• Member Since 17th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen May 22nd


I'm a Proud ABDL mommy. Writer of padded pony fics, a lot of fics about Shining Armor and his mom, several about Rainbow Dash and her family, and far more mom stories than you can imagine.


Twilight Velvet gave birth to two kids and didn't expect much out of the ordinary. But when your kids grow up to save Equestria multiple times, it becomes very clear to the rest of the world that they are extraordinary. That means a lot of fame for her kids.

And a heck of a lot of irritation for her.

FEATURED April 30 - May 3!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 26 )

I cried :fluttercry: This is one of best story I ever read.

That was very sweet. It certainly sounds like it comes from the mind of a mother. Does it?

I see this story making its way on the featured list already. I wish you luck :)

If only a sequel will come and tells twilight and shining armor how velvet really feels about them being famous

It does XD

Thank you so much!

I can’t see her doing that right now, but only time will tell!

Very nice! You really show how this kind of fame is not easy to bear at times

Very nice meditative piece. Of course the expectations of the nation on her children would slosh back on your Velvet. I half-expect to see this in the op-ed section of a Canterlot newspaper. Thank you for an excellent little story.

These are some really good musings.

...and I see the Princess, who drops over every moon or so for a cup of tea and some quiet inquiries about the possibility of any more children from our family.

I'm going to get a restraining order. Really, I am.

Wow, this fanfic really does warm up your heart! It really brings a new perspective on how to look at life with a parent's point of view! It's rather uplifting and it just makes ya feel good! Dang this is such a fantastic read! It's just so wholesome! I hope ya didn't mind, but I just had to make a video on this scrumptious story! It's just too too sweet to pass up on!

Audio Linkololl: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peCq_REGeeA

(I don't mean to offend anyone with this comment!)

That hit me hard, perfectly short and sweet, Nice job

First- great story.

Second- I wonder how many famous people's parents could these feelings be copied and paste for them.

Third- this highlights why I will never understand the allure of fame.

Bravo sir/lady

I was right about it getting on the featured list, congrats on your achievement!~

There aren't enough stories from the elder Twilight's perspective.

This was a very nice read. Definitely a interesting perspective that I don't see all that often! Great work :yay:

The rest of the world will always see them as famous, true, but I will always be there to remind them that they are so much more than that.

This is some of that good, good. Well done.

I absolutely love this! This reflect some thing that I have been saying to anyone who feels ready to meet their heroes. Remember to talk to them like a normal person and remember that deep down, they are just like you.

good stuff, man.

I would be somewhat guilty of hero-worship, but to preserve my ability to look at myself in the mirror, I have to believe that if I met Twilight Sparkle yes it would be an incredible honor, but I would want to know her for her, not just because she's a princess or a heroine or whatnot.

I'm not even sure I'd properly call this a fic as much as a journal entry, but... damn this is good. With slight modifications, there are probably real-world parents who could write these words and mean it.

Very nicely done. Well executed POV piece. Hearing from Twilight Velvet as "mom" is not something that seems to happen enough.

Brilliance story!

Deep down, we're all just adults trying to find our way in the world. Even our heroes. Including our parents.

Especially our parents. How my mom managed to homeschool and chauffeur three adolescents, while caring for an infant, for almost seven years, I will never comprehend.

I had been meaning to get to this story for quite awhile. Thankfully, less than an hour ago, I shared a 'Blog / Journal' that told a lot of my primary sources of ongoing positive, and negative, discussions, that I need a break so I can do more to dial down the crazy on my end.

You really do have a knack for maternal tales. It certainly would not surprise me if, one day, you start making some money writing such stories, of course not pony as Hasbro would lose their minds, to show the important bond of parent and child.

Your skill also makes me feel that being a 'mom' is something you take very seriously and wish you could truly be without all the restraints put upon you by life and family members who seem to care only of themselves.

Maybe, one day, you will be able to make a autobiography of your life and how you have done so much to reach a goal despite how many obstacles have been thrown your way over-and-over again.

I also think on how, like me, you have had to learn to expect someone, or something, to knock you down, kick you while your down, and then have to get up and try again to only repeat the cycle over-and-over again.


This story would have made a great episode of the show. Especially if done after the events of "Once Upon A Zeppelin". As a mom, I am sure Twilight Velvet would feel so much anger and sorrow for how their children are made to 'jump through hoops' by those, like Iron will, who trick them into the spotlight.


The biggest take away I had was thinking on how the kids still come home to mom for comfort. As I lost my sight, for the first time, my mom was there. As I finally went through everything to lose all my sight, my mother was there. When my wife left me to pursue another relationship, my mom was there...

There is just always something about 'mom' that helps you know that life expectations no longer apply. Responsibilities can wait and the only thing to consider is how you are safe with your parent.

I'm sure much of Shining Armor's 'Shieled Magic' is a reflection of how protective his mom was and how he wanted to extend that 'protection' to his sister and, eventually, his own family. :)

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