• Published 27th Apr 2020
  • 9,390 Views, 260 Comments

Care to Take a Lady Out on a Date? - MisterEdd

After a night of drunken passion, Anon (aka you) and Rarity decide to have a chat the following morning

  • ...

The Silver Vine

You wiggled your eyebrows at the human staring back at you in the mirror and flashed him a grin, your duplicate repeating the action. The planning stage for your date tonight had sapped all of your mental energy and left you feeling exhaustive but for Rarity, it was worth it. In fact, it'd been so labor-intensive that it was almost as if you'd spent the better part of a year planning every single minute detail. You tried to think of an instance where you expended this much time and effort but couldn't remember any. If this wasn't an indication of how crazy you were about this mare, you didn't know what was.

"Look at you, Mr. Fancy," Rainbow Dash whistled as she laid splayed out on your bed, one hoof resting on her chin. "You look like one of those Canterlot elite types."

It was true. Over the years, Rarity had made you a few suits for formal occasions but this was the fanciest one. It was an all-black ensemble consisting of a pressed white dress shirt, double-breasted dinner jacket, bow-tie, slacks, and Oxford-type dress shoes. Not to toot your own horn but, all-in-all, you were one sexy bastard. Princess Celestia had even sent you a pair of custom-made golden cufflinks bearing your initials inside a piece of cat's-eye.

"Thanks but I'm not fully dressed yet."

Lastly, for the pièce de résistance, you tucked a petunia into your breast pocket as petunias were Rarity's favorite flower. Shimmering Belle, Rarity's beloved late grandmother, used to grow petunias and thus she always carried the scent with her. Whenever Rarity saw or smelled petunias, she always thought of her grandmother and all of the great times they had. It was honestly the sweetest thing you'd ever heard and you couldn't help but think of your own grandmother, who smelled like almonds and cat hair. Okay, it wasn't the same exact thing per se but you could understand your marefriend's attachment to the flower, which is why you chose it as the final piece to your attire.

"Rarity's favorite flower? Nice," Rainbow smiled approvingly. "I think the chances of you getting laid tonight are looking pretty good."

"Wow, you are just so romantic, you know that?"

Rainbow shrugged. "What can I say? I'm a class act."

Straightening your bow-tie, you clicked your tongue and shot finger-guns at the mirror.

"So where are you taking her?"

"Oh, just some little restaurant called 'the Silver Vine.' No big deal."

Shooting up, Rainbow stared at you with her jaw almost scraping the floor.

"The Silver Vine! No way, dude! That place is always booked!"

You smuggled polished your fist on your lapel and examined your fingernails.

"Yeah, well, I've got connections. Nothing is too good for my marefriend."

"No kidding!" Rainbow then slyly grinned at you. "You know, if you two ever decide to start a herd..."

"Let me guess: you want to date Rarity and I so you can get free food?"

"Eh, it was worth a try."

After bidding Rainbow Dash farewell, you stopped by the flower mares' cart and picked up a bouquet of roses. The three were ecstatic about your upcoming date and each offered you first date advice. Of course, things turned sour when Rose and Lily got into a heated argument about when it was appropriate to kiss a mare at the end of the date. This left poor Daisy hiding her head inside a flowerpot and muttering something about this happening before. You discreetly left some bits on the cart and beat a hasty retreat just as the pair came to blows, their hooves lightly tapping one another on the cheeks.

There was a time when you would've sat back and watched a cat-fight with all of the enthusiasm of a kid at a fireworks display but you liked to think that you've matured since then. Just a little.

Everywhere you went, ponies turned their heads. It was quite a sight to see the resident human looking so dapper considering you usually wore a T-shirt and jeans. You even put on a dash of that Prench cologne Rarity gave you last Hearth's Warming, which you hadn't used until now since you'd never had a reason to use it before. It wasn't long before you caught sight of a certain mint-green unicorn tailing you, a pair of binoculars hanging from around her neck. Yeah, it was a pretty safe bet she'd been watching you change again, especially since, aside from the obvious-as-hell binoculars, she had something wet dripping down from between her legs.

"Hey Anon! You all set for your big date?"

"You know it, Lyra! Truth be told, I'm a little nervous."

"Aw, you don't need to be! I'm sure you and Rarity will have a nice time!" She then added in a sing-song voice, "If you want, I can calm your nerves with a pre-date blowjob."

