• Published 23rd Jan 2020
  • 13,465 Views, 613 Comments

Cold - NightCoreMoon

Sunset Shimmer recovers from the Anon-a-Miss incident, and struggles with the post traumatic stress as well as forgiveness towards Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, & Scootaloo. Part of my Equestria Girls chronology.

  • ...

5- Glow


Sunset and Applejack walk out into the living room together. The other girls are sitting on the couch, hunched over a laptop. It's pale yellow and has a pink butterfly decal on the back, as well as a small rectangle with red, yellow, and green stripes. It sits in Fluttershy’s lap, sandwiched between Pinkie and Rainbow.

“We gotta do a comedy so Sunny’s in a better mood quicker,” Pinkie whispers.

“Nah,” Rainbow murmurs. “It's gotta be a mindless action movie so she feels empowered and stuff, and distract her from mood in general.”

Fluttershy taps her chin. “What about a horse girl movie? Or, wait, would she find that racist?”

Sunset chuckles softly. “Girls, go ahead and watch whatever you want. I won't care what kind of movie it is as long as I watch it with you...” she pauses as a thought strikes her. “Although I do kinda like sci-fi.”

Applejack shakes her head. “Y'all ain't got no love for westerns... sad.”

“Sci fi?” Rainbow asks, putting her arm on the couch back. “Excuse me for asking but, why? Do they even have science over there in horseland?”

“Equestria...” Sunset kneels to the ground in front of Pinkie’s legs. “But, I mean, yeah. Science is just a system of asking questions about how the world works and figuring out ways to answer those questions. Our Magic is a lot like your physics and chemistry and stuff. There are rules, regulations, limits. Coming here for the first time, there was stuff everywhere beyond what I could ever hope to imagine. Computers, television, refrigerators, I was completely lost. When I did research on human culture and customs, I watched alien movies and thought they were documentaries, heh... so I have a place in my heart for those.”

“Aliens?” Applejack plops down in the loveseat across the room. “That sounds fun.”

Rainbow shrugs. “Sounds cool.”

Pinkie pats Sunset’s head with one hand and gives a thumbs-up with the other.

With a resolute nod, Fluttershy types ‘alien’ into the search bar and clicks the first result that comes up. “There. I'll let it download and it should be ready by the time we all get dressed.” She leans forward and sets the computer on the coffee table, an ominously-glowing green egg emblazoned in the center above the progress bar. “Aww, what an adorable little egg. Do we get to see it hatch?”

Sunset nods. “Yeah, the series goes pretty in depth about their breeding patterns, evolution, and feeding. It's pretty interesting. I've seen the movie a dozen times probably, and it never gets old.”

Pinkie squints her eyes at the screen as she tries to shake the feeling that this might be a very bad idea. Luckily she is distracted by a knock at the door.

“I'll get it,” Rainbow says as she walks to the door. She opens it as Sunset stands up. “Hey pizzaman, you're at thirty five minutes.”

Flash returns her jab with an empty stare. “My apologies for the delay. Traffic.”

Rainbow blinks as her smile melts slightly. “Hey, I'm not actually upset with you. I'm just glad you got here in one piece. Lemme grab that for ya...”

She takes the plastic bags of soda from his hand, handing them off to Applejack, then reaches for the smaller stack of boxes. Sunset steps over to take them.

“Hey, Sentry...” she greets, cautiously. “Haven't seen you in a bit.”

“Shimmer.” His voice is curt. “I see Rarity was right. You are back in the friend group.”

Rainbow cocks an eyebrow and takes the boxes in her hands. “Y... yeah. You talked to Rarity just now?”

He pulls the larger boxes out of their crimson nylon sleeve. “Oh yeah, we had a great conversation. She was getting arrested, luckily the officer doing it is my dad or, heh, she'd be goin’ to jail right now.”

An unpleasant wave of awkward silence passed over the girls.

“Oh, you didn't know?” He asked, a mocking inflection creeping into his voice. “Oh, well I guess I'm the bearer of bad news... I guess your phones are just all dead or something.”

“Back up,” Rainbow interjects, handing off the boxes to Pinkie. “What’s up with Rarity?”

Flash huffs. “Dad thought she stole the car since her ID didn't match the registration and for some reason she couldn't reach you. Any of you. So yeah I pulled up right as she was getting cuffed and I guess she's lucky that you ordered when you did. But that isn't any of my business. I need you to sign this,” he finishes, offering the receipt.

