• Published 12th Mar 2021
  • 1,430 Views, 971 Comments

The Immortal Dream - Czar_Yoshi

In the lands north of Equestria, three young ponies reach for the stars.

  • ...

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Moving Too Fast

I fidgeted in the Aegis room, Seigetsu and Luna's goons keeping a watchful eye on me as Luna stood with Nanzanaya underneath a luminous, soundproof dome.

The tension in the air made my spine crawl, even though I knew it was all me: the goons didn't seem to be expecting any further trouble, and Seigetsu was standing at attention, only half watching me, looking deep in thought.

Yeah. She had better be deep in thought. Pretending to be upstanding and straightforward, then lying about her reaction to the Equestrian guards having a party during a major operation, all to trick me into thinking it was safe to go looking for her metal dragon. Which wouldn't have been a problem, since I wasn't actually looking for it, if I hadn't stumbled upon it by accident while chasing that stupid zebra, who for all I knew was looking for it...

Halcyon, Faye said in my mind.

My ears perked ever so slightly.

We need to hear what they're saying in there, Faye whispered. Right? What if... I take over, and turn you back into a ghost, so you can float inside and eavesdrop?

I blinked. That was a bold plan, for someone who wanted to interact with the world so little that they created me to live their life for them.

Y-Yes. I guess it is. But if Nanzanaya has gotten us in this much trouble already, shouldn't we try to learn what we can from her before we have to part ways for our own safety? Besides, depending how much trouble she's in, this could be our last chance even if we can clear our own names. Unlike in our case, though, we don't know that she's innocent.

I took a breath. Alright. Faye's turn.

"Hmm?" Seigetsu glanced over at us as I materialized, first as an emerald gemstone and then swiftly released into ghost form.

"Just stretching." Faye looked at where the door had been, an ordinary wall of crystal still replacing it.

She didn't see me? Not that I expected she could, but so far, so good...

I nodded to Faye, then floated towards Luna's shield.

"I meant what I said." Luna's voice reached my ears the moment my head was halfway through the barrier, its magic doing nothing to impede spirits. "Invisible in the eyes of gods. I have practice detecting things that are trying to hide from me, even from afar, but it isn't a kind of practice that is possible for most. Where did you acquire this power, and for what purpose?"

Nanzanaya straightened up. "If you think it's that much of a problem, would you like to help me get rid of it?" She touched the third eye on her forehead. "This isn't a power, it's a curse. A curse that is widespread among my people, progressive, and has no known cure. You probably think you're clever, being able to spot me through it, but I can promise you I was trying to be seen. Why else do you think I would make my way here, where all the royal attention is currently concentrated?"

She pointed a hoof out at the room, and at Aegis in the center of it. "The longer I take to bring aid to my people, the more 'invisible' we will become. It's a trick of the perception, giving everyone around us the idea that we're not worth paying attention to. The more important or powerful someone is, the earlier it will affect their senses, since they usually have better things to be doing with their time. But it eventually comes for everyone, from the highest ruler to the lowliest drunk wandering the streets."

Her brow creased. "By the time I embarked on my journey to Equestria, our way of life had already begun breaking down. Carts colliding because their pullers didn't notice each other in time. Shoplifting by those whose curses are already far along. I was chosen to come here because I was one of the least-afflicted. As a result, I can still have normal interactions with all but the most powerful ponies. So, I'm sorry for trespassing somewhere so important. I have no designs on any of the secrets you keep in this castle. I merely wanted to take no chances in getting your attention."

I hovered, slack, in midair. A curse? That made ponies gradually become less and less noticeable? That couldn't be the invisible eye thing that I shared with her, right?

My mind ran over the possibilities, polishing them furiously. How many experiences did I have with ponies, especially powerful ones, not noticing or forgetting about my existence? Especially recently?

Well, I had been aggressively courted by just about every faction leader in Ironridge... and that was barely a month ago. If anything, I had the opposite effect on me. That was overwhelming enough to count as proof all by itself. But then that would mean that our connection with the third eye was something completely different.

"I see," Princess Luna said, looking the zebra up and down. "And so you assumed that because such an effect is worrisome to us, we would help you to end it. What kind of help are you seeking?"

