• Published 5th Jan 2020
  • 2,142 Views, 67 Comments

My Little Pony: Enter The Ice Dragon - Ocellus The Changeling

A Ice Dragon name Cross will explore the magic of friendship

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School Day Part 2

Cross sat at his deck as he listened to Applejack as she taught the class. He wonders why they teach honesty in this school. Kindness he can understand and can handle, but learning about honesty almost made Cross lose it. This made him so annoyed that he almost put a green pony and blue griffon on ice when they tried to greet him. The two almost pee themselves when they saw Cross ‘annoyed ready to kill’ look. So the best option for them to do is to leave Cross alone till he calms down.

Cross looked down at his notebook to see that he only wrote down only one sentence. He must be getting bored from Applejack lesson. Cross closes his eyes and start drifting to sleep.

“Hey Cross wake up,” A voice by him said as the figure shook him.

Cross opened his eyes and looked up to see the same green pony from earlier looking at him. How didn’t Cross notice him sitting by him. He must be getting bored with this school to not even notice him there or he must be getting hot from all this warm weather.

“Why did you wake me up? It must be important for you to wake me green pony,” Cross said with a low growl at the green pony.

“First the name Sandbar and I want to make sure you don’t miss class since you are a new student here,” Sandbar said with a smile.

Cross groaned as he rubbed his head before saying. “Who names their child Sandbar? It sounds dumb. Also, I dislike being woken up,”

“First my parents give me my name and it’t not dumb. Second, why didn't you get rest last night?” The green pony asked.

Cross looked at Sandbar before leading back in his chair. “I did get some rest, but this class is not my type to be in,” Cross said before looking around before asking. “Where is your blue feather cat friend? I want to ask him something?”

“His name is Gallus and he is a griffon and why do you want him?” Sandbars ask.

“Yes, I need to ask him an important question,” Cross said looking around the classroom.

“Well, if you need him. Gallus is over there,” Sandbar points to Gallus, who is a few seats down from them.

“Thank,” Cross stood from his seat.

“Cross what are you,” Before Sandbar could finish his sentence. Cross started to yell.

“Yo! Gallus!” Cross short causing the class to look at him.

Gallus looks at the ice dragon with confused and wonders why he calls him.


Cross flew over to him and landed right in front of him.

“How is my blue buddy doing?” Cross asks.

Gallus looked at him confused before saying. “I'm good,” Gallus said slowly, wondering why now Cross was talking to him.

Before either could say a word Applejack spoke. “Ok, don’t know what happen but Cross would you kindly go back to you seat we can continue the class,”

Cross look at the orange earth pony and look back at Gallus. “What makes you different from that Silver chick? You two look the same yet different,”

Gallus stared at Cross for a moment, confused wondering who he was talking about till it hit him. He said Silver chick, the first creature that came to mind is Silverstream. And how can you forget about her? She is like a younger version of Pinkie Pie.

“Oh, Silverstream you mean. We are totally different species. She is a hippogriff and I am a griffon. We may look the same but the differences between us is our back legs and our character. I would go into more detail, but I need Silverstream so she could tell you more about hippogriffs,” Gallus said.

“Wow, you two look alike, but way different. That's cool. Well not ice cool, but you know what I mean,” Cross said with a smile. Even though he has no plan of making friends with no creatures in this school. He could befriend Gallus since he looks like one of those bad boys and he likes that.

“Thank you. I think you're cool in both ways,” Gallus smiled back.

Applejack cleared her throat to get their attention. “Hate to cut your little talk, but Cross you need to go back to your seat before I will send you to Twilight for holding up my class,”

Cross looked at Gallus with a ‘Is she seriously’ look with Gallus nodded in reposed knowing what Cross was thinking. Cross look back at the orange pony before saying.

“Ok teaches, I will go back to my seat,” Cross said as he walked to his seat.

“Good, I don’t want to send yo...” Before she could finish. Cross fired his ice breath at the farm pony freezing her in place. The hold class gasped in shock as they saw Applejack in a block of ice with a shocked look on her face. Cross chuckled a bit at his masterpiece. It felt great that he got to freeze something today. He needed to let out some steam at some creature and freezing Applejack did the work. Cross turned to Gallus with a smile.

“Ok Gallus let go and hang out ok,” Cross said, walking out of the classroom.

Gallus blink for a moment before shaking his head to get out of his shock. This is the first time that a student attacked a teacher in the School of Friendship. But hey get to step class and hang with a cool new kid. So it is a win win.

“Coming Cross,” Gallus said with a smile as he flew after him.

Sandbar looked at his professor covered in ice before looking at the door where the ice dragon and griffon went out of. He is a bit worried what would have happened if Cross get in a bad mood if some creature insult him. So he need to go and tell Twilight before something bad happen

“I should go and tell Headmare Twilight,” Sandbar said before running out of the classroom.