"Thanks but no thanks. Well, see you later!"

"My offer's always good! Have a good time, Nonny!"

You chuckled and shook your head. It was amazing how considerate your pony-stalker was. When you first met Lyra, you were one-hundred percent certain you were going to wake up tied to a mattress in her basement, the mare hovering above you with glassy eyes and a video camera. At least she had the common courtesy to ask you for oral sex rather than just wait until you were asleep or drunk off your ass. The only time she drugged you was to take pictures of the two of you snuggling...and that was while you were fully clothed.

Aside from the dirty poetry, Lyra Heartstrings was what you liked to call a "PG Stalker."

Carousel Boutique soon came into view, the shades pulled down and a Closed sign hanging on the door.

You took a deep breath. "Well, here goes nothing."

Pushing the doorbell, you waited patiently for Rarity to appear. Being Rarity, you knew she had to make a grand entrance and that didn't bother you in the slightest. She was a performer through and through, always ensuring that ponies remembered her even if they never once exchanged a word. She actually cared about how she looked and that was a contrast with your more casual, shabby appearance. Maybe your differences were what was making this relationship work so far.

The door unlocked and there stood one Miss Rarity Belle in all of her splendorous glory. She was garbed in a sleeveless, double-strapped dark blue gown made of shimmering silk that deliciously hugged her curvy frame. A gray-brown faux fur scarf was draped across her shoulders, accompanied by a pair of sparkly dark blue shoes and matching gloves on her forelegs. Her indigo mane had been packed into a bun with little squiggles of hair trailing over each ear. The ensemble was completed by diamond earrings and a pearl necklace with a large pink pearl in the center.

"Sweet Celestia..."

She noticed your slaw-jawed expression and gave you a little smirk.

"Well, hello yourself, darling," Rarity purred, her refined voice somehow making the words even hotter. "Do you like what you see?"

You dumbly nodded, your eyes fully inspecting the divine creature standing before you.

Speak, dummy, speak!

"You're beautiful," you finally squeaked out.

Rarity tittered, "Why thank you, Anon. You look rather dashing yourself."

"Thanks. These-these are for you," you managed, holding the rose bouquet out in front of you with shaking hands.

Lightly taking them with her magic, Rarity gave the bouquet a sniff and beamed.

"Thank you, darling. They're lovely-..."

She paused, then peered at your chest.

"Is that a petunia?"

You nodded. "Yeah. It's your favorite, because it reminds you of your grandmother."

A mixture of joy and surprise lit up her face.

"You remembered?"

Bending down, you placed a hand on Rarity's cheek, eliciting a delighted sigh from the unicorn.

"Of course I did. Because, well...you matter to me."

Woooow, really deep there, man.

Rarity's hoof reached up to caress your face.



Her lips lightly pressed against your own and but before you could fully enjoy the contact, she pulled away. Mmm, she tasted like vanilla.

Rarity giggled. "So, shall we get going?"

"I thought you'd never ask."

The train ride to Canterlot was mostly spent chatting about nothing important, mostly just how things were going. Rarity did most of the talking, not that you minded, since you had jack to say. At one point, she decided to just use your shoulder as a pillow and you wrapped an arm around her, careful not to wrinkle that immaculate gown. The remainder of the journey devolved into total silence but not the uncomfortable type, being more the silence two people shared while simply enjoying one another's company. She was the first girlfriend that you could perform this with, as your previous girlfriends required constant talking and you were thankful for this since it made what you two had that much more special in your eyes.

After the train pulled into the station, you insisted that Rarity had to wear a blindfold. She smirked at the suggestion, cocking a humorous brow.

"Is this so you can lead me to a dark alleyway and have your wicked way with me?"

"Only if you don't mind an audience of alley cats and stray dogs."

Rolling her eyes, Rarity made a comment about your sass and placed the blindfold on, relying upon you to carefully secure it in place. You hailed a cab and guided her inside taxi, briefly holding your hands over her ears so she couldn't hear the name of the restaurant. Despite the stallion's odd look, he nevertheless drove you to your destination without saying a word about your appearance or your blindfolded date. As you were feeling generous, you gave him quite a generous tip and he took off with a large, ear-to-ear grin. Taking a deep breath, you removed the blindfold.

Opening her eyes, Rarity's hooves flew to her mouth.

"My word. The Silver Vine? You actually got us a reservation?"

"That I did, ma cherie."

