuff. Anon filly, cant cuss so says heck and dang. Anon Man, horny guy tryingto bed anythinng with a pulse. Anon plush, silent gags that piss ponies off.
Anon filly saying heck is cuter then anon colt saying heck, so id probablystick with mare and filly.

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