• Published 15th Dec 2011
  • 2,508 Views, 15 Comments

Growing Pained - Wonderousm

Spike and Twilight deal with the aftermathf of "Secret of my Excess"

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Chapter 2

“I can't believe I got a nuzzle from Rainbow Dash of all ponies!” exclaimed Spike as the pair approached Apples' family home. “I mean, she never nuzzles anypony!”

Hence the reason for your disbelief Twilight thought to herself. She smiled slyly down at her companion.

“I think I know why she nuzzled you, Spike” she said in a sing-song voice, which Spike completely missed. “Why's that, Twi?”

“Because you're just the cutest dragon in Ponyville, that's why!” sang Twilight, sweeping a protesting Spike into her forelegs and proceeding to nuzzle the poor dragon mercilessly.

“Gwa ha ha – C-cut it out Twi – bwa ha ha ha – enough with the mushy stuff already – quit it!” gasped Spike, whose pleas went unheard as the unicorn proceeded blow raspberries on his soft underbelly.

“Now ain't that the sweetest thing that ah ever did see.” At hearing that familiar twang, Twilight looked up sheepishly from Spike's stomach, the owner of which quickly vacating her legs, blushing a furious shade of violet. “A mighty fine mornin' t'you both.” Applejack's emerald eyes twinkled as she took in the impromptu tableau of embarrassment before her.

“Morning, Applejack” replied Twilight, with Spike adding his own muttered pleasantry in with hers. “Spike and I were just on our way to see you... and now we're here.” she finished lamely.

“Ah can see that, sugarcube. Ah had a slight inklin' you pair were on yer way. Now what in tarnation did poor Rainbow Dash do to deserve such public sentimentality? Poor filly's probably grinning like Pinkie Pie and blushing like Fluttershy...”inquired Applejack, smiling widely at her sometime-rival getting embarrassed at such a sweet proclamation.

“Well, she did save Spike and Rarity yesterday, and besides, Rainbow Dash could probably do with learning to appreciate being loved, as well as loving.” explained Twilight. Applejack eyed her strangely, and Twilight sighed. “Yes, I read that in Egghead's Guide to Emotional Barriers...”

“That one never leaves your bedside table, huh Twi?” chipped in Spike helpfully, who received a hoof in the ribs for his trouble.

“Well, ah just hope you don't plan on thankin' Fluttershy the same way. Between your hollerin' and Rainbow Dash's Sonic Rainboom, poor Winona's had a devil of a time, and ah can't imagine Fluttershy's taking it much better.” Applejack tossed her mane in the direction of a nearby hay bale, where Winona's head was cautiously peeking out. “Now ah told you girl, was all just Twilight and Rainbow Dash playin' together. Ain't nothin' to be scared of.”

Twilight walked over to the hay bale slowly, and lowered her head to the nervous dog.

“Sorry Winona, I guess I got a bit carried away back there. I didn't mean to scare you. Forgive me?” she apologised, getting a happy bark and a lick to the face in reply, which caused the unicorn to giggle. “Guess I'm forgiven!”

“Looks that way to me!” said Applejack, smiling widely. “Now then, unless ah'm very much mistaken, you two didn't get outa bed early this mornin' just to embarrass Rainbow Dash, though ah'd have the greatest respect for you if you did.”

At this, Spike suddenly looked sombre, though a far cry from the actively morose expression he'd been convinced his face would get frozen into the night before. Shuffling a few steps towards the Earth pony, he cleared his throat loudly, claws twiddling furiously.

“I-I-I'm sorry, Applejack!” the little dragon said in a rush, eyes firmly on his naval, or at least where a non-oviparous species would have one.

Applejack looked at Spike bemused. “Come again?”

“I'm sorry! I'm sorry I stole all the apples and leaves! I'm sorry I got giant claw prints all over your land! I'm sorry I made you accidentally tie you and Twi to a tree! I'm sorry I -” Spike paused for a breath, panting hard after his apologetic diatribe.

“Heavens to Betsy, Spike, ya don't have t'apologise for any of that none. Ya weren't ya self, remember? Why, if ah had a bit for every time some pony round these parts when on a mad rampage, ah could buy ol' Granny Smith a hip for every day of the week!” said Applejack fondly, if with a touch of exasperation.

“Yeah, that's what Rainbow Dash and I said.” interjected Twilight.

“Really? You're not mad?” said Spike eagerly, eyes wide.

“Ah said as much didn't ah? Element of Honesty, remember? Got the shiny necklace t'prove it and all!” laughed Applejack. “Hey, you scrumpin' all them apples of the trees saved me and Big Mac havin' to buck them all off. They're all in the middle of Ponyville, ready to sell!”

“Gosh Applejack, I never thought of it like that!” said Spike wonderingly. “Can he really take the credit for that and not the blame for trying to steal them?” Twilight decided to not say. Another, less snarky, thought struck her.

“What about the leaves, Applejack? I'm not sure I could reattach them all magically.” Not without some other magical mishap happening, anyway.

“Don't ya worry none, Twi. Princess Celestia said Luna would be moseying down tomorrow to help out with the repairs, especially with things that ain't so easily fixed.” replied Applejack with an easy tone. Twilight and Spike both breathed out a sigh of relief. Even if the Apple family's livelihoods hadn't been dependent on the health of the trees, Applejack's love for them was renowned.

“That's good to hear.” said Twilight happily. She'd love a chance to spend more time with the eccentric and scholarly alicorn. “Celestia busy with court business?”

“Nah, she just said Luna was the second one to put her hoof on her horn and say “Not it.””

A cold wind blowed though Sweet Apple Acres, carrying away another shred of Twilight's illusions about her beloved mentor's seriousness.

“Is that dragon back again?” shrieked a voice from behind them. Tottering out from the farm kitchen was Granny Smith, wearing a saucepan on her head and wielding a pitchfork in shaky hooves. Her eyes latched on to Spike, and she hobbled towards him menacingly, as only the Apple clan matriarch could. Over Spike's shoulder, Twilight stared, torn between wondering whether to step in or not, and wondering what the hay was going on.

“There's the varmint! When ah saw ya making off with all our produce yesterday, ah swore ah'd be ready to spring into action if ah ever saw you sneaking round these parts again! An' here you are, bold as brass the very next day!” said the elderly pony angrily. Spike's eyes widened dramatically, and Twilight's horn began to glow protectively. Applejack on the other hoof seemed strangely unperturbed.

“Why, ah thought to myself, that there dragon's clearly as hungry as high heaven, grabbing all those apples! So here, don't you dare leave a crumb left now!” and with that, Granny Smith pulled a gigantic pie, smelling strongly of apples, from behind her, eyes twinkling. Twilight would of bet her horn that Granny Smith couldn't of carried it, let alone hide it about her person. Possible relation to Pinkie Pie? Be sure to ask Pinkie – no, better make that Applejack – later on.

Spike stared at the pie for a long second, before looking back at Granny Smith.

“Not a crumb, ya hear me?” Seeing the smile in her eyes, Spike saluted smartly, and fell to with a vigour even Pinkie Pie would of applauded.

Smiling, Twilight looked at Applejack and Granny Smith, who were in turn watching the young dragon's surprise morning repast, and then took in Big Mac and the other farm hands a little way away, watching the group fondly. All the ponies in this town are crazy.