See? You could be fancy too.

Taking Rarity's hoof in your hand, you led her through the glass doors, which were decorated with an intricate silver logo consisting of a leafy vine shaping the restaurant's initials. Gentle orchestral music flowed out into the spacious lobby, which was comprised of a silver-gray linoleum floor, white marble pillars adorned with painted silver vines and several red velvet curtains. A large fountain was situated in the center of the room featuring a statue of a unicorn mare in a Greek-style toga and pouring water out of an amphora jar. You recognized the mare as Fleur de Lis, a popular model, and concluded that it was indeed a very close likeness of the mare herself. Although very beautiful, she had nothing on the ivory beauty standing beside you and you wondered if Rarity would ever consider posing for a sculptor.

A rather snooty-looking stallion with a Salvador Dali mustache gave you the stink-eye from behind his podium.

"Ahem. Excusez-moi, but do you hahve a reservahtion?"

Wow. Someone went to the Douchebag School of Fine Assholery.

Rarity looked ready to murder this guy. "As a matter of fact, sir, we do."

"It's a table for two under 'Anonymous'," you stated calmly, keeping a hand on Rarity's shoulder.

Monsieur Snooty's eyes shot open. "Mon dieu..I ahm so sahrry, monsieur. Ahnd mahdemoiselle! Please ahccept my seencerest ahpahlogies!"

He blew on a silver whistle and a short stallion with a stubby mustache entered.


"Zese two ahre very special guests. Show zem to ze Gahlden Sky Section, give zem ze finest tahble zere. Ensure zat zey ordair whahtevair zey weesh." He hastily added, "Free of chahrge!"

"Les deux?" The other stallion inquired.

Monsieur Snooty was about ready to pop a blood vessel. "Oui, tous les deux, imbécile! Maintenant, fais-le avant que je te jette dans la rue! Comprenez vous?"

Monsieur Stubby-Stache got the message, gulping loudly before bowing.

"Oui. Oui, je comprends, monsieur." He then turned to you and Rarity. "Ziss way, please."

Thanking Monsieur Snooty, who you mentally re-dubbed "Monsieur Bro," you turned and, with an exaggerated flourish, bent down and offered Rarity your arm. She giggled and, performing a little curtsy, placed her hoof on the proffered limb. Meanwhile, Monsieur Stubby-Stache looked ready to vomit at the display, tapping a hoof until you were both ready and shepherded you out the lobby and through the main dining area. Ponies dressed to the nines feasted on dishes known and unknown to you as a stringed band played their dulcet melodies. More Greek-inspired statues lined the walls in between rows of marble columns, all of which bore that same silvery floral design as the ones in the lobby.

Ponies stopped mid-bite to stare at you and Rarity as you passed by, a development that was unsurprising but thankfully, they weren't all looks of shock or disgust. Many customers were merely curious by the bipedal creature waltzing through the restaurant with a beautiful mare on his arm and promptly returned to their meals. It wasn't every day that a famous hero and fashionista was in the company of an unknown being, and looking pretty chummy with him as well. You found that quite a few stares were actually from stallions who were busy checking out your date, particularly her shapely rump, much to the consternation of their wives, marefriends, and probable mistresses. You caught Rarity's smug glance out of the corner of your eye and you instantly knew full-well that she was more than aware of all the licentious eyefuls that she was receiving.

You were led up a double marble staircase and entered an upper level with gilded marble banisters and claw-footed tables covered in red silk tablecloths with golden arabesque designs. This section of the restaurant was also noticeably more vacant, the tables here resembling uninhabited islands with couples seated at more spaced intervals rather than the more densely populated main dining area downstairs. This, however, was still not your area as Monsieur Stubby-Stache climbed yet another set of stairs, these ones leading up to a glass-floored balcony of gold-painted metal trees that overlooked the entire restaurant. If one looked up, they would see that the "trees'" branches reached up to form an enclosed dining area of faux-golden leaves and panes of pale-blue glass painted with miniature suns. This was evidently the Golden Sky Section, the most sought-after part of the Silver Vine, and you reminded yourself to give Princess Celestia a big hug the next time you saw her.

