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1-3: Sunrise in a New Olde World

Author's Note:

You can read the Google Docs version Here. Not particularly needed this time unless you want to suggest fixes and rewording.

Chapter 1-3: Sunrise in a New Olde World

After a good cry the previous day before heading home, Lightning wakes up the next day at the more reasonable time of 7:30 AM to knocking on his window. Grumbling about it better not be another dumb owl, he looks over and is surprised to see “Sunny Days” with her horn covered by a hat so she can use her wings instead, which sprout out through purpose-made slits in her outfit.

Opening the window, Lightning says with a yawn, “Good morning Prin…, I mean Sunny Days. I’m surprised to see you waking me up personally.”

“Why wouldn’t I want to wake up my godson on this big day. I’ll wait outside for you to get dressed and then we can meet the others at Sugarcube Corner for breakfast before we explore the other world and figure out where the portal goes,” Celestia politely tells him before flapping over to wait by the front door.

Hurriedly moving to the bathroom, Lightning splashes some cold water on his face to help wake up before taking care of morning needs and getting dressed. Pondering a question of his own he changes slightly to test an experiment before heading out the door a few minutes later.

Lounging against his house’s wall with an owl on her back, Princess Celestia asks him, “I hope you slept well despite yesterday’s events?”

Nodding back at her while his wings glow while he locks the front door behind him, he answers in a slightly higher voice than normal, “I did indeed sleep alright. What about yourself Sunny Days? It sounded like yesterday was hard on yourself.”

Raising an eyebrow at the slight voice change but otherwise ignoring it, Princess Celestia admits as she starts leading the way towards Sugarcube Corner, “Last night was rough but my sister helped me through it. I’m glad we’re going through the portal today, it will help me get some closure and I’m in no mood to hold Day Court.”

Nodding back in understanding, the pair make some small talk as they walk to Sugarcube Corner. Eventually making it there, the pair open the door and walk in, spotting the Mane 6 and the CMC sitting at a large table fully dressed. Also sitting at the table is Princess Luna, equally as well dressed with her mane brightened to white and coat darkened to a midnight blue to disguise her alongside a cloak to hide her wings.

Taking the two open seats at the table, Princess Celestia begins by saying, “Lightning, It is my pleasure to introduce you to my sister Midnight Moon.”

Princess Luna answers her sister’s words with a nod saying, “I see you finally got here Sunny and it is a pleasure to meet you Lightning,” before raising her cup of coffee to her lips and draining it.

Recognizing the act for what it is, Lightning responds with, “It is nice to meet you as well Miss Moon. I’m glad you were by Miss Days’s side last night.”

Blushing softly, Princess Luna just answers, “I was just doing what any good sister should. From what it sounds like I am really sad that I never got to meet her.”

Nodding back, Lightning opens his mouth to speak but is interrupted by Mrs. Cake who asks them while holding a pen in her mouth and a notebook in one hoof, “What can I get you dearies today?”

Distracted from his train of thought, Lightning answers, “I’ll have an omelet with cheese, ham, peppers, and onions. I’ll also have a nice glass of chocolate milk.”

Next to him, Twilight shudders at the mention of an omelet as she puts in her own order, “I’ll take my usual breakfast of sunny side up eggs over toast with a side of seasoned fries. I’d also like some more coffee.”

Beside her, Scootaloo orders next in a slightly deeper voice causing raised eyebrows from Lightning and Princess Celestia, “I’ll have some scrambled eggs and cheese with a side of ham and hash browns. I’ll also have a glass of orange juice to wash it down.”

And so it went down the line, with some ordering apple-themed items, some ordering no meat at all, and some just ordering lots of sugary stuff or ordering items we find normal. Eventually it ends with Princess Luna ordering a scrambled eggs, cheese, and ham sandwich with sourdough bread and Princess Celestia ordering sunberry pancakes with sunny side eggs and bacon.

After Mrs. Cake leaves to get their food, Princess Celestia asks the two with joking seriousness, “So I see you two decided to continue the experiment?”

Blushing in embarrassment, Scootaloo answers while shifting nervously, “It...it has its uses and speeds some things up…,” before trailing off.