Nanzanaya's eyes sparkled with success. "Our neighbor, Abyssinia, has constructed a dark tower near our border, and is charging it with vile energies. Our scholars and mages are certain that is the source of the effects. I don't know if destroying it can reverse the curse, but at the very least it should halt the spread. Also, the location of this tower is not far from your border as well, so your nation stands to benefit from lending us a helping hoof."

Luna appraised her.

"You know the history between you and my people, Princess of Dreams," Nanzanaya said, her expression going completely neutral. "I'm not trying to put words in your mouth, here. But if you did want to make amends, this would be such a good opportunity, you could wipe the slate clean with a single move. And you wouldn't even have to face my people or enter the valley to do it. Bring down that tower, and we could even be friends again."

Luna's expression grew harder. "You have made your point. Now, if you truly have no designs on the Aegis, how did you locate this room?"

"You mean that metal dragon thing?" Nanzanaya pointed over her shoulder at Aegis. "...You probably wouldn't be convinced if I told you I've never seen it before, given where I'm from. I didn't realize it was what was up here, though. It's the real deal, isn't it?"

"That is none of your concern."

"No, it isn't!" Nanzanaya smiled and shrugged. "I'm merely here to secure help for my country in whatever form you can provide it. As for how I found this place, it was mostly a matter of trial and error. I'm quite fast on my hooves, you see."

Luna scrutinized her.

"It was a safe assumption there would be something in a dusty old castle like this someone important was protecting." Nanzanaya didn't break eye contact. "Anyway, what do you think? My condition obviously unnerves you, and I'm here to ask your help in making it go away. Want to be partners? Or do you need some time to think it over?"

"I think I've heard enough," Luna said. "Have you anything else to say for yourself, or should I go and see if your story matches up with your companion's?"

"Oh, it probably won't," Nanzanaya casually admitted. "I've never met her before today, and couldn't tell you a thing about what her deal is. Try not to tell her too much about me, though, would you? We've hit it off pretty well, and a big part of that has been the aura of mystery I'm cultivating!"

Faye sat in silence as Luna and Nanzanaya talked, Halcyon visible halfway through the sound barrier out of the corner of her eye. Assuming control here, in this place, surrounded by so many ponies... It was all she could do to keep her composure and not to freak out.

Steady. Breathe, she told herself, focusing on the rise and fall of her chest beneath her rugged old coat. No one knows you're you right now. Just focus on staying calm.

Something about the atmosphere wasn't quite right, though. Faye concentrated on that wrongness, tried to pick it apart, and suddenly it was obvious: the stars she saw whenever she assumed control, the little pinpricks of light that each corresponded to a pony, somewhere off in the distance.

There were lots of them below her hooves, down where the city would be. And something much brighter than a star should be, somewhere around the party's edge. But up here, in the room she was currently trapped in... None of Luna's guards had stars.

They were all dark. Lounging around, standing at attention, whatever they were doing, each and every one lacked that spark. Seigetsu had one. Luna had one, also brighter than normal. Nanzanaya had one too, though it looked as if it was hidden by a thin shroud.

She had been able to see those for almost as long as she could remember. At an early age, she had figured out no one else could see them and no one knew what she was talking about if she mentioned them, and ever since then, they had been her secret, just like the distant rushing in her ears that went away whenever she became Halcyon.

No books ever made mention of them. They were obviously a changeling queen thing, because she could also dull them in her senses by taking off her bracelet... not that she ever made a habit of that. As best as she could figure out, they were just somehow associated with life.

But still, Luna's guards had no stars.

Were they zombies? Machines? Some sort of arcane constructs? Faye shivered, her bracelet feeling cool around her leg. If only she could be anywhere but here.

There was one bright spot to being in control, though. Back on the streets, she had gotten the sensation that the entire city functioned like a giant changeling queen throne, its roads and crystals serving as pipelines for emotion between the ponies and some powerful, hyper-suffused core. The castle, it turned out, was the same: her boots provided only a thin layer of insulation between her and that network, which was currently supercharged with feelings of jubilation, relief and the reclamation of something precious that had been lost.

Would the caves beneath Ironridge have felt the same, if she visited there at a time when the Kindness spirit was healthy and whole? Faye pored through her memories of having that spirit within her, and slowly came to the conclusion this was different. The Crystal Empire didn't have any central presence or intelligence governing its power, even if all those emotions were being concentrated into a core. All that power was just sitting there, waiting to be used.

