• Member Since 3rd Feb, 2014
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Marezinger Z

Always looking to learn and enhance my craft as well as share in the fandom fun.



This story is a sequel to The Hunter From Another World

Sunset and Hunter are back home with their friends. Now officially a couple, Hunter begins to adapt and settle into a more civilian life as he works to improve his social standing in the city and become a full time part of Sunset's world. Canterlot's magical troubles never cease though, as a bizarre bank robbery leads the pair and their friends against a duo that represent a combined threat of both Equestrian and human world magic. Hunter may be off the clock, but that won't stop him from protecting Sunset, his friends and his new home from the enemy.

Chapters (13)
Comments ( 44 )

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, YES!!!!!

“Nothings changed.” Hunter hid his weapon once more.

That should have an apostrophe in it. Like this:

“Nothing's changed.” Hunter hid his weapon once more.

Thanks. I read over this stuff till I'm cross-eyed and I still miss things. :facehoof:

I hope you enjoy this one as much as the last. :pinkiehappy:

“Calm down, Aria.” Adagio instructed as she stepped forward. “Just get it over with.” She held out her arm and Sunset took it in her hands. Her eyes went white for a moment and she stepped back as they returned to normal. “Satisfied?”

Adagio wouldn't have remembered that Sunset can do that. Due to the time loops during the Starswirl Festival, the meeting between them technically never happened.

Even so, it's great to see another story in this series!

Yeah, that's technically true. I went ahead and re-edited the scene. Good catch. đź‘Ť

With how often you updated the last one, I’m surprised this story is still only two chapters in. Also, I said it once, and I’ll say it again: this needs the Romance tag

This is getting really good. Loved the chat between Hunter and Flash.

I like how this is continuing

Thanks. I've never been a Flash hater, but I've always felt the character was doomed from the start given how and why they introduced him. I want to take the opportunity to turn him around into a more positive and developed direction.

I think I have a pretty good idea why exactly Melodiam is unknown to Hunter...

As always, looking forward to more :pinkiehappy:

Just a tip, always write out numbers when writing, never just type the number itself. For instance, you should’ve written “two, two, two, six, six”

As for the story, I’m enjoying it, and eagerly awaiting for things to kick into action

What's wrong with writing the number itself?

More or less unprofessional, it's more of a writing thing.



There are different schools of thought on the matter, it's one of those things where either way is right or wrong depending on who you talk to. I was taught to spell out 'conversation' numbers, like "I would like to buy two shirts and one pair of pants."; and numerically type out sequential digits like codes, pin numbers and phone numbers. In real life we write numerically because people process the characters faster; but the rules vary for fiction and you can find a supported 'yea' or 'nay' for both options.

Commencing countdown to the shit-show

“You are one angry lady. I bet you have exclamation marks instead of periods.” I heard choked to death on that line. It is so epic!

Hunter's deadliest weapon is his mouth. :rainbowlaugh:

“I'm okay.” Twilight informed.

Time for some constructive criticism. When you’re doing a quote, you need to end it with a comma if you have more that isn’t a quote. That being said, the example I have here should look like this:

“I’m okay,” Twilight informed.

Other than that, that was pretty cool

“She intends to kill the humans of the city, right?” Twilight asked.

“No, only half,” Sunset explained.

I think I know a certain purple Mad Titan that would get along with Melodiam real well.

(Obvious joke, I know)

Tacos!” Sonata’s hand jumped up like an eager student.

“Tacos?” Hunter grinned. “Your favorite food is tacos?”

“Yep!” She beamed.

Hunter put his arm around her and smiled at Sunset. “Can I keep her? Please?”

You'll have to fight off a couple thousand fanboys.

2 things:
1) Sunset and Hunter sex scene(s)! Love it! Hope there’s more explicit scenes later on.

2) The return of the Siren trio. Good to see those girls, even if they are bad to the bone(?)

Comment posted by MLPFollower deleted Apr 28th, 2020

“Yep,” He nodded. “I was a child soldier, raised and trained to do nothing but fight monsters and madmen while living in the shadows.” He patted his chest. “Look at me now; I’ve got an apartment in the city, friends, a social life and a magical girlfriend from another world,” He laughed. “If you had told me this is what my life would be now even just a year ago, I would have thought you were insane.” His whimsy faded into grim understanding. “And yeah, like you, my past is still right behind me; so close I can feel it breathing down my neck, but that doesn’t keep me from moving forward because I know that what’s ahead of me is better than anything that’s ever been at my back.” His hand fell atop hers. “So don’t lose hope, we’ll get through this and get you back on your path.”

It takes an outcast to understand an outcast.

Good things are worth fighting for. 🌮👧


I've wanted to work with the Dazzlings for a while but I wasn't sure just what to do with them; but halfway through part two of this series I started to see that Hunter could be a really good tool to help wrap up their hanging arc in the show given that he would sympathize with them on many levels more than some other characters. The last we saw of them they were on the right track but still hostile towards Sunset so I couldn't really see an ending for them stemming from her or the other girls; but having Hunter as a bridge and having a villain that comes from their past seemed a great route to take with them.

“I know right?” Hunter held his gun up. “When was the last time someone brought an assault rife to school and it ended positively ?”

Foop you, Hunter.

The Dazzlings have been redeemed. And it looks like a new life for Hunter is beginning. Can’t wait to see what the next chapter holds, maybe a sex scene between Hunter and Sunset?

Considering the story’s not over, I can only guess there’s gonna be a last-minute fight between Melodiam and/or Cobalt with the Rainbooms

Sorry to disappoint, but I'm keeping these clean for the rating.


Not a fight, the ending of this one is going to set up where things will eventually go from here with Hunter and Sunset. I'm looking to build the foundation for the stories that follow.

Kinda wished Hunter’s coworkers had gotten a little more involved, but loved in nonetheless

They will in the future, which is why I started introducing some of them in this story like Lily and Ajax. I didn't want it to become a huge part of the story, but I did want to start introducing the elements of Hunter's world. Glad you liked the story and thanks for all the feedback. :pinkiehappy:

Great story. I have really enjoyed it along with the prequels. Looking forward to your next one.

I wonder if future Hunter/Sunset stories will involve their “bedroom antics?” Other than that, a pretty awesome epilogue! I wish you luck on your future stories and many others to come.

So with this story over will you be returning to the student reform system series?

Yes, that's what I'm working on now.

Loved the reference to Charlie's Angels. :twilightsmile:

I look forward to seeing Hunter and Sunset in their next adventure, I really enjoyed this series a lot as I enjoyed seeing Hunter's growth from a supposed obnoxious student to learning he's a secret government agent and the birth of his relationship with Sunset Shimmer. :heart: :twilightsmile:

Thank you. I'm glad you've enjoyed the series so far. I have to say that Hunter has become my favorite OC creation and I enjoy working on these; thanks for checking them out.

You're very welcome, I can see why as he's got quite the backstory and personality from being a secret government agent.

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