Fluttershy rushes off to her room as the others glance around at each other. Rainbow signs the paper, filling out a substantial tip. Sunset hides her face behind her hair.

“Thanks for the delivery...” Rainbow leans against the door. “Oh, and Flash, Sunset-”

“Yeah, she isn't Anon a Miss...” he stuffs the signed receipt into his pocket and gathers his things. “So I heard. Enjoy your food.” He turns on his heel and heads down the hallway out of sight.

Rainbow slowly clicks the door closed with her foot.

“So... did anyone know his dad’s a cop?” She asks.

“That ain't the point, Dash.”

Fluttershy steps back into the living room, phone pressed to her ear. Her eyes are wide and her breathing comes in short bursts. Pinkie comes to her side, setting a hand on her shoulder.

“Rarity?” Fluttershy asks, voice trembling.

“Oh, hello Fluttershy,” Rarity’s voice responds through the device, sickly sweet. She comes out on speaker. “So glad to know your phone works.”

“Flash told us what happened. Are you okay?”

“Me?” She laughs, not a care in the world. “Oh, I’m absolutely delightful, dear. Made it home safe and sound. I'm just wonderful. You know how the post anxiety attack adrenaline just makes everything feel nice? It's just fantastic. Wouldn't you agree?”

Rainbow steps to the phone’s other side, hands now clear as she’d deposited the boxes on the table.

“Rare, you don't gotta be sarcastic-”

“Rainbow? Oh, Fluttershy, you had me on speaker, didn't you. That means all five of you can hear me. Isn't that swell? Anyway, I want to thank all of you for completely stonewalling me when I had an emergency of my own. But I guess that Sunset takes precedence over me. You know, the Sunset who terrorized us all for years? That one.”

Applejack slips the phone out of Fluttershy’s hands. “Okay, we get it, we messed up. We’re sorry. But you know you coulda had your sister or Scootaloo text us instead-”

“Excellent idea Applejack!” Rarity cuts, laying down a sickly sweet tone. “Why don't I have the girls who released our secrets to the world contact you. That would go over well. You wouldn't just assume that everything they said was a lie- oh wait, you would do that, wouldn't you!?”

“Alright, so what if we would? How many times didja message Rain and not once did you actually mention the entirety of the situation instead of just beggin’ her to call you, knowin’ full well that she hates talkin’ on the phone? ‘Specially after callin’ her stupid.”

“I never- I didn't call her stupid, I merely said that IF she believed my sister posted my... things, then she would be as stupid as people call her, only in that instance.”

“Semantics.” Applejack pinches the bridge of her nose. “Irregardless, she called ya a slut and threw a ring o’ keys at your head. Do you really think she was in the mood to look at any messages from you and not literally any of the rest of us here?”

“First of all, darling, it’s regardless. Irregardless is not a word. Second of all, she called me a whore, not a slut. Still, admittedly that is indeed semantics and I won't dispute that point. But Rainbow Dash is the one who had the information that Officer Sentry needed so I could take the precious cargo home. So sorry I wasn't thinking clearly in this extremely stressful situation! My mistake!”

Pinkie reaches a hand out, silently asking for the phone. Applejack gently hands it over, biting her knuckles.

“Rarebear?” She asks.

Rarity is silent for a moment. “Pinkie. What would you like to say?”

“I...” Pinkie takes a breath. “Why didn't you text me? You did Rainbow, AJ, and Fluttershy...”

“What?” She sputters for a moment. “But I did! I sent you a- here, I'll even take a screenshot and send it to you. Right... oh.” She says nothing for a short time. “I never hit send. I'm terribly sorry dear, I didn't mean to not message you. That was one hundred percent my mistake.”

Pinkie nods, solemnly. “Dashie thought you were texting and driving. So did AJ. Fluttershy’s phone was in her room, and... I had my phone out the whole time, waiting to see if it was an emergency or something. Because I know you wouldn't put the girls or Dashie’s car in danger. It isn't because we were mad at you, so there was no reason for you to act like that towards us. Besides, even if you're right and Sunset is still an evil meanie head, you still took your anger out on your friends. I think that you owe them an apology.”

Rarity groans. “Yes, yes... right. Fluttershy. What I said was completely tactless and insensitive to you, and I'm sorry. Truly. Applejack. I was just argumentative and rude, and you didn't deserve that. My anger is with Sunset and Rainbow, not with the rest of you. Please forgive my transgress.”