So Faye didn't feel bad about the tiny quantities leaking through her boots and into her hooves. She didn't pull on it or try to take it, but she didn't push it away, either, and the proximity of those emotions gave her the strength she needed to keep her cool.

And then, finally, the sound barrier dropped.

"You shall wait with my soldiers," Luna instructed, motioning Nanzanaya over to the starless ponies with a nod, nothing but their manes and tails visible beneath full-body flight suits and reflective goggles. Then she turned to Faye. "It is your turn to explain these circumstances. Would you prefer the privacy of my silence?"

Faye swallowed and nodded, giving Halcyon a glance that hopefully said your turn, hurry.

Halcyon nodded and flew closer as Luna's horn glowed, preparing to summon the barrier again. Faye focused, Halcyon's floating form dissipating as she was converted back to a mask-

Luna's shadow grabbed the emerald stone.

Faye blinked, still trying to reassimilate herself, even though the gemstone was no longer in her hooves, swiftly being carried across the floor by a shadow shaped like an appendage, stretching out from the princess's hooves.

"What is this?" Luna asked, her shadow going back to normal after depositing the gem containing Halcyon at her hooves.

Faye stared, then swallowed, her train of thought beginning to snarl. How had Luna done that? What had just happened?

Luna picked up the mask in her aura and held it up. "If you meant to conjure this as a weapon, my reflexes are far too quick for a trick like that." She stared at the mask, her horn glowing as she held it aloft. Her brow furrowed in confusion and disbelief. "What is this?"

"It's mine," Faye said quietly, her brows shadowed by her bangs. "Give it back."

"Why and how did you create this?" Luna asked, slightly more forceful. "I would have noticed it if you were carrying it when you entered."

"Give it back," Faye repeated, barely even registering that Luna had never finished the silence bubble. "I need it. Please."

From where she was standing, Seigetsu raised an eyebrow, her expression visibly curious.

"Need it for what?" Luna pressed. "This substance is-"

"Is mine, is what it is," Faye growled, her senses and goals and inhibitions draining away like receding floodwaters as Luna held onto the mask. "This is not up for negotiation. Whatever you want my cooperation on, give that back or you're not getting it! Give it back, now!"

"May I see that, actually?" Seigetsu asked, walking toward Luna and holding out a hand.

Luna looked taken aback by the force of Faye's outburst. "I am above being intimidated by this display," she warned. "Calm yourself and explain how and why you managed to create this artifact."

Faye looked frantically around for something, anything she could use to stop this. Her mind was hers to mold. It was the one thing that conclusively, certainly, irreversibly belonged to her and could never be surrendered, compromised or taken... until now.

Luna was holding a piece of her identity. The most important piece.

Nothing mattered more than getting it back.

"Give it back," Faye whispered, trembling, slipping off the boot on her bracelet leg. "I'm supposed to be your friend. I came here for your help, and to help you! So give it back now, or I'll... I'll..."

Discord, Lord of Chaos, draconequus, symmetrically-challenged individual and part-time janitor known as Egdelwonk, reclined against a support pillar near the base of the palace, watching from the outskirts as the ponies partied on.

Behind him was a cavernous interior, open to the air and hollowed out beneath the palace, level with the streets and accessible from every thoroughfare in the city, the castle supported above it by massive crystals to every side. In the dead center, gentle, flowery runes converged from the streets into a flowing sigil around a sculpted spike of crystal, a matching spike hanging down from the ceiling straight above. The two spikes crackled softly with energy, and rotating in midair between them was a crystalline heart, surrounded by a halo of rainbow and radiating a peaceful hum.

Suddenly, the world around the heart seemed to contract like a heartbeat, letting out a pulse of distorted light. When Discord turned to look, tendrils of black had seeped down through the top spike, and the heart had stopped spinning, caught by the ends of the tendrils like a forest of tiny hands.

Discord lifted his sunglasses with a single talon. "Oh, well that's interesting."

From high in the sky, the wave of distortion was much more visible as it radiated out, stretching all the way to the edges of the weather control shield that formed a dome around the Crystal Empire.

Corsica, sitting in a chariot formed from solidified golden telekinesis with her mane whipping in the wind, leaned over the edge and stared. "What was that?"

