• Published 16th Feb 2020
  • 757 Views, 12 Comments

Pony POV Series Dark World Gaiden: Sirens vs Nightmares - Alex Warlorn

Side story of the Pony POV Series. The title says everything you need to know really: It's The Sirens verses Nightmare versions of the Mane Six in the 'Discord Wins' timeline, while our heroes watch, who wins? TAKE YOUR BETS! Written by Godzillawolf.

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Welcome To the Show

Commission: Pony POV Series Dark World Gaiden: Sirens vs Nightmares
By Kendell2
Commissioned by Alexwarlorn

"Hmmm? What's this?" Minty, formally known as Princess Ashima, the Alicorn of accepting and moving on from your past, had been cleaning up after Discord’s epic reading of all four hundred and thirty-five chapters of the Pony POV Series Interviews. The first edition of the book had been given to her for safe keeping, after all. She was surprised, however, when a manuscript fell out of the pages.

Lifting it up with her sparkling green magic (of course!), Minty began to read from the foreward. “This' from Twilight's, I mean Princess Amicitia of the Dark World and Epilogue Timeline.” Minty giggled at this. “Kinda ironic, isn’t it? Calling it the epilogue when that’s really when it all began? This timey-wimey stuff sure gives me a headache sometimes! Where was I?…” She began to read again. “This looks like from when she was working to give a happy ending for all the timelines corrupted by her former persona, Nightmare Eclipse, Nightmare Purgatory, Nightmare Paradox, oh whatever... but it mentions stuff from chapter four-hundred and thirty-five of the interviews!” She blinked. “Ooh! I guess this goes at the end, then!”

Minty glanced around. The throne room was empty, for the moment, so she sat down in Princess Thalia’s throne, knowing Pinks wouldn’t mind, and began to read...


“Finally...” muttered a figure, standing before the statue on the high school campus as the side rippled with orange magic. This universe didn't have much magic, but it turned out a few Equestrian artifacts had ended up here over the centuries...and you became very desperate when something you'd fixated on all your life had become beyond your ability to reach. Combine that with technology she had to sneak here in the middle of the night and it was finally time.

It'd been how long now? How long since those stupid princesses and their friends had punted them over here? Adagio lost track sometimes. When you were as old as she and her sisters were, it could be hard to remember how many years had passed without the memory of a god. Normally she wouldn't care, but in lulls between major meals, time seemed to pass so slow.

It used to be so easy to stir a town up to violence. Shout 'witch' here, spread a few lies there. Those idiots in Salem never realized that they let three witches walk right by while killing how many innocent people? A part of Adagio, a sizable, bitter part, enjoyed seeing hateful mortals rip each other apart like that lynch mob had tried to do to her sisters and the Rockin' Beats all those years ago.

But that didn't change the fact that until the next great upheaval, the Sirens, once one of the mightiest threats Equus had ever seen, were lurking around in a diner on the outskirts of a small town causing petty arguments just to sate their hunger.

“This is the worst...” Aria grumbled. “Why are these humans getting so much harder to get at each other's throats these days?”

“Don't worry, they'll find something else to rip each others' throats out sooner or later...” Adagio muttered. Thankfully, Earth's inventing the internet made WiFi hotspots easy fast food (one little song and half the people using them started flame wars) and it was getting to the point the entertainment industry had gone global. That was giving her some wonderful ideas.

“Can they do it any faster? I'm so bored...” muttered Sonata, like an overactive child.

Adagio gave a grumble...before all three's heads collectively snapped in one direction like sharks that had suddenly smelled blood in the water. Blood from a blue whale that'd been sliced wide open from mouth to fluke. The trio shared a look and each got a grin before dashing out the door as fast as their legs could carry them.

Running at top speed, the trio soon realized the source was quite some ways away, clear on the other side of town...but the fact there was enough negative energy erupting up to energize them from all this way made it was too tempting to care. As they ran, it became clear the deluge of energy was keeping their stamina running full. No, not full. Overflowing.

Adagio cackled as their jewels ignited a burning crimson and the trio glowed along with them. Floating into the air, the trio rocketed off towards their prey while gaining speed with every passing second as they got closer and closer.

= Dagon Rises – Dagon (2001) =

Sunset Shimmer hit the button one more time, another surge of energy flying into the crack she'd opened in the dimensional barrier to finally tear it completely asunder. Slowly walking over, she touched her hand to the statue's surface and phased through it with a soft glow.

The girl gave a prideful smirk. “Time to finally get back what's mine!”

“Funny. We were thinking the exact same thing.”

Sunset spun around...right as a yellow hand grabbed her by throat and lifted her off the ground like she was a toy.

Adagio Dazzle gave an elated laugh. “Thank you so much for opening the door for us. We'll dedicate a nice song to you.”

The girl struggled in the Siren's grip, kicking and trying to get free to no avail. “I've waited too long for this! You're not taking this from me!”

The girl's blood ran cold as Adagio looked her in the eyes. The siren's eyes ignited bright crimson and as she smirked her teeth sharpened into shark-like fangs. “Not as long as we have.”

“W-What are you?!”

“A shark who's been waiting far too long to get back in the ocean.”

Sunset found herself thrown with one arm like she weighed nothing, rolling across the ground to a stop dozens of feet away against a building wall as trio ignored her to focus on the portal.

“I don't think I've ever tasted this much negative energy in my life! Equestria must be an all you can eat buffet!” Aria exclaimed with a laugh.