Applejack and Fluttershy nod.

“We accept your apology...” Pinkie frowns. “Do you wanna say anything to Dashie and Sunny?”

“No, not particularly.”

Rainbow ambles over and takes the phone.



“I'm sorry I called you a whore. Especially because of what everyone says to you now. I was mad at you but you're my friend and I shoulda treated you better.”

Rarity sighs. “I accept your apology, Rainbow, as I know you were partially motivated by my insult to you. I'd like to apologize for that now, free of any excuses. I wish to put the unpleasantness of this afternoon behind us, because I do of course care about you girls.”

Rainbow glances over to Sunset, who is still standing at the front door holding the smaller boxes.

“Apology accepted...” Rainbow steps over and puts her free hand on Sunset’s shoulder. “And look, about Sunset-”

“I would prefer not to discuss her at the moment. Or at all. I would still like to have a friendship with the rest of you but I'm afraid that you'll have to schedule time with her separately from time with me. And as for the kids, they don't want to see or hear from any of you right now. I hope we can all be professional about this.”

Rainbow pulls the phone from her ear and grunts.

“Professional!?” She mouths, shaking the phone as she jerks her arms around in rage. After a moment she composes herself and brings the device back to her ear. “I understand. And I think the rest of us do too. I just wish things didn't end up this way.”

“Me too, Rainbow. Me too.”

Rainbow hands the phone back to its owner, before returning to Sunset’s side. She tenderly leads her friend over to the table to relieve the burden, and hugs her from the back.

“Rarity...” Fluttershy takes a breath. “I need to be perfectly honest right now. Rainbow didn't speak for all of us when she said we understand. I can't in good conscience continue to be friends with you if you can't understand that Sunset is not Anon-a-Miss. So until such time passes...” she lets out a quiet sob. “Please just... consider me someone who goes to your school. And nothing more.”

“Flut...” A shuddering gasp comes in through the line. “Please don't do this to me.”

“To you?” Fluttershy wipes her eyes. “You're doing this to yourself. Sunset is innocent. Despite all of the proof in front of you, despite Applebloom’s confession, despite Sweetie Belle’s thinly veiled lying, despite Pinkie Pie and Micro Chips’ discoveries, despite Sunset’s scars and mental welfare, despite the fact that Anon-a-Miss posted things about everyone except for the kids, you're still blaming Sunset for the invasion of your privacy even though deep down you know that she didn't do this. I am so, so disappointed in you. And...”

She puts the phone down and wipes her eyes again, but can't bring herself to say anything else through the tears. She hands the phone to Pinkie and falls into Applejack’s arms.

“Rarebear it’s me... did you get all that?”

Silence on the line.


“Yes, dear... I got it. I'm sure she can text me the rest of her reasoning later. I'll leave you five to your sleepover.” She sighs. “Enjoy your pizza.”


Quiet would settle over the girls but a nearby train rolls by, rattling the floor slightly. Its horn pierces the black night air.


Rarity slumps her shoulders and drops the phone onto her bedroom floor.

She falls to the side, laying her head just short of the pillows on her bed. She turns over and pulls her knees into her chest. She has no energy to cry properly, but tears begin to stream out of their own accord.

Her throat closes, like a piece of aluminum foil rolled into a ball. Her veins turn to ice as her heart drops through the floor. Her belly squirms, pulling at her heartstrings.

The small lamp on the desk casts a black shadow on the wall, and Rarity hides herself inside of it.

Outside her bedroom door, Sweetie Belle pulls the cup away.

“She's crying...” she murmurs.

Scootaloo thumps her head into the wall. She crosses her arms and sighs.

“I can imagine...” she whispers, looking back down the hall. “Who'd have thought Fluttershy would grow a backbone for once.”

Sweetie Belle glances over. “That's... mean.”

“Mean?” Scootaloo walks, her companion following her. “Fluttershy just abandoned Rarity and you're saying that I’m mean for being surprised by that. Yeah it's mean. That deserves being mean.”

“Well... Fluttershy didn't do anything to us. And the only reason why she’s doing this is because of what we-”

“Hey here's an idea let's wait until we’re in your room before talking about this?” She turns and sighs. “Oh, don't... don't cry, I’m sorry. I just don't want your sister to hear you and be mad at you.”

Sweetie Belle nods. “I know, I just... I'm not sad because of what you said, I'm sad because now, Fluttershy and Rarity are both sad, and it's all because of us and our lie. It was only supposed to be Sunset, and now it's everyone.”

