• Published 22nd Sep 2019
  • 2,233 Views, 156 Comments

Proximity - paperhearts

Smolder and Ocellus find hundreds of reasons to be close to one another, and hundreds of ways of making it happen. These are just a few of them.

  • ...

On Symbolism

"You know, when Professor Applejack told me you were staying behind after classes today, I didn't expect to find you here."

Smolder pulled her gaze away from her efforts long enough to throw a lazy smile over her shoulder. Standing back in one of the arched entrances to the school quad, Ocellus was wearing an expression that was shifting between curiosity and excitement. Like the dutiful girlfriend she was, Smolder indulged the latter first.

"So where did you expect to find me?"

"Detention of course!" Ocellus' face allowed her smile a moment's grace before dumping it onto the lush grass at her hooves. "You know, that sounded a lot better in my head."

Smolder looked back and grinned. "Well, we can't both be the cool, funny one everyone has the hots for. Being socially awkward and nerding it up in class is your half of our whole, remember?"

Ocellus blew a raspberry before setting off across the smooth marble circles studding the lawn. Her snout lifted slightly as she trotted, her wings following suit and trembling with demure outrage. "So says the dragon who is 'absolutely destined to follow in my hoofsteps, darling'."

"You know it's creepy when you only change your voice, yeah?"

"Duly noted." Ocellus craned her head as she walked, trying to peek behind Smolder. Responding the only way she knew how, Smolder shifted her kneeling position, placing herself between her hoard and the interloper. A frown darkened Ocellus' face, one that was only just more curious than affronted.

"So what are you doing here?"

"Gardening, duh."

The frown faded like a shadow being chased by the sun. Suddenly, Ocellus was wearing the same expression Professor Applejack had worn when Smolder had told her that her dog had eaten her homework. She had been telling the truth then, too—Professor Applejack's dog had eaten her homework.


"What are you looking at me like that for, 'Cel?" Smolder crammed every inch of her smile with fangs. "You don't think gardening is cool?"

"What!? I—I never said..." Ocellus spluttered at the accusation. "I know it's cool, Smolder! I tell you that all of the time! I've just never seen you do any."

Smolder lifted her arms high and stretched until her muscles prickled. "I planted some periwinkles here a few weeks back, and I come every day to help them grow. Something Professor Applejack said really stirred up my magma, you know? When she was talking about how you can't always see that a plant is growing, but they are anyway. Every day they get tougher and stronger and, uh," Smolder almost had to shake the word from her mouth, "prettier. It kinda reminded me of us."

A blush more intense and beautiful than anything in the garden spread across Ocellus' face. She leaned in to bump horns, and Smolder felt complete once again.

"That is so cheesy," Ocellus giggled.

"It's definitely creepy when you're doing my voice." Smolder laughed, pushing Ocellus away. "And yeah, it's cheesy. But I dunno, 'Cel, I guess you make being cheesy okay. Uh, sometimes."

Her girlfriend hummed softly as she sat down beside her. "So, are you saying that these periwinkles a symbol of our... Love?"

"Ocellus!" Smolder spluttered as the fire inside of her chest surged outwards. She breathed out the embarrassment, and made sure she sighed extra-loud, just so her girlfriend didn't think she was getting everything her way. "I guess it is, if you want it to be."

"So let me see them, then!" Ocellus chittered, shoving Smolder aside with surprising strength. "I want to see how our love is blooming!"

Silence filled the quad as they stared at the bed of dead periwinkles.

"I'm choosing to not read anything into this," Ocellus whispered.

"Thank you," Smolder whispered back.

Author's Note:

Thanks for taking the time to read my work. I've been having enforced bed rest today, so I've managed to somehow find the time to write, haha. Hope you enjoyed it.