“Time to go home!” Sonata chimed in with a childish laugh...that was offset by the malicious, toothy smirk she sported doing it.

Sunset Shimmer had to cover her eyes as crimson energy sparked between the trio's glowing red jewels before exploding and wrapping around them as they lifted into the air.

Within the burst of red light, equine ears formed on their heads, hair growing down until it resembled pony tails. A shell of energy over them cracked and finally exploded off as the red glow faded. Floating above Sunset, the trio now flew on fin-like wings that Adagio seemed utterly elated just to look at.

“We could just stand here and make this world adore us now!” Aria cackled with delight.

Adagio gave a predatory grin. “Then just imagine how powerful we'll be on the other side!”

Sunset growled. This was her moment! She wasn't about to let them steal it from her! Not after the years she'd been planning, waiting, and denied! She was noticed a spare piece of pipe from her construction project and rushed Adagio with it from behind. Right as she swung it at the yellow skinned girl's skull, however, Adagio spun around and caught it. The pipe bent and crushed as the hand tightened around it.

“You really want to get to Equestria bad, don't you?” the alpha Siren asked with a smirk. “Fine then, you'll get to go.”

With that, the trio began to sing wordless vocals that Sunset felt reach into her mind like tendrils. She struggled, trying to pull away from these...from these...beautiful creatures with the most wonderful voices she'd ever heard in her entire life. Why was she trying to pull away? Why would she ever want to turn away? She could feel her negativity being sucked out of her like a sponge, the euphoria was transcendent. All her anger, spite, revenge, all eaten up. When their wonderful voices ceased, and she crashed back down to Earth, she felt strangely empty but she knew these three were so much greater than she could hope to be, and that was perfectly fine. As long as she could hear their singing, she could scrub their toilets and couldn't be happier. What were her hopes and dreams in comparison to theirs perfection?

“Follow us,” Adagio said with a smile.

“Yes, your highness,” Sunset said adoringly, following them through the portal like an obedient dog.

A trio of crimson comets burst forth from a warded vault (though warded to only block Discord from peering in, not if a certain unicorn returned home one day, as per Celestia's direct orders to Cadence) buried under what had once been Old Avalon and took to the sky.

Soon enough, red eyes gazed down from above the cotton candy clouds, swimming round the world and taking in the sights while feeding on the ocean of negativity. Sunset pulled along by Sonata as an afterthought.

Adagio noted with ironic joy that now the other three tribes, as they were, had joined their own.

Rebellions struggling hopelessly against an unstoppable god tyrant. Creatures dying as regularly as the rain fell, and sometimes because of what was falling. Then rising from the dead as zombies to consume their loved ones. Ponies struggling just to acquire the barest semblance of a living only for the currency to change in a nanoinstant and make all their hard work pointless. A immortal serial killer demi-goddess and cannibal with her mother trapped in her mind regularly claiming victims. Crops at the mercy of seasons and times of day that changed without reason or warning. Whether you spent the day as yourself, turned into something unrecognizable without a moment's warning, or remain the same in body but be twisted in mind was anyone's guest.

The deer on the moon were like children in a fish bowl. Any deer that dared so much as set a hoof outside the frontier of their goddess' protection were as likely to pull their hoof back in as an accordion, a feral cobra, a grenade, or a plushie version of itself. Tiamat and Bahamut guarding their horde that was their hoard with brutal sternness, no dragon daring to leave their gods' sight least Discord take advantage of that brief moment. The Bloodstone Scepter keeping dragons safe from Discord's mental corruption, but bound to the Dragon Lord's will.

Aria snorted as they flew over one of the oceans, which were currently jello. "Gonna take a while before we can take a good dive in the ocean again."

And of course, all of it with that lunatic Discord at the helm.

The world was Hell for everyone and everything in it...but to the Sirens, it was paradise. A mouth watering buffet of negativity.

If there was one positive, it was seeing their tribe resurrected, but there was naturally a catch.

“Yay! Our species is back!” Sonata cheered with a chuckle.

“Yeah, but we have Discord to thank for that,” Aria snarled.

“Who does he think he is?! Wiping our race out, then remaking them?!” Adagio asked with a growl. “And turn them into his own personal pet fish tank!”

“...Better than what he did before,” Sonata pointed out.

“Ya know, if we kill Discord, these ponies might not even need our song to adore us,” Aria said with a chuckle. “And then we've got our own race back and ready for us to rule.”

“Good call, Aria,” Adagio replied, her rage turning into an opportunistic smirk. “And at this point, who's going to resist? Blissful admiration is practically heaven to these ponies.”

Sunset, sitting on Sonata's back, nodded obediently.

Right as the group descended on Ponyville with their siren song, the ponies flocking to worship and adore them...the trio once more snapped towards what was once Canterlot as the largest singular point of negativity by far made itself known.

Things were not going well with Twilight Sparkle. After a thousand years in this nightmare, she'd managed to break free of Discord's spell thanks to a certain adorable little filly. Next had come freeing her friends from his control, setting the trap, and Discord was trapped in stone. They'd limited the wave of the rainbow after Discord told them in his last moments before being petrified his spells being undone might send the Sea Ponies crashing onto the cold unforgiving ground in an attempt to convince them not to, so the rest of the world would need to wait a little bit while she figured out a way around that. Twilight admitted she didn't trust Discord, but given this was Discord, they couldn't take any chances. The world was free (even if at the moment only they were aware of it)...but then came the voice. That Nameless Passenger that'd been along their journey the entire time. Telling her to undo it all. Undo this timeline. Send everything back so Discord never won. Punish him for everything he'd done. Twilight had been tempted. Oh so tempted. But in the end, she'd said no...the voice hadn't liked that.