“And it will be Sunset!” Arriving at their destination, Scootaloo pulls the door closed behind them. “Just. We gotta figure out what to post next.”

Belle raises an eyebrow. “Post? You mean you're still gonna be doing the blog?”

Scootaloo blinks. “Uh. Yeah. We just gotta make it really convincing, enough that we all make sure that Sunset gets blamed. And we CANNOT tell Applebloom. She’s compromised, so it can only be us now.”

“I don't know...” Belle wrings her hands together. “Is it even worth it anymore?”

“Of course it's worth it! It has to be! Sunset is... she has to pay for everything she did.”

“What, tearing friendships apart? That's what we’re doing! We’re just like her now!”

“We... are not. Anything like her.” Scootaloo cracks her knuckles, and her neck. “We aren't enslaving people and summoning demons. We aren't lying and cheating and playing dirty. We aren't seriously hurting anyone.”

“Sunset tried to kill herse-”

“Sunset is not relevant!” Scootaloo shouts, then breathes and apologizes. “Sunset might not have even actually tried to kill herself. Like Flash said, it could've been fake. But even if we were, Sunset... she hurt people just as bad. Like me. Before I met you, she... she made me suicidal. Like, actually.”

The two sit on the bed.


She shrugs. “It's not something I really wanna talk about right now, but she’s directly responsible for a lot of bad shit that happened to me before I met you and Applebloom. Things you don't know about, things I don't want you to know about. But basically, she's the reason why I lived with my...” she swallows. “With my dad.”

Sweetie Belle nods in though.

“That... that makes sense. He was not good for you.”

“Yeah. And then on top of it she made fun of me for it. She poked and needles and prodded for so long, I... I didn't ever try to jump in front of a car, but I did try to open my dad’s gun box. A lot. I’m glad I never succeeded because then I never would've met you.”

Sweetie Belle hugs her. “I'm glad too.”

Scootaloo nods. “And I'm not the only one Sunset hurt. Who knows how many others felt the same way I did? She was more than just mean and rude. She was evil. She literally turned everyone into zombies, and tried to take over the world. Getting blasted with magic rainbows may have fooled everyone else, but not me. She needs to pay for what she did. And when we do it right, everyone will be happy. Us, your sister, Fluttershy, Rainbow, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, every single kid she bullied. We’ll be vindicated when she gets what she deserves. When she feels the same hurt and pain we all felt because of her. When she understands what she put us through. I wish so much that there was a way to do that without hurting everyone else but there isn't.”

Belle rests her head on her partner’s shoulder. “It's a hard choice to make... but I guess it makes sense. I didn't know she made you live with that jerk.”

“Heh... she probably doesn't either... and that's the saddest part. She never bothered to learn.” The two lean back onto the bed. “But she will learn. There's one secret I know that's sure to really put Sunset on everyone’s shit list.”

“And what's that?”

A wicked grin crosses Scootaloo’s lips.

“As soon as I know that Sunset knows that Rainbow Dash is a lesbian... Anon-a-Miss will know. And then, everyone will know. And then there won't be anywhere for Sunset to hide.”


Flash grips the steering wheel, knuckles white. He glares at the red light hanging above him. He huffs and grunts.

Come on...”

Scarlet light taunts him.

He leans back in his seat and glares at the roof instead.

“Hey, Sentry...”

‘omg did u guyz no that flash sentry’s dick is only 4”? how pathetic HAHAHA’

“Haven't seen you in a bit.”

Flash lets out a humorless laugh.

“Least I don't neigh like a fuckin’ horse when I cum...” he mutters before leaning back forward to glare at the red light some more. “That's way more embarrassing. Lucky yours is the only one that other people can agree with. You didn't go out with anyone else...”

A truck passes the intersection in front of him. The crosswalk orange handprint flashes. Hope?

He leans forward and rests his chin on the steering wheel, banging out a beat on the center console with his hand. He enunciates a guitar riff with his mouth.

The orange handprint stops flashing.


And then it starts flashing again.

“Ugh, damn it...” he slams his forehead into the wheel. “Why.” Slam. “Won’t.” Slam. “You.” Slam. “Frickin.” Slam. “Turn.” Slam. “Green.”

He snakes his hand over to the radio dial, clicking it on.