Both Gallus and Cross were flying through the hallway while laughing.

“I don’t believe you did that. I was planning to skip the next class since it was getting boring and all. But good thing we are in the same class and you froze Professor Applejack. We are home free till lunch,” Gallus said as he flew by Cross.

Cross smiles as he lands and runs down the hallway with the griffon flying above him. It feels great to get out of class. He feels so free and calm. Now he needs to figure out how to leave this school.

“Yeah, we are home free. Where do you want to hang out since I barely know this school and I wasn't paying attention to Spike when he gave the tour of the school,” Cross said.

Gallus thought for a minute before snapping his claw.

“I think there is one place we should go without getting caught. Follow me,” Gallus flew down the hallway with the ice dragon following right behind him.

Inside of Twilight Office. She and Spike are doing paperwork relating to the school. It's hard, but it's nothing too hard for Twilight to do. This is like homework for her.

“Man, it seems there's more paper here before we left for the meeting yesterday,” Spike said as he put down some paper on the desk.

“And that's why we need to finish all of this paper today,” Twilight said, as she signed some papers.

“By the way, we should make a paper report on Cross. We have all the paper reports on all of the students. I know today is his first day, but it wouldn't hurt to start making them,” Spike said.

Twilight smiled as she finished signing a school paper and put it on a pile of other paperwork. “I guess it won’t hurt to start writing down a paper report on him. Beside, I guess Cross is having a great time here,”

“Yes, Cross will have a great...” Spike started

Before Spike could finish the door open to reveal Sandbar.

“Headmare Twilight!” Sandbar yelled as he entered the room.

“Sandbar what’s wrong?” Twilight asks worried.

“It’s about Cross,” Sandbar said.

Twilight and Spike look at the Sandbar with a worried look.

“What happened to Cross. Is he ok?” Spike asks.

“No, he is ok, the problem is that he put Professor Applejack on ice and left class with Gallus,” Sandbars said.

“Wait, What!” Spike said in shock.

“Why would he do that?” Twilight asks, trying to figure this out.

“Well, I'm not sure why he did it. But I came here to ask you to unfreeze Professor Applejack and find Cross and Gallus,” Sandbar said, as Twilight thought it over. She is not sure why Cross put one of her friends on ice. But when she finds him she will have a talk with him.

“This feels like the first day of school all over again,” Spike said.

Twilight sighs as she gets out of her seat and walks to the door. “Ok, Sandbar takes me to Applejack classroom and tell me every detail about Cross when he was in Cross with you. Spike, go finds Starlight and looks around for Cross. He and Gallus could not have gone too far,” Twilight order.

Spike nodded as he ran out of the room. Twilight looked at Sandbar with a worried and serious look.

“Ok Sandbar tell me from the beginning. Why did Cross freeze Applejack?” Twilight asks.

“Well ,you see, when I and Gallus are going to our next class,” Sandbar started explaining what happened.

At the Ponyville lake both Gallus and Cross are taking a swim. It was the place where Gallus and his five best friends went to when they left class.

“So I have to ask. Are ice dragons related to water dragons in some way since you know ice is mainly water but soiled?” Gallus asked.

Cross who is floating on his back laughs a bit at the question. “No, we ice dragons and water dragons are not related in some way. Yes, our elements are almost the same, but we are way different. It's like you asking an earth dragon and a lava dragon if they are related and yes, they are related in some way since lava creates earth when it cools. Or it the other way around,” Cross said as he waved his arm.

“So you saying ice and water dragons are related but not related,” Gallus asks confused.

“Yep, you could say that. Our element may be the same, but this information is too hard for your feather brain to handle,” Cross joked.

“Hey!” Gallus shouts as Cross laughs.

Cross swam back to land and dry him off before looking at Gallus.

“So you have five best friends who are there?” Cross ask.

Gallus thought for a minute before saying. “Well, you met Sandbar, he is a chill and calm dude and fun to hang with. There Ocellus a book smart changeling. She is shy at first, but when she comes out of her shell she is a good friend to be with. There Yona, a yak that would destroy you if you talk bad about her friends or her yak pride. Trust me, you don’t want to be on her bad side,”

“Let me guess, you were on the other end of the hammer?” Cross asks with an amused look.

Gallus has a painful look on his face as he covers his family jewel. “Yes, she hit me so hard on my griffon hood that I have to be in the hospital for almost two weeks,” Gallus said in almost pain as Cross laughed.

“I don’t know what you said to her, but I have to say good thing she is not a full grown yak because if she was then you would be in the hospital for more than a week or you may be dead,” Cross said with laughter.

The color on Gallus' face went pale when Cross said that. If Yona was so strong that she could break a wall no problem and he didn't want to know what a full grown Yona would do to him. Or the worst part a full grown male yak would do to him since male ten to be stronger than female for the most part.