"It looked like a fluctuation with the shield!" Twilight leaned out to watch as well, pressing far too closely into her personal space. "That's not good!"

"With the shield?" Fluttershy looked concerned. "The one that's powered by the Crystal Heart? But we just fixed that this morning!"

"I know." Twilight swallowed, looking grim. "But what if we didn't fix it good enough? I should have stayed in the Empire to keep an eye on it! What if our repairs were incomplete, or I made a mistake, or-"

"Yeah, well, I'm gonna go check it out," Rainbow Dash said, diving off the side of the chariot and blasting ahead in a bolt of speed.

"Princess?" Twilight looked up, her ears falling.

"Steady yourselves in your seats," Princess Celestia encouraged, flying ahead of the chariot with her horn blazing yellow. "I think Rainbow Dash has the right idea."

Chromatic crystal stretched up from the floor, surrounding and encasing Faye's blood-red hoof. Her bracelet burned with emerald, flames lancing out and crackling across her leg, and the crystal burned as well, multicolored flames of its own dancing and sparking up from the floor.

Her mind was petrified, her mouth frozen mid-sentence as her soul and her emptiness hovered next to a vast reservoir of emotion, squished up against it, only a thin veneer of surface tension preventing them from merging with the force of a waterfall. If Luna didn't give back her mask, she'd what?

She'd what? She'd what?

The inside of her body yelled the question at her with equivalent force to the power she had reached through the floor to touch, and her fear rose up like a dragon to snuff out any sort of answer.

"Her hooves," the voice of a twenty-years-younger Shinespark whispered. "It's like they're covered in blood..."

"Wonder if it's fate," a gravelly stallion mused. "After all, to hear you lot tell it, a lot of blood was spilled in her name."

Corsica glared at her special talent, sitting in a closet in Snowport. "In fact, the reason I manifested this to begin with was probably because somewhere deep down, even while I was unconscious and comatose, some part of me just refused to accept my fate and die. But whether I want to wish things had been different or not, it doesn't matter, because wishing this talent away is the one thing even it can't do."

A nurse tried to comfort her in a hospital room, but she was merely running through the motions. If only she understood that Faye knew nothing whatsoever about avalanche first-aid, despite having a talent that could let her learn it in a heartbeat if she had ever previously cared about pretending to be a field medic. That nurse would have felt just how much she was willing to give to have a talent that could simply let her pull expertise from the void instead, without needing something to learn from or time to learn it.

Gray static clouded Faye's vision, and then suddenly claws of color began shredding and tearing at it, the emotions from the city driving into her fear, puncturing it and tearing a ragged gash in the curtain of nothing. And through that tear, she saw a golden light, and heard a new voice.

"Two wishes? You are greedy indeed..."

"Cease this at once!" Luna's voice boomed with power, pulling her halfway back to reality, but she was still paralyzed. What could she cease? She wasn't doing anything. The moment she tried to call upon her powers, no matter how dire the situation, even for a cause as important as protecting Halcyon, this happened.

This always happened.

Maybe her fear was protecting her from worse consequences.

Or maybe it just made her useless.

"What's going on?"

Applejack shoved her way through a crowd of crystal ponies that were vacillating between confusion and panic, creating enough of an opening for Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Starlight to slip into the central plaza as well.

Discord tapped the ground with his lone hoof, holding up a talon and preemptively sighing when she opened her mouth with an accusation. "Believe it or not, I have absolutely nothing to do with this one. But if you're going to deal with it, are you sure one of you doesn't want the boop? Having an extra point of view up there would really smooth things along..."

Rarity was ignoring him. "Sweet Celestia, the Crystal Heart!"

"Today's really not its lucky day, huh?" Pinkie guessed, bouncing along beside her. "Hey Starlight, you think-"

"That looks like it has nothing to do with our repair job," Starlight said, narrowing her eyes in frustration and marching up to the entrapped heart. "Now, let's see..."

She put a hoof on the crystal spike, lit her horn with a bright teal aura, and closed her eyes. "There," she said after a second, focusing on a point far above her. "Whatever's causing this is up there. And whatever it is, I am not in the mood!"

Her horn bristled with power...

Faye was just conscious enough to understand what was about to happen as Luna hardened her telekinesis into a sword, pointing it at the hoof that was attached to the floor.