~You're as coooold as ice~

“Nice...” he murmurs, leaning back and strumming along on a guitar made of air. “Willing to sacrifice, our love~”

The light turns green.

“Yes!” He finally peels off the street and crosses the infernal intersection, before immediately pulling over to park in front of the first house.

He wastes no time in getting out and taking the steps up the stairs two at a time. He slips a little at the top, but balances out, and heads to the porch door. He pulls it open and steps inside, pulling it closed behind him. He wipes his shoes and steps into the house proper, before sighing, content in the heat.

“Hey bro!”

Flash nods and waves. “Hey bro.”

“How was work?”

Flash slumps into a nearby chair. “Spearhead, I swear, horrible doesn't even begin to describe it. But at least my last order I made bank. More tips from Rainbow Dash and crew than from everyone else put together today.”

Spear nods, and runs a hand through his long dark blue hair. “Nice. I started work on a new piece today. I call it, dark force snake apparatus. It's a red splatter job. Dad told me he saw you today.”

“He tell you the whole story?”

“Said it was a friend of yours and it was a big misunderstanding.”

Flash nods. “That's basically it. Heh. I'm probably the only guy in the world with a story about a hot chick in handcuffs that doesn't end with getting lucky.”

“Ha!” Spear runs a hand through his hair again. “Well at least you have a story about a hot chick in handcuffs at all. More than I have. Man, I really need to get a haircut, this isn't working for me at all. You think I'd look good in a mohawk?”

Flash shrugs. “I dunno. Do whatever hair you want. Dad home yet?”

Spear points into the kitchen. “He's watching the buckball game in the mancave. Shame, really, since sixteen candles just started. So uh. How’s things with, uh. The girl. Forgot her name.”

“What girl?”

“Oh, uh...” Spear snaps his fingers a few times. “Sunburn... Shine... I know it, I just don't know it, you know?”

Flash raises an eyebrow. “Sunset Shimmer?”

“Yeah, her!”

Flash rubs his forehead. “You remember your meds today, bro? She dumped me a couple months ago.”

He blinks. “Yeah. I think. It's Wednesday, right?”


“Ah crap. Be right back.” He gets up and walks into the kitchen. Rattling, running water, and a loud gulping noise emanate from the room. He comes back and sits back in his chair. “Sorry I forgot. You talk to her still anymore?”

“We used to.” Flash leans back in his chair. “Then, uh, just last month she started a blog that started leaking everyone in the school’s secrets out. She, uh, told everyone I have a small dick, among other things.”

“Ooohh, man. Tough break.”

“Eh, what can you do.”

Spear pulls his recliner out. “It's a shame. I liked her. She was nice.”

“Nice?” Flash blinks twice. “Spear, she was a total bitch to everyone in school.”

“I only knew her a year, when I was a senior. She sat by me at lunch some days. I showed her my art. She said it was cool. Said I reminded her of someone back home. Asked me if I was friends with Captain Shining Armor. Which was funny since he wasn't even captain of the football team yet. Asked me if I had a brother. I said yeah, you. Hm. Never saw her again after that. Oh, I love this part!”

Flash grips his armchair a little tighter.


He pulls out his phone and taps his notes app. He scrolls down to a section labeled “Twilight <3” and taps it. He scrolls a bit more to one section in particular.

Family: Older Brother: Shining Armor

He clicks his phone closed and leans back in thought. A small smile crosses his face.

“Hey Spear... you got Shining’s phone number?”


Sunset settles into the cushion next to Fluttershy, opposite Rainbow Dash.

“Shy...” she puts a hand on the crying girl’s knee. “I'm sorry.”

Fluttershy pulls back and presses her sleeves on her eyes for a moment, then puts her hands over Sunset’s. “You don't need to apologize... it's my decision who I want to associate with, and it's Rarity’s decision to keep implicating you. Here is a mean and dumb decision. As much as it hurts me to be mean back, she needs to know that there are consequences to her actions. If she can't take all of us together, then she... she can't just cherry pick from all of us. She can't just stop being friends with you and expect the rest of us to be okay with that. Especially since...” Fluttershy’s hands move to Sunset’s wrists. “...since you hurt so bad.”

Sunset nods and leans in. “I get it... I just wish you guys didn't have to hurt each other just to help me. It's almost like... like it'd have been better if-”

“No!” Pinkie bounds over to Sunset and straddles her lap. “I know where that sentence was going and that's illegal! It's a lot better for us all to have short term disagreements than it is for any of us to be dead. We love you alive, and we love you, and we aren't gonna let you finish that sentence. Can I get a wahoo?”