Lightning decides to pick up the trailing thought by adding, “and I just wanted to see if going through the mirror would disable the change.”

Scootaloo hurriedly nods in agreement to that, trying to save face which no-one buys, before Princess Celestia thankfully changes the topic to asks instead, “So where in the castle did you five find the mirror? I couldn’t find it but I also didn’t look too hard a millennia ago. The memories were too painful.”

Apple Bloom embarrassedly raises a hoof and answers, “Ah stepped on a trapped part of the stairs as we headed for the basement. Those darn stairs then turned into a slide and sent us through a fake wall and the mirror in a pile of pony/human bodies. We heard you coming down the stairs and you met us right outside the room.”

Princess Luna sadly adds, “I vaguely remember ordering my soldiers to take it to that general area that night. I do wonder what happened to them.”

Princess Celestia hugs Princess Luna with a wing as she responds, “That makes things easier and we never found your soldiers after you fell.”

Silence falls upon the table for a moment, interrupted by Mrs. Cake delivering the first of their meals. Pinkie stands up to help get the food and once they all have their food they decide to table discussions of the mirror until after breakfast is done.

Standing up to pay for their food after they’re all done eating, Princess Celestia asks Princess Luna, “Do you think you are strong enough to take us all there Midnight?”

Answering, Princess Luna replies cautiously, “I will Sunny if you all lend me your magic for the spell. Just send your magic to me when I start casting and I’ll guide it along.”

Nodding in response, Princess Celestia heads over to the register to pay for their food before shortly returning saying, “Let’s go then!”

At that cue, Princess Luna starts casting her spell and Rarity, Twilight, and Sweetie’s horns and Lightning, Scootaloo, and Princess Celestia’s wings glow in their respective magic colors. With a very loud pop and bright flash of multicolored light, the table becomes empty as the party ends up in a heap on the stairs with the owl on top.

After a few minutes of untangling themselves, Lightning retraces their steps and, rearing up onto two legs, steps through the fake wall while saying, “Here’s the chamber with the mirror.”

Following along behind him, Princess Celestia facehooves before also going bipedal as she says, “You’re all going to want to go through as bipeds as humans are pretty much exclusively them.”

Sweetie Belle excitedly exclaims as they all rear up onto two legs, “So that is indeed why you had us practice being bipedal and using our hands/hooves for manual tasks.”

Nodding, Princess Celestia says approvingly as they gather around the mirror, “You’ve got it in one. I also almost forgot that over there I am Aletia C. Selicorn and my sister is Artemis Selicorn. Someone in the future used time magic to reach there about 90 years ago and set stuff up in my name. I’d rather not touch that to avoid causing a paradox.”

Lightning and the rest nod in acknowledgment of that fact before he steps through and wobbles his way out of the way of the others. He is soon followed by the rest of the CMC, the Mane 6, Princess Luna, the owl, and then Princess Celestia brings up the rear. Lightning shifts side to side a bit as he looks at Scootaloo and then says, “Looks like the experiment was a success.”

Shifting side to side a bit herself, Scootaloo agrees saying, “It was, but it feels weird again. And why do I have a bump on my chest while you two don’t, Lightning or Spike?”

Butting into their byplay, Princess Celestia sighs and says, “Right, I forgot humans have their teats, their breasts higher up on their chests. We’ll have to buy everyone here but Spike and Lightning bras to fit in. I guess this also proves that I was right in continuing to think of you as a filly Scootaloo and you as a colt Lightning.”

Twilight asks while fiddling about and cupping her own breasts, “What are bras? I presume some clothing to cover our breasts?”

Princess Celestia starts making her way out of the park, causing the rest to follow her as she says, “I’ll explain when we get to my house over here, provided nothing happened to it.”

Scootaloo asks excitedly, “You have a house over here miss Selicorn?”

Nodding, Princess Celestia leads them out onto the road looking for the sign, and upon seeing it she excitedly says, “We’re really close to it as well!” before approaching 11 Magnolia Road while pulling a key out of her pocket.

The others follow her closely and see that the house’s yard looks a bit overgrown and the house looks weather-beaten, but it still looks sound at a glance. Unlocking the door, Princess Celestia flips the switch and sighs in relief as the lights turn on before she ushers them inside.

