• Member Since 27th Jan, 2012
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Etyco Filly

Just your average Etymologically Correct Filly that equally adores cutesy and/or dramatic romance, as well as horrifying, grimdark tragedies. And any mix of those!

Comments ( 439 )

YOINK! Stealing the first comment

Looks promising. I will keep an eye on the updates :)

Ayy thanks. I'll be posting a chapter a week until I run out of already written stuff :twilightsmile:

Ah.~ A fellow Fallout: Equestria fanfiction author!~

She yelped in pain and staggered back, the expression on her face a mixture of shock, confusion, and betrayal. Shit .


New "Perk" – Sadistic:

This was when I knew; This is going to be glorious.

“I didn’t notice it yesterday, but you got your cutie mark. Congrats, I really think it suits you!” Thanks, I got it by killing my father. “How did you get it?”

“Thanks, I got it when I realised how interesting guns were.


“Oh,” I whispered as my eyelids grew too heavy to keep open.


Hehe, thanks. I hope it lives up to the expectations

Wait, why didn't Candy ask how Iron got hurt? If someone you cared deeply about suddenly gained inexplicable injuries, wouldn't you immediately want to know what happened?

She did, as one would. I just didn’t bother mentioning it because I didn’t think it was necessary; like you said, it makes too much sense, so I was fine just leaving it up to the reader. In hindsight, just a few words about it probably would have been better.

“W-wait, you’re younger than m-me?” Lockpick quietly sputtered after learning Iron’s age. The latter raised an eyebrow.

Wait, how old is Iron? I don't recall it being mentioned.

It's deliberately left vague. She's a pre-teen slash young teen. In human years, she could be anywhere from 10 to 15 (though the extremes would admittedly be hard to believe)

This might be a weird critique, but I think that Iron is too... Nice? I expected (and hoped for) the 'Sadistic' perk to come into play much more than this.


“N-no! P-p-p-p-lease don’t kill me!” begged the raider, hiding her face behind her hooves. I shoved them aside telekinetically, and made her look at me. The terror on her face was absolutely delightful. “I-I swear! I w-won’t-t do b-bad things anymore,” she pleaded.

I couldn’t contain my grin anymore, and her face grew even more horrified. I almost blasted her skull, but changed my mind at the last second. I let go of her, aimed the shotgun at her torso, and pulled the trigger, giggling happily as her front hooves exploded in a shower of lead, gore, and bone. A chunk of meat bounced off the wall, landing on my face. By then, I was cackling maniacally, as she was howling in pain, which only redoubled my laughter. If murder was wrong, then why was it so fun?

Stars, had I missed this! Why had I ever decided that I shouldn’t kill? This was so much fun. Maybe I’d regret it later, but right now? I was feeling ecstatic. There was nothing better than being me right now. There was nothing stopping me anymore! A fit of coughing interrupted my guffaw, and I felt the familiar taste of blood in my mouth.

My wish was granted before I even uttered it. Nice.


Before she fell, I caught her right front leg in my aura. She was heavy. Her armour and equipment added a lot of unnecessary weight as well. No, I couldn't lose her! I poured my soul's worth into my telekinesis, and she stopped falling. I started pulling her up, sparks flying from my horn. Pressing my eyes shut, I redoubled my efforts.

Suddenly, her weight dropped drastically. My stomach churned at the implications. Had I been holding only her PipBuck, only for it to come loose? Had she grabbed the ledge? Was she safe? I doubted it, but I wanted to believe it.

I opened my eyes, and saw that I was holding Candy Cane's detached leg in my telekinesis.

I screamed.


Definitely. The lack of mention is the problem. Mention it, and there is no problem.

"If it isn't written, it didn't happen."

– Some Guy, Probably.

Oh don’t worry, it’ll come into play soon enough hehe

I just realised I was writing comments on chapter 8, apparently. I thought it auto-replied to the correct thread. Oops.
Yeah, I try to write by that philosophy as well (I’ve even said in a blog post that if it’s not in the story it’s not canon, even if it’s in a blogpost)
It’s just that I didn’t think it was important enough

Glad you like it

I think I found Iron sonata's (future) theme song.

I seem to be experiencing an inner conflict of interest. I want another chapter to be released as soon as possible... But I also don't want it to be rushed, and therefore of lower quality.

Please release a new chapter soon. But please take your time with it.

Chapter 9 is currently sitting at around 8600 words, and it's about halfway finished. Since I already have a good plan for the rest of the arc, I might actually release it sooner than I'd expected. We'll see
Though I'm definitely working hard on it

Hi again.

I've decided to re-read this entire story when you release the next chapter, and that reminded me: Did you ever go back to add a few words about it?

Only two. One a few weeks after I started releasing the story, I decided to remove “Level up!” from the footnotes, for a variety of reasons (partly because it felt weird to give my “just a mentally ill filly” levels—which feel more like a “future wasteland hero” type of thing, but also because I sometimes felt like she wouldn’t have earned a level in some chapters, and it felt weird to not end the chapter on anything)

Another small thing I added was the precision that Iron told Candy about how she got hurt in chapter 5

Neat. I admit that I expected dialogue, but it's still better than nothing. I eagerly await the next chapter.

This update interval is foreboding. Always less than two weeks, until now, when it has been three.

What happened? Please, this is one of my favorite Fallout: Equestria stories ever. I want to see it finished.

Well, I've been writing since December, and when I started publishing in June I already had 6 chapters. I'll admit chapter 9 took me a good while to write, but now I'm in the process of editing it.
I'm also about 60% done with chapter 10's rough draft, and I think once it's finished I'll publish 9 (since the two chapters are strongly linked)
Sorry it's taking so long; speed has never been my forte, but I'm getting better (in terms of quality _and_ quantity)

That explains it. Keep up the good work, then.

