• Published 21st May 2020
  • 1,345 Views, 84 Comments

Side of Beans - Irrespective

A collection of side stories, deleted scenes, and all the other bits and baubles that are too short for a story/chapter proper. Bite sized servings for your enjoyment.

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No Nose Knows - Alternate Starlight Glimmer Introduction

Author's Note:

This little bit was a alternate way for Starlight Glimmer to be introduced in chapter 28 of No Nose. I never seriously considered using it, mostly due to massive unfortunate implications that would come with referincing Pink Floyd's The Wall.

This might look familiar, as it first appeared in my blog about a year ago or so.

[Discord has invaded the court, filling most of the room with a crowd of himself. Bean has allowed him to stay, but is wondering where Luna is.]
“Who’s the first petitioner?”

“Let’s see…” She [Wysteria] glanced down at her trusty clipboard. “Oh! That’s interesting. It’s a unicorn by the name of Starlight Glimmer. She wants to start a new town out near the edge of the Badlands.”

“Why is that interesting?”

“I don't recall anypony else asking to start a town the whole time I've worked here. It's interesting that she wants to start a new one rather than move to a place that's already established.”

Bean thought about this for a moment. While interesting and perhaps a bit odd, there didn't seem to be a reason why this Starlight should be denied. “Send her in, Wysteria. Maybe we can figure out why she wants to do this while we wait.”

“Of course Your Highness.” Wysteria replied, and she nodded to the guards at the door. The massive double doors then swung open, and Bean took a deep breath again as his hoof touched his Celestial Crystal.

This was now his court.

The alternate introduction of Starlight Glimmer:

The natural light that was in the room suddenly extinguished itself and was replaced by the flickering light of torches which were being held by every third Discord in the room, who had all changed with the light into black hooded robes that obscured everything but their gleefully malevolent grins. The doors creaked like they hadn't been used in a hundred years as they opened, and Starlight was then led into the room in shackles by two of the pegasi guards, who looked just as confused as Starlight did.

Bean groaned and began rubbing his temples as the knell of a distant bell echoed throughout the chamber, and he closed his eyes as he tried for a moment to figure out what Discord was up to as Starlight finished walking the red mile to the throne.

When the clanking of the chains finally stopped, Bean opened his eyes and found himself dressed in black robes and banging a gavel from behind a raised Bench. Starlight Glimmer stood before him, still chained and flanked by the guards, and to her left Discord - who was dressed in robes that were similar to Bean’s and wearing a white powder wig - unfurled a scroll and cleared his throat.

“Good morning, Bean your Honor!” he grandly proclaimed. “The Crown will plainly show the prisoner who now stands before you was caught red-hoofed showing … feelings!”

The crowd gasped in unison.

“Yes!” Discord continued. “Caught red-hoofed showing feelings of an almost equine nature! This will not do!”

“Discord, what are you doing?” Bean asked in exasperation.

“Well, since you’re flying solo I thought I would help,” he replied with a pout.

“All right. Walk me through this, then: why does an application to found a new town involve shackles, a judge and an attorney - and, if I may point out, neither of us have had any training in law to boot - and accusations of having feelings?”

“Well, it…” Discord started, but then he stalled. After a moment of thought, he gave Bean an embarrassed smile. “Perhaps a bit over the top?” he offered.

“Just a pinch.” Bean agreed with heavy sarcasm. “Look, I really don't mind you helping, but it needs to actually be helpful.”