And now here she was, Twilight herself but bigger, meaner, and crazier, trying to kill her friends and make her turn back time. The group had fought as hard as they could, but between the witch and her Gallery of Nightmares, it quickly became obvious they couldn't win. So here they were, in the top floor of the Chaos Castle with the roof blown off, looking up at the Nightmare.

“Come on, myself! Grow up and do what must be done!” Nightmare Eclipse offered, sounding disturbingly like Twilight herself when she encouraged her friends as she held out the scroll with the spell emblazoned on it. “This world is beyond saving, we'll make one better than new! A golden world where everypony is happy!”

What choice did she have at this point? They'd tried everything and nothing could so much as scratch her. If not for the healing, failsafe, and memory spells, they'd have been done in so many times over by now...Well, they'd tried everything except one thing.

“No! I can't do that! The Sea Ponies, the Apple Pies, the Hippogriffs are worth saving! I won't erase them! Everycreature, formation!” Twilight called, Magic igniting.

Rainbow Dash ignited Loyalty, Rarity Honesty, Apple Pie Laughter, Spike Generosity, Applejack Kindness. Fluttershy meanwhile kept her daughter back to protect her from the harmony and Pinkie Pie prepared to run interference.

Eclipse rolled her eyes, the other five Nightmares snaking their way out of her. “Fine...looks like we'll have to teach you this lesson again, myself...” she stated like a parent chastising a child, the Nightmares summoning forth six gems larger than a grown stallion which began to charge up power of their own.

The two charged...until without warning fireworks shot high into the sky on the horizon and exploded, causing the two groups' heads to snap aside to look. The charging energy dissipated and the Nightmares retreated into Eclipse as their suped up gems vanished and a beautiful, haunting song echoed across the landscape. None of them noticing three sets of crimson eyes watching from above the clouds.

= Surgam Identidem – Madoka Magica =

“Those were Cream Pie's fireworks, Ah'd recognize 'em anywhere, Halflight!” Apple Pie called, looking confused.

Looking out from the Castle, a parade of ponies marched forwards towards it, all chanting and cheering. They recognized the Apple Pies among them...and every last creature between Ponyville and here. All marching with blue, yellow, and purple banners raised high or posters like one would see at a rock concert.

“What's going on?” Rainbow Dash asked, not minding a break in the fighting to recover, given how many times she'd gotten fried and needed to regenerate.

Twilight carefully took time to cast some healing spells on Spike, who'd been wounded rather badly. “I don't know! They can't be here to help us! No pony outside this castle knows we even rebelled in the first place!”

She looked over at Discord's statue, noting that it was still there. Eclipse said she wanted Discord to watch what she was going to do to his daughter, which was one reason Fluttershy in particular had had more near deaths in this fight than the rest of them combined.

“Dazzlings! Defeat the witch!” chanted the masses, as one united front as they arrived at the edge, all assembling like a crowd at a concert. Their cheers were more like rock fans than prayers for some savior, but at the same time there was an almost worship-like quality to it. “Defeat her and be our queens!”

That raised more alarm bells in Twilight's mind. “Witch...how could they know about Eclipse already?”

“Dazzlings?” Rarity asked, sharing a confused look with the rest of the group.

“Pa?! What are you and everypony else doin' here?!” Apple Pie called.

Rainbow looked down to find the crows constantly chasing Derpy had stopped and joined the crowd...along with Derpy herself and she was pretty sure Dinky...somehow. It was hard to tell when she was a muffin. They seemed happy...given the misery they'd endured, she couldn't blame them.

Eclipse raised an eyebrow in annoyance. “What are all the NPCs doing here?”

Suddenly, a shockwave of red sonic energy blew away the cotton candy clouds for miles, making the group on the castle roof have to brace themselves as the parting clouds opened to reveal three figures hovering high above...Twilight realized that they could've been here the entire time and they wouldn't have even known it.

Slowly descending, the trio came into view, seeming to intentionally do so in the way that made them look the most majestic. Three massive creatures looking like nightmarish perversions of Sea Ponies, mouths full of razor-sharp teeth. As they descended, the crowd's cheering intensified, as if heralding the return of Megan herself.

“Well, you've put on quite the opening act,” Adagio said with a chuckle. “But we'll have to stop you there, it's time for-”

Eclipse instantly blasted the trio of sea witches with a massive cascade of hellfire. “We don't have time for NPCs who are too full of themselves. Now back to business, enough of this nonsense my-”

Suddenly, a yellow streak flew out of the smoke and slammed into Eclipse full speed, sending both crashing through the floor and into the wall of the next floor hard enough to shake the entire palace, Eclipse's scroll being sent flying from the collision.

Adagio smirked as she pinned Nightmare Eclipse against the chaos infused stone, the powerful Nightmare noting to her frustration pushing her off was easier said than done. The siren's eyes glowed red as a green miasma only she could see flowed like a leaking dam from Nightmare Eclipse into her jewel. Twilight swore she saw Adagio's muscles bulge slightly, as if she'd just done a month's workout in a few moments.

The alpha Siren chuckled. “Funny you should say that, I was just about to say your time had run out altogether.”

