• Published 9th Jan 2020
  • 669 Views, 2 Comments

Royal Ventures - Draconis Bliss

As a baby dragon he was left in the forest all alone to fend for himself, but thanks to the loud cries a certain traveling night princess, he is able to live a great life among ponies, but not alone.

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Chapter 2 – A Naming Certificate for the Dragon

Princess Celestia turned over for the night after a long day at day court, once again she had the responsibility to raise Luna’s moon with her thoughts going towards her younger sister and how her exploration across Equestria is going. Though the elder sister should not worry about her younger sister, Alicorn or not, the land of Equestria is full of terrible and mysterious creatures that are dangerous, along with some ponies themselves that are just as dangerous too.

She had heard from a few guards before that there is a town in a valley south of the Crystal Mountains where ponies disappear to, though the guards were not sure what was the cause of ponies disappearing to this village, or Celestia hoped that Luna would not venture too far where the Changeling Kingdom resides as she heard how dangerous the queen of the Changelings, Queen Chrysalis, can be. These thoughts of worry had been pushed to the side when she heard a knock at her door and gave permission to whoever it was on the opposite side of the door and it was the Pegasus royal guard that was with Luna entered her room

“Princess Celestia, your sister told me to come and find you. She told me it is a matter of utmost importance that you come to her room.” The royal guard said.

Princess Celestia sighed at what Luna needed, though Luna could have come to her instead and that had her inwardly annoyed, but she let it slide this time with her and nodded at the royal guard. “I will be over there soon enough. You are dismissed.” Celestia replied and he closed her door behind him before Celestia put on her golden shoes, crown, and crown then walking out of her room to Luna’s room.

Meanwhile, Princess Luna has been taking care of the baby dragon she found, Luna sent the royal guard that was with her before to go get her sister while the bat pony royal guard that was with her as well to assist with the care of the baby dragon in case he starts crying. So far in the care of Luna, he has not cried and now sleeping away wrapped in the blanket on her bed and been cleaned too since it appeared he needed one with all the dirt that gathered on his scales from being alone for what she assumed for so long by himself, which Luna felt she related to this little baby dragon in front of her.

Her thoughts on the matter of the baby dragon were extinguished once her door was opened to reveal her sister with the Pegasus royal guard behind Celestia, then Luna stood up immediately to meet the gaze of her sister as Celestia looked at Luna with an earnest gaze then passed her form entirely, attempting to see something within the wrapped blankets. Fortunately for Celestia, she was informed by said Pegasus guard on why Luna required her and it involved her finding a baby dragon all alone and thought it is kind enough for her to rescue the baby dragon. Celestia is more adept at raising a purple and green dragon assistant as a son of hers for the first few years of his life, before giving him to the Sparkle family but still allowing him to visit when he wanted.

Not wanting to beat around the bush Princess Celestia spoke first with her calming and motherly tone, “I’m guessing within the blanket is a new addition to our castle, right Sister?”

Princess Luna nodded to her assumption and walked back to the now waking form of the baby dragon and sat beside him. “Yes, Sister, We couldn’t leave him alone back in the forest gaining any unwelcome attention from unsavory guests that would potentially eat him up for a snack.” Princess Luna explained when she proceeded to unswaddle him carefully and rub his belly gently earning a giggle from the baby dragon.

Princess Celestia nodded at what her sister said as she is aware of Princess Luna saving a baby from predators in a forest and observed her contact with the baby dragon. For Luna, she wanted to adopt the baby dragon, and raise him as her own son but feared Celestia would shoot her down on the idea and take the baby away, so far she did not say anything of it and kept to herself. Celestia sighed as she knew Luna was holding back what she wanted to say, she could not blame her, what Celestia had done in the past and what happened was her own doing and preventing her sister settling down and marrying a pony she loved because of their long lifespans and having Luna live in heartbreak. After Nightmare Moon, Celestia wanted to make it up to Luna and the events playing in front of her is the perfect opportunity to allow her sister to feel the love of another.

“Luna...” Celestia started and Luna turned to her, thinking what she might say would be bad news. “I know what I did in the past was wrong, and I was blind to see your love, thinking it was not genuine.”