Entering the sitting room and looking around at the nice, if dusty furniture, Lightning asks, “Where are we in this world anyways Aletia?”

Closing the door behind them, Princess Celestia answers, “We’re at 11 Magnolia Road in Little Whinging, a suburb of London. We are also within walking distance of your closest blood relatives Lightning. I bought this place as a retreat for both myself and Lily if need be.”

Twilight, having not forgotten the deferred question earlier, asks again, “What are bras and why do we need them?”

Princess Celestia gently cups her own large breasts before answering, “Bras are breast supporters. They hold them nice and perkily upwards and also relieve the back strain from having a large pair. Actually…,”

Rainbow Dash quietly prods that trailed off thought, “Actually?”

Princess Celestia hmms for a moment in thought before saying, “You should probably see yourselves in full first.” She then points to the stairs and commands, “The first door on the right leads to the smallest bedroom Spike. Lightning and Scootaloo you should go to the first room on the left and also see if you can use your shapeshifting any at all. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom, the 2nd door on the right leads to your room. The 2nd door on the left leads to a bathroom Artemis. And lastly but not least, the master bedroom at the end of the hall is yours to use Elements. Come back down here dressed once you’ve seen yourself and gotten used to how you now look.”

Blinking at the unusual assignment, Lightning asks, “Why are you placing Scootaloo and me together? And not me with Spike and her with the rest of the CMC?”

Shrugging, Princess Celestia answers honestly, “because you both have both bits and you might come across something.”

Hmming in confusion but taking the answer for what it is, everyone but Princess Celestia heads upstairs to examine themselves and compare bodies with those in the same room.

A bit later, once all of them have settled back down in the sitting room, Princess Celestia asks them, “Now that you’ve had a chance to go over yourselves, do you have any questions?”

Spike raises his hand and asks, “Why do I have noticeable nipples and barely visible breasts on my chest despite being male still? At least I assume I still am.”

Princess Celestia just shrugs as she answers, “Evolution is funny sometimes and humans evolved to be that way. From what I’ve managed to read and saw with Lily, they get even bigger when nursing a child.”

Rainbow Dash then asks, “Why are we all boring shades of light pink to dark brown instead of our birth colors?”

All Princess Celestia can do is shrug and say, “I’m amazed we kept our hair colors but I have never seen a human outside that skin color range you mentioned.”

Lightning then quietly asks, “How do you do magic in this form? Neither Scootaloo nor I were able to change shape despite our best efforts. It did however feel like we could with time.”

Smiling at that, Princess Celestia reaches into a pocket and pulls out her wand going, “With one of these wands. Well I suppose one could cast with just their fingernails but that is terribly wasteful.”

Twilight leans in to look at it closely and asks, “What is it made of and who makes them?”

“Provided he hasn’t died yet, a sneaky little wandmaker named Ollivander makes these. As for what it is made of,” Celestia confidently says before pausing and embarrassedly rushing out, “Cocobolo wood containing both one of my hairs and one of yours Artemis from a lock that I had preserved to remember you by.”

Princess Luna looks touched and a bit embarrassed by that as she asks, “You kept some of my hair for a thousand years?”

Still embarrassed, Princess Celestia just simply nods as she says, “I’m not sure I’ve said it enough but I deeply regret neglecting you and showing you the love you deserved. I...I suppose I should let you know I had a picture of baby you with your parents as ponies taken Lightning and I asked for a few of their feathers and a lock of hair each from them that I had preserved. If you want to view those when we get back to Equestria I can show you those Lightning.”

Pausing to think for a moment, Lightning says, “I think we’d all like to see that. It’ll be some nice closure.”

Nodding back to that, Princess Celestia asks, “Anyone have any more questions?” Seeing a shaking of heads, she asks Lightning, “Would you like to meet your relatives now, or after we meet with Professor McGonagall?”

Putting his hand on his chin, Lightning finally answers after a minute, “I think I’ll meet with the professor first, Aletia.”

Nodding back at him, she hands the owl a very full envelope before using her wand to open the door and let the owl out. “Now we wait for her to appear like I am sure she shall.

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