Sunset nods. “Yeah... alright. I won't finish that sentence.” Pinkie waits expectantly, so Sunset sighs. “...wahoo.”

“Eh, I give it a B because of a distinct lack of exuberance, but it's eighty percent participation, so it's all gucci fam. So who’s hungry? I know I am!”

Sunset looks across the room at Applejack, and they nod at each other.

“I paid good money for everything,” Rainbow proclaims, reaching down to pull two people up. “So you guys better eat a lot. We can only eat so much cold pizza for breakfast tomorrow.”

Fluttershy and Pinkie take Rainbow’s hands, and pull Sunset up with them. With no hesitation, the paper plates and plastic cups come out. In no time at all, the horde descends like a pack of wolves on its prey.

The laptop is set on the coffee table facing the group. Applejack and Rainbow take the floor in front of Pinkie and Fluttershy. Sunset takes the center, Applejack and Pinkie on her left, and Rainbow and Fluttershy on her right. Every girl has a cup and plate in her lap, and the warm scents of bread, cheese, and spiced tomato fill the air.

Rainbow reaches over and taps the play button, and the girls settle back to watch the movie.

Sunset’s eyes glaze over as she watches the film for probably the twentieth or so time. She could close her eyes and still know what was happening, and plug her ears and imagine how it sounded. But that isn't why she finds it difficult to pay attention. That isn't why the food tastes like paper and cardboard in her mouth. That isn't why the warmth surrounding her feels like icicles stabbing into her skin.

‘This should feel good...’ she muses to herself. ‘So... why doesn't it?’

Because you don't deserve it.

‘But I do!’ She silently defends. ‘I was wrongfully accused!’

Were you though? Maybe you didn't do it this time in this particular instance, but how many secrets did you expose that were never made up for? How many friendships did you destroy that remain broken to this day? How many times, Sunset? Your penance is due.

‘No. No! I've become a better person! I've done my penance by destroying my arms. Freezing my ass off for weeks. Cutting myself off from everyone else. I've suffered enough. Go away.’

You can push me away all you'd like. But you know I'm right.

‘Leave me alone.’

Deep down you agree with me. You know you don't deserve this, and that's why your body won't let you watch the movie, taste the food, feel your friends.

‘Fuck off.’

Celestia would agree-


Oh, but Sunset... I can't. After all...

‘I'm you.’

Sunset stares at herself in the mirror at the Wondercolts statue. In one hand she's holding the sledgehammer. In the other she holds Twilight’s crown. The face she sees is glaring back at her. It's smiling. It's seething. It's giggling. It’s screaming. It's sobbing. It can't make up its mind. It's evil.

Celestia steps in view.

“As I said... You weren't ready.”

Sunset turns around to face her, but only sees more mirrors.

“I know...” Sunset falls to her knees. “I want to come back!”

Twilight appears from her left.

“It's too late...” she murmurs, wings unfurling. “Twenty eight more moons from now? You’ll be dead anyway.”

Sunset shakes her head. “No, I'll make it! I can make it!”

“Two years? Ha! You couldn't make it two months, let alone one. Even with my help.” Twilight squints her eyes. “And then you ignored me. You made me worry, panic, and stress for days. Weeks! What kind of evil pony does that to her friends? Do you really think I'd take you back after all that time?”

Sunset stands and runs, but Twilight dissolves into dust.

“Twilight!” Sunset screams, but there is no answer. The mirrors surrounding her grow taller, casting their long shadows over her, blotting out the moon. Knives poke out from behind them, turning the pale grey around her a burning crimson. “Celestia!”

Ropes slither out from behind the mirrors like snakes.

Celestia’s voice echoes around her. “Sunset Shimmer, I am removing you from the position of my pupil.”

The rough fibers tangle themselves around her legs as she struggles to get away. She falls to her knees as Celestia approaches.

“If we cannot get past this, your studies end here.” The ropes pull her forelegs together, burning her skin.

“You are welcome to stay in Canterlot, but you are no longer welcome in the castle.”

The ropes wrap themselves around her neck, stifling her cries.

“The guards will escort you out.”

The ropes pull tighter.

She can't breathe.

”This is the worst mistake you'll ever make in your life.”

The parting words echo through Sunset’s head as everything fades away.


Her ears ring as all coherent thoughts leave her.