Eclipse blasted her off several dozen meters back, only for a red sonic blast in return to send the Nightmare crashing through the wall and slamming against one of the nearby mountains in the range near Ponyville.

The two world threatening abominations stared one another down for a few moments, Eclipse rising and flying up to be on eye level with Adagio.

= The Dark Lords – Death Battle =

“Looks like this world has one too many apex predators, and I have no intention of leaving,” Adagio said with a smirk as energy rippled over her body. She laughed manically with pure euphoria as she realized what she could do now. The sea monster contorted and changed, transforming into what on some level resembled the extinct Flutter Ponies, but with obviously fin-like wings. Roughly the size of Princess Cadence with similar proportions. Her sisters gasped, smiled, then followed suit. All three laughed like what they saw was winning in and of itself. While Adagio was focused on Nightmare Eclipse, her sisters took the opportunity to admire themselves in mirrors their thralls supplied.

“Oh, it's cute you think NPCs like you have any chance against me,” Eclipse replied with her Twilight-like cheerfulness, though notable frustration worming in as her horn ignited with power.

Red musical sound waves met a torrent of arcane energy, slamming into one another above the Castle Castle and fighting back and forth for several moments before exploding in a blast of energy that forced Twilight to shield her group from the shockwave. Adagio flew through the smoke and punched Nightmare Eclipse in the jaw with enough force to send a tooth flying despite being considerably smaller in her beautiful form, forcing her to retaliate in kind and earn a bloody lip to get some distance. Both regenerated so fast it was soon impossible to tell either had been hurt to begin with. Nightmare Eclipse quickly let loose a lightning spell that'd have left an elder dragon a twitching wreck on the ground. It only stunned Adagio for a few moments before she sang a note that caused electricity to arc through her body and into her wings before hitting Nightmare Eclipse with the same level of power and similar effect.

“...Uh, Twilight, who should we be cheerin' for?” Applejack asked, eyes wide at the clash going on.

“Those...those are the Sirens...” Twilight muttered in disbelief as Adagio flew forwards, morphing her lower body into that of the sea monster. The Siren used her long tail to wrap around Nightmare Eclipse's midsection before flying down and flipping forwards, piledriving the Nightmare headfirst into the ground around the castle.

“The what?!” Rainbow Dash questioned, watching Eclipse erupt in flames to force Adagio to release her before blasting the Siren back into the ground.

“Three creatures who tried to use their magic to divide and conquer Equestria in ancient times...they...they shouldn't be able to be here! They were banished to another dimension!”

Nightmare Eclipse flew at Adagio and charged up a freezing beam to turn her into an ice sculpture. The Siren's maw filled with red sonic energy and let loose a beam of red musical power in retaliation. The two's arcane attacks once more clashed before Adagio brought a leg up and kicked Nightmare Eclipse in the jaw. Her head knocked upwards, the heroes had to dodge the beam that froze a large section of the castle solid.

“Ah'm sorry, we'll find a way tah fix it,” Apple Pie told the shuddering, sapient structure as she gently pet the floor.

“So we've got two super monsters duking it out now?! What are we gonna do?!” Applejack asked.

Twilight wracked her brain. This shouldn't be remotely possible. Maybe...maybe they should get involved. But on who's side?

*You couldn't beat Nightmare Eclipse, what if the Sirens are every bit as strong?*

Twilight looked around and noted Nightmare Eclipse was quite preoccupied as Adagio sent her flying back and slamming through a nearby mountain in the neighboring chain with a magically generated wind. If they just jumped into this battle, there was no telling what they might get caught in the middle of.

*You're Twilight, what are you best at?*

“Girls, let's fall back and regroup, we're gonna need a plan,” Twilight replied, leading the group down the stairs into the castle, which thankfully was at least neutral to them at this point.

Aria snickered as Adagio was blasted back by Nightmare Eclipse, not at all concerned. She looked down, seeing the heroes retreat. Giving a smirk, the purple Siren looked over to one of their minions and sang a single wordless note.

Sunset Shimmer turned from the cheering crowd, rage and hate filling her as her eyes flashed green. Twilight. That pony the Princess had replaced her with. How could she have forgotten her?! Without another word, Sunset raced into the Chaos Castle.

“Can't have those so called heroes messing up our plan, can we?” Aria asked with a smirk.

Nightmare Eclipse had stopped looking amused, now looking more like Adagio was a persistently difficult math problem to solve. “What are you?! Another freak like that Nameless idiot?!”

Adagio chuckled. “Like you're one to talk about being a freak.” The alpha Siren flew forwards and slammed into Eclipse, focusing. Watching the fight from afar had been quite informative. They'd never realized certain things about the Elements before. Like that the individual notes of the song might have their own power. Her eyes briefly glowed a dark twisted pink as the world threatening villainesses touched. Darkness tried to creep up her leg and infest her mind...only for it to get sucked into her jewel and devoured. “Twilight Tragedy.”

The Nightmare's flames burst higher as the two grappled. “I was never Twilight Tragedy! That was that scum Discord's doing!” she roared, letting loose a massive blast of hellfire point blank in Adagio's face...unable to see the massive surge of green energy slinking into all three sisters' jewels.

However, focused on Adagio, the Most Vengeful Friend didn't notice the sonic vibrations going through the air to the rest of the trio until Sonata pounced on one wing like a shark ambushing a seal and Aria on the other, both letting lose a gigantic torrent of lightning into her. As Eclipse gave a cry of pain, Adagio flew forwards, face still rapidly regenerating, and grabbed the Nightmare by the head.