“Ok, moving on their Silverstream. She is a hyper hippogriff and want to know anything and everything about anything on land since she live most of her life underwater,”

Cross gives a confused look. “Wait, she lives underwater. I thought hippogriffs live in on land?” he asks.

“Well, it's a long story, but to make it short, there is this guy who named himself the Storm King that made the hippogriffs go into hiding underwater, but a few months ago the Professor stopped the Storm King and the hippogriffs came out of hiding and started rebuilding their kingdom. Well, I don’t blame her. If I was stuck in one place and no griffon can’t leave the kingdom, then I may want to know everything about the outside world as well,” Gallus said

Cross nod in understanding. He been thought the same thing as Silverstream since almost all the ice dragons was almost killed off on the last dragon wars that the ice dragon have to isolate themselves for many years till their numbers rise up to a good amount

“I could understand where she was coming from. The only reason I can here is that I want to expire the world since my kingdom was in isolation for thousands of years,” Cross said.

Gallus eye went to the size of breach ball when he heard this. “Wait, your kingdom was in isolation for that long. No wonder Smolder told us that the ice dragons were a legend in the dragon land,” Gallus said.

“Smolder?” Cross asks before relieving who he is talking about. “Oh, you mean firebreath told you about the ice dragons. Well, she is right only a few know about us since only a few ice dragons left the ice kingdom to do their own thing,”

Gallus blink for a second before asking. “Wait, you the one that called Smolder fire breath?” Gallus asks, trying not to laugh.

Cross nods with cause Gallus to laugh.

“That is so funny no wonder Smolder was in a bad and grumpy mood this morning,” Gallus laughed as Cross lay down on his back.

“Yeah, it's a thing between us dragons. If we have a different element, then we would have a rivalry with each other,” Cross said.

“And since you ice and Smolder fire. You two may have a rivalry with each other,” Gallus said.

“You could say that or we may hate each other as hate enemies,” Cross said.

Before Gallus could ask or say anything. Both ice dragon and griffon could hear footsteps behind them. They turn around to see Spike and a unicorn pony running behind him. Gallus gulp a bit as he stood up.

“Well, we are so busted,” Gallus said

Cross didn’t say a thing as the young drake and unicorn came to them.

“There you guys are. You know you shouldn’t leave the school ground during school hours,” Starlight scolded.

Cross look at Gallus with a question with a question look as Gallus look at him and notice the question look and understanding what Cross is thinking

“Oh, Cross this is Counselor Starlight. She helps the students with their problem from time to time,” Gallus states as he looks at Starlight. “And sorry, Counselor Starlight but when Cross ask to go out with him I can’t deny a request from him since it would be rude to deny a request,”

Starlight stared at him, then at Cross and back and Gallus. She needs to think about what she would do with them.

“Well, Gallus, your punishment will not be as bad as Cross since he asked you to be with him since he is still new here. But I am not letting you off that easy since you have left class the fourth time this week” Starlight scolded as Gallus looked down at the ground with a bit of shame on his face. Starlight then looked at Cross. “As for Cross, you should have not left class. I know it's your first day, but leaving class and freezing your teacher will not go unpunished,”

Cross put his wing behind his head with a bored look. These ponies can be an ear full if they want to.

“Ok teaches. Take me to your leader,” Cross jokes made Spike and Gallus laugh.

Starlight stared at Cross with an unamused look. “I’m not laughing,”

“I know you don’t,” Cross said as he looked at Gallus. “See you behind bars Gallus,”

“I see you there. Try to say some ices for me, would you,” Gallus said with a smirk.

Cross chuckled at the joke as he looked back at Starlight. “Lead the way,”

Starlight sighs as she leads Cross to the school as Spike and Gallus follow behind them. Spike leads in to Gallus so they can whisper without being heard from Starlight or Cross.

“So how was it?” Spike said.

Gallus smile a bit before saying “Well, it was fun. Cross is one of those cool kids. Both in his element and in his character. He even told me that ice dragon may be related to water dragon,”


“Yeah, But I'll tell you later when we have time to talk,” Gallus said.

“Ok remembers to tell me about it ok,” Spike said.

“Ok Spike I sure will,” Gallus said.

After some minutes walking they reached the school to see Twilight waiting at the entrance. She saw them and ran to them.

There you two are,” Twilight said as she looked at Gallus and Cross before asking. “Where did you find them?”

“Well by the lake. It would make sense for Cross to go there since you know he needs to cool down,” Starlight states. “Let give Gallus a light punishment today since it was Cross' idea to leave,”

Twilight nod, knowing she is right.

“Gallus, go back to class and wait for me to call you when I am done with Cross here,” Twilight said, staring at Cross.