Monsieur Stubby-Stache pulled out Rarity's chair for her and, once she'd been properly seated, you sat down as well. He also went to place a napkin on her lap, only for Rarity to beat him to the punch, using her magic to perform the deed. This little act of independence got under the waiter's craw though you weren't sure if it was because he took his job this professionally or if it was going to just be an excuse for him to perv on the drop-dead gorgeous mare. You couldn't contain the smirk that'd developed on your face, an expression that Rarity mimicked, adding in a coy little wink. Rolling his eyes, Monsieur Stubby-Stache placed a pair of menus in front of you both and cleared his throat.

"Welcahme to ze Seelvair Vine," he began drolly. "My nahme ees-..." You didn't catch his name, as you were too busy gazing into Rarity's eyes but you figured it was something food related. "...-ahnd I will be your servair tahnight. Would monsieur ahnd mahdemoiselle cahre to hear tahnight's specials?"

"Sure, why not? What are the options for tonight?"

Monsieur Stubby-Stache, for that was what you continued to call him, peered at you disdainfully.

"Tahnight's specials eenclude a creamy tahmahto ahnd gahrleec beesque soup, buttair lettuce stew weeth croutahns ahnd speenahch-stuffed rahlls, ahnd a pahtahto ahnd onion cahsserahle."

You merely blinked at him.

"Creamy tomato and garlic bisque soup, butter lettuce stew with croutons and spinach-stuffed rolls, and a potato and onion casserole," Rarity helpfully translated. "Hmm, the butter lettuce stew sounds positively marvelous!"

"I'll go with the...creamy bisque soup," you informed the waiter. "And send over your most expensive bottle of champagne."

Damn, you always wanted to say that.

"Anon!" Rarity blushed, her tone anything but upset. "Is that really necessary?"

"It's a special night, Rares. Why not live a little?"

Monsieur Stubby-Stache blanched but nevertheless bowed and took your menus.

"Very good choices. zey will be sent up prahmptly."

And with that, he spun on his hindhooves and made his exit.

"Goodness, Anon," Rarity giggled, leaning forward to rest her chin on one gloved hoof. "You certainly know how to make a mare feel special."

"Well, you're not just any mare, Rarity." You placed a hand on her other hoof. "And you're special to me."

God, just the way the light caused her already stunning blue eyes to dance almost made your heart stop.

"Anon? Why are you staring like that?"

"You just...have the most beautiful eyes."

Rarity's cheeks reddened. "Oh-oh my...thank you. You're quite gorgeous yourself."

The next few minutes were spent exchanging no words, not that either one of you complained. It wasn't until you both heard a brisk throat-clearing that you were broken from your reverie. Monsieur Stubby-Stache cradled a bottle of champagne in the crook of one foreleg and it was then that you remembered him. Things can be quite forgettable when one was locking eyes with the most beautiful mare in all of Equestria. The stallion showed the bottle to you as if you had any idea as to the relevance of its name or label.

"One bahttle of Maison des Étoiles spahrkleeng chahmpagne fahr ze seer ahnd mahdemoiselle. Nahrmahl retail price: one-zousahnd, nine-hundred-ahnd-ninety-nine beets."

Daaaamn. If it wasn't for Princess Celestia's incredible generosity, you'd be flat-broke faster than you could say, "Tia's titanic tushie."

"Thank you," you grinned, watching over a thousand bits' worth of champagne flowing into two glasses.

"I hahve spahken to ze chefs ahnd your meals will be soon ready. Would you cahre fahr sahme ahppetizers?"

"No, I'm good thanks. Rarity?"

Rarity shook her head. "Non, merci beaucoup."

Shit, you forgot how sexy Rarity could sound when she spoke Prench.

"Rares, that was Prench!"

Practically leaping up from your seat, you knelt down and kissed up Rarity's foreleg, earning you a series of giggles. From speaking Prench to simply laughing, everything she did was enchanting.

"Anonymous, you absolute goof! Sit-sit down this instant!"

Thankfully, Monsieur Stubby-Stache had chosen to vacate the premises, once again leaving you both alone. You raised your glass, swirling around the amber-colored liquid like you'd seen on TV and Rarity similarly did the same, except with her magic.

"So, what should we drink to?"

You smiled and placed your free hand on Rarity's hoof.

"To us?"

"To us."

Your glasses clinked and you took a sip. Wow, that was a thousand bits well spent! It then hit you that you were drinking expensive champagne and enjoying a romantic dinner with someone-somepony-that you were absolutely crazy about. Soon, it became crystal-clear how much Rarity meant to you, what you truly felt in your heart for her. More than anything, you hoped that she felt the same.