That's not Celestia-

A sharp pain in her abdomen distracts Sunset from the world around her. In an instant she’s back in Fluttershy’s apartment. Her legs are wet, and she's on the floor. Someone’s arms are wrapped around her-

“!” She soundlessly yelps as the pain returns, and a piece of bread comes up out of her throat. She coughs and breathes in equal parts, before the arms leave her stomach and wrap around her shoulders.

“Sunset!” Applejack’s voice yells. “You okay, sug?”

Sunset rubs her throat, still in pain. Slowly she feels her limbs as human, rather than equine. She notices that on the computer the movie is paused, and everyone is standing up around her save for Fluttershy.

“Wh-” she coughs again. “What happened?”

“I think ya fell asleep chewin’,” Applejack murmurs, kneeling closer. “You started chokin’. Lucky you, Fluttershy knows the Heihemlich maneuver.”

“I learned it in case dogs choke at the animal shelter...”

Sunset coughs again, and feels her pulse return to normal. “Thanks Fluttershy...” She leans back against the couch. “I think I’m tired.”

Fluttershy nods and strokes Sunset’s hair. “I think you are tired. You had a long and stressful day. I, um. I'm gonna put you in my bed, and since you probably shouldn't be alone right now, we’re gonna go to sleep, okay?”

Sunset screws her eyes shut and tries to open them again, but the lids refuse to part. “What about the movie?”

Fluttershy rapidly shakes her head. “Oh, I've had my eyes closed since the monster ate the guy’s face. And I've had my ears plugged since the monster came out of the guy’s stomach. I didn't know this was a scary movie and I really don't wanna watch the rest of it because I really don't like scary movies.”

Sunset chuckles lightly at this. “Sorry Shy... I’m kinda desensitized to horror because of my case study on wildlife in the Everfree Forest. My bad.”

“Oh, it's okay... it's a really cool movie other than all the scary parts.”

Sunset leans over and rests her head in the crook of her friend’s neck. “I... I wanna go to bed now. I had a...” she swallows. “I had a nightmare.”

Fluttershy nods and kisses her forehead. “I have an essential oils diffuser in my room, and one of them helps with dreamless sleep. Can you stand up?”

Sunset nods and allows herself to be pulled up. She stays attached to Fluttershy.

“Good night everypony...” she murmurs. “Thanks for being my friends.”

The other three make a group hug before pulling away and letting the duo slink off to the bedroom.

“Do you wanna talk about the nightmare?”


“Okay. I won't ask about it.” She fiddles with something for a short while, before something starts to hum. “Do you wanna talk about something else instead?”

“I... uh... brain is not doing too good with ideas at the moment. But I like hearing you talk. You have a really pretty voice... reminds me of my mom.”

They sit down on the bed. “Well, I can do plenty of talking if you want me to,” Fluttershy murmurs. “As long as you're happy.”

Sunset pulls her arms tighter. “Happy’s not the right word... safety and security are closer. Thanks for making me not die. Imagine the irony if the suicidal unicorn accidentally chokes to death on a breadstick.”

“If I can't make you happy then safe and secure work just as good.”

Sunset nods and begins to drift off again.

“Do you want to sleep in your clothes, or should I get you some pajamas?”

“Eh. Uh. I dunno. I usually sleep naked. But if you don't mind sharing pajamas I could do that. I think. You're soft.”

Fluttershy, who is furiously blushing, lays Sunset back. “Okay,” she says, standing up. “I'm gonna get you a pair of mine. We seem to have similar sizes. Do you mind the color?”


“Um. Is that an affirmative nnn or is it a negative nnn?”

Sunset moans. “I don't care the color.”

Fluttershy nods- fruitlessly- and pulls out two pairs. She closes the door and quickly changes her own clothes, then steps over to her sleepy friend.

“Okay, here you go. Do you want me to turn around or leave the room or-”

Sunset waves her arms in the air. “Can't bend enough. Need help. Applejack can help if you don't wanna.”

Fluttershy takes a deep breath and steels herself. “No, that won't be necessary. Here, I'll... I'll help you.”

The process is about as easy as taking a sack of potatoes, removing the potatoes, and putting them into another sack, except all of the potatoes are stuck together, and Fluttershy didn't wanna touch at least half of them.

Eventually, however, with some semblance of cooperation, Fluttershy manages to strip Sunset of her clothing. With a teensy bit of haste, Fluttershy gets the pants on, and slips on the blouse. She buttons up the shirt trying to keep her friend modest. With the job done, she gives a resolute nod.