“I'm also not an idiot.” The alpha Siren let loose a massive point blank musical sonic wave directly into Nightmare Eclipse's face.

Eclipse's head felt like it was going to split open, the sonic blast ripping away skin and rupturing her eardrums. This continued until an eye, bloodshot from ruptured vessels, snapped open to reveal the tiny hands of a clock. “Time stop.”

The world came to a screeching halt, time itself freezing.

“You will wander forever.”

Suddenly, they were back with Aria and Sonata's ambush about to be launched, only this time the ethereal form of a massive demonic dragon emerged and swiped both beta Sirens away. This allowed Eclipse to send Adagio sailing through several mountains with an energy beam that'd have vaporized an entire row of buildings.

“You okay, Twilight?” Nightmare Banneret asked, giving a concerned look.

The Most Vengeful Friend's eye twitched slightly. “Yes, thank you, Spike...I can't believe I'll need help to deal with a bunch of rogue recordings who don't even have me with them.”

The Sirens flew back up and regrouped, finding the other five Nightmares now flanking Eclipse. Despite having been hit with the massive beam, Adagio was healing so rapidly that within seconds it was impossible to tell she'd even been hurt in the first place.

“Give up, you're outnumbered,” Nightmare Whisper genuinely warned.

Adagio merely smirked. “We might be outnumbered...”

The trio of Sirens sang a long, wordless note as a line of red energy connected them before exploding skywards and forming into massive ethereal versions of their sea monster forms so large Banneret was on eye level with one. The Sirens smirked, their projections floating down next to them, acting more like remote avatars than mere projections.

“But you're out of your depth,” Aria finished, eyes glowing red as she gave a chuckle while her avatar spoke in tandem.

Eclipse gave a proud smirk. “You're the ones with no idea who you're dealing with now that I have my friends with me. Also, I have this: Failsafe Spell!”

The canceling spell washed over the Sirens and their Avatars...but when it faded, nothing had changed.

“You have a pretty light, so what?” Sonata asked.

Eclipse's smile faded ever so slightly.

With that the three Sirens and three avatars flew forwards to meet the six Nightmares, the brainwashed masses merely continuing to cheer their mistresses on.

“So, what's the plan? Ambush all of them with the Elements?” Rainbow Dash asked as they skidded to a stop deeper into the castle.

Fluttershy had to pause and talk down Fluttercruel in her own head, though thankfully having the witch who'd tormented her father to focus on put the Demi-Draconequus somewhat on the same page as they were. “Fluttercruel wants us to do that.” Fluttershy's face turned green. “And other...things.”

Twilight took a deep breath. “Nightmare Eclipse has her own set of Elements...we need something to turn the tide or we're going to just end up at a stalemate at best.”

*Is there any other back up left to find?*

The mare's eyes widened. “But we do have some help we can call in...” she said, turning on a dime and leading the group down another hallway.

A few moments later, following a scanning spell, Sunset Shimmer rushed into the hallway. Despite the chaotic nature of this place and the maddening main entrance, the Siren's spell kept her mind tunnel focused on the object of her rage, and so it remained as she continued her pursuit.

= The Dark Lords – Death Battle =

Adagio's avatar flew full speed at Nightmare Whisper, the Kindest of Lies taking in a deep breath. “Hush now, quiet now-

The avatar might as well not even heard her as it merely smirked and continued, opening its massive maw to try and bite her head off.

Whisper's eyes widened and she was able to surround herself in a barrier right before the jaws could slam shut. She struggled to hold it back, the barrier cracking. “Why didn't it work?!” She gasped as red energy erupted from the construct's throat and sent her sailing back and digging a trench in the checkerboard ground.

Eclipse cringed mid attack on Adagio, bruises matching the ones Whisper got from the impact appearing.

The real alpha Siren smirked. “Looks like your friends are more of a hindrance than a help.” With the same sonic sonar they'd used while trapped in the Windigo's ice, she reached out to her sisters.

“I can always rely on my friends,” the Nightmare replied simply before summoning massive fireballs and launching them at Adagio, the Siren dashing between them and letting them explode in the distance, leveling several city blocks worth of land before letting loose a red sonic beam of her own that blew the top off a mountain behind Eclipse when she dodged it. Adagio flew forwards and punched Eclipse again across the side of her face covered by the mask, another flash of twisted pink magic in her eyes.

Aria's massive avatar grappled with Banneret, the two biting and snarling at one another. Meanwhile the true Aria dodged a manifested armada of party cannons that unloaded at her.

“Come on, Starsong! Put yourself back together and be with me me me again!” Granfalloon chanted with her same impossibly happy tone as always. The Endless Laughter let loose a surge of energy balloons that washed over Aria, leaving her dressed like a clown.

But instead of smiling, she snarled as Granfalloon's magic was sucked into her jewel, glowing with a twisted dark blue light and blowing the costume off like a strong man breaking out of chains. Aria growled when she noticed the make up still on her, her muscles charging with magic as she flew at Granfalloon, tackling the Nightmare into the ground hard enough to leave a crater despite being much physically smaller in this form.

“You want me to laugh, you clown faced freak?!” Aria roared, landing a barrage of blows into Granfalloon's face until the clown-like Nightmare's nose was bloody. Adagio noticed the same happen to Eclipse and took advantage to give her another high voltage shock. “Then let me hurt you some more! That will make me laugh!”