What was she thinking? Of course she couldn't try to threaten a princess, even if she actually was in control of her powers and had the mental fortitude to use them. Why even-

A pillar of crystal erupted from the ground next to her, crackled with teal energy, morphed itself into the shape of a boot, and kicked her so hard that the connection holding her to the ground shattered. Faye went flying, taking out two of Luna's goons on her way, until she hit a wall and crumpled, out cold.

Discord emerged from a puff of purple smoke and lopsided polygons just in time to keep a viewpoint on Aegis's room as Faye went down, rubbing a talon down his face in exasperation. Before Luna or Seigetsu could question his presence, Starlight teleported in too.

Starlight's eyes quickly found Faye, and her battle stance melted into disappointment. "You? You did that? You've got to be kidding me..."

Faye didn't respond or move.

"Starlight!" Luna started in surprise.

"Oh. You're already here?" Starlight blinked at her, then sighed. "Guess I didn't need to get involved, then-"

Her eyes fell across Aegis.

Starlight sat down heavily. "It's just one blast from the past after another today, isn't it? Do I want to know what that's doing here? And does it have anything to do with her?" She pointed a hoof at Faye.

Seigetsu watched Starlight, clearly intrigued, but didn't speak up.

"...The situation seems under control for the moment," Luna said, nodding to Starlight. "My thanks for your intervention, although I would have been fine without."

"What even happened here?" Starlight asked, glancing around and surveying the room. "I don't want to know, but I've got the feeling fate is just going to keep bludgeoning me over the head with it until I acknowledge the messenger at the door."

"That is a long story," Princess Luna began. "Though the shortest version is that I detected a pair of intruders sneaking into the room where the Aegis was being kept. As for why it is here, perhaps it would be better to wait until my sister has returned, so that we can brief you along with Twilight Sparkle and the Elements. That would keep unnecessary retellings to a minimum."

"Great," Starlight groaned. "The way you say that makes it sound like it's definitely going to become my problem."

Luna hesitated.

"What's she doing here, anyway?" Starlight jabbed a hoof at the crumpled Faye. "And should anyone go check on her?"

"Probably getting herself into a very convoluted misunderstanding that's entirely her fault," Discord said, stepping out into the light. "I can vouch for her integrity with gusto, if it makes a difference. She's almost as good at telling the truth as I am!"

"Discord..." Luna warned. "I know you are attracted to situations like this, but your feedback would be better appreciated in another venue."

"Oh, don't worry about me," Discord insisted, waving a talon. "I'm just buying time until... Actually, there they are right now..."

Corsica ran through a newly un-crystalled door with Braen, Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Princess Celestia, skidding to a stop when she saw the contents of the room and quickly piecing together what had happened. There was Halcyon's boot, abandoned on the ground, and far away from it, laying in a corner... Yep, there was Halcyon.

"You idiot," Corsica grumbled, picking up the boot with her telekinesis and dragging it over to its crumpled owner. "What did you pick a fight with? And why would put yourself on the line when there's a princess right... there...?"

Halcyon was out cold. Her bracelet was hot, and the sleeve around it was in tatters.

Corsica sighed, stuffing the boot back on and lifting her friend in her telekinesis, turning back to face the rest of the room. "Any of you know where a hospital is around here, or at least some place where she can rest?"

"You know this mare?" a dark alicorn asked, ostensibly Princess Luna.

"Yeah." Corsica's telekinesis twinkled. "What of it?"

"I need to take her into custody," Luna explained, her voice cold and curt. "While thinking it was unguarded, she snuck into this room with an accomplice, then proceeded to pull an unknown weapon on me when I attempted to question her. Rather than backing down, she then attempted to use some form of disharmonic power to attack this castle's core. I know not what your relationship with her is, but I will expect your compliance in getting to the bottom of this."

"Princess," Starlight hissed, poking Luna conspicuously with her telekinesis, then recoiling as if she had just accidentally violated a major social contract. "I mean... Look at her cutie mark."

Luna took a sharp breath.

"What's this?" You two recognize this too?" Corsica turned so her flank was more easily visible. "Whoop-de-doo for you, I guess."

"Wait, what's special about it?" Twilight asked. "Or did you explain this to me already, and I forgot because it's been a busy day? I'm gonna go with you didn't? Actually, what's going on in here in general?"