“I'm gonna get you under the covers, okay?”


This part comes much easier, as Sunset weighs a little less than the average Saint Bernard, which Fluttershy could easily lift two of on a good day. Plus it's a bit easier to lift up an unconscious teenage girl than it is to dress her.

Fluttershy sets Sunset’s head on the pillow and pulls the covers up to their chins.

“Are you comfy?”

Sunset moves her head forward to the edge of the pillow and puts her arms in front of her. “N?”

Fluttershy moves forward into Sunset’s embrace. Sunset snuggles up, and lets out a content sigh.

“Tomorrow will be a better day, okay Sunset?”

She nods. “Can... you sing some... thing?”

Fluttershy leans forward, and begins to sing a quiet lullaby from her childhood.

“~Hush now, quiet now, it’s time to lay your sleepy head, hush now, quiet now, it's time to go to bed~”

In no time at all, Sunset drifts off. This time, she is free of nightmares. Fluttershy smiles and gently bumps Sunset’s forehead. Before long, she too falls asleep.

“Hey Shy, I forgot to-” Applejack murmurs from the bedroom door, but cuts herself off as she sees that they're already asleep.

“Eh... I'll do ointment tomorrow... good night, girls.”

And with that, she pulls the door back closed.


Author's Note:

This is another chapter that wrote itself. I couldn't sleep so I put a chapter out since it's been a short while. I wanna apologize for that. I had some good days I spent with my boyfriend. But then when I got home, work was super busy and I got screwed over by previous shifts, I went a few days where all I ate was cheese and bacon bits during my shift (one day I just ate a box of dry cereal), my great-grandfather died suddenly (he got the Medal of Honor in Normandy in wwii and only recently got dementia so he had a long fulfilling life but still, pour one out), and then to top it all off I blew out a tire out on my car on my way to work. Still, I got to go see my boyfriend so it was mostly good. Anyway.

A lot of this chapter was just me expressing some headcanon to give some color and life to the characters. I feel like Sunset's favorite films would be scifi/horror but she wouldn't find them scary so much as cool and interesting, and I picked Alien because even though it's an awesome movie, I can never stay awake through that first hour, and I wanted to have a nightmare sequence here.

I did some thinking for the Fluttershy/Rarity bit. While I don't like drama for drama's sake in most situations, I do still want some conflict to occur. And I feel like out of everyone, Fluttershy would be the one most likely to be like "look, I'm not gonna plot my entire life around two of my friends fighting so I'm gonna stick with the one who needs me more", especially if that someone is Sunset. And I thought, hmmm that would be a great way to show my intended story arc for Fluttershy and Sunset's relationship. Which will of course be quasiplatonic (which is difficult to express in words to alloromantics so I'm not gonna even bother since discussion of LGBTQA themes usually ends with people cussing me out and calling me a dumbass sjw so I'm just gonna say google is free) rather than romantic. This won't be the main focus of THIS fic, but there will be other fics in the chronology that delve into it more. If you want SunShy romance, may I point you to the Who We Become series. I'll probably put a link here later.

Okay so, I won't defend Scootaloo's actions. She is definitely for sure the antagonist. But I'm hoping this helps to explain her motivations better, while still adamantly maintaining "yeah, she's sympathetic and maybe not an evil sociopath but she's still an ASSHOLE".

I have inducted Flash into the TWP...C. (Teeny Weeny Peeny... Commitee). Hopefully those of you who hate Flash will at least enjoy that, lmao. His segment isn't too important to this story, but it ties into the headcanon department, specifically that of my Dusk's Dawn series [which is my Human rule63!Twilight series] that focuses on DuskXFlash as the main ship [and Raridash as the secondary ship, ehehe]. However, while it may not be pertinent to THIS story, it's still relevant to the entire Equestria Girls chronology as a whole.

I feel like the nightmare sequence is dumb and cheesy but I like it. It's short and simple and to the point. I hope you all agree with the latter thought.

I decided to let Sunset have a happy end of a chapter for once. She's had enough trouble for the day. Your reward for suffering is FlutterCuddles.

I should hopefully be back in a more frequent upload schedule. Thanks again for all of your guys' input, feedback, criticism, etc. It really means a lot to me that so many of you enjoy this, care about it, and feel such visceral emotions all over something I wrote. You're all breathtaking.