Granfalloon manifested a giant boxing glove and launched it, hitting Aria right in the stomach and sending her sailing high into the sky were she was bombarded by a multitude of party cannons.

Sonata's avatar flew at Mirror, the Nightmare unfurling her wings to reveal the many emerald eyes...but doing nothing to slow it and forcing her to dodge and blast the beast back.

“Dang it! The big ones don't have a mind in 'em!” Applejack's Nightmare realized...then noticed something seemed to be filling the avatars up, making them grow more and more solid with each passing moment. She didn't have time to act on that realization, given the avatar nigh instantly attempted to let her have it with a sonic beam.

The Nightmare of Honesty's gaze fell on the real Sonata. Something was off. While this form was a fake, when Adagio transformed partly into that sea monster earlier, it didn't feel real either. These three were hiding something. She didn't like this one bit.

“You girls are lame! Just give up!” Nightmare Manacle called, flying at the real Sonata.

“Aww, why do I have to fight the one who's like Aria? I wanted to fight the funny one!” Sonata called, meeting her charge. Manacle let loose her chains, trying to quickly bind her, but Sonata's eyes glowed with a dark, twisted red different than her normal crimson. The blue siren sang one long note that washed over the chains, causing them to turn the same red color before winding around to face their original mistress like snakes. “Nice toys! Mind if I play with them too?!”

Manacle's eyes widened as her own chains turned and flew right back at her, forcing her to quickly vaporize them to defend herself. “What gives?!”

“I think I made them betray you, cool huh?”

Mirror's eyes widened as she looked at the jewel Sonata wore while dodging a snap of the avatar's jaws. “Their jewels are like the Elements of Chaos!”

Or rather, close enough that at this point she could only see the vaguest of differences. And the differences were becoming less and less apparent with each passing moment. It was like trying to tell the difference between a high quality lab-grown diamond and a real one.

Nightmare Mirror flew down, slamming into the ground and sending crystal spikes erupting at the avatar Sonata, crashing into the ground on its back.

Sonata paused for a moment, a hoof going to her head. It felt like something in her brain was stitching itself back together...and then an idea clicked in her mind that'd been just out of reach for a very long time. “Hey, Aria! Adagio! I just had an idea!”

Aria rolled her eyes as she recovered from Granfalloon's attack and dodged a rain of anvils. “Great, let me guess, something involving tacos?”

“No! Well, yes, but also this!” Sonata said, opening her mouth. A red glow formed in the back of her throat as she sung an odd, high pitched song. Manacle's eyes widened and she just barely dodged as a paper-thin, red beam of sound erupted from the Siren's jaws and sliced a deep cut across her back (and Eclipse's by extension) before slicing through a forest in the distance. A moment later, half the forest's trees slid in half and fell to the ground. “Remember the movie I made you girls watch about the giant turtle fighting the big vampire bat?” she asked before getting hit with a massive beam of lightning charged magic and making a tench in the ground with her face.

Aria stared for a moment before giving a bloodthirsty smirk. The purple Siren's avatar opened its mouth, mimicking her sister and letting loose a sonic cutter of its own, slashing Banneret's shoulder wide open midgrapple.

Eclipse grabbed her shoulder as it was likewise cut open while she was attempting to crush Adagio with a gravity spell. Her focus broken, she allowed the yellow Siren, who'd already been forcing her way out of it as it was, to fly free. Continuing forward, Adagio let loose a sonic cutter of her own, directly across Eclipse's eye that the clock hands had appeared in. Moments later, the mask below it slid off and fall to the ground, revealing burn scar beneath.

“Twilight!” Nightmare Whisper yelled, sending an army of puppets against the Adagio avatar, but the distraction allowing it to put a hole straight through one of her wings with its own sonic cutter.

“Well well,” Adagio said with a smirk, looking at the exposed scar. She'd never met the mare who's Cutie Mark the scar was shaped in, but still looked upon it with recognition. “Looks like somepony did leave their mark on you after all, didn't they?”

Despite Eclipse's eye being clinched shut with blood pouring down her face, the clock hands still appeared. “Time stop. You will wander forever.”

In a flash, they were back right before Aria had began pummeling Granfalloon. This time instead of trying her wave of joy, the Endless Laughter flew up and summoned massive gattling gun version of her normal Party Cannon. “Come on on on! Play nice Starsong! Ha ha ha!” In a massive barrage, the purple Siren was sent slamming into the ground. Bannerette dodged a bite and blew Aria's avatar backwards with a massive blast of fire.

Nightmare Mirror flew back to dodge a charge, then spread her mirrored wings, catching the follow up sonic beam in one and blasting the avatar back by sending it out the other.

Nightmare Manacle kept flying forwards rather than attempt her chains, going into a Sonic Darkboom and sending Sonata plowing back into both her own avatar and sister.

Nightmare Whisper quickly used her vines to hold Adagio's avatar in place, allowing Nightmare Eclipse to dodge Adagio's sonic beam and summon a gigantic circle of mirrors. The Nightmare sent one of her feathers through one of them, catching Adagio in a maelstrom of razor-sharp feathers that erupted from every mirror at once and shredded into her before Nightmare Eclipse herself blasted the alpha Siren with a massive beam that plowed her and her avatar down on top of her sisters.