Luna tilted her head in confusion, she did not understand what Celestia was saying from bringing up past events. “What art thou trying to say, Sister?” She asks cautiously.

“I’m trying to say is... You can adopt him as your own son if you want.” Celestia managed to say, much to the shock and excitement of the younger sister. Even the two guards were shocks, but internally they were happy that they get to see more of the little guy in future events.

“First, we’ll need a certificate for him to be named on so it’ll be official, to make him your son by law and I will need to get the doctor pony to type one up for him,” Celestia added receiving a nod from Luna.

“Please, that will be wonderful. We can learn from when thou raised young Spike from a baby to what he is now, but We think We should teach this young one more too.” Princess Luna said pointing to the yawning baby dragon and she smiled.

Princess Celestia turned around to the Pegasus royal guard and bat pony royal guard, ordering them to do their task. “I want you both to find my personal doctor and tell him to draw up a birth certificate for him here. He should be rightfully named, too.”

The guards saluted and marched out of the room and down the halls to find Celestia’s personal doctor, which about half an hour to search for him and be brought back to Luna’s room, much to his confusion. When he entered her room escorted by the guards, he found both of the sisters in there with the baby dragon now out of his blanket and exploring the bed he became shocked to see another dragon in the castle, but his previous experience with Spike made him think the familiarity of the situation. Instead of Celestia, he had to immediately speculate it was Luna this time due to how close she is to the new baby dragon of the castle.

“Princess Luna, I can only presume that you would like to adopt this dragon, right?” The unicorn said, earning a nod from the darker Alicorn.

“Yes, We wish to adopt thee as Our son. Raise him to be a strong and powerful dragon, yet show kindness and goodwill to others that are willing to do the same first.” Luna explains as the doctor nodded.

“Very well. Give me a name so I may add it to his certificate?” He says taking out a quill and paper to record the baby dragon’s new name.

Princess Luna looked back at the baby dragon who was now playing with her tail and giggling in the process while she smiled once more at him, Luna had numerous names swirling around in her head for a few moments until she decided on two names along with the surname that only her, Celestia, and Spike bears, that would best suit him, then looked back at the stallion. “Draconis Bliss Solaris will be his name.”

The doctor smiled and nodded, then written it down and left the room, Luna looked down at the baby dragon one more time that she has named herself, the name that will be great and mighty one day, Draconis Bliss Solaris. Princess Celestia and the two guards left after the doctor had so they can leave Luna with her new son as Celestia smiled as she was in that situation before with Spike before. Princess Luna had never felt love for another pony, or creature, ever since before the disappearance of the Crystal Empire, though it is not the romantic love she is feeling, it is more of a love of a mother that would do anything possible for their children, and that is what Luna will do for the newly named Draconis Bliss.

Princess Luna yawned from the events that have transpired as did Draconis too since he was already tired, to begin with, but wanted to play a bit. He was then encased in Luna’s magical aura, picked up and as Luna laid down and placing Bliss beside her and snuggled close to him so they may sleep, within her thoughts Luna is not sure how her new son will grow up to be since she knows she will not be there for much of his life due to her being a princess, but she sure hopes to make as many memories with him as possible.

Before Luna could drift off to sleep, she looked at Bliss again as he already drifts into a deep sleep, she smiled at him once more and leaned forward to kiss his forehead and in response earned a growing smile in the little drake’s sleep. Luna giggled softly at Bliss’s little smile and then rested her head on the pillow face down his direction, she unfurled one of her wings onto Bliss so he can feel secure, Luna’s last words before closing her eyes were; “Goodnight, my son...” Luna says drifting off to sleep into the dream world.

Author's Note:

I'll be honest, I'm not good with the words used for the Royal Canterlot Voice, and it shows. There is always room for improvement.

Right now, I'm not great with long chapters which I hope will change in the future. Though I have plenty of chapters in the future, I shouldn't stress it over now.

I like to think I'm a novice when it comes to grammar and sentence structure, I'm not great at it but improving is always good.

One more thing; Spike is Celestia's adopted son in this fanfic/ alt. universe, so both alicorn sisters have their own son that is a dragon. However, Luna's son will be raised the same with some differences. You'll see as time passes.

As for anything else, that is all.

See you next chapter!