Gallus gave a small nod as he walked by Cross. “Good luck you need it,” he said before entering the school.

“And you Cross in my office now,” Twilight said sternly as she turned around and entered the school followed by Starlight and Cross.

After some silence and walking through the hall the trios are onside Twilight office. Cross stood in the middle of the room as Twilight and Starlight stared at him. Cross was unfazed by their stare and had a bored look on his face.

“Cross, you know why you're here,” Twilight said.

“Yes, I know. I put one of your friends on ice big deal,” Cross said.

“The deal is that you can’t put everycreature on ice you know. You may do it in the ice kingdom, but not here in the School of Friendship,” Twilight said glaring at the young ice dragon.

Cross turned his back away to Twilight paying her no mind and annoyed Twilight a bit.

“I don’t know what your problem is but you need to stop,” Twilight said annoyed.

Cross scoffs still not looking at her. Twilight became more annoyed and frustrated at Cross acts.

“Cross,” Starlight stepped up. “I don’t know you for that long. But can tell us why you froze Applejack and if there's a problem we could fix it,” Starlight said.

Cross was silent for a minute before turning to look at them. Cross raised his claw and pointed at Twilight which made her eyes widening a bit.

“Wait, you telling me that I’m the problem and is the reason you froze Applejack?” Twilight asks in shock. “Why?”

“Well, many reasons,” Cross said, sitting down. “One I dislike you for opening this school to teach friendship. Two, your arrogance to believe friendship will fix everything with it will not because I saw what happens when some creature is trying to be nice. And three, I am not here to learn in your school. I am here to get away from my ‘mom’ so she can't breathe down my back 24/7 and you just like her. I would like to be killed by a fire dragon or be exiled from the kingdom than to be with her,” Cross cross his arm on his chest. “And I can see what you're trying to do. Using me to spread friendships to my kingdoms well, I am not doing it since I am not going back to the ice kingdom ever,”

Twilight and Starlight were in shock when Cross said he was not going back to his kingdom. From the tune of his voice he really dislikes his kingdom and Queen Juniper may be the reason he is in this mood. And Twilight reminded Cross of Juniper is a shocker. What does she remind Cross of Juniper but she would ask that for another day since she needs Queen Juniper to ask this question.

“So you’re saying the reason you froze Applejack because of Twilight reminding you of Queen Juniper. That makes no sense at all,” Starlight said, trying to wrap her mind around what Cross just said.

“Yeah, and why do you dislike Queen Juniper so much? She seems like a nice dragon,” Twilight said.

Cross scoffs. “To you, but not to me. You know the saying, don't judge the book by its cover,” Cross said, standing up. Before Twilight or Starlight could say another word, Cross spoke again. “Are you going to punish me because if you not then I will take leave,”

Twilight cleared her throat and remembered what she was going to do for Cross punishment.

“Well, I've been thinking it over and I thought it would be best for you to be in Starlight office till,” Twilight looked over the school schedule. “Till last period and that would be my class. I thought it would be a nice punishment for you to watch Starlight how she solved the other student problems since you are new here and I don’t want to give a harsh punishment after I just made an alliance with the ice kingdom. And I think it would be best for Starlight to help you with some of your problems so you can settle down nicely in Equestria. Is that ok with you Starlight?” Twilight asks.

Starlight nodded. “Sure, I don’t mind. Besides, I think I have a thing or two that may help Cross with his relationship with Queen Juniper,”

Twilight smiles as she slaps her hooves. “Good. Now Cross follows,” Twilight started, but stopped because she and Starlight noticed Cross looking at the door behind him and smelling the air that was coming from the door.

They were confused at first why Cross started smelling the air behind, but remember that dragons have stronger noise then ponies and could smell anything from a mile away. So Cross must be smelling something from the other side of the door.

“Cross, are you smelling something you like or something bothering you?” Twilight asked.

Cross stop and look at Twilight “No it, noting just all these smell is just new that all,”

“Oh, if it's just that then you should follow me to my office till Twilight period comes around. And I may help you with something that may bother you about this school since you are still new,” Starlight said, as she opened the door.

“Yeah, yeah, you are trying to help me. Hope I won’t come up and bite you in the butt,” Cross said, making Starlight blush a bit as Cross exited the room.

Starlight looks at Twilight before saying. “Well, Twilight I think you need to change your teaching plan for your class since Cross may be a tough one. I mean you know more of friendship than me but a word of advice, be careful when you teach him ok,”

Twilight nodded as she took out some notes. “I could change my style of teaching for a few weeks till Cross started to acknowledge how great friendship is. From his character and what he did to Applejack. Cross gets annoyed pretty easily and I not 100% sure how ice dragon acts so I need to be careful since I don’t know if they have mood swing when they are in a warm area,”

Starlight watched Twilight as she went through her notes before shaking her head with a smile and left the offices.