“Twilight, fighting them with us tethered to you might be a bad idea, it really is holding you back,” Nightmare Banneret observed as the Nightmares regrouped.

“Don't be silly, Spike, we've got this,” said Nightmare Eclipse confidently...before the Sirens simply got right back up, Adagio giving a smirk as they nigh instantly regenerated all the damage the six of them had managed to deal in seconds. Eclipse was loath to admit it, but the trio were healing at a rate that made the normal Elements of Chaos look like snails.

The trio of Sirens and their avatars inhaled and let loose six massive sonic blasts that slammed Eclipse into a mountain as she pulled her friends back inside her. They continued the long, wordless note for several moments, shattering the entire mountain and launching Nightmare Eclipse straight through it and into a nearby field where the rubble crashed down on top of her.

After several moments, Eclipse erupted from the debris in a cascade of hellfire, giving a frustrated growl. This was quickly becoming every bit the nuisance as that timeline she'd gotten her scar from. Well she'd made sure an Alicorn Trixie and 'Shining Armor' never existed again. “Fine. Go find bodies.”

Five shadows separated from the lead Nightmare and snaked along the ground into the distance.

Adagio and her sisters flew over, glaring down at Nightmare Eclipse with glowing red eyes and toothy grins. “Still think we're just 'NPCs?'”

“Yeah! We're the bosses!” Sonata called with a chuckle.

Aria cracked her forelegs with a toothy smirk. “More like your final boss.”

Nightmare Eclipse gave an amused chuckle. “Cute, you really think you can win. Since when do I ever fail?”

“How about now?” Adagio replied, the three Sirens and their avatars gathering energy into their mouths for an all out strike.

Until a shadow fell over them. As the turned, Manacle's chains and Whisper's puppet strings grabbed them from all angles. While they nigh instantly began breaking free, before they could the towering Banneret launched a deluge of dragon fire down on them, blasting them into the ground where Mirror turned them into pincushions with crystal spikes.

“Sorry about this, Starsong! But you wouldn't play nice nice nice!” Flying up, Granfalloon formed an anvil the size of a small asteroid and slammed it right down on them with an impact that made a massive crater.

Eclipse motioned for her friends to pull back and charged up magic. It was fortunate the battle had ended up this far from the castle, as she unleashed a magic spell that leveled a several mile radius on impact and left nothing but scorched earth and a mushroom cloud in its wake while those viewing from a distance had to shield themselves from the light, heat, and wind.

Eclipse hovered above the smoke and looked down, seeing the three red crystals laying in the ashes. She fired a beam upwards and brought down a city killer asteroid directly on top of the gems without batting an eye. “There, that should do it. Now let's go find mysel-”

The six suddenly heard a haunting, wordless vocal coming from the rubble.

Eclipse's mane and tail suddenly erupted like a volcano. “Are you kidding me?” she asked, her eye twitching like mad.

The three gems exploded out of the rubble and ash, floating into the sky without so much as a scratch.

“Finally all here in the flesh? Then I guess we'll drop our facade too,” Adagio's voice echoed like a mare who'd just scored a checkmate.

= Welcome to the Show – Equestria Girls Rainbow Rocks (Music Video Version) =

The three's voices continued to sing wordless vocals...as green miasma surged from all over the entire world, the six Nightmares included, gathering directly above the trio in such massive quantities that it made Eclipse's horn hurt and became visible to even the Nightmares.

Granfalloon's face turned green and she doubled over holding her stomach. The Nightmare of Joy felt like she'd eaten every last one of the baked bads from back in the day. In every single time loop.

“That's not good...” muttered Nightmare Banneret, his eyes widening.

The entire Nightmare Gallery let loose on the singularity of negative energy with everything they could manage, but the green energy formed into a tornado being sucked into the jewels and deflected their strikes.

The cotton candy clouds blew away and in their place was what seemed like a category six hurricane at sea suddenly forming out of nowhere, lightning slamming down on the already devastated stretch of land. The red jewels pulsed like beating hearts, doubling in size as an ornate golden mounting formed from red energy. Nightmare Mirror's eyes widened as she realized the magic was the same as when they'd changed form before. Only this time it was like that magic being dispelled and pulled away.

“Welcome to the show.
We're gonna let you know,
We're back in town.
And we're gonna go all out!”

The six Nightmares were sent flying back by a massive shockwave of red sonic energy that put some cracks in Mirror's wings. It continued outwards, not stopping until the circular wave hit itself on the other side of the world. Every last thinking creature without the protection of the Elements or similar power turned at once towards the source, eyes not just flickering but now glowing green and beginning to worship the Sirens' names.

The Hippogriffs, Virgacorns, and Earth Ponies all felt...odd. While compelled to feel hate: for the first time in most of their lives, they felt a purpose that wouldn't be taken away at the drop of a hat. Thus, they all cheered as one.

Feel the wave of sound,
As it crashes down!
You can't turn away,
Cause now we're here to stay!

The red energy formed into new bodies for the three, at first resembling their true Siren forms before becoming more shapely and beautiful with hind legs in addition to the fish-like tail in the same manner their bodies changed between their two previous forms.

We will be adored,
You'll tell us that you want us!
Thank you so much for,
Making us so much more!

A line of red energy extended from each of their foreheads, taking the shape of a unicorn horn.

Soon you'll need us,
You will heed us!
Just try to stop us now!

Muscles bulged, looking more like an athletic Earth Pony rather than a lithe Flutter Pony.

