• Member Since 15th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 29 minutes ago



Being stationed all alone in the desert leads to boredom. Nancy wasn't quite bored enough to travel to another world and kill a local, but these things happen.

A good old-fashioned HiE.

Chapters (18)
Comments ( 112 )

Well, at least Twilight believes in a fair due process instead of jumping the gun and stoning our protagonist for defending herself from what she perceived as a threat to her life. It's better than a lot of other HIE first contact scenarios have gone. I look forward to seeing more of this.

A good old-fashioned HiE.

Normally I'd day that good and HiE are mutually exclusive, but in this case they both apply.

Como te llamas

How are your llamas? :rainbowhuh:

Yeah, it's heartless of me, but the dragons really need to learn that if they habitually unthinkingly threaten people, they will eventually threaten the wrong person.

well when you're the biggest stronger guy in the room its hard to see anything dethroning you until it's already done.

Good on Twilight for believing in due process and Nancy for remembering her training. Let's see where this goes.

That's "What's your name?" in Spanish.

Liked and tracking.

ok...ok...ok...personally I can not see the protagonist as a marine but I see her as a paramilitary (a woman who received weapons training throughout her life)......the story itself is interesting to read😐

Well, I knew it was wrong; I was just certain that my wrong translation was funnier. :pinkiehappy:
Isn't she Navy?

She's a sailor who was given weapons for guard duty. It isn't her usual job.

i'm guessing self defense isn't a law here.

Well, if it's common-sense based "I was clawed enough to damage the armor over my vitals" at least proves that she wasn't the initial aggressor. The issue would then be were there instructions to surrender prior to violence and it yes are those even valid as she's now known to not understand their language without magical assistance.

Though, maybe Nancy shouldn’t read too much into a species that thought digital watches were a pretty neat idea.

I see what you did there.

She killed a sapient being. At least in Equestria, I don't think self-defense is enough to justify that.

It's a reference to a line from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams:

“Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun. Orbiting this at a distance of roughly ninety-two million miles is an utterly insignificant little blue green planet whose ape-descended life forms are so amazingly primitive that they still think digital watches are a pretty neat idea.”

I still don't get it. How, exactly, are digital watches not "a pretty neat idea"?

Ah, I see the miscommunication. The mention of them in this story wasn't intended to take a stance on their neatness, it was only to reference Douglas Adams' work. Why didn't Douglas Adams think they were a neat idea? I don't know.

i disagree. she felt her life was threatened enough to defend herself. she never attacked first, and only capped the dragon after he made an threatening gesture/attack towards her. remember she couldn't speak their language at first and would have had no idea he was friendly.

Just because one feels that one's life is threatened, doesn't mean it is. Besides, she could have shot to injure, but chose to kill instead. It was a disproportionate response.

Hey folks...it's a My Little Pony fanfic. Nobody was harmed in the production.


Edit: Don't get me wrong here, I usually don't care much about fictional non-ponies, but death is serious business.

did you really think a 9mm (which service members claim is a weak round to use against normal humans and is barely capable of breaking the hardest part of the front skull) should really be capable of straight up hurting a creature that enjoy lava baths. what we are looking at is self defense given the dragon attacked first, whether or not the fact that the bullets could deal that much damage to a dragon isn't the point, she felt her life was threatened and was unable to communicate verbally with a creature that could have killed her with it's massive claws.

we are discussing the merits of a lead bullet killing a creature that eats gems and can withstand the pressure and heat of lava and whether she are valid in a claim of self defense. we are role-playing as lawyers in a court of law. (this is as close to D&D as i'm gonna to get for this week, don't ruin this for me.)

She's a soldier. She's trained to do exactly that.
You're thinking cops; they're supposed to have the measured response because cops deal with their own citizens, not enemies known and unknown.
Few countries on Earth would truly object to Petty Officer Rodriguez's actions except for the sake of politics.

The issue is that she's in Equestria. Very different values and experiences.
"The jedi ponies do not believe in killing their prisoners", after all.

Ah, I see what you did "there".

Probably want to give location for context?

I'm not a law student but im pretty sure self defense manslaughter of a foreign 'citizen' would atleast lead to internal investigations and honorable discharge from the navy and possible probation time

When did the shackles get taken off?

What the... Seriously? Nothing!?

Screw this, I'm out of here!

Depending on how and where they show back up on Earth, it might get covered up.
How did you lose a soldier for 3 days? How did they show up in an alley outside the Ukrainian embassy in France in full kit with their rifle?
Who wants to know? And who doesn't want it to be known?

either case, she will be heavily monitored by the government if she did return. She's MIA and when they find her , no matter circumstances she'll have eyes and ears 24/7

I get the feeling that the issue will be resolved wholly illegally and informally.
Losing a soldier off a remote posting for 3 days and then finding them reflects poorly on the soldier but much worse on the command structure.

I wonder how the dragons will feel about this. As a species that values strength, they might feel positively inclined towards someone who killed a dragon and got away with it.

Princess Twilight finished up and came in from the balcony. She gestured to a sitting area. Nancy had been so distracted that she hadn’t realized until that moment that Princess Ember was already there.

Dragon Lord

She Earned the title. Princess by virtue of relation to the previous dragon lord, but Dragon Lord by Deed.
Twilight, Princess by Deed.

Technically Cadence would be a Princess of Equestria by inheritance. Odd though she is not Titled Empress given her rulership over the Crystal Empire. I back her title by the address of the Empire citizen declaring "Behold! The Crystal Princess!"
I accept this.

I need a fluid change because these gears are ground.

Sure, but Nancy doesn't know that.

i'm more or less considering how twilight keeps referring to her as Princess honestly. hit the reeeeee button with my forehead

Make it as dark as it needs to be for the plot. I'd prefer to not have it be grimdark or if humanity is introduced in the story for them to be evil bastards, But you can write what you want here.

Imma gonna agree with ya as a story's darkness should be as dark as the author wants but don't go to dark as that causes problems

Quick audience poll, how dark are you willing to let this story get?


I second the motion. Darkness in a story is a means to an end, not an end in itself, and it should be used judiciously. A more moderate use leaves a deeper impact because the stakes are more grounded and clear; it feels less overblown.

I agree with these two. I suppose the question of "How dark is too dark" can best be addressed with the question, "Is there still hope?"

The story Starlight Over Detrot: A Noir Tale, for example, gets very dark at times, but there's always an indication that things will get better, even if it takes several chapters to get through the current scenario. On the other hand, I stopped reading Jericho because it just kept spiraling downward and downward, with no hope, or, indeed, escape, in sight.

And it has to be in sight, not just in the author's mind. It's no good you knowing that things will be all right if you've done a sufficient job of convincing me that things are so hopeless, that change is so impossible, that there's no reason to continue reading. There's a term for this. <Google Search>

Darkness-Induced Audience Apathy

"Ruined World + cast of Jerk = I don't care what happens to these guys"

Depends. Dark because she can’t get home or dark because of more loss of life and/or limb?

Dark enough to matter but nothing someone can't climb back from.

I personal prefer a lighter tone than most. I'm alright with it being dark, but please don't go too far.

Evisceration and contraceptive use of the entrails whilst fornicating with a skull. Thats dark. Theres also tricking into Fratricide

I half expected her to come out as a pony or something.

Well, she didn't have a mirror, so you can picture her Equestria Girls-ified if you want

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