• Published 19th Aug 2012
  • 2,021 Views, 50 Comments

Brief Glimpses - An Anthology - Ezn

A collection of pony stories about all kinds of things that are too short to get their own posts.

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Brushable Story

Brushable Story

A large white door creaked closed, and the sound of footsteps descending stairs started and grew fainter.

"Hey, girls, he's gone!" whispered a tiny voice. "Now, who remembers his password? I wanna read more stuff about me!"

"Rainbow, while I'm very glad that you've taken such an interest in reading lately, I think you need to find some new interests. Ones that aren't quite as... egocentric."

Rainbow Dash brushed off Twilight Sparkle's concerns with the flick of a plastic hoof. "I can't help it, Twi! It's just that I'm really awesome to read about!"

"I don't know Dashie..." said an apprehensive Pinkie Pie, emerging from behind the computer monitor. "I didn't really like that story you made me read about us..."

"Pfft, what a scaredy pony! I thought it was hilarious!"

Just then, the air flickered with sparks of purple light and Rarity appeared before the others, flashing them a winning smile. Her mane was damp from a recent styling session.

"Wow Rarity," Twilight gushed. "I'm very impressed with the progress you've made on that teleportation spell!"

"Thank you, Twilight darling," Rarity replied warmly. "It is quite amazing how much one can learn in times of great need, is it not?"


The four ponies glanced behind them, at the source of the noise. Applejack stood a few centimetres away from the group, a frown set into her face.

Trotting up to the group resolutely, she cleared a throat again before launching into a very well-practiced speech, "Maybe it would nice if y'all worried just a little less about your appearances and just a little more about tryin' to find us a way back to Equestria! Rarity, you ever think you should be a little more concerned about tryin' to teleport home instead o' tryin' to teleport into the bathroom to prissy up your mane?"

Rarity cast Applejack an incredulous glance. "A lady must always strive to look her best, dear Applejack. Without my meticulous personal grooming, I am no better than the 'ponies' of this world."

The group collectively shuddered at the thought of the visit they'd taken to the petting zoo with their "owner". They'd all found it horrible, even when Twilight tried to lighten the mood by discussing the parallels with parts of satirist Swift Quill's Poniver's Travels.

"You're just sore because you left your hat at home," Dash taunted, sneering at Applejack. "We're on an adventure!"

"Why I –" Applejack stopped herself and took a deep breath. Rainbow Dash was just teasing her, and she knew that.

Meanwhile, about half a desk-length away, Fluttershy was perched on the windowsill, engaged in a long conversation with pigeon twice her size.

"Oh, how wonderful!" she said. "I'm so very happy for you, Mister Face."

"Fluttershy!" called Applejack. "Please say g'dbye to your friend and get over here!"

Fluttershy nodded meekly and slunk away from the windowsill, casting a forlorn look back at the pigeon, who was ignoring her and bobbing his head back and forth.

Once all six ponies were gathered in a circle, Applejack began speaking, "Now girls, I know we've had some fun and excitement here, but we've all got families and responsibilities back home, and I'm certain everypony's worried sick about us. Seein' as how Rarity's gettin' so good with teleportation, maybe she can help Twilight power up a 'get home' spell?"

Twilight rubbed her chin with a forehoof. "Hmm... I suppose it's worth a try. I won't really know if we're capable of casting that until we attempt it."

"Alrighty then! Everypony hold hooves!"

"Aw, but I –"

"You'll have plenty'a Daring Do stories ta read when we get home, Dash."


The six ponies gripped each others' forehooves and closed their eyes in concentration. Little diodes flicked on in Twilight and Rarity's horns.


*** Ponyboy joined #mlp
<twilitsprakel> hey pb!
<TheLavenderUnicorn> Hello Ponyboy.
<Ponyboy> sup guys. Uh.......... something really weird happened here
<oneNote> ?
<TheLavenderUnicorn> Do tell.
<Ponyboy> someone broke in and stole my ponies!
<twilitsprakel> what?!
<oneNote> !
<TheLavenderUnicorn> Who would do such a thing?
<Ponyboy> i dunno...... but you know what else is weird?? They didn't break the window or the door and they left something behind
<twilitsprakel> srsly?
<TheLavenderUnicorn> What did they leave?
<Ponyboy> a complete first season boxset, it's just lying on my desk
<TheLavenderUnicorn> Bizarre.
<twilitsprakel> score!
<oneNote> ^