"Great idea!" Starlight strode forward, her voice cracking as she patted Twilight on the back and pushed her into the middle of the room. "Why don't you deal with this, and only come get me if it's something you actually think I'm needed for, huh? Literally one day to put my thoughts together is all I ask, so how about-"

She bumped into Fluttershy, who was staring, transfixed, at Aegis.

"Something's calling to me," Fluttershy whispered. "From... whatever that is. I can feel it..."

Aegis's eyes lit up with pink. "FLUTTERSHY," it said in a voice that seemed to echo in Corsica's head. "YOU HAVE A DELIVERY."

The armor plates on its chest shifted, exposing a glowing, crystalline core... and several embers of pink dripped out of that core, tumbling across the ground like a stream with too much surface tension, tracing a path straight towards Fluttershy. She leaned down to meet it, and it melted into her, until all the embers were gone and the armor plates had shifted back into their original positions.

"Oh my," Fluttershy whispered, looking mostly normal except for some quality that couldn't be captured in words, and maybe not even in a picture, yet had definitely increased. "This feels just like wearing my Kindness pendant." She met Corsica's eyes. "This must be what you were talking about when you said the reason you were here was related to my Element in Ironridge. Some sort of spark of Kindness, except it feels diminished and broken down. But why was it in that metal dragon?"

"I am certain everyone has an abundance of questions," Princess Celestia said, cutting in. "But it seems that the immediate crisis is resolved, and so I would take charge of anything not immediately related to the Aegis's security. Sister, a briefing, please."

Luna nodded. "Appreciated. First off, that mare there needs to be detained for questioning, ideally in a location where she cannot come into contact with the crystals. Second, do you have any idea what this is?"

She held out a chunk of emerald crystal that Corsica recognized instantly as Halcyon's mask.

Celestia frowned, examining it. "Some sort of crystallized emotion, all but certainly. However, I can't get even the faintest indicator of what emotion it is. Perhaps we should continue this conversation in private?"

Corsica's heart sped up. Halcyon had lost that? And presumably then did whatever she did to cause that shockwave... Maybe a combination of stupidity and desperation?

She couldn't let that thing get damaged or taken, though. Not under any circumstances. That was her Halcyon, the one who had been there for her after she got her special talent, and all throughout the years where she struggled under its weight.

And if the princesses didn't even know what it did... It wasn't getting away. Not on her watch.

"Hey," Corsica said. "Not to butt in on something important, but how much weight does my word carry around here? She's in trouble, I'm her friend, but I've been a model citizen around here, and you're asking questions you're not likely to find the answers to on your own."

Princess Luna looked up. "You know what this artifact is?"

Corsica glanced at Seigetsu. Whose side was that dragon on, right now? Either way, her special talent probably wouldn't work on alicorns... Whether she could pull this off or not would be all on her.

"No, but I've got an idea," Corsica bluffed. "It's related to this alternate system of spellcasting she was developing to allow non-unicorns to use magic like we can. She probably freaked out because she doesn't want anyone reverse-engineering it, since it wasn't patented yet - patents were real important where we come from. Not that I think that's more important than clearing her good name. Kid's prone to freaking out a lot, and I'm certain this was a misunderstanding. So if you really want to know what that gem was supposed to do, give it to some scholarly type with a lab, and I can give them the right pointers they'd need to figure it out quick."

Celestia glanced at Twilight. "Twilight, would you like to take a crack at this? You seem to be getting along well with Corsica."

Corsica gave herself a mental hoofbump. It seemed she had read Twilight properly as a fellow science nerd.

"Um, sure," Twilight said, accepting the emerald with her telekinesis. "This crystalline structure sure is unique..."

Mission complete... enough. For now. Talking Twilight into giving her the stone, or at least not doing anything stupid with it, would probably be far easier than one of the rulers whose sensibilities Halcyon had apparently just violated enough to get punted into the corner of a room.

As she carried Halcyon, Corsica furtively slipped off her bracelet as well, opting to keep that safe too for good measure. However they were going to turn this bad of a start around enough to win military aid for the north, she couldn't see... other than that it would probably involve her doing the majority of the work while knowing a minority of the details.

Halcyon would owe her big for this. Just as soon as she got out of idiot jail.

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