Watch our power soar,
You ready for a war?
Now we've broken through!
Here we come to finish you!

All three's wings grew far more massive until they rivaled and resembled twisted versions of Whisper's butterfly wings without losing their fin-like structure. Folding forwards, the wings then suddenly opened, shattering the chrysalis of red light off them in a radiant flash.

Welcome to the show,
Now you'd better know,
We're back in town...

The trio floated, illuminated by raining lightning. Their bodies now elegant and beautiful despite the scales and razor-sharp teeth hidden behind lips. If one didn't know any better, they'd say they were almost Alicorns. They were equal in size to one...maybe a bit bigger.

“That's not fair, only the good guys are supposed to get new transformations...” Pinkie Pie's still sickened Nightmare muttered.

“Wait, you think you're the good guys?” Aria asked before laughing. “Really?”

“Yeah, you're called Nightmares! Duh!” Sonata mocked.

"We're Nightmares for the Bad Guys! Like the Noir Fear from the comics!" Manacle argued.

Eclipse didn't wait as she rose from the ground, her eye gaining the clock hands. Maybe if they destroyed their gems before they started transforming. “Time stop...”

Adagio's jewel glowed with a twisted magenta aura and she snapped her own opposite eye open. Eclipse gave a gasp of shock as she saw the same small clock hands in the Siren's eye.

Your time is running out.

Time stopped, but the Sirens didn't, merely chuckling as hovered higher.

“Y-You will wander forever!”

Let time come untethered,
You will wander forever!

The two clocks each tried to rewind, but fought against one another until both recoiled back, time resuming as normal.

“H-How?” Eclipse asked, for once in the several hundred million years they'd done this her friends noting a twinge of panic in her voice.

“You're not the only Element of Magic here,” Adagio said with a chuckle, tapping her jewel. “Though you are the ugliest.”

“That can't be real, can it?!” asked Nightmare Manacle in disbelief.

Nightmare Mirror's eyes widened. “They're more real than they've been the entire fight! They were hidin' this the entire time!”

What none of them saw was the green energy now flowing from all six Nightmares, whereas before it'd only been coming from Eclipse herself.

Nightmare Granfalloon shuddered, the sickening feeling resuming. “T-Twilight...the world...it feels like it's...it's fighting itself.”

Eclipse used a quick observation spell...and found indeed, all over the world creatures were arguing and fighting with one another...or cheering the Dazzlings' names at the top of their lungs. She noticed in the distance the windows of the Chaos Castle glowing green and its towers and stones rearranging themselves to spell out the Dazzlings' names. “Kill them. Now. As quickly as we can.”

Adagio gave a low chuckle, the trio once more summoning their avatars. Only this time, the massive constructs were only vaguely transparent and looked like the three's new forms, only much larger. So much so Banneret found himself having to look up. “Well, none of us are holding back anymore, so ladies and gentlecolts, enough with the opening act! Here comes the main event!”

The assembled masses back surrounding the castle continued to watch from a distance, only held back from getting close by the Sirens themselves. After all, why would they put the fans they were looking forwards to have worship them in a position to die? At Adagio's statement, they began cheering once more, louder than ever.

“Sirens vs. Nightmares! Place your bets!” Aria announced with a bloodthirsty smirk.

Applejack pushed Apple Pie out of the way, her friends watching in horror as the sonic blast blew a hole through her chest, shattering her Element to bits.

“Auntie AJ!”

Adagio spun around, knocking away Rarity's golems before spinning around with a smirk. The fashionista barely had time for her eyes to widen before a sonic scream slammed into her, shattering her Element to pieces.

“YOU KILLED HER! YOU TOOK HER AWAY FROM ME!” roared Spike, pounding Adagio's face over and over in a complete feral rage...before Adagio opened her mouth and let loose a Sonic Cutter straight through his head.

“Oh look, Discord, I finally caught your little devil,” Eclipse said with a smirk, holding Fluttershy/Fluttercruel in her telekinesis before driving a flaming chain straight through her Element.

“Don't worry, kids, mama's coming,” Pinkie Pie muttered, laying in a crying Apple Pie's hooves, Element finally shattering after getting caught in the way when Manacle had Sonic Darkboomed Sonata.

“DOUBLE SONIC ENDBOOM!” screamed Ender Dash, tears streaming down her face as she came slamming down in a berserker fury from near orbit on the 12 combatants and leveling half a mile with the shockwave alone and leaving a sky high rainbow mushroom cloud...her own Element shattering to bits from the impact.

Twilight could only watch in horror as the fighters rose from the flames, more or less unharmed.

Twilight sobbed, looking up at the battle of gods unfolding as the Sirens reached their ultimate evolution. In her hooves, she cradled Apple Pie's battered and broken body. The filly didn't have a pulse. Around her lay her friends, broken and lifeless. Elements of Chaos shattered. The only reason she was alive was because Eclipse had intentionally saved her.

They'd tried to interfere in a war between giants...and gotten trampled like ants before two battling elephants. And now, the elephants had just gotten bigger, while she felt even smaller.

It wasn't fair...they'd won! She'd had her friends back! They'd beaten Discord! They'd had their happy ending! And now the world would end in a fight between warring giants!

It wasn't fair!

Dark hands began rising around her. Nightmare Eclipse was right. This world was beyond saving.

She'd make it fair! She'd wipe those stupid fish from existence and make the world right!

Bad End