"My, that was exquisite! Don't you...Anon? Anon, what's wrong?"

Rarity noticed your pensiveness.

"Um, Rarity? Do you remember the day your parents came over?"

You hated bringing up such a painful memory but you had a question burning on your mind.

"Y-yes, I do. Why do you ask?"

You sighed, your fingertips likely smoothing over the fabric of her glove.

"Before they came over, I-I felt like there was something you wanted to tell me."

Rarity froze, then nodded stiffly.

"And...I'm pretty sure I know what it was."

You met Rarity's gaze, the unicorn looking just as terrified as you were.

"I just wanted you to know that...well...it's okay. I feel the same way."

A hoof wrapped around your hand as though you were a lifeline in the middle of a hurricane.

"...You do?" Rarity's chest rose and fell slowly, her gaze firmly locked on you.

Swallowing the lump in your throat, you nodded, your eyes never veering away from hers.

"Rarity Belle, I love you."

A tear twinkled down one ivory cheek and you were quick to rub it away with your thumb.

Somehow, Rarity's smile never looked more radiant than in that single moment.

"You love me?"

"I do. Yes, I love you."

A light blue aura shoved your face forward towards Rarity's, your lips meeting in a ravenous kiss. Tongues furiously grappled, hands and hooves caressed cheeks. The rich surroundings, the chattering of dinner guests, the music, they all melted away, leaving only you and your mare. By the time you pulled away, you were both left breathlessly panting as though you'd finished running a marathon from Canterlot to the Crystal Empire. She accepted your feelings, accepted you and in a sense, that made you feel innumerably wealthier than any snobbish aristocrat.

"Soooo...?" You enunciated, slowly rotating your hand on your wrist.

Rarity's hoof made contact with your cheek in a feather-light caress.

"I love you too, Anonymous."

When the food finally arrived, neither one of you bothered to really taste it.

You had both finally gotten your answer.

Comments ( 28 )

Ah, it took a while, but was well worth the wait.

Rares, that was Prench!"

Practically leaping up from your seat, you knelt down and kissed up Rarity's foreleg,

Are you sure his name is Anonymous? This makes it sound as if it should be Gomez Addams

this cover art is beautiful

Credit goes to Karzahnii over on DeviantArt

Excellent song choice, exactly how I feel

awww, feels are high

"Is that a petunia?"

You nodded. "Yeah. It's your favorite, because it reminds you of your grandmother."

A mixture of joy and surprise lit up her face.

"You remembered?"

Bending down, you placed a hand on Rarity's cheek, eliciting a delighted sigh from the unicorn.

"Of course I did. Because, well...you matter to me."

Woooow, really deep there, man.

I can't help but think about this song while reading that.

In fact, it'd been so labor-intensive that it was almost as if you'd spent the better part of a year planning every single minute detail.

I can’t help but feel this has some sort of extra-narrative meaning behind, haha

"Rares, that was Prench!"

I hope we get more scenes like this

Love the subtle self dig at the beginning. :trollestia:

This chapter is good. The romantic tension was building up nicely.

Love the Addams family reference with Anon kissing Raritys hoof at the notice of prench.

Oh this was grand, and that Addams reference. :twilightsmile:

Well, I did keep all of you waiting

Huzzah! The date was a success!


Rarity shook her head. "Non, merci beaucoup."

Shit, you forgot how sexy Rarity could sound when she spoke Prench.

"Rares, that was Prench!"

Practically leaping up from your seat, you knelt down and kissed up Rarity's foreleg, earning you a series of giggles. From speaking Prench to simply laughing, everything she did was enchanting.

Whats great is that I had just seen the episodes where it shows how Gomez and Trish got married on tv. That was a fun reference.

Bit late but great chapter. And everyone wants a romance like Gomez and Morticia Addams!

Or what about this:

Comment posted by KjDubya deleted Jun 21st, 2023

Good story bruh, hopefully there are plans to continue. I'd really like to see where it goes.

Thanks. I just have stories that I think need more attention than this one but I do plan to continue it sometime.

Can We Have MOAR CHAPTERS PLEASE?!?!?:flutterrage:

Thank you for your enthusiasm! There is another chapter in the works buuuut I've shifted my attention to my larger projects so I don't know when it will be out.

This story is has more sap than a CMC Crusade, I love it!

Next yearly update when

Awesome read. Sad it's incomplete

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