I soon as I have the time (probably tomorrow) I will re-read all of this.

Well, I didn't expect the memory twist. Interesting.

Candy! Nooo!

Wait... If Candy is dead, then who took their stuff?

And now, the wait begins again.

Just some random pony, since it's been more than a week since the stuff was dropped there.

And btw, chapter 10 is finished and just needs to go through both rounds of edits. I won't promise a time period, but it shouldn't be so long of a wait.

Damn it, I really wasn't prepared for Candy to be completely dead. I had hoped that she had survived and that they would eventually re-unite...

Damn it, they didn't even get to say goodbye. :fluttershysad:

Well, at least this allows for some iǹ͡t͞er̴͏é͝s҉̛ti͡n͟g͜͡ character development.

Wait a minute...


New perk: Bloody Mess — By some strange twist of fate, ponies around you always die violently. You always see the worst way a person can die.

Oh no.

This isn't going to end well for Cascade, is it?

The reason I killed her off like this was to make her death stand out. In reality, a person never dies predictably. It's almost always out of nowhere and you don't get to say goodbye. It's not even guaranteed that you were on good terms with the person when their life ends.
Well, technically the other possibility is that person gets ill and slowly dies, and you know it's coming, but you also know you can't do anything about it, and you just end up wishing their suffering would end soon.
I feel that a lot of stories kill off characters after they've fulfilled their narrative purpose, and that almost always makes them feel artificial. Which is why I thought that a real kick in the gut would be to execute it this way.
Damn, I shoulda put that in the author's notes.

The synopsis confuses me. Shouldn't all of the main characters in a story called Fallout: Equestria — Mercenary Tale be, you know, mercenaries?

I consider Iron Sonata to be the primary protagonist, while everybody else is just a support character in her story. Ponies important enough to be mentioned in the synopsis of her tale

You know, Iron, I and many wastelanders completely agree that torture is an acceptable punishment for wicked deeds.

Of course, you deserve many lashes yourself for murdering those innocent ponies, among other things.

(Wow, she's really slipping without Candy.)

The stallion had informed me that if I ever wanted to team up, he was available in Old Appleloosa. I’d refused the deal because Cascade didn’t like him,

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! :pinkiecrazy:

First thing I should mention is that I’m taking liberties with the official MLP map, specifically with Appleloosa and Fillydelphia, to make them follow the Fallout Equestria lore.

That's just... Following the Fallout Equestria lore, though. MLP Canon has no power here!

Iron: “But I needed that gun! :fluttercry:

Fun fact: Some of Iron’s decisions are inspired by a TTW playthrough where I play as her. Her deciding to kill a random pony for his/her gun is entirely based off TTW-Iron blowing up Megaton, then seeing Tenpenny, all alone on his balcony, and deciding “I want that sniper rifle”

wow............ you got rid of him, quite fast........................

Yeah, he was never meant to be a fleshed-out character. I almost wish I had a reason to flesh him out more, but at the same time, Iron wouldn't care, so why would the reader?

Yeah. Progress is slow because I'm having a rough semester at uni, but I do try to get some work done every week. Sorry it's taking forever :twilightsheepish:

Thanks, love the story so far by the way.

:raritystarry: Thanks! I appreciate the kind words

“The what now? Rotting Stones?”


Another thing that had stirred emotion in me was right at the end, when Cascade had abandoned Bolt. “I still can’t believe Cascade would treat you like that after you saved her life,” I commented. “Just because you had to kill in self-defence…”

She shook her head. “No, putting it like that would be very unfair to her.” She sighed. “It’s just… Well, you’ve seen me fight. I tend to be quite…”

“Ruthless?” I offered.

“Yeah. Ruthless. Or maybe brutal? Anyway, she saw me kill our attackers and couldn’t bear it. It was a tough decision for her, I think, but I really can’t blame her.” Well, I can. “Although I’ll admit I’m worried she might be spreading lies about why I killed those two ponies.”

“I gave up on trying to understand morality a long time ago,” commented Bolt. “I just… do what’s needed to survive. I don’t know if any of what I do is right or wrong, I just do it because it needs to be done.”

“She’s not more mature than me.” He huffed indignantly. “And that’s certainly not why I’m wary of her.”

“Then why? Give me a good reason why you hate her.”

“Every time she speaks, my hair stands on end. It’s like every other word coming out of her mouth is a lie. I never felt great around already when she was younger, but now it’s like my entire body is screaming not to trust her. Especially now that she’s admitted that she doesn’t have moral objections to slavery.”

“Speaking of… I take it we’re heading to Manehattan?” asked Bolt. I nodded. “Do we have a route?”

“Yeah,” I replied, “we’re first heading to Dodge Junction.”

She furrowed her brow. “I’d rather avoid Dodge Junction if we can, but I guess we should wait for Banter before discussing this more.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Avoid Dodge Junction? Why?”

“Last time I was there, it had a pretty bad bandit problem. It’s… not a great idea to go there, and I would much prefer it if we could go by the Appleloosas instead.” Wasn’t that slaver territory? How was that any better? Suddenly, even I had a bout of suspicion. No, I can’t think like that. Obviously, Banter just got into my head.

With that Appleloosa comment, I’m almost glad we don’t trust her yet. I sighed. Great, I am getting as paranoid as Banter now.

So many warning signs... Banter has the right idea.

After a few minutes, Bolt Action started tossing and turning. When after a few seconds she didn’t stop, I opened my eyes and took a look at her. On her face was a mixture of regret, guilt, and sadness.

“Blue Moon,” she muttered. Was that a pony’s name?

Now, what could this be?

Oh, and don't think that I didn't notice that none of this chapter was from Iron's perspective! You're hiding something... Something critical to the plot.

The next chapter will be quite interesting, indeed.

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